HSBC's US Subsid Results
1 May 2001
* Net income in the first quarter of 2001 increased by 20.7 per
cent to US$181 million from US$150 million in the first
quarter of 2000.
* Cash earnings^ in the first quarter increased 18.1 per cent
to US$222 million from US$188 million for the same period in
* The cost:income ratio (excluding goodwill amortisation and
restructuring costs) for the first quarter of 2001 was 52.7
per cent, compared to 57.6 per cent in the first quarter of
* Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets was 8.1 per cent at
the end of the first quarter of 2001 compared to 8.8 per cent
at the end of the first quarter of 2000.
* Cash earnings^ as a percentage of average common equity for
the first quarter of 2001 were 13.1 per cent compared to 11.4
per cent during the first quarter of 2000.
* Client assets under administration at 31 March 2001 were
US$46.3 billion, of which US$30.9 billion were funds under
management and US$15.4 billion were custody accounts.
^ Cash earnings are primarily net income after preferred
dividends and after adding back goodwill amortisation.
Note: figures for 2000 have been restated to exclude
investments transferred to HSBC North America Inc. during
HSBC USA Inc. Financial Commentary
HSBC USA Inc. recorded net income of US$181 million in the
first quarter of 2001, up 20.7 per cent from US$150 million
in the first quarter of 2000. Cash earnings for the quarter
were US$222 million, compared to US$188 million for the
comparable period in 2000.
Youssef Nasr, Chief Executive Officer of HSBC USA Inc., said:
'We are pleased with the results that we have reported today.
Our focus continues to be on cash earnings and in the first
quarter we reported an 18.1 per cent increase from the first
quarter of last year
'The year 2000 was one where much of our time and effort was
spent efficiently integrating Republic and HSBC. As we
entered 2001, we focused our attention on prudently investing
in our core businesses to meet our objective of maximizing
long term shareholder value.'
Despite a more challenging economic environment, HSBC USA
Inc.'s business remained strong in the first quarter. Total
assets were US$84.5 billion compared to US$84.0 billion at 31
March 2000. Total deposits were US$57.7 billion at 31 March
2001, up 5.5 per cent from US$54.7 billion at 31 March 2000
and compared to US$56.0 billion at 31 December 2000. Total
loans at 31 March 2001 were US$41.0 billion, up 4.7 per cent
from US$39.2 billion at 31 March 2000 and compared to US$40.4
billion at 31 December 2000. Residential mortgage lending saw
a significant increase in volume as a result of the high
level of refinancing activity as interest rates moved lower
during the first quarter. HSBC Mortgage Corporation, a
subsidiary of HSBC Bank USA, with more than 300,000
customers, funded US$1.3 billion in mortgages during March.
This compares to US$6.4 billion in mortgages funded for all
of 2000. Approximately 40 per cent of this volume will be
held in the bank's loan portfolio, with the remaining volume
sold while retaining the servicing
HSBC Bank USA continues to emphasise the growth of its wealth
management business. Total funds under management at 31 March
2001 were US$30.9 billion, an increase of US$4.4 billion, or
16.6 per cent since 31 March 2000. Including custody
balances, assets under administration totalled US$46.3
billion at 31 March 2001. Total on and off balance sheet
customer holdings in International Private Banking (New York,
Florida and California) increased by more than 15 per cent
from 31 March 2000. Revenues from domestic wealth management
were US$48.7 million during the first quarter of 2001, an
increase of 6.8 per cent compared to the same period in 2000.
Life insurance revenues for the first quarter of 2001 were US$5.3 million,
an increase of 47 per cent from US$3.6 million for the first
quarter of 2000.
As part of its strategy of providing customers with multiple
choices for product delivery, HSBC Bank USA launched a
comprehensive internet banking product in April 2000. As of
31 March 2001, more than 115,000 customers had registered for
the service, up from approximately 80,000 at year-end and the
site was receiving over 25,000 visits daily. In November
2000, HSBC Brokerage (USA) Inc. began the rollout of online
discount brokerage. At 31 March 2001, over 2,000 discount
brokerage customers had signed up for this service.
