Half-yearly report

IMPAX ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETS PLC Half-yearly Financial Report FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2008 TO 30 JUNE 2008 HALF-YEARLY MANAGEMENT REPORT AND CHAIRMAN'S REVIEW Although the first half of 2008 has been challenging for equity markets, Impax Environmental Markets plc ("IEM" or "the Company") has performed well compared with relevant indices. Against a backdrop of considerable uncertainty in the wider economy, we have been encouraged that environmental issues have remained high on the political agenda and that growth in the markets to which the Company is exposed has continued. Over the six months period from 1 January until 30 June 2008, the Company's diluted net asset value ("NAV") decreased from 128.3p to 123.7p, an overall decline of 3.6%, while the share price fell 2.2%, from 128.9p to 126.0p. Over the same period, the MSCI World Index (priced in Pounds Sterling) declined by 12.1%. The warrants in the Company that were issued in December 2005 were priced at 45.0p at the start of 2008 and 40.8p at the end of June. Demand for the Company's shares has remained robust, trading at an average 0.9% premium to NAV during the period and, under its general authority, the Company issued 2 million new ordinary shares. In addition, a further 659,168 ordinary shares were issued as a result of the exercise of warrants on 16 June 2008. Political and economic support for environmental markets has continued to build. Over the past few months, UN climate change talks have made significant progress, and delegates are now aiming to finalise new international policy by December 2009. Last month, the G8 committed to 'consider and adopt' a goal of 50% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050. This commitment was weakened by the lack of a baseline date on which to measure reductions, but nevertheless represents a move in the right direction. This goal is considered more achievable given the forthcoming change of President in the United States where both candidates have stated policy objectives on the environment in general and climate change in particular that are significantly more positive than those of the current administration. Meanwhile, incentives for improving energy efficiency in industrial sectors and adopting alternatives to fossil fuels have continued to increase as the price of oil has risen. As a result of the introduction of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Act") a number of changes to the Company's Articles of Association ("Articles") are proposed. A circular on the subject accompanies this report and shareholder approval will be sought for the adoption of revised Articles at a General Meeting to be held on 30 September 2008. The proposed changes to the Articles are solely in response to the implementation of the Act and other changes in the law and practice applicable to the Company since it was formed in 2002. Equity markets have continued to be volatile since the end of the period under review and, as at 22 August 2008, the MSCI World Index had risen 2.4% since 1 July 2008 and is now down 10.0% in the year to date. The diluted NAV of IEM had increased 2.0% to 126.2p while the share price had retreated 4.7% to 120.1p and now stands at a small discount to NAV. Looking ahead, the Directors believe that uncertainty in global equity markets will continue but that, with strong fundamentals, IEM shares continue to offer an attractive opportunity for investors seeking exposure to the long term growth potential inherent in environmental markets. Richard Bernays 28 August 2008 MANAGER'S REPORT Despite the decline in the Company's NAV in the first half, we believe that IEM has performed relatively well in falling markets. The Company has benefited from rising commodity prices and strong spending in utility, energy, infrastructure and industrial sectors, as well a renewed spate of merger and acquisition activity. The principal challenges have been ongoing weakness in housing and construction markets in Europe and North America, which has tended to slow the pace of investment in certain energy efficiency measures and in related water infrastructure. Investment Approach & Portfolio Structure The Company's investment universe continues to expand and now consists of in excess of 750 companies with a combined market capitalisation of over US$ 450 billion. Not withstanding weak markets, there have been a number of initial public offerings ("IPOs") in the environmental sector, notably EDP Renovaveis (wind farm utility, Portugal), which has a market capitalization of ca. ¤ 9 billion, making it the seventh largest company in the universe. We began the year with 87 companies in the portfolio (excluding unlisted investments). Subsequently, 2 of our holdings were taken over, we made 4 new investments (including one IPO participation), and sold out of 2 stocks, leaving 87 listed companies in the portfolio on 30 June 2008, plus 7 "late stage" unlisted investments, of which 2 were new during the period. The principal changes in the portfolio structure were firstly an increase in the exposure to the Rest of the World (principally Asia) to 11% and a decrease in the holdings in unprofitable companies to 5%. The Impax investment approach continues to include an ongoing review of emerging themes in environmental markets and a detailed bottom-up analysis of companies positioned to benefit from these developments. The emphasis remains on companies active in growth markets with profitable business models, strong management teams and attractive valuations. Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency A number of important new policies and regulations were adopted or advanced during the period. The European Commission confirmed a proposal for securing 20% of overall EU energy requirements from renewable sources by 2020. In January 2008, the Commission presented its country specific targets for achieving this goal as well as a raft of other recommendations, particularly a 20% greenhouse gas reduction target, and a 20% increase in energy efficiency - both to be achieved by 2020. Meanwhile in the US, President Bush signed into law the Energy Independence and Security Act, with an aggressive national ethanol mandate of 9 billion gallons entering into force at the beginning of 2008, rising to 36 billion gallons by 2022. We have continued to find more interesting opportunities in the wind sector than in solar. In solar, we have seen considerable regulatory uncertainty first in the German market (now resolved), and the Spanish market (still pending resolution) which has led to reduced visibility of demand, margin uncertainty and share price volatility. Meanwhile, the more geographically diverse wind markets have remained strong with the principal turbine manufacturers (Vestas and Gamesa) showing strong growth and margins. Other positive developments have included the increased competitiveness of natural gas engines due to the widening price spread between natural gas and gasoline. This has led to rapid growth in business for both Fuel Systems Solutions (US) and Westport Innovations (Canada). Also, in May, IEM holding Chloride Group (uninterruptible power supplies, UK) was the subject of a takeover bid by Emerson Electric which led to a re-rating of its share price. Meanwhile, companies offering energy efficiency products for buildings such as Kingspan (insulation, Ireland) and Nibe Industries (ground source heat pumps, Sweden) have struggled in the face of a continued slowdown in the housing and construction sectors. Water Treatment and Pollution Control Several countries experienced water scarcity and pollution issues first during the first half of 2008. The Spanish government introduced measures to relieve the impact of the driest winter in memory, including diverting water between regions to ensure supplies to 2.5 million people in the southeast. Meanwhile, as Australia tried to recover from the worst drought on record, the government announced that US$ 12 billion will be spent over ten years to improve water efficiency and productivity. There have been a number of developments in China in advance of the Beijing Olympic Games including a cut in sulphur dioxide emissions by 6% in 2008 and an upgrade of wastewater treatment capacity by 12 million tones per annum. In January, a report from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that US$ 200 billion of capital investment is needed in the US to control wastewater pollution and meet the objectives of the Clean Water Act. The findings represent an 8.6% increase on previous estimates reflecting population growth, higher water quality standards and ageing infrastructure. Separately, the UK government announced plans for an independent review into domestic water charging, which could lead to compulsory meters in areas of 'serious water stress' by 2030. The major positive contributors to performance during the period included Polypore International (filtration and separation technologies, US) and Whatman Plc (filtration products, UK) which was acquired by General Electric in April. In contrast, Horiba (testing and monitoring, Japan) has had a disappointing start to the year due to its exposure to weakening semiconductor and automotive markets. Waste Technologies and Resource Management New legislation in the waste sector continues to promote diversion from landfill, producer responsibility and recycling. In the UK, the government announced that spending for recycling and incineration to meet EU Landfill Directive requirements would rise to £ 700 million in 2010/11. In April, landfill tax in the UK increased by £ 8 per tonne in line with the escalator proposed in 2007. Meanwhile the European Parliament completed a significant revision of EU waste management rules including more ambitious goals to divert biodegradable waste from landfill. The proposed changes include adopting the first ever EU-wide recycling target of 50% household waste, and 70% of all waste from construction and demolition activity by 2020. Producer responsibility gained ground in the US over the period. New York City adopted an electronic waste ("e-waste") recycling standards bill requiring manufacturers to collect 25% by 2012, rising to 65% by 2018, or face financial penalties. Nine states now have similar legislation, and pressure is mounting at the Federal level to tackle the growing issue of e-waste