Final Results

Impax Group PLC 31 March 2003 31 March 2003 IMPAX GROUP PLC PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT AND OPERATIONAL REVIEW Against the backdrop of exceptionally difficult market conditions we have taken important steps towards implementing the strategy, previously approved by shareholders, of disposing of our oil assets and building a specialised financial services business operating in the environmental infrastructure and technology ('EIT') sector. The underlying drivers for the EIT sector have strengthened during the year. In April 2002, the Renewables Obligation was introduced, setting targets for renewable energy usage in 2010 and providing a financial incentive framework to achieve it. In February 2003, the Energy White Paper reaffirmed these targets for renewable energy production in the UK and introduced new goals for 2020. In the waste sector, the Chancellor of the Exchequer made commitments in November 2002 to increase the UK Landfill Tax by more than 150% over the next ten years, thus strengthening the economic incentives to recycle waste. Results for the Year Our results for the year show an operating loss of £1,083,000 before the exceptional costs associated with the impairment to the value of our Starks Oil Field. The loss is arrived at after charging goodwill amortisation of £283,000, the net loss on our oilfield activities of £32,000 and one-off restructuring costs, following the acquisition in 2001 of the finance business, totalling £179,000. The Impax finance business acquired last year was expected to be loss-making until sufficient funds under management provided the necessary foundation of recurring income. As reported elsewhere in this statement, we have made important strides forward with the launch of Impax Environmental Markets plc and the winning of the tender to manage The Recycling Fund. However, falling stock markets and conditions that are not conducive to launching new funds have made our journey towards future profitability both longer and harder. The corporate finance results for the year were also reduced by delays in the closing of corporate finance transactions where we had anticipated significant income in the year. It is little comfort to know that other companies in the asset management and corporate finance arena are experiencing similar difficulties. However, we believe that the EIT sector will continue to strengthen over the coming years and we are confident that the Company is well positioned to secure future growth. Recent developments We were pleased to announce on 25 March 2003 that Impax Asset Management Ltd (' IAM') has been selected to manage The Recycling Fund, a £5m venture capital facility sponsored by the Waste and Resources Action Programme ('WRAP'), the autonomous, government-funded agency, to promote recycling in the UK. The selection of IAM to manage this fund, which is still subject to contract, is an important success for the business. It will utilise and expand our network of contacts in the industry and it reinforces Impax as the leading specialist service provider in this field. After a long period of negotiation, we have also been pleased to announce, earlier today, that we have entered into an agreement for the sale of our interest in the Starks Oil Field in Louisiana to Temsik Investments Ltd. The net proceeds of sale, after costs and including the repayment of inter-company balances, are estimated to amount to US$1,334,000 (£851,000) of which a non-refundable deposit of US$ 100,000 (£64,000) was received today. The buyer has until 30 May 2003 to complete the transaction, which is subject only to additional confirmation of the title to the field. The Directors expect the transaction to complete within the required period with a further payment of $900,000 (£574,000) at that time. The balance of the sales proceeds is due by 30 June 2003. In addition, we will receive a gas production note for a total amount of US$ 300,000, payable at the rate of 10% of future gas sales net of related taxes, with payments commencing six months after completion. This important step marks the Group's exit from operational oil field activities. The net proceeds of the sale will be used to repay indebtedness. The Group retains the non-operational Nukern oil field in California and is exploring its disposal. Corporate Finance Impax Capital Corporation Ltd ('ICC') focuses on the provision of corporate finance advisory services to companies seeking merger, acquisition and project development opportunities in the growing sectors of renewable energy, waste management, recycling and water. As anticipated in my Interim Statement, I am pleased to report an acceleration of corporate interest in the renewable energy sector in the UK and Continental Europe in response to European Directives and new legislation which became effective in