Subsidiary's 3rd Quarter & 9 Months Results
2 November 1999
* Net income was C$45 million for the quarter ended 30 September
1999, an increase of 15.4 per cent over the comparative quarter
ended 31 October 1998.
* Return on equity was 19.4 per cent for the three months ended 30
September 1999.
* Total assets of C$25.6 billion at 30 September 1999.
* Total capital ratio of 10.3 per cent; tier 1 capital ratio of 5.9
per cent at 30 September 1999.
* Funds under management of C$11.2 billion at 30 September 1999.
HSBC Bank Canada's net income was C$45 million for the three months
ended 30 September 1999, an increase of 15.4 per cent over the
comparative quarter ended 31 October 1998.
Net interest income was C$136 million for the quarter, a 4 per cent
increase over the comparative quarter in 1998 and the net interest
margin increased to 2.31 per cent from 2.24 per cent in the similar
period. Higher loan fees, interest recoveries on non-performing
loans and increases in net free funds, mainly from the acquisition
of Gordon Capital Corporation, contributed to the improvement.
Offsetting this were continued pressures on spreads resulting from
the competitive environment, particularly in personal banking.
As a result of continued strong credit quality, provisions for
credit losses were C$7 million, or 36 per cent lower than the
comparative quarter in 1998 and C$23 million, or 40 per cent lower
on a comparative year to date basis.
Other income was C$22 million, or 30 per cent higher and the ratio
of other income to total income was 15 per cent higher than the
comparative quarter in 1998. This strong growth was attributable to
the acquisition of Gordon Capital, which helped increase securities
related income. Revenue from products such as bankers' acceptances,
letters of credit, foreign exchange and guarantees continued to be
a significant part of other income. Corporate finance fees showed
improvements during the current quarter over the comparative
quarter in 1998 as financial markets were less volatile.
Non-interest expenses increased 12 per cent from C$139 million in
the comparative quarter to C$155 million in the current quarter.
Growth in the bank's core retail operations, acquisitions and
investments in new business and delivery channels have added to
total employee, premises and equipment costs. Continued focus on
centralisation of certain of the bank's operating functions during
1999 has resulted in other areas of non-interest expenses remaining
relatively stable against the comparative periods on a quarterly
and year to date basis.
The effective tax rate for the comparative periods in 1998 are
lower as the prior year income tax provisions included the benefits
from utilisation of losses carried forward relating to acquisitions
made in prior years.
Continued active balance sheet management, which included a further
securitisation of C$529 million in residential mortgages this
quarter, helped increase capital to finance growth following
acquisitions last year and meet the higher industry-wide standards
required by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial
Institutions. As a result, the total and tier 1 capital ratios
increased over the comparative quarter to 10.3 per cent and 5.9 per
cent, respectively which resulted in lower return on equity ratios
than the comparative periods in the prior year. However, the return
on equity for the third quarter increased compared with the second
quarter 1999.
Total assets of C$25.6 billion were 4 per cent, or C$0.8 billion
higher than the comparative quarter. This included an increase in
acceptances of C$230 million as the trend towards less expensive
and shorter term borrowing continued in the quarter, partly
resulting from expectations of changes in the interest rate
environment in Canada.
Youssef Nasr, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: 'Results
for the third quarter of 1999 were satisfactory. We have managed
tremendous changes to date through the focus, dedication and
flexibility of our staff. As part of our Managing for Value
philosophy we are continuing to improve the efficiency of our
operational processes and leveraging the capabilities and scale of
the HSBC Group to offer superior service and value to our clients.'
HSBC Bank Canada, an indirectly-held, wholly-owned subsidiary of
HSBC Holdings plc, has more than 140 offices. With over 5,000
offices in 79 countries and territories and assets of US$497
billion at 30 June 1999, the HSBC Group is one of the world's
largest banking and financial services organisations.
HSBC Bank Canada Highlights
Quarter ended Nine months ended
30SEP99 31OCT98^ 30SEP99 31OCT98^
Earnings (C$ millions)
Net interest income 136 131 399 387
Net income 45 39 123 120
Financial ratios (%) % % % %
Return on average equity
(annualised) 19.4 20.0 18.7 21.5
Return on average assets
(annualised) 0.67 0.61 0.62 0.64
Net interest margin 2.31 2.24 2.29 2.24
Cost:income 67.1 68.1 68.6 67.4
Provision for credit
losses/average assets 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3
Other income/total income 41.1 35.8 42.0 35.7
At 30SEP99 At31OCT98
Financial position (C$ millions)
Total assets 25,563 24,722
Shareholder's equity 940 793
Capital ratios (%) % %
Total capital 10.3 9.7
Tier 1 5.9 5.3
Number of employees (full-time equivalent basis) 4,915 4,535
^ As a result of the change in year-end from 31 October to 31
December, effective from 1998, the comparative figures are those
for the three or nine month period ended 31 October 1998.
HSBC Bank Canada Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income
, (Unaudited)
Figures in C$millions Quarter ended Nine months ended
(except per share 30SEP99 31OCT98 30SEP99 31OCT98
Net interest income 136 131 399 387
Provision for credit
losses (7) (11) (35) (58)
129 120 364 329
Other income 95 73 289 215
Net interest and other
income 224 193 653 544
Non-interest expenses (155) (139) (472) (406)
Net income before
provision for
income taxes 69 54 181 138
Provision for income
taxes (24) (15) (58) (18)
Net income 45 39 123 120
Average number of
shares outstanding
(in millions) 280 280 280 280
Net income per common
share 0.16 0.14 0.44 0.43
HSBC Bank Canada Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
Figures in C$ millions At 30SEP99 At 31OCT98
Cash resources 2,632 1,635
Securities 2,941 3,701
Loans 17,266 17,049
Acceptances 1,594 1,364
Other assets 1,130 973
Total assets 25,563 24,722
Demand 821 778
Notice 4,009 3,752
Fixed date 15,826 15,953
Total deposits 20,656 20,483
Acceptances 1,594 1,364
Other liabilities 1,759 1,461
Subordinated debt 614 621
Capital and reserves 940 793
4,907 4,239
Total liabilities 25,563 24,722
HSBC Bank Canada Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Figures in C$ millions Quarter ended Nine months ended
30SEP99 31OCT98 30SEP99 31OCT98
Cash flows from operating
Net income 45 39 123 120
Provision for credit losses 7 11 35 58
Depreciation and
amortisation 8 6 24 18
Other items, net 216 365 74 154
276 421 256 350
Cash flows from/(used in)
financing activities:
Deposits 162 (453) 106 (119)
Dividends paid - - - (36)
162 (453) 106 (155)
Cash flows from/(used in)
investing activities:
Businesses acquired - - (75) (125)
Securities 370 (33) 563 (562)
Loans 406 273 158 218
Land, buildings and equipment (11) (16) (27) (31)
765 224 619 (500)
Net increase/(decrease) in
cash resources 1,203 192 981 (305)
Cash resources in
businesses acquired at
date of aquisition - - 14 80
Cash resources at beginning
of period 1,429 1,443 1,637 1,860
Cash resources at end of
period 2,632 1,635 2,632 1,635