HSBC USA Inc Interim Results

HSBC Holdings PLC 6 August 2001 HSBC USA INC. 2001 interim results - highlights * Net income in the first half of 2001 increased by 27 per cent to US$369 million from US$290 million in the first half of 2000. * Cash earnings ^ in the first half increased 23 per cent to US$450 million from US$367 million for the same period in 2000. * The cost: income ratio (excluding goodwill amortisation and restructuring costs) for the first half of 2001 was 52.1 per cent, compared to 57.1 per cent in the first half of 2000. * Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets was 8.5 per cent at 30 June 2001, compared to 8.7 per cent at 30 June 2000. * Cash earnings ^ as a percentage of average common equity for the first half of 2001 were 13.3 per cent compared to 11.2 per cent during the first half of 2000. * Client assets under administration at 30 June 2001 were US$46.9 billion, of which US$31.2 billion were funds under management and US$15.7 billion were custody accounts. ^ Cash earnings are primarily net income after preferred dividends and after adding back goodwill amortisation. Note: figures for 2000 have been restated to exclude investments in entities transferred to HSBC North America Inc. during 2001 and 2000. Financial Commentary HSBC USA Inc. recorded net income of US$369 million for the six months ended 30 June 2001, an increase of 27 per cent from US$290 million in the first half of 2000. Cash earnings for the first half of 2001 were US$450 million, up from US$367 million for the comparable period in 2000. For the quarter ended 30 June 2001, net income totalled US$188 million, an increase of 34 per cent from US$140 million for the quarter ended 30 June 2000. Cash earnings for the quarter totalled US$229 million compared to US$179 million for the 2000 second quarter. Youssef Nasr, Chief Executive Officer of HSBC USA Inc., said: 'We are gratified with the results that we have reported today, especially in light of the challenging economic environment we have been faced with in the first half of 2001. Our focus continues to be on cash earnings and for the first half we reported a 23 per cent increase from the comparable period last year.' Despite a slowing US economy and difficult market conditions in the first half of 2001, HSBC USA Inc. exhibited broad growth. Total assets were US$85.4 billion compared to US$82.4 billion at 30 June 2000. Total deposits were US$58.0 billion at 30 June 2001, up 5 per cent from US$55.1 billion at 30 June 2000 and compared to US$56.0 billion at 31 December 2000. Total loans at 30 June 2001 were US$42.0 billion, up 8 per cent from US$38.8 billion at 30 June 2000 and compared to US$40.4 billion at 31 December 2000. Residential mortgage lending saw a significant increase in volume as a result of the high level of refinancing activity as interest rates steadily moved lower during the first six months of 2001. HSBC Mortgage Corporation, a subsidiary of HSBC Bank USA, with more than 300,000 customers, originated US$6.6 billion in mortgages through the first six months of 2001, an increase of 128 per cent from US$2.9 billion in mortgages funded during the first half of 2000. Approximately 40 per cent of this volume will be held in the bank's loan portfolio, with the remaining volume sold while retaining the servicing. HSBC Bank USA continues to emphasize the growth of its wealth management business. Total funds under management at 30 June 2001 were US$31.2 billion, an increase of US$2.8 billion, or 10 per cent, since 30 June 2000. Including custody balances, assets under administration totalled US$46.9 billion at 30 June 2001. Total on and off-balance sheet customer holdings in International Private Banking (New York, Florida and California) increased by more than 16 per cent from 30 June 2000. Fee income from domestic wealth management was US$102.7 million during the first half of 2001, an increase of 13 per cent compared to the same period in 2000. Life insurance revenues for the first six months of 2001 were US$13.4 million, an increase of 72 per cent from US$7.8 million for the first half of 2000. As part of its strategy of providing customers with multiple choices for product and service delivery, HSBC Bank USA offers a comprehensive Internet Banking service. At 30 June 2001, more than 142,000 customers had registered for the service, up from approximately 80,000 at year-end 2000. The HSBC Bank USA web site,, where customers can apply for accounts, conduct financial planning and link to online services, receives over 20,000 visits daily. The recent successful launch of an account aggregation service expands HSBC Bank USA's online offerings and gives customers increased convenience and flexibility in managing online accounts. For the six months ended 30 June 2001, net interest income showed growth of US$60 million, or 6 per cent, to US$1.1 billion. In addition to the benefit of loan and core deposit growth, recent