disposal. The metals recycling sector has also seen strong growth during the period driven by rising commodity prices, recycling legislation and sector consolidation. The Company's two investments in this area have both performed well. Following its merger with Metal Management (US), Sims Group (Australia) has started to benefit from an increased market share in the global scrap market while Metalico Inc (metals recycler, US) has seen good performance in its recently acquired platinum recycling business, where pricing has been very strong. However a number of larger waste companies have uncomfortably high levels of debt, which has presented a challenge as they seek to refinance in the face of rising interest rates; both Transpacific Industries (Australia) and Séché Environnement (France) have experienced such headwinds during the first half of the year. Unquoted Investments The Company's portfolio of unquoted investments has made good progress in the last six months. We made new investments into Emergya Wind Technologies Holdings NV (Euro5m) and Nordic Windpower Limited (£5m) and we added £1.5m into our portfolio company Sterecycle Limited. At 30 June 2008, we held seven investments representing 3 per cent of the IEM portfolio. With challenging market conditions for IPO's, we anticipate several opportunities to deploy more capital into current portfolio companies at attractive valuations. We continue to see strong deal flow and remain on track towards the target of 6 per cent to 7 per cent of the IEM portfolio. Outlook We believe the key drivers of the Company's investment hypothesis, namely market liberalisation, tightening environmental legislation and increased competitiveness of cleaner more efficient technologies continue to deliver earnings growth and generate attractive investment opportunities. In addition, corporate activity in the sector is likely to further enhance returns. Currently, we remain concerned about the risks of further financial instability and the global economic slowdown turning into a recession; both are likely to affect valuations of smaller companies as well as the utility, energy and industrial spending cycles. Nevertheless, we are confident in the long term drivers of environmental markets that counter this effect and underpin superior growth rates. With this backdrop, a diversified portfolio and an attractive portfolio valuation, we continue to be positive on the prospects for the Company. We will continue to post monthly updates on the Company's performance and sector news on www.impax.co.uk. Impax Asset Management Ltd. 28 August 2008 TEN LARGEST HOLDINGS AS AT 30 JUNE 2008 Chloride Group (UK) Chloride is the leading specialist in the power protection marketplace. The company's range of Uninterruptible Power Supplies ("UPS") and software protects mission-critical applications in a variety of sectors worldwide. As these UPS markets continue to grow, Chloride is also gaining market share through a combination of superior technology and an innovative service-oriented product offering. Top line expansion is expected to support annual earnings growth in excess of 20%. In 2007, the company made two acquisitions: AST Electronique Services, a company specializing in third-party maintenance in the UPS service market in France; and Ascor Power Systems, a supplier of critical power protection services in Singapore. The Chloride business remains an attractive acquisition target in a consolidating market. Clean Harbors (United States) Clean Harbors is North America's leading provider of environmental and hazardous waste management services. With an infrastructure of 51 waste management facilities, including nine landfills, six incineration locations, six wastewater treatment centres and two solvent recovery facilities, the company provides services to over 45,000 corporate and public entities. Headquartered in Massachusetts, Clean Harbors has more than 100 locations strategically positioned in 36 US states, six Canadian provinces, Mexico and Puerto Rico. The company continues to look to expand their market share in North America and is well positioned to grow through closure of in-house industrial waste treatment plants that are unable to meet increasingly stringent legislation. Ormat Technologies (Israel / US) Ormat is a leading player in the geothermal power markets, with a dual strategy of owning and operating power plants under its deregulated generation business and also selling geothermal generation equipment to third parties. The company stands to benefit from growth driven by increasing governmental support for renewables, the particular appeal of geothermal for large scale base-load generation and high power prices. With a huge potential resource, a strong pipeline of 444 MW of capacity under development, proven technology and an ability to execute on large projects, we believe Ormat to be an attractive long term asset for the Company. Itron (US) Itron is the leading global solutions provider for the collection, analysis and application of electric, gas and water usage data. The company employs a number of key technologies including automated meter reading ("AMR"), energy management systems and transmission & distribution