21 April 2020
The Secretary
Company Announcements Office
The Stock Exchange
LEI: 2138002W9Q21PF751R30
IMI plc - change of venue for the 2020 Annual General Meeting
We plan to proceed with the Annual General Meeting on 7 May 2020 in line with the notice of meeting save that it will be held at our registered office, Lakeside, Birmingham Business Park, B37 7XZ. The meeting will be restricted to formal business with no corporate presentation or refreshments.
In the light of current regulations and health advice from the government, we do not expect individual shareholders to take the risk of attending in person. The Board encourages all shareholders to exercise their vote by appointing the Chairman of the meeting as their proxy and providing voting instructions in advance of the Annual General Meeting, in accordance with the instructions explained in the notice of meeting.
Group Legal Director and Company Secretary