short-term rate cuts have led to wider interest margins in certain commercial businesses, the residential mortgage business and treasury investment operations. For the first half of 2001, other operating income was US$560 million, an increase of US$152 million, or 37 per cent from US$408 million for the 2000 first half. Securities gains of US$126 million were realized from securities sales to adjust to interest rate changes and to reconfigure exposure to residential mortgages. A one-time gain of US$19 million was recorded in the first quarter from the sale of shares of Canary Wharf, a retail/office development in London, England. Mortgage banking, commercial lending and bankcard non-interest income were strong during the first half of 2001. Trading revenues picked up during the period. Operating expenses for the first six months of 2001 increased to US$975 million from US$945 million in the comparable period of last year due primarily to business expansion and infrastructure investment initiatives. All restructuring relating to the acquisition of Republic New York Corporation from a customer perspective is complete. Certain back office systems conversions are in the final stages. Over 90 per cent of originally targeted domestic cost savings related to the acquisition have been realized to date, and the remaining cost saves have been identified. New business initiatives are focused on developing e-commerce delivery capability and on growing the private banking, wealth management, and treasury businesses. Aside from these initiatives, and after adjusting for inflation and business transfers, expenses were down approximately 7 per cent year to year. Mr. Nasr added: 'In treasury we have bolstered operations, hiring several professionals in foreign exchange and derivatives as well as other specialists that will provide further support to our corporate and commercial client base.' During the first half of 2001, credit quality remained relatively stable, notwithstanding a more volatile business and credit environment. Provisions for the first half of 2001 were US$96 million which exceeded charge-offs of US$63 million for the same period. The ratio of allowance available for credit losses to non-accruing loans strengthened from 124.1 per cent at 31 December 2000 to 137.9 per cent at 30 June 2001. Common equity was US$6.8 billion at 30 June 2001 compared to US$6.5 billion at 30 June 2000. The ratio of tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets was 8.5 per cent compared to 8.7 per cent at 30 June 2000. The ratio of total capital to risk-weighted assets was 13.4 per cent compared to 14.6 per cent at 30 June 2000. The ratio of cash earnings to common equity was 13.3 per cent compared to 11.2 per cent at 30 June 2000. Summary Quarter ended Six months ended Figures in US$ 30Jun01 30Jun00 ^^ 30Jun01 30Jun00 ^^ millions Net income 188 140 369 290 Cash earnings ^ 229 179 450 367 Performance ratios (%) Cash earnings as a percentage of average 13.5 11.0 13.3 11.2 common equity Cost:income ratio (excluding goodwill amortisation and 51.5 56.7 52.1 57.1 restructuring costs) Staff numbers 14,536 14,216 (full-time equivalents) Average balances Loans 41,191 38,193 40,799 38,416 Earning assets 77,322 75,341 77,386 74,216 Total assets 85,677 83,783 85,363 82,746 Deposits 58,227 54,976 57,971 54,475 Common equity 6,807 6,506 6,837 6,571 Net yields on total assets (tax 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.6 equivalent basis) (%) Assets under administration Funds under 31,182 28,336 management Custody 15,723 16,114 accounts Total assets 46,905 44,450 under administration Credit information Non-accruing 390 352 loans Net charge 63 75 offs Allowance available for credit losses - Balance at 538 615 end of period - As a 137.9 % 174.7 % percentage of non-accruing loans - As a 1.28 % 1.59 % percentage of loans outstanding Capital (at end of period) Common equity 6,857 6,546 As a 8.0 % 7.9 % percentage of total assets Capital ratios (%) Leverage ratio 5.9 5.6 Tier 1 capital 8.5 8.7 to risk-weighted assets Total capital 13.4 14.6 to risk-weighted assets ^ Cash earnings are net income after preferred dividends, after adding back goodwill amortisation and expense associated with HSBC Group share option plans. ^^ Restated to exclude investments in entities transferred to HSBC North America Inc. during 2001 and 2000. Consolidated Statement of Income Quarter Quarter ended ended Figures in US$ thousands 30Jun01 30Jun00 ^^ Interest income Loans 752,231 750,239 Securities 340,222 401,591 Trading assets 62,207 23,796 Other short-term investments 99,610 165,131 Total interest income 1,254,270 1,340,757 Interest expense Deposits 509,388 577,779 Short-term borrowings 88,485 123,448 Long-term debt 84,607 112,085 Total interest expense 682,480 813,312 Net interest income 571,790 527,445 Provision for credit losses 48,000 28,007 Net interest income, after provision for 523,790 499,438 credit losses Other