1st Quarter Results

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC 27 May 2004 27 May 2004 InterContinental Hotels Group PLC First Quarter Results to 31 March 2004 Three months to 31 March 2004 31 March 2003 % £m* £m* change pro forma Hotels - Turnover 348 341 2.1% - EBITDA 83 68 22.1% - Operating profit 44 29 51.7% Soft Drinks - Turnover 188 164 14.6% - EBITDA 22 21 4.8% - Operating profit 10 8 25.0% Group - Turnover 536 505 6.1% - EBITDA 105 89 18.0% - Operating profit 54 37 45.9% - Profit before tax 50 25 100.0% Earnings per share (pence) - Basic 8.4p - - Adjusted 5.2p 2.2p 136.4% * EBITDA, operating profit, profit before tax and adjusted earnings per share are stated before exceptional items. Highlights: • Group operating profit for first quarter up by 45.9%; adjusted earnings per share up 136.4% due to lower interest (from significantly reduced debt levels) and a reduced tax rate arising from the expected resolution of prior year tax matters. • Hotels operating profit up 51.7% for the quarter, against weak comparables in 2003: - Americas operating profit up 18% from $50m to $59m, although flat in sterling, driven by underlying RevPAR improvement of 5.5% across the business; the InterContinental brand gained 10.0% in RevPAR - EMEA performance improved from £13m to £16m, up 23.1%, driven by continued success in UK & Ireland, where the O&L Holiday Inn business outperformed the market with underlying RevPAR growth of 17.3% in London and 8.2% in the regions. This was offset by weak Continental European performance. - Asia Pacific operating profit up 42.9% from $7m to $10m, driven by strong performance of the InterContinental Hong Kong - Central overheads down by £10m in the quarter as the anticipated cost savings continue to be delivered • Britvic delivered another strong quarter with operating profit up 25.0% • Continued progress on priorities: - Our focus on driving revenue delivered strong RevPAR growth across the business. We are seeing positive trends in our system delivery, which is up 2.9 %pts year on year at 34.0% of room-nights for the quarter. Direct internet revenue delivery is up 71% year on year. We also launched our new lifestyle brand, Hotel Indigo, in the US. - We remain on target with overhead cost savings and confirm that we expect to continue to manage out inflationary rises, new business costs and exchange rate gains with the result that 2004 total cost in dollar terms will be flat on 2003. - We have returned more than £100m of our £250m initial return of capital. 10.5 million shares were purchased as of March 31 and 20.3 million to date at an average price of 504p. - Asset disposals progressing well: • Since demerger we have completed the sale of £314m of assets (27 hotels) slightly ahead of net book value. • We have signed agreements to dispose of a further 2 hotels with net proceeds of £29m, also at above net book value, and are actively progressing with the disposal of a further 13 hotels with a net book value of around £100m. • In addition, the next tranche of hotel assets with a net book value in excess of £500m will be placed on the market shortly. - Strong operating cashflow of £66m in the quarter. • Expected tax settlements and recognition of deferred tax assets lead to forecast tax credit in 2004: - With the benefit of exceptional tax items, a total net P&L tax credit of approximately 30% expected in 2004; tax charge on ordinary activities of 18% for 2004. - P&L tax charge in next few years likely to be in the mid-high 20%s. - Cash tax rate is expected to be below 20% for 2004 and in the mid 20%s in the next few years. Current Trading We are experiencing an encouraging recovery in both North America and the UK, with April showing continued strong performance across these two areas. We are also seeing tentative signs of the beginning of a recovery in Europe. Trading in Asia Pacific has returned to pre-SARS levels. Growth remains occupancy driven in all regions with early evidence of potential rate recovery in some US markets and London. Commenting on the results, Richard North, Chief Executive, InterContinental Hotels Group PLC said: " We are sharpening our focus on driving revenues in all our hotels and improving our hotel operations performance. We are planning to concentrate our development efforts on countries, such as the US, UK and China, where demographic trends and market characteristics will allow us to grow more successfully our franchise and management business using our well-established brands. We have further strengthened our business in the US through organic brand development (Hotel Indigo), and a selective brand acquisition at a very attractive price (Candlewood Suites). "Whilst we are encouraged by the results this quarter, we continue to concentrate on improving business efficiency in order to unlock more potential and further enhance returns." David Webster, Chairman, InterContinental Hotels Group PLC said: "The management team continue to deliver on the commitments they have made. During our first year as a separate company, we have made good progress