Summary Re UK GAAP & IFRS PT2

HSBC Holdings PLC 09 December 2004 UK GAAP IFRS Property HSBC values its properties As permitted under IAS 16 'Property, including both freehold and Plant and Equipment', HSBC intends to leasehold land on an annual adopt the cost model whereby the basis and adjustments arising asset is carried at cost less any from such revaluations are taken accumulated depreciation and any to reserves. Non-investment accumulated impairment losses. properties are generally valued Advantage will be taken of the at their 'existing use value', exemption in IFRS 1 which allows an amount reflecting their carrying value at the date of current usage. transition to IFRS (including where properties have been revalued) to be used as deemed cost in most circumstances. Investment properties are Investment properties will be included in the balance sheet at measured, as allowed by IAS 40 their open market value. 'Investment Property', at fair value Movements in open market value with changes in fair value recognised are taken to an investment in the income statement. property revaluation reserve. IMPACT Low - no account will be taken in the future of revaluation surpluses or deficits on non-investment properties (where the property is not impaired). UK GAAP IFRS Foreign currency translation SSAP 20 'Foreign currency IAS 21 'The Effects of Changes in translation' states that Foreign Exchange Rates' states that exchange gains or losses arising in consolidated financial statements, from the retranslation of a all exchange differences arising on company's net investment in a the retranslation of a foreign foreign operation should not be operation with a different functional recognised in the profit and currency from the Group's loss account, but accounted for presentation currency (US dollar) as an adjustment to the profit should be recognised as a separate and loss account reserve. component of equity, in the foreign exchange reserve. On disposal of a foreign On disposal of a foreign operation, operation, foreign exchange the exchange differences previously gains and losses in respect of recognised in reserves in relation to that operation remain in that operation should be recognised reserves. in the income statement for the period. HSBC intends to deem cumulative translation differences at 1 January 2004 as zero, as permitted by IFRS 1. IMPACT Low - going forward, this will be a presentational change on the face of the balance sheet. In addition, gains on any future disposals of subsidiaries will be augmented where the subsidiary has a functional currency which has appreciated against the US dollar since it was established or acquired; the converse will be true where the functional currency has depreciated against the US dollar. UK GAAP IFRS Consolidation of special purpose entities FRS 5 'Reporting the substance of SIC 12 'Consolidation - transactions' defines control as the Special Purpose Entities' ability of an undertaking to direct the requires consolidation of financial and operating policies of special purpose entities another undertaking with a view to (SPEs) when the substance of gaining economic benefits from its the relationship between the activities. FRS 5 requires that SPE and the reporting entity entities controlled by HSBC and giving indicates that the SPE is rise to benefits in substance no controlled by that entity. different to those that would arise were the vehicle a subsidiary must be SIC 12 gives more prescriptive consolidated as quasi-subsidiaries. examples of how control could be evidenced, and directs When assessing control under FRS 5, the entities to assess the risks risks and benefits and the substance of and rewards inherent in the the entire transaction are SPE in order to determine who considered. controls it. . IMPACT Low - certain of the Group's securitisations and conduit vehicles that are currently off-balance-sheet may be consolidated under IFRS. The impact of this difference will be limited to a small number of transactions. Changes applying from 1 January 2005 UK GAAP IFRS Accruals accounted derivatives Non-trading derivatives are those IAS 39 requires that all which are held for hedging derivatives be recognised purposes, as part of HSBC's risk as either assets or management strategy, against liabilities in the balance assets, liabilities, positions or sheet and that those cash flows measured on an accruals instruments be measured at basis. Non-trading transactions fair value. The accounting include qualifying hedges and for changes in the fair value positions that synthetically alter of a derivative (that is, gains the characteristics of specified and losses)depends on the financial instruments. intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation Non-trading derivatives are as described below. accounted for on an equivalent basis to the underlying assets, For a derivative designated liabilities or net positions. Any as hedging the exposures to profit or loss arising is changes in the fair value of a recognised on the same basis as recognised asset or liability that arising from the related or a firm commitment, the gain assets, liabilities or positions. or loss is recognised in the income statement in the period To qualify as a hedge, a of change together with the derivative must effectively reduce associated loss or gain on the the price, foreign exchange or hedged item attributable to