Interim Results

Intermediate Capital Group PLC 3 October 2001 INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JULY 2001 Intermediate Capital Group PLC ('ICG'), the leading specialist European provider of mezzanine finance, announces its results for the six months ended 31 July 2001. Financial highlights: * Net interest income up 19% to £17.2m * Fund management fee income up 84% to £4.5m * Core income up 14% to £19.2m * Net capital gains down 75% to £5.9m * Pretax profits down 37% to £25.1m * Interim dividend increases by 12% to 8.6p per share * Loan book increased to a record £667m Operational highlights: * £178m of new mezzanine financings arranged in the first half * A new Euro 450m loan fund raised * Funds under management now exceed £1.25bn Commenting on the results, John Manser, Chairman of ICG, said: 'ICG has performed well in the first half, despite a more challenging market environment. Core income, the key element in ICG's profits, rose by 14% and the loan book has continued to grow. Fund management, an increasingly important part of our business, has shown further strong growth. While the immediate outlook for the European buyout market is difficult to forecast, the changing economic background is expected to present ICG with significant opportunities in due course.' Enquiries: Tom Bartlam, Managing Director, Intermediate Capital Group PLC (020)7628 9898 Tom Attwood, Managing Director, Intermediate Capital Group PLC (020)7628 9898 Gill Ackers/Simon Sporborg, Brunswick Group Limited (020) 74045959 Note to the Editors A brief explanation of Intermediate Capital Group's lending activities is attached. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Introduction In this, my first statement to shareholders since I was appointed ICG's Chairman, I am pleased to report a good performance by ICG in the six months to 31 July 2001, which has been achieved in a more challenging market environment. Core Income, the key element of ICG's profits, rose by 14% to £19.2m and our loan book has grown by 8% to £667m. Funds under management, an increasingly important area for ICG, now exceed £1.25bn. As forecast, net capital gains of £5.9m were much lower than the exceptionally high level of last year, and consequently our pre-tax profits declined from £40m to £25m. We have increased our interim dividend by 12% to 8.6p per share to reflect the growth in core income. The highlight for our fund management business was the establishment of a new Euro 450m loan fund which will invest in higher yielding European bank loans. This is an exciting development for our fund management division as we believe this investment area has considerable growth potential. We have, during the period, set up a small operation in Hong Kong to explore opportunities for mezzanine investment in the Far East. We believe this market may offer attractive growth opportunities for ICG over the medium term. The European mezzanine market Although there have been a number of very large buy-outs in the first half, there has, overall, been a slowdown in the volume of buy out activity in both the UK and Continental Europe. At times of economic uncertainty merger and acquisitions activity falls as more nervous buyers find it difficult to meet the seller's price expectations. In this quieter buy-out market the demand for mezzanine finance has held up relatively well as less aggressive bank lenders have often left a gap in the financial structures to be filled by mezzanine, a trend we will continue to exploit. While a small number of banks, who specialise in mezzanine, together with some specialist funds, have been active in the market, there has been little sign of increased competition overall from other banks. Indeed, even before recent tragic events in the United States, as the financial outlook had become more uncertain, some banks had become less confident about taking on mezzanine underwriting risks, thus leaving increasing opportunities for specialist mezzanine investors such as ICG. In the current year we have seen a modest strengthening in the cash yield obtainable on mezzanine loans following a similar move in the senior bank debt markets. Signs were appearing of slightly less geared financial structures, but this was not, until very recently, commonplace across the market. ICG's loan portfolio Taking into account the quieter market background, ICG had a satisfactory first half for new lending. It arranged or provided a total of £178m financings, of which £109m was invested on ICG's own balance sheet, £25m was invested by our fund management clients with the balance of £44m being syndicated to third party investors. In the period ICG made nine financings of which three were in the UK and six in France. Of particular note was a $160m mezzanine loan to help finance the buy-out of a French company, which is the largest mezzanine loan ICG has ever arranged. The first half saw six loans totalling £41m being repaid. Taking into account the new loans and these repayments, together with the provisions we have made and the effect of currency movements, which reduced the sterling value of both our portfolio and our borrowings by £15m, the loan book rose 8% to £667m in the first six months of the year. The portfolio is well diversified across 72 companies, operating in a wide spread of sectors and across 12 European countries. Fund management The fund management division continues to be a strong source of growth for ICG. In the first half of the year we have continued to steadily invest the new £290m mezzanine fund which we raised