against our priorities. We have reorganised the group, strengthened management, cut overheads and lowered capital expenditure. At the same time the process of reducing asset intensity and returning funds to shareholders has begun. Executing the optimum strategy to deliver shareholder value and to meet shareholder expectations remains the Board's priority in the coming months" Appendix 1: Selected RevPAR performance (comparable, year on year change) January February March Quarter 1 April YTD (Jan-Apr) Americas IC O&L -1.0% -1.4% 13.7% 4.1% 15.3% 6.9% CP Brands North 6.1% 1.2% 9.1% 5.7% 7.9% 6.3% America HI Brands North 2.4% 1.8% 8.0% 4.3% 9.1% 5.5% America Express Brands 6.8% 6.1% 9.6% 7.6% 8.5% 7.9% North America EMEA IC O&L -10.2% -5.1% 13.0% -0.3% 23.4% 5.0% HI UK Regions 4.9% 4.4% 14.3% 8.2% -0.2% 6.0% HI UK London 7.5% 12.3% 32.2% 17.3% 38.0% 21.9% For further information, please contact: Gavin Flynn, Investor Relations +44 (0) 1753 410 238 Dee Cayhill, Corporate Affairs +44 (0) 1753 410 423 Teleconference for Analysts and Shareholders A teleconference with Richard North (Chief Executive) and Richard Solomons (Finance Director) will commence at 9.00 am (London time) on 27th May. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. The conference call will conclude at approximately 9.30 am (London time). To join us for this conference call please dial the relevant number below at the appropriate time: International dial-in Tel: +44 (0)1452 562 716 UK dial-in Tel: 0845 245 5000 A recording of the conference call will be available for 7 days. To access this please dial the relevant number below and use the access number 1344892# International dial in Tel: +44 (0)1452 55 00 00 UK dial in Tel: 0845 245 5205 Website The full release and supplementary data will be available on our website from 7.00 am on 27th May. The web address is http://www.ihgplc.com/investors/ announcements.asp Note to Editors: InterContinental Hotels Group PLC of the United Kingdom (LON:IHG, NYSE:IHG (ADRs)) is the world's most global hotel company and the largest by number of rooms. InterContinental Hotels Group owns, manages, leases or franchises, through various subsidiaries, more than 3,500 hotels and 538,000 guest rooms in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world (www.ichotelsgroup.com). The Group owns a portfolio of well recognised and respected hotel brands including InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(R) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn (R) Hotels and Resorts, Holiday Inn Express(R), Staybridge Suites(R), Candlewood Suites(R), and Hotel Indigo(R), and also has a controlling interest in Britvic, the second largest soft drinks manufacturer in the UK. InterContinental Hotels Group offers information and reservations capability on the Internet - www.intercontinental.com for InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, www.crowneplaza.com for Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts, www.holiday-inn.com for Holiday Inn hotels, www.hiexpress.com for Holiday Inn Express hotels, www.staybridge.com for Staybridge Suites by Holiday Inn hotels, and www.candlewoodsuites.com for Candlewood Suites, and for the Group's rewards programme, www.priorityclub.com. For the latest news from InterContinental Hotels Group, visit our online Press Office at www.pressoffice.ihgplc.com. INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PLC UNAUDITED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the three months ended 31 March 2004 Pro forma* Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 3 months 3 months 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec £m £m £m Turnover (note 3) 536 505 2,161 Cost of sales (427) (406) (1,659) _____ _____ _____ Gross profit 109 99 502 Administrative expenses (55) (62) (219) _____ _____ _____ Operating profit before exceptional items (note 4) 54 37 283 Operating exceptional item (note 4) (4) - - _____ _____ _____ Operating profit (note 4) 50 37 283 Profit on disposal of fixed assets 4 - - _____ _____ _____ Profit on ordinary activities before interest 54 37 283 Net interest payable & similar charges (4) (12) (39) _____ _____ _____ Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 50 25 244 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (note 8) (9) (6) (61) Exceptional tax (note 8) 24 - - _____ _____ _____ Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 65 19 183 Minority equity interests (3) (3) (30) _____ _____ _____ Earnings available for shareholders 62 16 153 ===== ===== ===== Earnings per ordinary share (note 9): Pro forma - 2.2p 20.8p Basic 8.4p - - Diluted 8.3p - - Adjusted 5.2p - - ===== ====== ====== * See note 1. INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PLC UNAUDITED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the three months ended 31 March 2004 Pro forma* Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 3 months 3 months 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec £m £m £m Operating profit before exceptional items 54 37 283 Depreciation and amortisation 51 52 