interest rate risk of the asset, the risk being hedged. liability or anticipated transaction to which it is linked For a derivative designated and be designated as a hedge at as hedging the exposure to inception of the derivative variable cash flows of a contract. Accordingly, changes in recognised asset or liability the market value of the derivative or of a highly probable forecast must be highly correlated with transaction, the gain or loss changes in the market value of the on the derivative associated underlying hedged item at with the effective portion of inception of the hedge and over the hedge is initially the life of the hedge contract. recognised in equity and subsequently released into the If the hedging criteria are met, income statement in line with the derivative is accounted for on the income statement recognition the same basis as the underlying of the element of the recognised hedged item. Derivatives used for asset, liability or highly hedging purposes include swaps, probable forecast transaction forwards and futures. which is being hedged. Any ineffective portion is reported Interest rate swaps are also used in the income statement as it to alter synthetically the arises. interest rate characteristics of financial instruments. In order to qualify for synthetic alteration accounting, a derivative instrument must be linked to specific assets or liabilities, or pools of similar assets or liabilities with reference to the notional principal and interest rate risks of the hedged instruments. The combination of the underlying asset or liability together with the related interest rate swap must achieve a result that is consistent with defined risk management objectives. If these criteria are met, accrual based accounting is applied, i.e. income or expense is recognised and accrued to the next settlement date in accordance with the contractual terms of the agreement. Any gain or loss arising on the If a cash flow hedging instrument termination of a qualifying expires or is sold, terminated or derivative is deferred and exercised, the cumulative gain or amortised to earnings over the loss on the instrument that remains original life of the terminated recognised directly in equity from contract. Where the underlying the period when the hedge was asset, liability or position is effective remains in equity to be sold or terminated, the qualifying released in line with the income derivative is immediately statement recognition of the marked-to-market through the element of the recognised asset, profit and loss account. liability or highly probable forecast transaction which is being hedged.Where the cash flow hedge is of a forecast transaction which results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or non-financial liability, or where such a forecast transaction becomes a firm commitment for which fair value hedging is applied, the associated gains or losses recognised within equity are released and included in the carrying amount of the asset or liability. If a fair value hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised, any adjustment to the fair value of the hedged item in relation to the hedge is amortised based on the effective interest rate at the date amortisation begins to the profit and loss account beginning no later than when the hedged item ceases to be adjusted for changes in its fair value attributable to the risk being hedged. IMPACT Medium - there may be some additional volatility in income (through dealing profits) as a result of a stricter definition of a qualifying hedge and the recognition of hedge ineffectiveness in the income statement under IFRS. The amount of this additional volatility in income will depend, in part, on the extent to which the fair value option for liabilities available within IAS 39, but carved out in the EU adopted version of IAS 39, is available under UK law or is ultimately endorsed by the EU. Where possible, HSBC intends to hedge its interest rate exposure using cash flow hedging, which will give rise to volatility in equity. On transition on 1 January 2005 there will be an impact on equity due to fair value movements on derivatives in existing hedging relationships that will be allowable as cash flow hedges being taken to the cash flow hedging reserve in equity. In addition, the recognition of current hedging derivatives at fair value where the associated hedging relationship does not meet the IAS 39 hedging requirements will also impact equity. UK GAAP IFRS Preference shares Preference shares issued by Under IAS 32, preference shares are subsidiaries are classified in the generally classified in the balance balance sheet as non-equity sheet as liabilities. Associated minority interests with preference dividends are recorded as interest share dividends recorded as payable. non-equity minority interests in the profit and loss account. IMPACT Medium - this presentational change will affect the face of the income statement and balance sheet, reducing pre-tax profit but having no impact on income attributable to ordinary shareholders as the accounting simply moves the servicing cost of preference shares to interest expense from non-equity minority interests. There will be corresponding impacts on income statement ratios including net interest margin, cost:income ratio, the ratio of bad debt expense to operating profit before provisions and the effective tax rate. UK GAAP IFRS