Placing and Open Offer

Impax Group PLC 20 August 2003 PRESS RELEASE 20 August 2003 For immediate release Impax Group plc Placing and Open Offer of Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock, Capital Re-organisation and amendment of Articles of Association - Placing and Open Offer of £2,534,697 nominal of 5.5 per cent. Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2009 to raise £2.31 million net of expenses - Rising equity markets have improved revenues from asset management and The Recycling Fund has added a new stream of income from 1 July 2003 - Corporate finance income in the three months ended 30 June 2003 was the highest since the quarter ended September 2001 Commenting, Stuart Bickerstaff, Non-Executive Chairman of Impax, said: 'Following a difficult period for the financial services sector, we believe that the fundamentals for expansion and development of financial services in the environmental infrastructure and technology sector are in place. Rising equity markets since the end of March 2003 have improved our asset management revenues and the launch of The Recycling Fund will have a significant positive effect on the final quarter. Corporate finance fee income has also grown and quarterly income for the period to 30 June 2003 was the highest since 2001. The fund raising will provide the Group with the financial base to take advantage of the opportunities in the sector.' Impax Group plc 020 7434 1122 Nigel Taunt Melville Haggard Marshall Securities Limited (Nominated adviser) 020 7490 3788 Robert Luetchford / Ian Tibbs 20 August 2003 Impax Group plc Placing and Open Offer, Capital Re-organisation and amendment of Articles of Association Impax Group plc ('Impax' or 'the Company') announces that it proposes to raise approximately £2.31 million, net of expenses, through a placing of £2.53 million nominal of 5.5 per cent. Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2009 ('the Stock') at par. The Placing, which is subject to the right of Eligible Shareholders to apply for Stock pursuant to the Open Offer, is to provide funds for the restructuring of the Group's finances, the development of the Group and for working capital. The Open Offer will be made by Marshall Securities Limited as agent of the Company on the basis of £1 nominal of Stock for every 14 Ordinary Shares held at the close of business on 13 August 2003. Payment under the Open Offer is due by 3.00 p.m. on 12 September 2003. The Stock will be issued at par and will carry a coupon of 5.5 per cent. per annum, payable by equal half-yearly instalments. The Stock will be listed and will be convertible at the rate of 22 Ordinary Shares for each £1 nominal of Stock, an effective price of approximately 4.55p per Ordinary Share. On a winding up the Stock will be entitled to repayment before any distribution is made to holders of Ordinary Shares. The Stock will be unsecured and will be repayable on 31 March 2009, if not previously redeemed or purchased or converted. In the absence of any further issues of Ordinary Shares, the Ordinary Shares which would fall to be issued on full conversion of the Stock would represent 61.1 per cent. of the enlarged Ordinary Share capital. The Company is also proposing to effect a Capital Re-organisation in order to accommodate conversion of the Stock. A circular is being despatched to Shareholders today convening an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at the offices of Marshall Securities Limited at Crusader House, 145 - 157 St John Street, London EC1V 4RE at 11.00 a.m. on 15 September 2003. At the Extraordinary General Meeting a resolution will be proposed to enable the Placing and Open Offer to proceed and to amend the borrowing powers contained in the Company's Articles of Association. If the resolution is not passed the Placing and Open Offer will not proceed and the Company will need to secure forthwith an alternative source of funds in order to continue trading. The Directors believe that any such funds, if available at all, would be on terms which would be less attractive to Shareholders than the Placing and Open Offer. Background to the Placing and Open Offer In June 2001 the Company, which had been involved in the oil business, acquired Impax Capital Corporation Limited, an investment advisory and corporate finance business specialising in the environmental infrastructure and technology ('EIT') sector. The Board is convinced that the opportunities and industry drivers identified at the time of the acquisition continue to exist. In February 2002 the Board announced its intention to sell the Group's oil assets in order to concentrate on development of opportunities in the EIT sector. The sale of the Starks Field was completed on 30 May 2003 and the Board is now preparing to sell the Nukern Field, the Group's remaining oil asset. The business Impax's specialised finance business is organised in two divisions: IAM, the asset management division and ICC, the corporate finance division. Impax Asset Management IAM's original business of providing advice to managers of funds specialising in the EIT sector has, since its acquisition by the Company, been expanded to become a regulated asset management business with a similar focus. IAM manages or advises both funds of listed securities and private equity funds. In the private equity