Statement re strategy and board succession

Embargoed until 7.00am on Tuesday 16 March 2010 INTERMEDIATE CAPITAL GROUP PLC - STRATEGY UPDATE ON FUND MANAGEMENT BUSINESS AND BOARD SUCCESSION Intermediate Capital Group PLC ("ICG" or "the Company") today announces its strategy to grow its fund management business and changes to the Board to support this growth. Strategy to grow the fund management business Over the past ten years, ICG has materially grown both its balance sheet funded investment portfolio and its third party fund management business generating strong investment returns over the cycle and building a dependable fee income stream. As a result of this growth in assets under management, we currently manage approximately €12 billion, comprising €3 billion of balance sheet portfolio investments and €9 billion of third party funds. Changes in the competitive landscape as a consequence of the recent banking crisis and global recession have resulted in much improved investment opportunities for investors with access to capital. ICG's investment expertise and local network positions us well to take advantage of these opportunities. However the banking crisis has reduced the attractiveness of debt capital available to businesses, thereby constraining the growth of ICG's balance sheet in the medium term. Therefore future growth in assets under management will be primarily derived from growth in third party funds under management. It is now our ambition to double assets under management over the next five years through a greater focus on our fund management operation and enhanced marketing capabilities. We aim to be a leading global alternative asset manager specialising in mezzanine capital, growth capital, buyout debt and related asset classes. Investment expertise will continue to be the backbone of our operation and the Company will maintain its core investment philosophy based on in-depth credit analysis and stringent asset selection, underpinned by an extensive local network of investment professionals. ICG will continue to co-invest using its balance sheet alongside ICG's third party funds and this will of course be an important contributor to group earnings. Given the new strategic focus on growing the fund management business and the expected increased contribution to group earnings from this business over time, we will report the profit of this unit separately from the profits generated by the balance sheet in the segmental note, starting with the preliminary results for the twelve months to 31 March 2010 to be released on 2 June 2010. Board succession We are delighted to announce the appointment of Christophe Evain as Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") as successor to Tom Attwood, who will remain on the Board of the Company and will focus on fund investors. Tom will continue to chair the Executive Committee. This appointment will take immediate effect. Christophe Evain has been with ICG for 16 years and a Managing Director since 2005. He was responsible for the establishment of ICG's international franchise, opening the company's Paris office in 1995, Hong Kong office in 2001 and New York office in 2007. In addition to his strategic remit as Chief Executive Officer, Christophe will chair the Company's Investment Committees. ICG also announces that John Manser, Chairman of ICG PLC, will not be standing for re-election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 13 July 2010 having completed his term of office. Justin Dowley will succeed John Manser as Chairman. Justin has been on the Board of ICG PLC and Chairman of the Audit Committee since March 2006, and is Vice Chairman of Investment Banking at Nomura International plc. The Board of ICG PLC has decided to appoint Peter Gibbs to the Board as Non-Executive Director. His appointment will become effective on 25 March 2010.  Peter brings a wealth of asset management experience to the Board. He was until 2005 Chief Investment Officer of Merrill Lynch's Investment Management activities outside the US. His appointment adds considerably to the Board's experience and knowledge of the asset management industry. Tom Attwood said: "Having worked closely with Christophe for over 13 years, I am particularly pleased that he has agreed to take the role of CEO. He is my natural successor and will make an excellent Chief Executive. He has been instrumental in the geographic expansion of ICG's franchise. As the Company enters its next phase of growth Christophe is uniquely placed to spearhead the strategic development of this company and its fund management business. I am confident he will do very well. I will continue to be a member of the Executive Committee alongside Christophe, Philip Keller and François de Mitry. Philip will continue to be responsible for finance and infrastructure, while François is taking responsibility for our core mezzanine business. I'd also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of ICG, to thank John Manser for his enormous contribution to the Company having served as Chairman for 9 years. I am delighted too that Justin has agreed to take on the role of Chairman. He brings a deep understanding of financial services. I am confident that he and Christophe will work well together in delivering the Company's strategy." Christophe Evain said: "Tom has made a tremendous contribution to ICG during his tenure as CEO. Under his leadership ICG has doubled assets under management and is now recognised as the leading global independent mezzanine provider and one of the leading credit funds managers in Europe. He has transformed ICG and established a strong platform for further growth. ICG will continue to benefit from his insights and wisdom. I am excited about leading the business through its next phase of growth as we aim to be a global leader in alternative asset management." ICG will hold a seminar for institutional equity investors and analysts today at 3.00 pm (by invitation only).  An on demand video webcast of the event will be available on ICG's website ( <>) from 12.00pm on 17 March 2010. Please note no update will be provided on current trading at the seminar. Investor/Analyst enquiries: Christophe Evain, Chief Executive Officer, ICG PLC                                            (020) 7628 9898 Tom Attwood, Managing Director, ICG PLC                                                       (020) 7628 9898 Philip Keller, Finance Director, ICG PLC                                                (020) 7628 9898 Jean-Christophe Rey, Investor Relations, ICG PLC                                             (020) 7448 5876 Media enquiries: Amanda Fong, Corporate Communications, ICG          (020) 7448 4156 Charlotte Kirkham, Tim Draper, M: Communications          (020) 7920 2331 The statements contained therein have been made by the directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of this report and should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying such forward-looking information. The written materials therein are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to any security, are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation, and are not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption there from. The issuer has not and does not intend to register any securities under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and does not intend to offer any securities to the public in the United States.  