the UK during 2002. ICC continues to make good progress developing relationships with a wide spectrum of contacts entering or already active in our markets. In the last year, these relationships have resulted in a number of advisory and consultancy mandates from major participants, upon which future transaction related work and associated success fees are dependent. The revenue outturn for 2002 reflects the fact that a number of success fees anticipated from projects expected to achieve financial close during the year failed to materialise due to planning permission issues, project delays or other matters outside our control. As a consequence, no significant success fees were recorded during the period. We continue to seek shorter cycle merger and acquisition mandates to supplement longer lead time project related assignments and are confident of an increasing flow of opportunities as consolidation accelerates across the EIT sector. Asset Management During the year, IAM extended its activities within the EIT sector and now manages or advises funds totalling over £50m. The major highlight of the year was the launch on 22 February 2002 of Impax Environmental Markets plc ('IEM'), an investment trust investing predominantly in quoted companies, for which IAM is the investment manager. IEM has over 40 UK-based institutional shareholders. IEM builds on IAM's experience, supporting the launch of and providing investment advice to two similar funds: the Alm. Brand Invest 6 Environmental Technology Fund, which is quoted on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, and the ASN Milieufonds Fund, which is quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. IAM's relationship with these funds continued during the year. IEM performed relatively well against its investment peer groups but the weakness of global equity markets in general and environmental markets in particular has reduced the net asset value of the fund from 98.25p at launch to a recent range of 44p to 50p. This market weakness has similarly affected our two European advisory funds. In each case our fee income is directly related to the value of funds under management. IAM has also continued to build its experience in private equity. The US$25 million facility which we manage for the International Finance Corporation is now over 85% committed to unquoted companies in India, Kenya and Morocco operating in the solar electricity industry and has been widely acknowledged as pioneering the flow of capital into the significant market for off-grid power in developing countries. The winning of the tender to be designated manager of The Recycling Fund is another significant step forward for IAM. Oil Interests The disposal of the Starks Oil Field is to be achieved through the sale of Impax US Holdings Inc following a restructuring of our US activities. The results from the Starks Field for the twelve months are shown in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account as part of the Operating Loss for the period. An impairment provision against the carrying value of the field, reflecting the actual value anticipated to be recovered upon conclusion of disposal, is shown separately as an exceptional item. We retain the Nukern Oil Field in California and our focus now is on the disposal of this asset. Nukern has not operated for some years but we continue to maintain the field so as to satisfy regulatory and environmental requirements. The disposal of Nukern will complete our exit from the oil business, a necessary step planned to allow the repayment of our loan facilities and to provide further cash to support the development of our specialist financial services business. Board Changes Both Colin Weaver and Anthony Carroll retired from the Board during the year, in Anthony's case following a period of ill health. We wish them both well and thank them for their contributions to the Group over many years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our small team of professional staff for their commitment and contribution to the Group throughout the year. Outlook Since the year-end, stock markets have fallen further with the consequent impact on our fund management income. However, the management contract for The Recycling Fund should bring a new source of recurring income and I am also pleased to report an improvement in our corporate finance income arising from a noticeably increased level of activity of the major participants in the renewable energy markets. Stuart Bickerstaff Chairman 31 March 2003 IMPAX GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Year ended 30 September 2002 2002 2001 Note £ £ TURNOVER Continuing operations 1,416,080 882,703 Acquisitions - 585,034 2 1,416,080 1,467,737 OPERATING EXPENSES Continuing operations (2,499,011) (1,007,274) Acquisitions - (855,248) Impairment in value of assets (2,631,434) - (5,130,445) (1,862,522) OPERATING LOSS Continuing operations (1,082,931) (124,571) Acquisitions - (270,214) Impairment in value of assets 3 (2,631,434) - 2 (3,714,365) 394,785 Impairment in value of investments (215,330) - Interest receivable and similar income 11,427 49,196 Interest payable (7,140) (20,114) LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION (3,925,408) (365,703) Tax on loss on ordinary activities 4 - (741) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (3,925,408) (366,444) LOSS PER SHARE 7 Basic (11.06)p (1.46)p Fully diluted (10.29)p (1.44)p Adjusted (2.24)p (1.18)p CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Year ended 30 September 2002 2002 2001 £ £ Loss for financial year (3,925,408) (366,444) Currency translation differences (420,830) 12,576 Total recognised gains and losses for the year (4,346,238) (353,868) IMPAX GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 30 September 2002 2002 2001 £ £ FIXED ASSETS Intangible fixed assets 2,476,909 2,762,955 Tangible fixed assets 5,085,736 8,256,130 Investments - 215,330 7,562,645 11,234,415 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 329,626 360,105 Cash at bank and in hand 380,311 1,038,008 709,937 1,398,113 CREDITORS - amounts falling due (1,152,267) (478,263) within one year NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS (442,330) 919,850 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 7,120,315 12,154,265 CREDITORS - amounts falling due after more than one year - (677,874) 7,120,315 11,476,391 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 8,871,441 8,871,441 Share premium 687,472 697,310 Merger reserve 2,197,944 2,197,944 Exchange equalisation reserve (182,653) 238,177 Profit and loss account (4,453,889) (528,481) EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 7,120,315 11,476,391 IMPAX GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOW STATEMENT Year ended 30 September 2002 Note 2002 2001 £ £ NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM 8 (820,027) (503,723) OPERATING ACTIVITIES Returns on investments and servicing of finance 9 4,287 29,082 Tax paid - - Capital expenditure and financial investment 9 (298,735) (1,285,572) Management of liquid resources 9 (144,128) - Acquisition 9 - 175,385 NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE FINANCING (1,258,603) (1,584,828) Financing 9 573,257 2,381,931 (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH 10 (685,346) 797,103 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASHFLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT (Decrease)/Increase in cash in year (685,346) 797,103 Cash outflow/(inflow) from increase in net debt (429,129) 2,016,860 Changes in net debt resulting from cashflows (1,114,475) 2,813,963 Non cash transactions 640,570 - Loan settled on acquisition of subsidiary - (500,000) Translation differences (79,175) (3,337) Movement in net debt in the year (553,080) 2,310,626 Net debt at 1 October 360,134 (1,950,492) Net debt at 30 September (192,946) 360,134 IMPAX GROUP PLC NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 1 Nature of the financial information The financial information set out above does not constitute full accounts for the purposes of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information has been extracted from the Company's accounts for the year ended 30 September 2002 on which the auditors, MRI Moores Rowland, have given an unqualified opinion. The auditors in their report refer to the matters described in the paragraph below. Going Concern The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis, on the grounds that the Group is able to secure future financing in order to meet its working capital requirements. As described in this announcement, the Group has agreed to dispose of its interest in the Starks Oil Field. The net proceeds of the sale are estimated to be US$1,334,000 (£851,000), of which US$100,000 (£64,000) has been received as a non-refundable deposit. If the sale does not complete, and the Group is not able to secure alternative sources of financing, the Directors recognise that there would then be uncertainty as to the Group's ability to continue to trade. If the Group were unable to meet its working capital requirements, adjustments would have to be made to reduce the balance sheet value of assets to their recoverable amounts and to provide for further liabilities that might arise. 