field IAM has a ten year contract with the International Finance Corporation, the private sector lending arm of the World Bank, to manage a US$25m fund to invest in solar electricity companies in India, Kenya and Morocco. In addition, in July 2003 Impax announced the launch of The Recycling Fund, established by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) and managed by IAM. This £5.5 million equity fund is the first in the UK to focus specifically on the recycling sector. IAM also has contracts to act as investment adviser to two funds of listed securities: the Alm Brand Invest #6 Fund, a Danish open-ended investment fund, and ASN Milieufonds, a similar fund in the Netherlands. IAM is the manager of Impax Environmental Markets plc ('IEM'), a closed-ended fund listed on the Official List which was launched in February 2002. IEM invests predominantly in quoted companies which provide, utilise, implement or advise upon technology-based systems, products or services in the EIT sector. IAM is responsible for the Impax ET50 Index, an index of the 50 largest environmental technology stocks. The division employs three professionals (four from September 2003) led by Ian Simm who worked for McKinsey & Co in the Netherlands prior to joining Impax in 1996. IAM's income is derived from investment management fees, advisory fees and performance bonuses. Impax Capital Corporation ICC provides corporate finance advisory services to clients in the EIT sector. Its clients include industrial and financial companies and government agencies. Since becoming part of the Group ICC has focussed primarily on UK corporate clients and has established a growing reputation and expertise in the Renewables Obligations legislation. ICC's multi-disciplinary team of seven professionals has experience across the EIT sector, including debt and equity capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, project finance, civil engineering and government. Melville Haggard is Chairman of ICC. He worked for Lloyds Bank International for nine years and was Head of Special Finance at Bank Tokyo-Mitsubishi in London for ten years before joining Impax in 1999. Nigel Taunt has recently been appointed as Managing Director of ICC. A Chartered Accountant, he has considerable experience of the waste management sector, having spent six years as Finance Director of Kelda's diversified businesses which included Yorkshire Environmental. ICC's income includes fees for assignments on both a time and a success basis together with retainers. In certain cases ICC also receives an equity interest in the entity being created or funded. Interim results Impax's unaudited results for the six months ended 31 March 2003, which were announced on 30 June 2003, showed revenues of £429,000, a 19.5 per cent. increase on the comparable period last year. Both divisions contributed increased revenues. The sale of the Starks Field was completed after the end of the period, marking the end of the Group's involvement in operational oil field activities. The net consideration was US$1,334,000 (£848,000) of which US$1,195,000 (£759,000) was received by way of loan notes. The Group is looking to dispose of the Nukern Field, its remaining oil asset. The Board has concluded that any disposal arrangements are likely to include deferred terms based on long-term production. Accordingly, the Board reviewed the book value of the Nukern Field and adjusted its carrying value to US$4,000,000 (£2,541,000). Before the exceptional cost of £1,712,000 resulting from this adjustment the Group incurred an operating loss for the period of £546,000 after charging goodwill of £141,000. The loss before taxation for the period was £2,281,000. At 31 March 2003 the Group's unaudited net assets were £4,828,000. Reasons for the Placing and Open Offer The Board believes that significant progress has been made in the last two years towards creating a specialist financial business focussed on the EIT sector. IAM has been authorised by the Financial Services Authority to carry out investment management business and has supported the launch of IEM and The Recycling Fund. ICC has broadened its already extensive list of clients and contacts in the EIT sector, with particular emphasis on corporate clients based in the UK. The majority of this period has, however, been notable for falling stock markets, particularly in the technology sector, which have created an unfavourable backdrop for investment management and corporate finance businesses. Reduced net asset values in the funds have made it difficult to promote investor interest and have had a direct adverse effect on IAM's revenues. Several corporate projects from which ICC could have expected to derive significant income have been delayed, cancelled or reduced in scale. The disposal of the Group's oil assets has proved more time consuming than anticipated and has tied up financial and personnel resources which were intended to be focussed on development of opportunities in the EIT sector. In planning the disposal of the remaining oil asset, the Nukern Field, the Board has decided that the interests of the Group will be best served by adopting a flexible approach, possibly involving a production based or partnership arrangement. In the meantime, the Group will continue to incur certain expenses connected