software. Building on its leading market position in the US (where Itron has won all utility projects announced to date), especially in the electrical segment, Itron acquired Actaris in 2007 for US$1.6 billion, providing a strong foothold in the European markets for the gas and water segments. Following this acquisition, and with penetration rates for AMR still relatively low, Itron is well positioned to achieve further growth. Vestas Wind Systems (Denmark) With a 23% market share in 2007, and cumulative installations of more than 35,000 wind turbines worldwide, Vestas is the world's largest manufacturer of wind turbines. Strong end market demand, together with a change in management, has enabled Vestas to greatly improve its profitability and simultaneously reduce working capital, issues which had previously weighed on the share price. Despite increasing competition from Asian players, as well as GE and Siemens, Vestas is well positioned to benefit from sector growth over the medium term, especially in the multi-megawatt and offshore sector. Sims Group (Australia) Sims Group is a metal recycling company with two primary businesses: metal recycling and recycling solutions. The metal recycling business involves the collection, processing and marketing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Sims operates in the metals recycling markets of Australasia, the east and west coasts of the USA, and the UK. The recycling solutions business involves the e-recycling of information technology equipment and electrical and electronic consumer goods, and has operations in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. In March 2008, the company completed a merger with Metal Management Inc, a service metal recycler in the US, and in April completed an acquisition of Life Cycle Services in the UK. The metal recycling industry is an attractive investment opportunity in the current climate of escalating energy prices, commodity price inflation and scarcity and global environmental concerns. Recycling has become a necessity for industrial growth and stability, for example making aluminium from scrap uses 96% less energy than from virgin materials, with iron and steel from scrap using 74% less. Gamesa Corp (Spain) Gamesa is a leading manufacturer of wind turbines and developer and operator of wind farms. The company is the market leader in Spain, and had a global market share of 15% in 2007. The company benefits from a strong strategic relationship with Iberdrola Renovables. This was strengthened in the first half of 2008 with a new contract announcement, which provides a guaranteed route to market for turbine sales and a larger, good quality portfolio of projects for development. Gamesa has a portfolio of more than 21,000MW of wind power in Europe, America and Asia and is well positioned for expansion in growth markets. Pall Corp (United States) Pall is the largest and most diverse filtration, separations and purifications company in the world. The company's technologies remove solid, liquid and gaseous contaminants from a range of liquids and gases serving the life sciences and industrial sectors. The company has a reputation for targeting high value added niches, for product innovation and aggressive geographical expansion, resulting in high digit sales growth. As with all filtration businesses, Pall has a substantial replacement parts business, which has defensive characteristics in times of economic uncertainty. Regal Beloit (United States) Regal Beloit is a leading US manufacturer of commercial/industrial electric motors, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) motors, electric generators and mechanical motion controls. The company continues to benefit from legislation which is forcing a shift towards higher efficiency HVAC motors. This is an area where Regal Beloit has a strong presence following its acquisition of the GE HVAC businesses. The GE acquisitions also brought in new and ambitious management, and increased economies of scale which has been positive for the company. With increasing emphasis being placed on energy efficiency as a means to combat climate change and with multiple new products in this area, Regal Beloit looks well-placed to grow despite a challenging industrial environment. Polypore International (United States) Polypore is a global high technology filtration company that develops manufactures and markets specialized micro-porous membranes used in separation and filtration processes. The company operates in two segments - energy storage and separations media. The energy storage segment produces membranes that separate the cathode and anode in a variety of battery markets, including lithium-ion, industrial and transportation applications, including for electric vehicles. The separations media segment produces membranes used as the high technology filtration element in various industrial and medical applications, including ultra-pure water filtration. In May 2008, the company completed the acquisition of Yurie-Wide Corporation, a South Korean company, further enhancing their strategic expansion into Asian markets and expanding the lithium-ion portfolio. TOP TEN HOLDINGS IN COMPANIES as at 30 June 2008 All the top ten holdings