HSBC Malta Results 2002

HSBC Holdings PLC 14 February 2003 The following is the text of an advertisement which is to be published in the press in Malta on 15 February by HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c., a 70.03 per cent indirect subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc. HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. Preliminary Profit Statement for the year ended 31 December 2002 (Published in terms of Section 6.05.06 (iii) of the Bye Laws of the Malta Stock Exchange) Group Bank 2002 2001 2002 2001 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Interest receivable and similar income 76,105 82,588 71,807 76,571 Interest payable (42,778) (51,721) (44,612) (52,681) Net interest income 33,327 30,867 27,195 23,890 Other net operating income 18,282 20,424 14,004 17,227 Total operating income 51,609 51,291 41,199 41,117 Operating expenses (28,588) (29,385) (27,265) (27,713) Net amortisation of goodwill (291) (287) (205) (205) Operating profit before impairment losses and provisions 22, 730 21,619 13,729 13,199 Net impairment losses (1,515) (5,842) (1,960) (5,670) Provisions for contingent liabilities and other charges (89) (15) (89) (15) Profit on ordinary activities before tax 21,126 15,762 11,680 7,514 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (5,762) (2,520) (3,944) (2,582) Profit for the financial year attributable to shareholders 15,364 13,242 7,736 4,932 Earnings per share 42.1c 36.3c 21.2c 13.5c Dividends, net of income tax 5,027 3,083 5,027 3,083 Exchange rates ruling on 31 December 2002 against the Maltese Lira were as follows: GBP1.5555 EUR2.3908 USD2.5090 Group Bank Balance sheet extracts as at 31/12/02 31/12/01 31/12/02 31/12/01 (Figures in Lm millions) Total assets 1,570 1,456 1,535 1,409 Loans and advances to customers 891 878 763 733 Amounts owed to customers 1,303 1,223 1,299 1,069 Shareholders' funds 117 104 117 104 Review of Group Performance The published figures have been extracted from HSBC Bank Malta's group audited accounts for year ended 31 December 2002 as approved by the Board of Directors on 14 February 2003. In 2002, HSBC Bank Malta and its subsidiaries generated a profit on ordinary activities before tax of Lm21.1 million which represents an increase of Lm5.4 million, or 34.0 per cent when compared to the profit for the year ended 31 December 2001. Profit attributable to shareholders was Lm15.4 million, an increase of Lm2.1 million (16.0 per cent) over the previous year. Net interest income of Lm33.3 million was Lm2.5 million or 8.0 per cent higher, when compared to 2001. Other net operating income decreased by Lm2.1 million or 10.5 per cent and operating expenses decreased by Lm0.8 million or 2.7 per cent, on 2001 levels. The group's cost to income ratio improved to 55.4 per cent from 57.3 per cent in 2001. Net impairment losses during 2002 were Lm1.5 million, a decrease of Lm4.3 million over the previous year. The directors have proposed a final gross dividend of 13.2 cents per ordinary share that, together with the interim gross dividend of 8.0 cents, results in a total distribution of 21.2 cents. This represents an increase of 8.2 cents per share (63.1 per cent) over the previous year's dividend distribution. The dividend is covered 3.1 times by attributable profit (2001: 4.3 times). The dividend, subject to approval at the next Annual General Meeting, will be payable to shareholders who are on the Register of Members of the company on 19 February 2003. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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