with maintenance of the field and with the disposal process. The Group has made an encouraging start to the second half of the financial year. Markets and investment management revenues have partially recovered, the Recycling Fund has been launched and ICC has shown strong revenue growth. Over the coming years the Group expects to receive modest but steady inflows of cash under the terms of the disposal of the Starks Field which was completed in May 2003. Despite the difficult external conditions Impax has continued to invest in the development of IAM and ICC in order to maintain and improve its market position. To fund this investment short term loans were arranged with PMIB Limited, the parent company of Marshall Securities Limited, the Company's nominated adviser. The Board intended these loans to be repaid from the disposal proceeds of the oil assets. However, the structure of the disposal of the Starks Field and the Board's strategy regarding the disposal of the Nukern Field mean that this is not a realistic option in the short term. The Board believes that a more formal and permanent funding structure for the Group should be established and that Shareholders should have the opportunity to maintain or, potentially, increase their participation in the Company. The Placing and Open Offer is designed to accomplish these objectives. Details of the Placing and Open Offer Marshall Securities Limited, as agent for the Company, has conditionally placed £2,534,697 nominal of 5.5 per cent. Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2009 at par with investors, subject to the right of Eligible Shareholders to apply for such Stock pursuant to the Open Offer. Eligible Shareholders are being invited to apply under the Open Offer for the Stock at par (payable in full on application and free of all expenses) on the following basis: £1 nominal of 5.5 per cent. Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2009 for every 14 Existing Ordinary Shares held at the Record Date and so in proportion for any other number of Existing Ordinary Shares then held. Fractions of £1 nominal of Stock will not be offered to Eligible Shareholders but will be aggregated and placed pursuant to the Placing for the benefit of the Company. Eligible Shareholders may apply for any amount of Stock (in multiples of £1) up to their maximum entitlement as set out in their Application Form and valid applications up to such amount will be satisfied in full. Eligible Shareholders may also apply for Stock in excess of their pro rata entitlements, although if the aggregate amount of Stock applied for under the Open Offer (including excess applications) exceeds £1,645,443, excess applications will be scaled back pro rata to the pro rata entitlements of the excess applicants. Stuart Bickerstaff, Melville Haggard, Ian Simm and Neville Brown have agreed to subscribe for £64,195 nominal of Stock in aggregate pursuant to the Open Offer. Mallin AS, of which Geirr Frostmann is the investment manager, has undertaken to apply for its entitlement of £84,059 nominal of Stock in the Open Offer. Nigel Taunt has agreed to subscribe for £10,000 nominal of Stock pursuant to the Placing. Certain other shareholders have undertaken either to apply for or not to apply for their entitlements so that in aggregate £889,254 nominal of Stock has been placed firm. The Placing and Open Offer are conditional on the Placing and Open Offer Agreement becoming unconditional in all respects and not having been terminated and on Admission occurring on 16 September 2003 or by such later date, not later than 30 September 2003, as the Company and Marshall Securities Limited may agree. It is expected that trading in the Stock on AIM will commence on 16 September 2003. Particulars of the Stock The Stock will be constituted by a Trust Deed. Interest will be payable on 31 March and 30 September of each year, with the first payment being made on 31 March 2004 in respect of the period from Admission to that date. The Stock will be convertible in whole or in part into New Ordinary Shares at the option of the holder during the months of February and July in any of the years 2004, 2005 and 2006 at the rate of 22 New Ordinary Shares for each £1 nominal of the Stock. This is equivalent to a conversion price of approximately 4.55p per New Ordinary Share. The conversion rate is subject to adjustment in certain circumstances. The Ordinary Shares issued upon conversion of the Stock will entitle the holder to receive (a) in the case of Ordinary Shares allotted on a February conversion date, all dividends and all other distributions declared, paid or made on the Ordinary Shares in or in respect of the financial year of the Company in which the relevant February conversion date falls, other than dividends in respect of any earlier financial period and shall rank pari passu in all other respects and form one class with the Ordinary Shares in issue on the relevant February conversion date and (b) in the case of Ordinary Shares allotted on a July conversion date, all dividends and all other distributions declared, paid or made on the Ordinary Shares by reference to record dates falling after the relevant July conversion date and shall rank pari passu in all other respects and form one class with the Ordinary Shares in issue on the relevant July conversion