HSBC Malta Profit Statement

HSBC Holdings PLC 11 February 2005 The following is the text of an advertisement which is to be published in the press in Malta on 12 February 2005 by HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c., a 70.03 per cent indirectly-held subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc. HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. Preliminary Profit Statement for the year ended 31 December 2004 The preliminary profit statement is published in terms of Listing Rule 9.53 of the MFSA Listing Authority. Figures have been extracted from HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c.'s Annual Report and Accounts that have been audited by KPMG. Review of Performance HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. and its subsidiaries generated a profit on ordinary activities before tax of Lm33.0 million during the year ended 31 December 2004, an increase of Lm6.9 million, or 26.3 per cent, compared with the year ended 31 December 2003. Earnings per share increased from 46.0 cents in 2003 to 60.7 cents in 2004 with the pre-tax return on average shareholders' funds increasing from 21.1 per cent in 2003 to 24.9 per cent. Net interest income grew by 13.8 per cent, compared with 2003, and contributed Lm39.5 million to total operating income. Local monetary policy conditions remained stable and the market was characterised by a general preference for shorter term liquidity with low international and local interest rates. There was significant growth in mortgage lending. Non-interest income levels grew by 6.8 per cent, contributing Lm19.9 million to total operating income. Administrative expenses reached Lm27.4 million, an increase of Lm0.1 million over 2003. Depreciation was 3.9 per cent higher as a result of the increased carrying cost of tangible fixed assets. The group's cost:income ratio improved to 51.1 per cent from 56.8 per cent in 2003. The directors are proposing a final gross dividend of 27.3 cents per share (17.7 cents net of tax). This follows the interim gross dividend of 19.4 cents and additional special dividend of 35.4 cents paid in August 2004. The special dividend to shareholders marked the fifth anniversary of HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. The final dividend will be paid on 24 March 2005 to shareholders who are on the register of shareholders as at 16 February 2005. Shaun Wallis, Director and Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c., said: "The year under review was very successful across many areas and we again produced record results. We are confident that there is good potential to continue to grow our business in Malta. We thank our shareholders, staff and customers for their support." HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. is a member of the HSBC Group, whose ultimate parent company is HSBC Holdings plc. Headquartered in London, HSBC Holdings plc is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. The HSBC Group's international network comprises about 10,000 offices in 76 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. Profit and Loss Account for the year 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 Group Bank 2004 2003 2004 2003 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Interest receivable and similar income - on loans and advances, balances with Central Bank of Malta and Treasury Bills 56,574 58,648 53,088 54,679 - on debt and other fixed income instruments 10,410 10,712 11,817 12,017 Interest payable (27,505) (34,660) (27,717) (34,637) Net interest income 39,479 34,700 37,188 32,059 Fees and commissions receivable 10,105 10,805 7,685 8,841 Fees and commissions payable (759) (659) (646) (607) Dividend income 117 125 5,709 125 Trading profits 6,562 5,817 6,552 5,779 Net gains on disposal of non-trading financial instruments 1,716 649 1,019 700 Other operating income 2,201 1,931 50 21 Operating income 59,421 53,368 57,557 46,918 Administrative expenses (27,407) (27,325) (26,548) (26,630) Depreciation (2,745) (2,643) (2,680) (2,574) Amortisation of goodwill (339) (291) (189) (205) Other operating charges (206) (322) (206) (320) Operating expenses (30,697) (30,581) (29,623) (29,729) Operating profit before impairment reversals and provisions 28,724 22,787 27,934 17,189 Net impairment reversals 4,012 3,386 3,649 2,937 Reversals/(provisions) for liabilities and other charges 301 (9) 301 (9) Profit