Revenues were up 13.2 per cent in the first quarter of 2001
compared to the first quarter of 2000. Net interest income
increased, principally as a result of a higher level of loans
and core deposits. Other operating income benefited from the
sale of securities as well as improvements in wealth
management and mortgage business. A one-time gain of US$19 million was
recorded from the sale of shares in Canary Wharf, a
retail/office development investment project in London,
Operating expenses were up US$20 million or 4 per cent from
the prior year due primarily to business expansion and
infrastructure investment initiatives, and also slightly
higher restructuring and goodwill expenses. The business
initiatives are focused on growing the private banking,
wealth management, and treasury businesses. During the first
quarter HSBC hired several senior executives to expand the bank's
foreign exchange operation in the US. Aside from these
initiatives, and after adjusting for inflation and business
transfers, expenses were down approximately 7 per cent year
to year.
During the first quarter, the overall credit quality of the
portfolio remained stable. Provisions for the quarter were
US$48 million which more than covered the quarterly charge-off
amount of US$21 million.
Common equity was US$6.8 billion at 31 March 2001 compared to
US$6.7 billion at 31 March 2000. The ratio of tier 1 capital
to risk-weighted assets was 8.1 per cent compared to 8.8 per
cent at 31 March 2000. The ratio of total capital to risk-
weighted assets was 13.2 per cent compared to 14.9 per cent
at 31 March 2000. The ratio of cash earnings to common equity
was 13.1 per cent compared to 11.4 per cent at 31 March 2000
On 19 March 2001, HSBC Bank USA opened a new branch in Coral
Gables, Florida, bringing to eight the total number of
branches in Florida. Through this new location, HSBC will be
able to offer Florida residents easier access to HSBC
products and services. In addition, the new branch will offer
our New York-based customers, as well as international
customers that travel to Florida for business or vacation,
the service levels they are accustomed to receiving at HSBC
locations around the world.
About HSBC Bank USA
HSBC Bank USA is a leading financial services organization
with combined assets of the bank and its US holding company,
HSBC USA Inc., of US$84.5 billion. The organization is the
third largest depository institution and has the most
extensive branch network in New York State. In addition to
having more than 425 branches throughout New York, the
institution has eight branches in Florida, two in
Pennsylvania, three in California and 17 in Panama. HSBC USA
Inc. is the eleventh largest US holding company in total assets
and is an indirectly-held, wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC
Holdings plc (NYSE: HBC), which is headquartered in London.
The HSBC Group has some 6,500 offices in 79 countries and
territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas,
the Middle East and Africa. For more information about HSBC
Bank USA and its products and services visit
HSBC USA Inc. Summary
Quarter ended Quarter ended
31Mar01 31Mar00 ^^
Figures in US$ millions
Net income 181 150
Cash earnings^ 222 188
Performance ratios (%)
Cash earnings as a percentage of
average common equity 13.1 11.4
Cost:income ratio
(excluding goodwill amortisation
and restructuring costs) 52.7 57.6
Staff numbers (full-time
equivalents) 14,406 14,283
Average balances
Loans 40,402 38,639
Earning assets 77,450 73,092
Total assets 85,046 81,709
Deposits 57,712 53,974
Common equity 6,867 6,637
Net yields on total assets
(tax equivalent basis) (%) 2.6 2.6
Assets under administration
Funds under management 30,945 26,508
Custody accounts 15,339 16,505
Total assets under administration 46,284 43,013
Credit information
Non-accruing loans 442 344
Net charge offs 21 28
Allowance available for credit
- Balance at end of period 553 638
- As a percentage of-accuring loans 125.1 % 185.4 %
- As a percentage of loans outstanding 1.35 % 1.63 %
Capital (at end of period)
Common equity 6,757 6,670
As a percentage of total assets 8.0 % 7.9 %
Capital ratios (%)
Leverage ratio 5.6 5.8
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets 8.1 8.8
Total capital to risk-weighted assets 13.2 14.9
^ Cash earnings are primarily net income after preferred
dividends and after adding back
goodwill amortisation.
^^ Restated to exclude investments transferred to HSBC
North America Inc. during 2001.