date. Interest on Stock converted will cease to accrue after the interest payment date last preceding the relevant February or, as the case may be, July conversion date. Subject to certain limitations, the Company may purchase Stock in the market or by private treaty. If not previously converted or redeemed or purchased by the Company, the Stock will be repaid at par with accrued interest on 31 March 2009. Current trading and prospects The rising equity markets since the end of March 2003 have improved revenues for the Group's asset management business for the third quarter and the launch of The Recycling Fund will have a significant positive effect on the final quarter. Corporate finance fee income in the third quarter was the highest since the quarter ended September 2001. The Directors believe that the fundamentals for expansion and development of financial services in the EIT sector remain good. Use of net proceeds of the Placing and Open Offer The net proceeds of the Placing and Open Offer, which are estimated to amount to approximately £2.31 million, will be used to repay indebtedness of £1.34 million, to develop the activities of Impax and to provide the Group with additional working capital. The majority of such indebtedness constitutes sums advanced to the Company by PMIB Limited, Marshall Securities Limited's parent company. Borrowings Under its Articles of Association the Company's borrowing powers are limited to an amount equal to three times its Adjusted Capital and Reserves (as defined in the Articles of Association). The resolution to be put to the Extraordinary General Meeting provides for the increase of the borrowing powers of the Company to an amount equal to £1 million (or an amount equal to three times the Company's Adjusted Capital and Reserves, if greater) and an amount equal to the nominal amount of the Stock outstanding from time to time. Capital Re-organisation The effective issue price of each New Ordinary Share to be issued on conversion of Stock is approximately 4.55p which is below the 25p nominal value of an Ordinary Share. Ordinary Shares may not be issued below their nominal value. Accordingly, it is proposed to sub-divide each issued existing Ordinary Share of 25p into one new Ordinary Share of 1p and one Deferred Share of 24p. The rights attaching to the Deferred Shares will be minimal so that the equity value of the Company will effectively be attributed entirely to the new Ordinary Shares. It is also proposed to sub-divide each of the 15,374,236 unissued existing Ordinary Shares into 25 new Ordinary Shares of 1p and immediately to cancel 271,500,000 of such new Ordinary Shares thereby reducing the authorised capital of the Company to £10 million. This will leave an authorised but unissued share capital of £1,128,559 which is sufficient to accommodate conversion of the Stock and exercise of any options which may be granted pursuant to the Share Option Schemes and which is sufficient but not excessive having regard to the customary level of authority granted to directors to allot shares for other purposes. In due course, which is likely to be following the disposal of the Nukern Field, the Directors intend to effect a reconstruction of the Company's share capital in order to establish distributable reserves to enable the Company to pay dividends. It is intended that the Deferred Shares will be cancelled as part of any such capital reconstruction. Extraordinary General Meeting An Extraordinary General Meeting has been convened for 11.00 a.m. on 15 September 2003. At the meeting a special resolution will be proposed to effect the Capital Re-organisation, to authorise the Directors (in accordance with section 80 of the Act) to allot the Stock pursuant to the Placing and Open Offer and to disapply the pre-emption provisions contained in section 89(1) of the Act in connection with such allotment of the Stock and to increase the borrowing powers of the Company. EXPECTED TIMETABLE Record date close of business on 13 August 2003 Last time and date for splitting Application Forms (bona fide market claims only where shareholders have sold part of their shareholding 3.00 p.m. 10 September 2003 prior to the ex entitlement date) Last time and date for receipt 3.00 p.m. 12 September 2003 of Application Forms and payment in full Last time and date for receipt 11.00 a.m. 13 September 2003 of Forms of Proxy Extraordinary General Meeting 11.00 a.m. 15 September 2003 of the Company Dealings to commence in the Stock 16 September 2003 CREST Member Accounts credited 16 September 2003 Stock certificates despatched 22 September 2003 Further details of the Placing and Open Offer, including the procedures for application and payment, are set out in the circular and in the Application Form being sent to shareholders. Marshall Securities Limited, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Impax Group plc in connection with the Placing and Open Offer. Marshall Securities Limited is not acting for, and will not be responsible to, any other person for providing the protections afforded to clients of Marshall Securities Limited or for advising any such person on the contents of this document or any transaction or arrangement referred to herein. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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