last year. The total amount of all mezzanine funds invested on behalf of clients at 31 July 2001 had risen to £276m. The European high yield bond markets, in which our two CDO funds invest part of their portfolio, have had a very difficult six months. There has been extreme volatility in this market and some very significant price falls particularly amongst telecom and media related bonds. While our funds have substantially outperformed the high yield bond market, this good relative performance is still some way below our initial expectations. These adverse market conditions have exposed some of the structural weaknesses in CDOs, in particular the rigidity it imposes on the investment profile of the fund, which is not always in the best interest of investors. An important recent event has been the successful launch of a Euro 450m loan fund, which will invest primarily in higher yielding European bank loans. This fund will not suffer from the same structural weaknesses as the CDO's. We believe that this asset class has at present more attractive risk/return characteristics than high yield bonds, with potential for considerable further growth from a fund management perspective. Core Income Core Income, which comprises net interest income and fee income less operating expenses, in the first half rose by 14% to £19.2m compared with the previous year's first half. Net interest income for the six months to 31 July 2001 increased by 19% to £17.2m. The prime reason for this increase was the growth in ICG's loan book compared with the first half of the previous year. Total fee income increased by 16% to £7.3m compared with the first half of the previous year. Arrangement fees amounted to £2.4m, a decrease on the previous year which had more large deals. Fund management fee income showed a very strong increase of 84% to £4.5m, primarily as a result of earning fees from the second CDO fund and nearly £1m of carried interest (performance fees) from some of our earlier mezzanine funds. Operating expenses increased to £5.3m, primarily as a result of increased staffing and office costs together with higher than usual aborted deal costs. Capital gains and provisions Capital gains for the first half amounted to £15.1m. Last year, the level of capital gains achieved in the first six months was exceptionally high and, as expected, the level of gains this year was much lower. This was due in part to the economic and market background which reduced disposal activity, and therefore the opportunities for capital gains. In the first half we made net provisions of £7.5m. These provisions relate to three investments, all of which have significantly under-performed in the first half of the year. After these provisions and the £1.7m cost of the medium term incentive scheme, net capital gains fell to £5.9m. Dividends The Board has declared an interim dividend of 8.6p per share, which is an increase of 12% over the interim dividend of 7.7p per share which was paid last year. The interim dividend is payable on 26 October 2001 to shareholders on the register on 12 October 2001. Funding At 31 July 2001 ICG's borrowing amounted to £502m which represents a low gearing level of 253%. During the first half ICG raised a further £100m of unsecured debt through the private placement market, with maturities of between 5 and 10 years. Following this fundraising, ICG has total facilities of £706m, of which £204m were unutilised at the end of July, giving it ample ability to fund its increasing loan book. Prospects Recent tragic events in the United States have inevitably made the immediate economic outlook more difficult to forecast. The consequent uncertainty is likely to lead in the short term to a reduction in both new lending activity and realisations in the buy-out market. It is also very likely to lead to a more measured approach by bank lenders which should be beneficial to the mezzanine market and ICG, as pricing should improve and structures become more conservative. We believe that this will result in due course in a greater number of attractive mezzanine opportunities. We expect to continue to invest on a selective basis and to grow our loan book in the second half. While our mezzanine portfolio cannot be expected to escape the effects of a significant economic downturn, we take confidence from its overall diversity and quality. Against this background, while the short term outlook for capital gains is relatively weak, prospects for further core income growth and for our fund management business in the current year remain good. The changing economic background will inevitably present new challenges for ICG, but it also offers significant opportunities, from which we can benefit. We therefore remain confident of our future prospects. INTERMEDIATE CAPITAL GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the six months ended 31 July 2001 Half year to 31 Half year to 31 Year to 31 Jan July 2001 July 2000 2001 £m £m £m Interest and dividend income 32.9 26.5 55.8 Gain on disposals 15.1 51.2 56.9 Fee and other operating income 7.3 6.3 13.3 _______ ________ _______ 55.3 84.0 126.0 Interest payable and similar charges (15.7) (12.1) (26.0) Provisions against loans and investments (7.5) (14.9) (16.9) Administrative expenses (7.0) (16.8) (25.1) _______ ________ _______ Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 25.1 40.2 58.0 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (7.6) (12.5) (17.5) _______ ________ _______ Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 17.5 27.7 40.5 Dividends paid and proposed - ordinary (5.0) (4.5) (14.6) _______ ________ _______ Retained profit transferred to reserves 12.5 23.2 25.9 _______ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ Earnings per share 29.9p 47.4p 69.2p _______ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ All activities represent continuing operations Profit on ordinary activities before taxation is split as follows:- Core Income Capital Gains 31 July 2001 31 July 2000 31 July 2001 31 July 2000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) £m £m £m £m ______________________________________________________________________________ Income Interest and dividend income 32.9 26.5 - - Gain on disposals - - 15.1 51.2 Fee and Other operating income 7.3 6.3 - - ______________________________________________________________________________ 40.2 32.8 15.1 51.2 Less: Interest payable and similar charges (15.7) (12.1) - - Provisions against Loans and investments - - (7.5) (14.9) Administrative expenses (5.3) (3.9) (1.7) (12.9) ______________________________________________________________________________ 19.2 16.8 5.9 23.4 ______________________________________________________________________________ INTERMEDIATE CAPITAL GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET For the six months ended 31 July 2001 31 July 31 July 31 January 2001 2000 2001 £m £m £m Fixed assets Tangible assets 0.4 0.3 0.3 Loans 601.8 440.8 539.5 Investments 65.2 67.4 80.4 Current assets Debtors 23.5 20.1 19.9 Loans and investments 13.7 43.9 46.7 Cash at bank 1.6 0.1 3.1 ________ _______ ______ 38.8 64.1 69.7 ________ _______ ______ Total assets 706.2 572.6 689.9 ________ _______ ______ ________ _______ ______ Capital and reserves Called up share capital 11.7 11.7 11.7 Share premium account 85.0 84.7 85.0 Capital redemption reserve 1.4 1.4 1.4 Profit and loss account 100.2 89.4 87.7 ________ _______ ______ Equity shareholders' funds 198.3 187.2 185.8 Provisions for liabilities and charges - 0.1 - Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 474.7 364.6 461.2 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 33.2 20.7 42.9 ________ _______ ______ Total capital and liabilities 706.2 572.6 689.9 ________ _______ ______ ________ _______ ______ INTERMEDIATE CAPITAL GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the six months ended 31 July 2001 Half year Half year Year to 31 to 31 July to 31 Jan 2001 31 July 2001 July 2000 £m £m £m Operating activities Interest and dividends received 31.3 30.4 55.4 Gain on disposals 15.2 51.2 57.4 Fee and other operating income 4.6 6.8 13.2 Administrative expenses (14.5) (15.1) (19.0) ______ ________ _______ 36.6 73.3 107.0 Interest paid (15.2) (11.5) (24.8) ______ ________ _______ Net cash inflow from operating activities 21.4 61.8 82.2 Taxation paid (4.9) (3.6) (14.7) Capital expenditure and financial investment Loans and investments made (111.3) (154.1) (274.2) Realisations of loans and investments 43.4 95.2 115.2 Loans for syndication 29.8 (23.2) (22.8) ______ ________ _______ (38.1) (82.1) (181.8) Debtors relating to investors - 8.5 - Purchase of tangible fixed assets (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) ______ ________ _______ (38.2) (73.7) (181.9) ______ ________ _______ Equity dividends paid (10.1) (9.0) (13.5) ______ ________ _______ Net cash outflow before financing (31.8) (24.5) (127.9) Financing Increase in share capital - - 0.3 Increase in debt 30.3 25.2 130.6 ______ ________ _______ (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (1.5) 0.7 3.0 ______ ________ _______ ______ ________ _______ NOTES TO THE EDITORS In the six months ended 31 July 2001 ICG made the following loans and investments: Baxi is a manufacturer of domestic hot water and central heating boilers/products based in the U.K. ICG took a participation of £10m in the mezzanine facility required to assist in the buyout. Courtpaille is a leading chain of grill restaurants in France. ICG took a participation of Euro 10.6m in the mezzanine facility required to assist in the buyout. ERM is a leading global provider of environment consultancy and risk management services for both the private and public sectors. ICG arranged and provided a mezzanine facility of USD 25m to assist in the MBO. Eurogestion, an existing borrower, is a French company with a leading position in pest control for the housing and commercial building sectors. ICG arranged a mezzanine facility of FF 46m to assist in the purchase of Libco, the market leader in Italy for pest control services. Gerflor, an existing borrower based in France, is no. 2 in Europe in the manufacture of PVC flooring. ICG took a participation of FF 170m in the mezzanine facility provided to assist the buyout. Picard is a leading French manufacturer, distributor and retailer of frozen foods. ICG arranged and provided a facility of Euro 164m of mezzanine to assist in the buyout. Pinewood, an existing borrower based in the U.K., is the leading film studio complex in Europe. ICG arranged and provided a mezzanine facility of £3m to assist in the acquisition of Shepperton Studios. Plastimo , an existing borrower based in France, is a manufacturer and distributor of recreational marine equipment. ICG arranged and provided a mezzanine facility of FF 53m to assist in the purchase of XM, a U.K. nautical equipment distributor. Sebia is a French based company operating in the clinical diagnostic market, developing and producing equipment and reagents. ICG arranged and provided a mezzanine facility of Euro 11.5m to assist in the buyout.
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