198 _____ _____ _____ Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation and exceptional items 105 89 481 Other non-cash items 1 (1) (2) Increase in stocks - (1) (2) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (6) 25 (19) Increase in creditors 5 8 61 Provisions expended (2) (1) (8) _____ _____ _____ Operating activities before expenditure relating to exceptional items 103 119 511 Cost of fundamental reorganisation (7) - - _____ _____ _____ Operating activities 96 119 511 Capital expenditure - Hotels (28) (72) (299) Disposal proceeds - Hotels 19 2 254 Capital expenditure - Soft Drinks (21) (15) (55) _____ _____ _____ Operating cash flow (note 10) 66 34 411 ===== ===== ===== * See note 1. INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PLC UNAUDITED RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENT IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS For the three months ended 31 March 2004 2004 3 months ended 31 Mar £m Earnings available for shareholders 62 Exchange movement on foreign currency denominated net assets, borrowings and currency swaps (87) Issue of ordinary shares 2 Purchase of own shares (52) Movement in shares in ESOP trusts 1 Goodwill - exchange movements 71 _____ Net movement in shareholders' funds (3) Opening shareholders' funds 2,554 _____ Closing shareholders' funds 2,551 ===== INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PLC GROUP BALANCE SHEET 31 March 2004 Restated* Unaudited Pro forma** Audited 2004 2003 2003 31 March 31 March 31 December £m £m £m Intangible assets 153 160 158 Tangible assets 3,828 4,271 3,951 Investments 106 226 172 _____ _____ _____ Fixed assets 4,087 4,657 4,281 _____ _____ _____ Stocks 43 44 44 Debtors 521 461 523 Investments 465 22 377 Cash at bank and in hand 33 130 55 _____ _____ _____ Current assets 1,062 657 999 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year: Overdrafts - (17) (5) Other borrowings (19) - (8) Other creditors (1,036) (919) (1,072) _____ _____ _____ Net current assets/(liabilities) 7 (279) (86) _____ _____ _____ Total assets less current liabilities 4,094 4,378 4,195 Creditors - amounts falling due after one year: Borrowings (934) (1,136) (988) Other creditors (93) (114) (97) Provisions for liabilities and charges: Deferred taxation (296) (323) (314) Other provisions (67) (123) (79) Minority interests (153) (153) (163) _____ _____ _____ Net assets (note 12) 2,551 2,529 2,554 _____ _____ _____ Equity shareholders' funds 2,551 2,529 2,554 ===== ===== ===== * Restated on the adoption of UITF 38 and the reclassification of pension provisions. ** See note 1. INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PLC NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED QUARTERLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Basis of preparation of pro forma financial information Following shareholder and regulatory approval, on 15 April 2003, Six Continents PLC separated into two new groups, InterContinental Hotels Group PLC ('IHG') comprising the Hotels and Soft Drinks businesses, and Mitchells & Butlers plc comprising the Retail and Standard Commercial Property Developments businesses. As a result of the Separation, Six Continents PLC, became part of IHG. The pro forma financial information for the three months to 31 March 2003 and for the 12 months to 31 December 2003 comprises the results of those companies that form IHG following the Separation, as if IHG had been in existence since 1 October 2001. The information is provided as guidance only; it is not audited and, as pro forma information, it does not give a full picture of the financial position of the Group. The key assumptions used in the preparation of the information are as follows: i. The pro forma information has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those used in the historic IHG interim and year end financial statements. ii. Pro forma interest has been calculated to reflect the post Separation capital structure of the Group as if it had been in place at 1 October 2001, using interest rate differentials applicable under the post Separation borrowing agreements and excluding facility fee amortisation. Dividend payments have been assumed at the expected ongoing level. iii. Pro forma tax is based on the estimated effective rate of tax for IHG for the relevant periods applied to pro forma profit before taxation. iv. Adjustments have been made, where appropriate, to exclude any arrangements with the Mitchells & Butlers Group. v. Pro forma earnings per share is based on pro forma profit available for shareholders divided by 734m shares, being the issued share capital of IHG on Separation. vi. The pro forma Profit and Loss account excludes all exceptional items as being non-recurring. vii. Operating cash flow excludes cash flows relating to exceptional items. 2. Exchange rates The results of overseas operations have been translated into sterling at the weighted average rates of exchange for the period. In the case of the US dollar, the translation rate is £1=$1.84 (2003 3 months, £1 = $1.59; 12 months, £1 = $1.63). Foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities have been translated into sterling at the rates of exchange on the last day of the period. In the case of the US dollar, the translation rate is £1=$1.83 (2003 31 March, £1 = $1.58; 31 December, £1 = $1.78). 