Investment securities Debt securities and equity shares Under IASs 32 and 39, all investment intended to be held on a securities (debt securities and continuing basis are disclosed as equity shares) are classified and investment securities and are disclosed within one of the included in the balance sheet at following three categories: cost less provision for any held-to-maturity; permanent diminution in value. available-for-sale; or at fair value Other participating interests are through profit or loss. accounted for on the same basis. Held-to-maturity debt securities are measured at amortised cost less any Other debt securities and equity impairment loss. shares held for trading purposes are included in the balance sheet Available-for-sale securities are at market value. Changes in the measured at fair value with holding market value of such assets are gains and losses (with the exception recognised in the profit and loss of any foreign exchange impact) account as 'Dealing profits'. excluded from the income statement and reported net of applicable taxes SSAP 20 'Foreign currency and minority interests in a separate translation' requires foreign component of shareholders' funds. exchange differences on Foreign exchange differences arising foreign-currency-denominated from the amortised cost of debt monetary items, including debt securities should be recognised in securities, to be recognised in the income statement, with other the profit and loss account. The foreign exchange differences BBA Statement of Recommended relating to debt securities Accounting Practice ('SORP') on recognised in equity. All foreign securities expands on this by exchange differences arising on requiring that all investment equity securities are recognised in securities (including equities) reserves. are carried at cost in the relevant currency with foreign At fair value through profit or loss exchange movements taken to the securities are measured at fair profit and loss account. value with all holding gains and losses recognised in the income statement. When there is objective evidence that an available-for-sale security is impaired, the cumulative loss that has been recognised in equity should be removed from equity and recognised in the income statement. Reversals of impairment losses of held-to-maturity and available-for-sale debt securities are recorded in the income statement. Reversals of impairment losses of available-for-sale equity securities are recorded in equity. IMPACT Medium - on transition to IFRS, HSBC will classify most of its investment securities as available-for-sale. There will be an impact in recorded equity arising from the changes in their fair value where these changes do not relate to impairment. UK GAAP IFRS Life assurance Under UK GAAP, the value placed IFRS 4 is more restrictive than on life assurance business in the current UK GAAP in the type of Group's consolidated financial contract that can be classified as statements includes a valuation insurance. Those contracts meeting of the discounted future earnings the IFRS 4 definition of insurance expected to emerge from the will continue to be accounted under business currently in force, HSBC's existing accounting policies. using appropriate assumptions in For long-term investment contracts assessing factors such as recent not transferring significant lapse experience and general insurance risk, IAS 39 will apply to economic conditions, together any financial instrument element. with the surplus retained in the The inclusion of a valuation of the long-term assurance funds discounted future earnings expected attributable to shareholders. The to emerge from the business relevant assumptions are currently in force will no longer be determined annually in possible for such contracts. Any consultation with independent investment management element of actuaries and the resulting such contracts will be accounted for valuation is included in 'Other under IAS 18 'Revenue'. This assets'. requires that investment management fees (and incremental directly Changes in the value placed on attributable costs) be spread over HSBC's interest in long-term the period in which services are assurance business are calculated provided. on a post-tax basis and reported gross in the profit and loss account as part of 'Other operating income' after adjusting for taxation. IMPACT Medium - certain contracts currently accounted for as insurance products will be reclassified as financial instruments under IAS 39. As a consequence, the valuation of the discounted future earnings expected to emerge from the business currently in force in the balance sheet is expected to decrease, leading to a reduction in equity. Income will be recognised on these contracts in later periods owing to the change in valuation basis. UK GAAP IFRS Netting Under UK GAAP, the following Under IAS 32, netting is only conditions must be satisfied in allowed if the entity: order to achieve netting of debit and credit balances in the (a) currently has a legally enforceable balance sheet: right to set off the recognised amounts; and (a) the reporting entity and (b) intends either to settle on a net another party owe each other basis, or to realise the asset and determinablemonetary amounts, settle the liability simultaneously. denominated either in the same currency, or in different but It is expected that netting will not freely convertible