on ordinary activities before tax 33,037 26,164 31,884 20,117 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (10,907) (9,383) (10,688) (7,352) Profit for the financial year attributable to shareholders 22,130 16,781 21,196 12,765 Earnings per share 60.7c 46.0c 58.1c 35.0c Balance Sheet at 31 December 2004 Group Bank 2004 2003 2004 2003 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Assets Balances with Central Bank of Malta, Treasury Bills and cash 106,806 133,574 106,781 133,512 Cheques in course of collection 4,458 5,637 4,458 5,637 Financial assets held for trading 4,826 2,444 4,826 2,444 Investments 245,737 235,059 268,226 256,191 Loans and advances to banks 131,281 130,700 172,363 187,945 Loans and advances to customers 979,446 922,526 888,018 813,101 Shares in subsidiary companies - - 42,023 41,602 Intangible fixed assets 1,022 1,762 964 1,528 Tangible fixed assets 30,647 30,511 30,620 30,458 Deferred tax asset - 1,607 - 2,195 Other assets 76,912 59,102 2,231 1,246 Prepayments and accrued income 16,634 16,062 15,716 15,432 Total assets 1,597,769 1,538,984 1,536,226 1,491,291 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading 9,917 8,611 9,917 8,611 Amounts owed to banks 48,336 32,367 48,336 32,368 Amounts owed to customers 1,288,940 1,267,378 1,296,687 1,271,058 Debt securities in issue 12 12 - - Deferred tax liability 2,318 - 625 - Other liabilities 78,546 62,080 11,195 11,032 Accruals and deferred income 15,101 15,676 14,818 15,419 Provisions for liabilities and other charges 26 1,698 26 1,746 Subordinated liabilities 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,463,196 1,407,822 1,401,604 1,360,234 Shareholders' funds Called up share capital 9,120 9,120 9,120 9,120 Revaluation reserves 11,086 10,978 33,265 32,069 Other reserve 4,242 4,242 4,242 4,242 Profit and loss account 103,652 100,989 81,522 79,793 Dividend reserve 6,473 5,833 6,473 5,833 134,573 131,162 134,622 131,057 Total liabilities and shareholders' funds 1,597,769 1,538,984 1,536,226 1,491,291 Memorandum items Contingent liabilities 44,127 38,818 44,537 39,238 Commitments 330,584 297,631 346,758 315,397 Statement of Changes in Equity for the year 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 Group Called up Revaluation Other Profit and Dividend Total share capital reserves reserve loss account reserve Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 At 1 January 2003 9,120 7,933 4,242 92,572 3,130 116,997 Release of net gains on available-for-sale assets transferred to the profit and loss account on disposal - (610) - 30 - (580) Net fair value adjustments on investment - 3,239 - - - 3,239 Surplus on revaluation of freehold and long leasehold properties - 416 - - - 416 Net gains not recognised in the profit and loss account - 3,045 - 30 - 3,075 Profit attributable to shareholders - - - 16,781 - 16,781 Dividends - - - (8,394) 8,394 - Dividends paid - - - - (5,691) (5,691) At 31 December 2003 9,120 10,978 4,242 100,989 5,833 131,162 At 1 January 2004 9,120 10,978 4,242 100,989 5,833 131,162 Release of net gains on available-for-sale assets transferred to the profit and loss account on disposal - (1,357) - - - (1,357) Net fair value adjustments on investments - 615 - - - 615 Surplus on revaluation of freehold and long leasehold properties - 850 - - - 850 Net gains not recognised in the profit and loss account - 108 - - - 108 Profit attributable to shareholders - - - 22,130 - 22,130 Dividends - - - (19,467) 19,467 - Dividends paid - - - - (18,827) (18,827) At 31 December 2004 9,120 11,086 4,242 103,652 6,473 134,573 Bank Called up Revaluation Other Profit and Dividend Total share capital reserves reserve loss account reserve Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 At 1 January 2003 9,120 24,939 4,242 75,392 3,130 116,823 Release of net gains on available-for-sale assets transferred to the profit and loss account on disposal - (661) - 30 - (631) Net fair value adjustments on investments - 7,375 - - - 7,375 Surplus on revaluation of freehold and long leasehold properties - 416 - - - 416 Net gains not recognised in the profit and loss account - 7,130 - 30 - 7,160 Profit attributable to shareholders - - - 12,765 - 12,765 Dividends - - - (8,394) 8,394 - Dividends paid - - - - (5,691) (5,691) At 31 December 2003 9,120 32,069 4,242 79,793 5,833 131,057 At 1 January 2004 9,120 32,069 4,242 79,793 5,833 131,057 Release of net gains on