3. Turnover Pro forma** Pro forma** 2004 2003 2003 3 months* 3 months* 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec £m £m £m Hotels Americas (note 5) 115 127 525 EMEA (note 6) 190 175 807 Asia Pacific (note 7) 33 29 114 Central 10 10 41 ____ ____ ____ 348 341 1,487 Soft Drinks 188 164 674 ____ ____ ____ 536 505 2,161 ==== ==== ==== * Other than for Soft Drinks which reflects the 16 weeks ended 10 April (2003 16 weeks ended 12 April). ** See note 1. 4. Operating profit Pro forma** Pro forma** 2004 2003 2003 3 months* 3 months* 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec £m £m £m Hotels Americas (note 5) 32 32 161 EMEA (note 6) 16 13 92 Asia Pacific (note 7) 6 4 12 Central (10) (20) (65) ____ ____ ____ 44 29 200 Soft Drinks 10 8 83 ____ ____ ____ Operating profit before exceptional item 54 37 283 Operating exceptional item*** (4) - - ____ ____ ____ Operating profit 50 37 283 ==== ==== ==== * Other than for Soft Drinks which reflects the 16 weeks ended 10 April (2003 16 weeks ended 12 April). ** See note 1. *** Write down in value of investment to market value. 5. Americas Pro forma* Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 3 months 3 months 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec $m $m $m Turnover Owned & Leased 119 117 481 Managed 13 10 46 Franchised 79 75 327 ___ ___ ___ Total $m 211 202 854 === === === Sterling equivalent £m 115 127 525 === === === Operating profit Owned & Leased 6 2 32 Managed - - 7 Franchised 67 61 279 ___ ___ ___ 73 63 318 Regional overheads (14) (13) (56) ___ ___ ___ Total $m 59 50 262 === === === Sterling equivalent £m 32 32 161 === === === * See note 1. 6. EMEA Pro forma* Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 3 months 3 months 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec £m £m £m Turnover Owned & Leased 173 162 746 Managed 12 7 38 Franchised 5 6 23 ___ ___ ___ 190 175 807 === === === Operating profit Owned & Leased 12 12 77 Managed 7 4 19 Franchised 4 4 18 ___ ___ ___ 23 20 114 Regional overheads (7) (7) (22) ___ ___ ___ 16 13 92 === === === * See note 1. 7. Asia Pacific Pro forma* Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 3 months 3 months 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec $m $m $m Turnover Owned & Leased 50 39 154 Managed 9 6 26 Franchised 1 1 5 ___ ___ ___ Total $m 60 46 185 === === === Sterling equivalent £m 33 29 114 === === === Operating profit Owned & Leased 8 7 18 Managed 6 3 15 Franchised 1 1 4 ___ ___ ___ 15 11 37 Regional overheads (5) (4) (18) ___ ___ ___ Total $m 10 7 19 === === === Sterling equivalent £m 6 4 12 === === === * See note 1. 8. Tax Tax on profit on ordinary activities has been calculated using an estimated effective annual tax rate of 18%. Exceptional tax credits have been calculated using an estimated annual rate of 48%. 9. Earnings per share Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the profit available for shareholders of £62m (pro forma 2003 3 months, £16m; pro forma 2003 12 months, £153m) by 737 million shares (pro forma 2003 3 months, 734 million; pro forma 2003 12 months, 734 million), being the weighted average number of shares in issue. Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated by adjusting basic earnings per ordinary share to reflect the notional exercise of the weighted average number of dilutive ordinary share options outstanding during the period. The resulting weighted average number of ordinary shares is 745 million. Adjusted earnings per ordinary share is calculated as follows: 2004 3 months ended 31 Mar pence per ordinary share Basic earnings 8.4 Exceptional items, less tax thereon - Exceptional tax (3.2) ____ Adjusted earnings 5.2 ==== Adjusted earnings per ordinary share is disclosed in order to show performance undistorted by exceptional items. 10. Operating cash flow Pro forma* Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 3 months 3 months 12 months ended 31 Mar ended 31 Mar ended 31 Dec £m £m £m Hotels 59 16 339 Soft Drinks 7 18 72 ____ ____ ____ 66 34 411 ==== ==== ==== * See note 1. 11. Net debt Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 31 March 31 March 31 December £m £m £m Cash at bank and in hand 33 130 55 Overdrafts - (17) (5) Current asset investments 408 22 377 Other borrowings: Due within one year (19) - (8) Due after one year (934) (1,136) (988) ____ ____ ____ (512) (1,001) (569) ==== ==== ==== * See note 1. 12. Net assets Pro forma* 2004 2003 2003 31 March 31 March 31 December £m £m £m Hotels 3,592 4,176 3,738 Soft Drinks 303 259 300 _____ _____ _____ 3,895 4,435 4,038 Net debt (512) (1,001) (569) Other net non-operating liabilities (832) (905) (915) _____ _____ _____ 2,551 2,529 2,554 ===== ===== ===== * See note 1. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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