IG Group Holdings plc
LEI No: 2138003A5Q1M7ANOUD76
21 January 2020
Directorate Change
IG Group Holdings plc ("the Company"), a global leader in online trading, announces that Paul Mainwaring, Chief Financial Officer, has informed the Board of his intention to retire. Later this year Paul will have completed 20 years as a UK plc Finance Director, and he has informed the Board that he feels it is appropriate to announce his intention to step down from executive roles as he approaches this milestone.
A process to identify a successor is underway with the assistance of an external search firm. Paul will continue in his role as Chief Financial Officer and as an Executive Director of the Company to ensure an orderly transition. His departure date will be announced in due course.
For further information, please contact:
IG Group Investor Relations IG Group Press FTI Consulting
Liz Scorer Jon Laycock Edward Berry
020 7573 0727 07 388 440127 020 3727 1046
investors@iggroup.com press@ig.com
About IG
IG empowers informed, decisive, adventurous, people to access opportunities in over 16,000 financial markets. With a strong focus on innovation and technology, the company puts client needs at the heart of everything it does.
IG's vision is to provide the world's best trading experience. Established in 1974 as the world's first financial derivatives firm, it continued leading the way by launching the world's first online and iPhone trading services.
IG is an award-winning, multi-platform trading company which allows retail, professional and institutional clients to trade indices, commodities, currencies, warrants, options and equities 24 hours a day, 6* days a week. IG is the world's No.1 provider of CFDs** and a global leader in forex. It provides leveraged services with the option of limited-risk guarantees and offers an execution-only stock trading service in the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Ireland, Austria and the Netherlands. IG has a range of affordable, fully managed investment portfolios, which provide a comprehensive offering to investors and active traders.
IG is a member of the FTSE 250, with offices across Europe, including a Swiss bank, Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and the US. The Group holds a long-term investment grade credit rating of BBB- with a stable outlook from Fitch Ratings.
*IG operates from 9pm Sunday (GMT) - 10pm Friday (GMT)
**Based on revenue excluding FX (from published financial statements, June 2019)