2 Turnover, operating loss and net assets Turnover relates solely to the principal activities of the Group. Turnover 2002 2001 Analysis by class of business and geographical £ £ market European Markets Corporate finance advisory and asset 827,582 585,034 management services US Markets Oil & gas activities 588,498 882,703 1,416,080 1,467,737 Operating loss Net assets 2002 2001 2002 2001 £ £ £ £ Analysis by class of business and geographical market European Markets Asset management & corporate finance advisory (527,531) (199,630) 256,110 248,584 Holding company costs (241,250) (238,888) 1,617,429 5,395,687 Goodwill amortisation (282,604) (70,584) - - US Markets Oil and gas activities (31,546) 114,317 5,249,563 5,790,214 Impairment provisions (2,631,434) - (2,787) 41,906 (3,714,365) (394,785) 7,120,315 11,476,391 3 Exceptional Items 2002 2001 £ £ Impairment in value of Starks Oil Field 2,631,434 - ======= ======= Impairment in value of unlisted investments 215,330 - ======= ======= As described in the Chairman's Statement, the Group has agreed to dispose of CSV Holdings Inc which owns the Starks Oil Field for expected net proceeds of US$1,334,000 (£851,000). The net asset value of CSV Holdings Inc at 30 September 2002 was £3,468,269 and, accordingly, a provision of £2,631,434 has been made, using exchange rates ruling at 30 September 2002, to reflect the estimated net proceeds of disposal. The unlisted investments relate to minority interests in US corporations acquired in previous years as part of corporate finance transactions. The Directors believe that in the current economic climate it is prudent to reduce the carrying value of these investments to nil. 4 Tax on loss on ordinary activities 2001 2000 £ £ UK corporation tax re prior year - 741 - 741 No liability to current year UK corporation tax arises on the results for the year. The Group has tax losses of £2,382,612 (2000: £1,851,358) available for offset against future taxable profits in the UK. 5 Foreign currencies The results of subsidiary undertakings reporting in foreign currencies are translated at the average rate ruling in the accounting period (US$1.46: £1; 2001: US$1.44: £1) and the assets and liabilities at the rate ruling at the balance sheet date (US$1.56: £1; 2001: US$1.48: £1). 6 Dividends No dividend is proposed. 7 Loss per share The calculation of loss per share is based on the loss for the year of £3,925,408 and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 35,485,764 (2001: Loss of £366,444, shares in issue 25,074,065). The calculation of diluted loss per share is based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding adjusted by the dilutive share options. These adjustments give rise to an increase in the weighted average number of shares outstanding to 38,145,858 (2001: 25,496,197). In order to show results from operating activities on a comparable basis, an adjusted loss per share has been calculated which excludes goodwill amortisation of £282,604 (2001: £70,584) and exceptional items of £2,856,764 (2001: £ nil) from the result for the year. 8 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities 2002 2001 £ £ Operating loss (3,714,365) (394,785) Impairment provisions 2,631,434 - Depreciation and depletion charges 154,153 163,960 Amortisation charge 290,104 76,418 (Increase) in debtors (135,600) (84,765) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (45,753) (264,551) Net cash outflow from operating activities (820,027) (503,723) 9 Analysis of changes in cashflows during the year 2002 2001 £ £ Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 11,427 49,196 Interest paid (7,140) (20,114) 4,287 29,082 Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (298,735) (1,026,616) Capitalised acquisition costs - (258,956) (298,735) (1,285,572) Management of liquid resources Cash held on deposit to support oil activities 144,128 - Acquisition Cash acquired on acquisition - 175,385 Financing Ordinary share capital issued - 4,715,000 Share issue costs - (316,209) Other loans - (500,000) Repayment of bank loan - (1,516,860) Increase in working capital loan 573,257 - 573,257 2,381,931 10 Analysis of changes in net funds 1 October Cash Flow Non-cash Translation 30 September 2001 Transaction Difference 2002 £ £ £ £ £ Cash at bank and in hand 1,038,008 (685,346) - (116,479) 236,183 Cash on deposit - 144,128 - - 144,128 Debt due within one year - (573,257) - - (573,257) Debt due after one year (677,874) - 640,570 37,304 - 360,134 (1,114,475) 640,570 (79,175) (192,946) The movement in debt due after one year relates to the Production Note payable against future profits of the Starks Oil Field. The impairment in the value of the field is balanced by the elimination of this future liability. Copies of the report and accounts of the Company for the year ended 30 September 2002 are available on the Company's web site and may be collected from the Registered Office. Copies are being sent to shareholders. Registered Office: Broughton House 6-8 Sackville Street London W1S 3DG For further information please contact: Nigel Taunt, Group Finance Director 020 7434 1122 Impax Group plc John Webb 020 7490 3788 Marshall Securities Limited This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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