HSBC USA Inc. Consolidated Statement of Income
Quarter Quarter
ended ended
Figures in US$ thousands 31Mar01 31Mar00 ^^
Interest income
Loans 785,569 738,674
Securities 375,662 384,542
Trading assets 60,920 28,343
Other short-term investments 115,423 106,475
Total interest income 1,337,574 1,258,034
Interest expense
Deposits 582,840 529,112
Short-term borrowings 120,388 96,755
Long-term debt 90,568 104,183
Total interest expense 793,796 730,050
Net interest income 543,778 527,984
Provision for credit losses 47,550 27,993
Net interest income, after provision for
credit losses 496,228 499,991
Other operating income
Trust income 22,838 20,143
Service charges 43,903 43,508
Mortgage banking revenue 12,197 6,588
Other fees and commissions 76,499 79,434
Trading revenues 50,398 51,408
Security gains (losses) 69,179 (2,402)
Other income 17,433 12,272
Total other operating income 292,447 210,951
Total income from operations 788,675 710,942
Other operating expenses
Salaries and employee benefits 243,160 248,553
Occupancy expense, net 38,064 41,722
Other expenses 165,323 137,651
Operating expenses before goodwill
amortisation 446,547 427,926
Goodwill amortisation 45,091 43,731
Total operating expenses 491,638 471,657
Income before taxes and cumulative effect
of accounting change 297,037 239,285
Applicable income tax expense 115,800 89,447
Income before cumulative effect of
accounting changes 181,237 149,838
Cumulative effect of accounting changes-
implementation of FAS 133 451 -
Net income 180,786 149,838
^^ Restated to exclude investments transferred to HSBC
North America Inc. during 2001
HSBC USA Inc. Consolidated Balance Sheet
31Mar01 31Dec00 31Mar00
Figures in US$ thousands
Cash and due from banks 1,987,039 1,860,713 1,825,184
Interest bearing deposits with banks 4,693,344 5,129,490 4,751,321
Federal funds sold and securities
purchased under resale agreements 1,115,439 1,895,492 4,197,256
Trading assets 7,783,525 5,770,972 4,355,631
Securities available for sale 16,360,299 17,336,832 18,085,687
Securities held to maturity 5,170,467 4,260,492 4,645,274
Loans 41,042,167 40,417,847 39,184,059
Less - allowance for credit losses 552,664 524,984 637,953
Loans, net 40,489,503 39,892,863 38,546,106
Premises and equipment 794,579 777,610 748,693
Accrued interest receivable 575,546 785,286 734,394
Equity investments 56,835 55,596 49,420
Goodwill and other acquisition 3,183,334 3,229,479 3,262,362
Other assets 2,276,175 2,040,325 2,813,403
Total assets 84,486,085 83,035,150 84,014,731
Deposits in domestic offices
- Non-interest bearing 4,882,753 5,114,668 6,425,345
- Interest bearing 31,587,010 30,631,511 29,458,990
Deposits in foreign offices
- Non-interest bearing 654,060 282,737 267,747
- Interest bearing 20,618,917 20,013,588 18,556,610
Total deposits 57,742,740 56,042,504 54,708,692
Trading account liabilities 3,501,281 2,766,825 2,696,379
Short-term borrowings 7,832,579 8,562,363 10,205,206
Interest, taxes and other 3,225,862 3,232,918 3,347,120
Subordinated long-term debt and 2,958,969 3,027,014 3,426,094
perpetual capital notes
Guaranteed mandatorily redeemable 729,907 711,737 710,629
Other long-term debt 1,237,512 1,357,904 1,750,788
Total liabilities 77,228,850 75,701,265 76,844,908
Shareholders' equity
Preferred stock 500,000 500,000 500,000
Common shareholders' equity
- Common stock 4 4 4
- Capital surplus 6,022,018 6,104,264 6,097,631
- Retained earnings 611,886 612,798 614,531
- Accumulated other comprehensive
income (loss) 123,327 116,819 (42,343)
Total common shareholders' equity 6,757,235 6,833,885 6,669,823
Total shareholders' equity 7,257,235 7,333,885 7,169,823
Total liabilities and shareholders'
equity 84,486,085 83,035,150 84,014,731