operating income Trust income 22,004 22,400 Service charges 47,536 43,173 Mortgage banking revenue 7,417 8,577 Other fees and commissions 82,511 74,240 Trading revenues 51,846 33,122 Security gains 56,601 3,763 Other income 269 12,251 Total other operating income 268,184 197,526 Total income from operations 791,974 696,964 Other operating expenses Salaries and employee benefits 241,429 248,625 Occupancy expense, net 38,136 43,870 Other expenses 159,796 137,353 Operating expenses before goodwill 439,361 429,848 amortisation Goodwill amortisation 44,168 43,731 Total other operating expenses 483,529 473,579 Income before taxes and cumulative effect of accounting change 308,445 223,385 Applicable income tax expense 120,400 83,152 Income before cumulative effect of accounting change 188,045 140,233 Cumulative effect of accounting change- implementation of FAS 133 - - Net income 188,045 140,233 ^^ Restated to exclude investments in entities transferred to HSBC North America Inc. during2001 and 2000. Consolidated Statement of Income Six months Six months ended ended Figures in US$ thousands 30Jun01 30Jun00 ^^ Interest income Loans 1,537,801 1,488,913 Securities 715,884 786,133 Trading assets 123,126 52,138 Other short-term investments 215,033 271,606 Total interest income 2,591,844 2,598,790 Interest expense Deposits 1,092,228 1,106,890 Short-term borrowings 208,873 220,203 Long-term debt 175,175 216,268 Total interest expense 1,476,276 1,543,361 Net interest income 1,115,568 1,055,429 Provision for credit losses 95,550 56,000 Net interest income, after provision for credit losses 1,020,018 999,429 Other operating income Trust income 44,843 42,544 Service charges 91,440 86,681 Mortgage banking revenue 19,614 15,164 Other fees and commissions 159,010 153,674 Trading revenues 102,243 84,529 Security gains 125,780 1,362 Other income 17,702 24,523 Total other operating income 560,632 408,477 Total income from operations 1,580,650 1,407,906 Other operating expenses Salaries and employee benefits 484,589 497,179 Occupancy expense, net 76,200 85,593 Other expenses 325,120 275,003 Operating expenses before goodwill 885,909 857,775 amortisation Goodwill amortisation 89,259 87,461 Total other operating expenses 975,168 945,236 Income before taxes and cumulative effect of accounting change 605,482 462,670 Applicable income tax expense 236,200 172,599 Income before cumulative effect of accounting change 369,282 290,071 Cumulative effect of accounting change -implementation of FAS 133 (451) - Net income 368,831 290,071 ^^ Restated to exclude investments in entities transferred to HSBC North America Inc. during 2001 and 2000. Consolidated Balance Sheet Figures in US$ At 30Jun01 At 30Dec00 ^^ At30Jun00 thousands Assets Cash and due from 1,799,801 1,860,713 2,072,589 banks Interest bearing 4,464,175 5,129,490 5,303,088 deposits with banks Federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale 3,338,625 1,895,492 2,438,516 agreements Trading assets 8,829,729 5,770,972 4,356,965 Securities available 13,943,034 17,336,832 18,007,717 for sale Securities held to 4,867,068 4,260,492 4,506,385 maturity Loans 41,988,236 40,417,847 38,755,764 Less - allowance for 537,877 524,984 614,559 credit losses Loans, net 41,450,359 39,892,863 38,141,205 Premises and 792,537 777,610 764,038 equipment Accrued interest 481,808 785,286 759,075 receivable Equity investments 265,484 55,596 51,073 Goodwill and other 3,045,296 3,229,479 3,217,577 acquisition intangibles Other assets 2,145,374 2,040,325 2,760,514 Total assets 85,423,290 83,035,150 82,378,742 Liabilities Deposits in domestic offices - Non-interest 5,188,876 5,114,668 6,748,808 bearing - Interest bearing 32,584,323 30,631,511 29,054,325 Deposits in foreign offices - Non-interest 361,092 282,737 247,248 bearing - Interest bearing 19,903,807 20,013,588 19,004,411 Total deposits 58,038,098 56,042,504 55,054,792 Trading account 3,568,295 2,766,825 2,403,242 liabilities Short-term borrowings 8,574,749 8,562,363 9,289,758 Interest, taxes and 3,067,265 3,232,918 2,688,780 other liabilities Subordinated long-term debt and perpetual capital notes 2,945,832 3,027,014 3,424,539 Guaranteed 723,218 711,737 710,998 mandatorily redeemable securities Other long-term debt 1,148,915 1,357,904 1,761,072 Total liabilities 78,066,372 75,701,265 75,333,181 Shareholders' equity Preferred stock 500,000 500,000 500,000 Common shareholders' equity - Common stock 4 4 4 - Capital surplus 6,025,013 6,104,264 6,099,264 - Retained earnings 793,642 612,798 497,781 - Accumulated other 38,259 116,819 (51,488) comprehensive income (loss) Total common 6,856,918 6,833,885 6,545,561 shareholders' equity Total shareholders' 7,356,918 7,333,885 7,045,561 equity Total liabilities and 85,423,290 83,035,150 82,378,742 shareholders' equity ^^ Restated to exclude investments in entities transferred to HSBC North America Inc. during 2001 and 2000.
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