are of ordinary shares Cost Valuation Percentage of £'000 £'000 Portfolio Chloride Group 4,528 10,276 2.79 Clean Harbors 6,187 9,253 2.51 Ormat Technologies 7,079 9,229 2.51 Itron 5,516 9,203 2.50 Vestas Wind Systems 2,959 8,601 2.34 Sims Group 5,138 8,442 2.29 Gamesa Corp 4,485 8,343 2.27 Pall Corp 6,990 8,232 2.24 Regal Beloit 8,646 8,192 2.23 Polypore International 4,259 7,405 2.01 Top ten holdings 55,787 87,176 23.69 Other holdings 276,050 280,771 76.31 Total holdings 331,837 367,947 100.00 STRUCTURE OF PORTFOLIO as at 30 June 2008 BREAKDOWN BY REGION (country of quotation or in the case of unquoted investments, country of incorporation) 2008 2007 EU & EFTA 46% 49% North America 42% 41% Rest of the World 12% 10% BREAKDOWN BY SECTOR 2008 2007 Energy 42% 42% Water 26% 26% Waste 32% 32% BREAKDOWN BY PROFITABILITY 2008 2007 Profitable 94% 92% Unprofitable (including unquoteds) 6% 8% BREAKDOWN BY MARKET CAPITALISATION 2008 2007 > £1bn 35% 25% £100m-£1bn 58% 66% < £100m 4% 8% Unquoted 3% 1% Note: The comparative figures are as at 30 June 2007. DIRECTORS' STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE HALF-YEARLY REPORT The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: * The condensed set of financial statements contained within the half yearly financial report has been prepared under the guidance issued by the Accounting Standards Board on "Half-yearly financial reports". * The interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. Richard Bernays Chairman INCOME STATEMENT 6 6 months 6 months 6 6 6 months to to months months months to 30 June 30 June to to to 30 June 2008 2008 30 June 30 June 30 June 2008 Capital Total 2007 2007 2007 Revenue Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on - (14,146) (14,146) - 36,964 36,964 investments Income - from 2,645 - 2,645 1,274 - 1,274 investments - bank interest 219 - 219 105 - 105 Investment (438) (1,313) (1,751) (330) (989) (1,319) management fees Other expenses (421) - (421) (405) - (405) Return on ordinary (13,454) 36,619 activities before taxation 2,005 (15,459) 644 35,975 Taxation (272) - (272) (124) - (124) Return on ordinary activities after (13,726) 520 35,975 36,495 taxation 1,733 (15,459) Return per Ordinary Share (see note 8) - Undiluted 0.57p (5.11p) (4.54p) 0.25p 17.62p 17.87p - Diluted 0.57p (5.04p) (4.47p) 0.25p 17.28p 17.53p The total column of the Income Statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All capital and revenue items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required, as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. BALANCE SHEET At 30 June 2008 At 30 June 2007 At 31 Dec £'000 £'000 2007 £'000 Fixed assets Investments at fair 367,947 274,346 381,703 value (see note 3) Current assets Sales for future 852 1,023 1,799 settlement Other debtors 206 239 208 Cash at bank and in 13,615 7,400 12,476 hand 14,673 8,662 14,483 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Purchases for future (916) (799) (2,329) settlement Accrued liabilities (528) (519) (1,145) (1,444) (1,318) (3,474) Net current assets 13,229 7,344 11,009 Total net assets 381,176 281,690 392,712 Capital and reserves: Equity Share capital 30,390 21,741 30,125 Share premium 244,857 147,245 242,024 Share purchase 44,125 44,125 44,125 reserve Capital reserves 59,768 68,005 75,226 Revenue reserve 2,036 574 1,212 Shareholders' funds 381,176 281,690 392,712 Net asset value per share Net asset value per share (see note 4) - Undiluted 125.43p 129.57p 130.36p - - Diluted 123.69p 126.77p 128.25p - Ordinary Share price 126.00p 129.25p 128.88p Ordinary Shares in 303,905,220 217,407,088 301,246,05222 issue Warrants in issue 19,104,153 19,763,321 19,763,321 Warrant price 40.75p 48.00p 45.00p CASH FLOW STATEMENT 6 months 6 months to 30 June 2008 to 30 June 2007 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Cash inflow from investment income 2,877 1,351 and bank interest Cash outflow from management expenses (2,793) (1,761) Cash inflow from disposal of 51,335 39,577 investments Cash outflow from purchase of (52,103) (56,359) investments Cash outflow from net foreign (89) (104) exchange losses Foreign tax paid (278) (124) Net cash flow from operating (1051) (17,420) activities Equity dividends paid (908) (401) Financing Issue of share capital (net of 3,098 21,155 expenses) Net cash flow from financing 3,098 21,155 Increase in cash 1,139 3,334 2008 2007 £'000 £'000 Opening balance 12,476 4,066 Cash inflow 1,139 3,334 Balance at 30 June 13,615 7,400 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENT IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 6 months 6 months Year ended 31 to 30 June 2008 to 30 June Dec 2007 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit for year (13,726) 36,495 44,355 Final dividend (see note 6) (908) (401) (401) Issue of new shares* (see 3,098 21,155 124,317 note 7) Net increase in (11,536) 57,249 168,271 shareholders' funds Opening shareholders' funds 392,712 224,441 224,441 Closing shareholders' funds 381,176 281,690 392,712 * Net of share issue expenses NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1 Accounting standards The Half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with applicable UK accounting standards. 