available-for-sale assets transferred to the profit and loss account on disposal - (660) - - - (660) Net fair value adjustments on investments - 1,006 - - - 1,006 Surplus on revaluation of freehold and long leasehold properties - 850 - - - 850 Net gains not recognised in the profit and loss account - 1,196 - - - 1,196 Profit attributable to shareholders - - - 21,196 - 21,196 Dividends - - - (19,467) 19,467 - Dividends paid - - - - (18,827) (18,827) At 31 December 2004 9,120 33,265 4,242 81,522 6,473 134,622 Cash Flow Statement for the year 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 Group Bank 2004 2003 2004 2003 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Cash flows from operating activities Interest and commission receipts 69,537 73,413 63,919 67,914 Interest and commission payments (30,276) (39,214) (30,256) (39,116) Payments to employees and suppliers (25,841) (25,756) (25,133) (24,966) Operating profit before changes in operating assets/liabilities 13,420 8,443 8,530 3,832 (Increase)/decrease in operating assets: Trading instruments (1,742) (209) (1,742) (209) Reserve deposits with Central Bank of Malta (4,827) 5,756 (4,841) 5,736 Loans and advances to banks (7,079) 4,431 (7,080) 4,432 Loans and advances to customers (52,913) (29,220) (71,273) (47,962) Treasury Bills with contractual maturity of over three months 30,701 9,004 30,700 9,000 Cheques in course of collection 1,179 (1,651) 1,179 (1,651) Other receivables (16,122) (23,027) 325 (344) Increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities: Amounts owed to banks 14,561 (14,550) 14,560 (15,102) Amounts owed to customers 23,234 (28,844) 27,297 (20,758) Other payables 18,415 24,115 (70) 3,094 Net cash from/(used in)operating activities before tax 18,827 (45,752) (2,415) (59,932) Tax paid (10,412) (6,239) (9,504) (5,459) Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities 8,415 (51,991) (11,919) (65,391) Cash flows from investing activities Dividends received 77 125 3,887 125 Interest received from available-for-sale debt and other fixed income instruments 5,083 5,196 5,083 5,196 Interest received from held-to-maturity debt and other fixed income instruments 7,429 8,083 8,802 8,824 Proceeds on disposal of available-for-sale instruments 10,814 9,986 5,224 7,095 Proceeds on maturity of held-to-maturity debt and other fixed income instruments 70,488 72,588 70,488 67,395 Proceeds on disposal of tangible fixed assets 52 26 47 26 Purchase of available-for-sale instruments (35,332) (1,812) (30,764) (741) Purchase of held-to-maturity debt and other fixed income instruments (57,805) (50,295) (57,805) (50,295) Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,276) (5,286) (1,244) (5,225) Purchase of intangible fixed assets (86) (66) (81) (66) Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities (556) 38,545 3,637 32,334 Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid (18,827) (5,691) (18,827) (5,691) Cash used in financing activities (18,827) (5,691) (18,827) (5,691) Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (10,968) (19,137) (27,109) (38,748) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (1,139) (6,066) (1,139) (6,021) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (9,829) (13,071) (25,970) (32,727) (10,968) (19,137) (27,109) (38,748) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 108,019 127,156 165,217 203,965 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 97,051 108,019 138,108 165,217 Segmental Information a Class of business Personal Corporate, Total Financial Commercial Investment Banking Services Banking and Markets 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Group Profit before tax Segment operating income 28,927 25,549 22,136 20,363 8,358 7,456 59,421 53,368 Segment impairment allowances 107 993 3,905 2,393 - - 4,012 3,386 Common costs (30,396) (30,590) Profit on ordinary activities before tax 33,037 26,164 Assets Segment total assets 476,682 413,546 651,187 644,033 469,900 481,405 1,597,769 1,538,984 Average total assets 445,114 383,779 647,610 649,653 475,653 521,227 1,568,377 1,554,659 Net assets 39,534 38,531 82,104 80,024 12,935 12,607 134,573 131,162 b Geographical segments The group's activities are carried out within Malta. There are no identifiable geographical segments or other material concentrations. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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