Non-Executive Directors'

IMI PLC 30 August 2000 NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS' CHANGES IN RESPONSIBILITIES IMI plc, the major international engineering group, today announced changes in the responsibilities of its Non-Executive Directors. Consistent with best practice in corporate governance, IMI is separating the Chairmanship of the Board and its non-executive directors' committees. Sir Chips Keswick, IMI's senior independent non-Executive Director has become chairman of the remuneration and nomination committee of the Board and Brian Staples, also an existing independent non-Executive Director, will chair the audit committee of the Board. Sir Eric Pountain, who previously chaired these committees, remains non-Executive Chairman of IMI plc. Enquiries: IMI plc Gary Allen, Chief Executive Tel: 0121 356 4848 Issued by: Shandwick International Ben Padovan Tel: 0207 329 0096


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