2 Investment company status These financial statements have been presented using UK GAAP. The Company manages its affairs to enable it to qualify as an investment trust for taxation purposes under section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act. The Company therefore presents its accounts in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for Investment Companies. 3 Investments Investments have been classified as "fair value through profit and loss". Securities of companies quoted on regulated stock exchanges are valued by reference to their market bid prices at the period end. Unquoted investments are measured at fair value which is determined by the directors in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital guidelines. Transaction costs incurred on the acquisition and disposal of investments are charged to the Income Statement as a capital item. 4 Net assets per share Undiluted net assets per share figures are based on the net assets of the Company attributable to the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at the end of the period. Diluted net assets per share figures are based on the net assets of the Company plus the amount which would have been subscribed by Warrantholders had all the outstanding warrants been exercised at the end of the period divided by the number of ordinary shares which would have been in issue had all the Warrants been exercised at the end of the period. No adjustment is made if the potential effect of the exercise of Warrants is anti-dilutive. 5 VAT As a result of the developments of a legal test case, VAT on management fees paid in previous years may become recoverable. The Company has not paid any VAT on management fees with effect from October 2007. Since the Company's launch in February 2002, it has suffered £367,000 of unrecovered VAT on management fees. Agreement has not yet been reached on how much will be recovered and therefore no amount in respect of this contingent asset has been recognised in these accounts. 6 Dividend The final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2007 of 0.3p per share was paid on 14 May 2008 (year ended 31 December 2006 dividend of 0.2p per share was paid on 10 May 2007). In accordance with UK accounting standards the dividend has been recognised in the Half-yearly financial accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2008. 7 New share issues On 28 February 2008, an allotment of 1,500,000 Ordinary Shares was made at an issue price of 122.6p per share. On 12 May 2008 a further allotment of 500,000 Ordinary Shares was made at an issue price of 131.0p per shares. These shares were issued under the authority given by shareholders at General Meetings of the Company. In addition to the above, 659,168 Warrants were exercised on 16 June 2008 resulting in the issue of 659,168 Ordinary Shares. The subscription price was 96p per share. The new ordinary shares were admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange on 23 June 2008. The number of Ordinary Shares in issue as at 30 June 2008 was 303,905,220. The number of Warrants in issue as at 30 June 2008 was 19,104,153. 8 Return per share Return per share is based on the net return attributable on ordinary activities after taxation attributable to the weighted average of 302,423,378 (2007: 204,113,779) Ordinary Shares in issue during the period. Diluted return per share is based on the net return attributable on ordinary activities after taxation attributable to the diluted weighted average of 306,760,797 (2007: 208,147,761) Ordinary Shares in issue during the period. The dilution is caused by the warrants in issue during the period. 9 Related party transactions Fees payable to the Manager are shown in the Income Statement. At 30 June 2008 fees were accrued of £296,443 to the Manager. 10 Status of this report These financial statements are not the Company's statutory accounts. They are unaudited. The Half-yearly financial report will be sent to shareholders. Copies will also be made available to the public at the registered office of the Company and on the Manager's website (www.impax.co.uk). The Half-yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 28 August 2008. The Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 received an unqualified audit report and have been filed with the registrar of companies at Companies House. DIRECTORS, MANAGER AND ADVISERS DIRECTORS INVESTMENT MANAGER Richard Bernays (Chairman) Impax Asset Management Limited Dr Robert Arnott Broughton House Charles Berry 6-8 Sackville Street William Brown London W1S 3DG Keith Niven SOLICITOR SECRETARY AND ADMINISTRATOR CMS Cameron McKenna Cavendish Administration Limited Mitre House 145-157 St. John Street 160 Aldersgate Street London EC1V 4RU London EC1A 4DD REGISTRAR CUSTODIAN Capita Registrars The Northern Trust Company The Registry 50 Bank Street 34 Beckenham Road Canary Wharf Beckenham London E14 5NT Kent BR3 4TU AUDITOR BANKER Ernst & Young LLP Lloyds TSB Bank Plc 1 More London Place Moorgate Branch London SE1 2AF 34 Moorgate London EC2R 6PL REGISTERED OFFICE* 145-157 St. John Street London EC1V 4RU * Registered in England and Wales No. 4348393
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