currencies; be widely available under IFRS as (b) the reporting entity has the point (b) above will not always be ability to insist on a net satisfied. settlement; and (c) the reporting entity's ability to insist on a net settlement is assured beyond reasonable doubt. IMPACT Medium - the move from an ability to insist on net settlement to an intention to settle on a net basis is not in line with market practice in a number of areas and, in consequence, certain financial instruments will be grossed up for presentational purposes. UK GAAP IFRS Loan origination Fee and commission income is Substantially all loan fee income accounted for in the period when and incremental directly receivable, except when it is attributable loan origination costs charged to cover the costs of a are amortised to the income continuing service to, or risk statement over the expected life of borne for, the customer, or is the loan as part of the effective interest in nature. In these interest calculation under IAS 39. cases, it is recognised on an appropriate basis over the Under IAS 18 certain fees earned on relevant period. the completion of a significant act must be recognised immediately. Loan origination costs are generally expensed as incurred. As permitted by UK GAAP, HSBC applies a restricted definition of the incremental, directly attributable origination expenses that are deferred and subsequently amortised over the life of the loans. IMPACT Low - on transition there will be an impact on equity as previously recognised fees and costs are reversed and spread forward over the residual term of the financial instrument. This change is also expected to result in reclassification within the income statement with lower levels of fees and commissions and origination expenses, and higher interest income on an ongoing basis, as HSBC currently expects that deferred fees will be greater than deferred costs. UK GAAP IFRS Acceptances Acceptances are currently Under IAS 39 it will be necessary to accounted for on a net basis. recognise a liability for acceptances There is no grossing up of the from the date of acceptance. A amount to be paid and the amount corresponding asset due from the receivable from the originator, originator will also be recognised. and thus no balance appears in the balance sheet in relation to these products. IMPACT Low - this will gross up the balance sheet but will not have an impact on equity. UK GAAP IFRS Income on trading securities Under UK GAAP, dividend income IAS 39 permits all income and on trading equity securities and expenses in relation to trading items interest income on trading debt to be accounted within dealing securities are recognised in profits. dividend income and interest income respectively. The related funding costs are recognised in interest expense. IMPACT Low - this will align external reporting with the basis on which the business is managed and will change dealing profits with corresponding changes in net interest income and dividend income. UK GAAP IFRS Provisioning Under UK GAAP, an impairment is Under IAS 39, impairment provisions recognised if, based on current are recognised on an incurred loss information or events, an basis when an entity has objective advance or portfolio of advances evidence that an advance is impaired. is no longer expected to be Provisions under IAS 39 are recovered in full. calculated on a discounted future cash flow basis. Specific provisions are Individually assessed provisions are recognised in respect of calculated using a discounted cash impaired advances that have been flow analysis for the impaired recognised as such in order to advance. reduce the carrying amount to the expected ultimate net realisable value. General provisions are made in IAS 39 allows collective assessment respect of impaired advances of impairment for individually which are known through insignificant items or items where no experience to exist but which impairment has been identified on an have not yet been specifically individual basis. Formula-based identified. The level of the approaches or statistical methods may general provision takes account be used to determine losses in groups of past experience and current of financial assets provided they economic conditions and other incorporate the effect of the time relevant factors affecting the value of money, consider the cash various categories of advances flows for the expected remaining life in the portfolio. of the asset, consider the age of the loans within the portfolio and do not give rise to an impairment loss on initial recognition of an asset. Interest on non-performing loans The concepts of suspended interest is not normally credited to the and non-accrual are not relevant profit and loss account and under IAS 39. Following impairment of either interest accruals will an asset, interest income is cease ('non-accrual loans') or recognised using the rate of interest interest will be credited to an used to discount the future cash interest in suspense account in flows for the purpose of measuring the balance sheet, which is the impairment loss (the original netted against the relevant loan effective interest rate of the ('suspended interest'). asset). IMPACT Low - this change in methodology is not expected to produce a significant adjustment on transition. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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