No money, securities or other consideration from any person inside the United States is being solicited and, if sent in response to the information contained in these written materials, will not be accepted. About ICG Founded in 1989 Intermediate Capital Group PLC ("ICG") is an alternative fund manager specialising in credit risks. It is a leader in the management of investments in mezzanine, minority equity, buyout debt and related assets. It has approximately €12 billion under management in proprietary capital and third party funds. ICG has a large and experienced investment team of investment executives operating from its head office in London and offices in Paris, Madrid, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Sydney and New York. Its stock (ticker symbol: ICP) is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Further information is available at: Appendix 1: Intragroup services and segmental reporting The Fund Management Company will be the operating unit. As such it will carry the bulk of the group's costs including the cost of the investment network, i.e. the investment executives and the local offices, as well as the costs of most support functions, principally Information Technology, Human Resources and Marketing. The Investment Company will be charged a management fee of 1% of the carrying value of the investment portfolio by the Fund Management Company. The cost of the finance, treasury and portfolio administration teams as well as the cost attached to being a listed entity, will be allocated to the Investment Company. The cost of the Medium Term Incentive Scheme (MTIS) will be charged to the Investment Company. The remuneration of the Managing Directors (ex-share of MTIS) will be allocated half to the Fund Management Company and half to the Investment Company. By way of illustration: Table 1 below shows the split of administrative expenses for the year to 31 March 2009 based on the above principles. Table 2 below shows the future segmental reporting applied to the results for the first half of the current year and to the results of the two prior years based on the above principles. Table 1: Future segmental reporting applied to administrative expenses for the twelve months ended 31 March 2009. +------------------------+-----------------------+ |12 months ended 31 March| 12 months ended 31 | | 2009 (as reported) | March 2009 (new | | £m | segmental split) |   | | £m | | +----+------------------+   |   | FM | BS | +-----------------------------+------------------------+----+------------------+ |Staff costs | 42.4 |37.7| 4.7 | | | | | | |MTIS (PIK) | 23.4 | - | 23.4 | | | | | | |MTIS (Capital Gains) | 6.1 | - | 6.1 | | | | | | |Other administrative costs | 20.3 |17.6| 2.7 | | | | | | |Total administrative expenses| 92.2 |55.3| 36.9 | +-----------------------------+------------------------+----+------------------+ Table 2: Future segmental reporting applied to the results for the six months ended 30 September 2009, the results for the twelve months ended 31 March 2009 and the results for the twelve months ended 31 March 2008. +------------------+------------------+------------------+ | Six months ended | 12 months ended | 12 months ended | | 30 Sept. 2009 | 31 March 2009 | 31 March 2008 | | (unaudited) | (unaudited) | (unaudited) |   | £m | £m | £m | +---------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ |Fund Management | | | | |Company |   |   |   | | | | | | |  |   |   |   | | | | | | |   Fee income | 41.5 | 80.2 | 72.6 | | | | | | |       Third party | | | | |funds | 27.3| 53.5| 49.5| | | | | | |       Investment | | | | |Company fee | 14.2| 26.7| 23.1| | | | | | |   Other income | 1.1 | 6.0 | 5.9 | | | | | | |   Administrative | | | | |expenses | (19.8) | (55.3) | (54.8) | | | | | | | Fund Management| | | | | Profit| 22.8 | 30.9 | 23.7 | | | | | | |  |   |   |   | +---------------------+ | | | |Investment Company |   |   |   | | | | | | |  |   |   |   | | | | | | |   Net Interest | | | | |Income | 102.6 | 193.9 | 156.5 | | | | | | |   Other income | 0.8 | 6.0 | 7.5 | | | | | | |   Administrative | | | | |expenses(1) | (17.8) | (30.8) | (28.2) | | | | | | |   FMC charge | (14.2) | (26.7) | (23.1) | | | | | | |   Impairments | (97.1) | (273.1) | (46.0) | | | | | | |   Net capital | | | | |gains(2) | 3.5 | 24.8 | 102.9 | | | | | | |   FVM derivatives | 7.6 | 8.3 | 36.2 | | | | | | | Investment Profit| (14.6) | (97.6) | 205.8 | | | | | | |  |   |   |   | +---------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ |Group |   |   |   | | | | | | | Profit before tax| 8.2 | (66.7) | 229.5 | +---------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ 1. Administrative expenses include staff costs, MTIS on PIK and other administrative costs as listed in Table1 2. MTIS on capital gains (included in administrative expenses in Table 1 has been netted off capital gains in Table 2) Appendix 2: Justin Dowley's biography Justin Dowley is Chairman of the ICG Audit Committee.  He is currently Vice Chairman of Investment Banking at Nomura International plc, and a Non Executive Director of Ascot Authority (Holdings) Ltd. He was previously a founder partner of Tricorn Partners LLP, head of investment banking at Merrill Lynch Europe and a Director of Morgan Grenfell, and is a Chartered Accountant. Appendix 3:  Peter Gibbs's biography Peter Gibbs has a wealth of financial services experience in the Asset Management sector. Having begun his career at Brown Shipley, he joined Bankers Trust in 1985 as a Senior Portfolio Manager. In 1989 he joined Mercury Asset Management (MAM) where he rose to become Head of the International Equities Division. Following the acquisition of MAM by Merrill Lynch he was appointed Co-Head of Equity Assets worldwide. In 2003 he became Chief Investment Officer for Merrill Lynch's Investment Management activities outside the US. Peter retired from Merrill Lynch at the end of 2005. He currently serves as a Non-Executive Director of Evolution Group plc the financial services group, Non-Executive Director of Impax Asset Management Group plc the environmental asset manager, Director of Merrill Lynch (UK) Pension Plan Trustees Ltd and as a Director of UKFI, the body set up by the UK Government to manage its investments in financial institutions. He has also been a Non-Executive Director of Bridgewell Group plc and was Chairman of Turquoise until it was acquired by the London Stock Exchange plc. [HUG#1394196]
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