Circular to S/holders Re EGM

Intl. Biotechnology Trust PLC 30 June 2000 International Biotechnology Trust plc ('The Company') Circular to Shareholders Concerning Requisitioned Extraordinary General Meeting Set out below is the text of a circular to shareholders in the company being posted today. 'Dear Shareholder Requisitioned Extraordinary General Meeting On 23 May 2000, your Board received a requisition pursuant to section 368 of the Companies Act 1985 from Millennium Partners LP ('Millennium'), a 10.06 per cent shareholder in International Biotechnology Trust plc ('the Company'). Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held on 7 July 2000, was despatched to shareholders on 12 June 2000. At the Extraordinary General Meeting, the requisitionist is seeking shareholder support for a proposal requiring the Directors to put forward a 'reorganisation or reconstruction of the Company to enable the shareholders to realise the whole of their investment at a price related to net asset value, with such proposals to be put to shareholders within two months of the passing of the resolution'. In addition, Millennium is seeking to remove from the Board myself, Donald Cecil and Jeremy Curnock Cook. Your Board believes that these proposals are misconceived and that shareholders' best interests are served by continuing to hold an investment in the biotechnology sector through International Biotechnology Trust on the basis set out below and headed by a Board which has served you well since the formation of the Company in 1994. The Board of the Company is unanimous in its view that you should reject Millennium's proposals. Shareholders will have received a letter dated 23 June 2000 from Millennium in which a number of concerns have been expressed which have led Millennium to requisition the Extraordinary General Meeting. It was clearly important for your Board to consider carefully the issues raised by Millennium and that process has led to the delay in writing to you. Shareholders should be aware that your Board has been liaising with Millennium and with other shareholders for some considerable period of time as to the management of your Company. The proposals put forward by Millennium are designed to realise its investment in your Company and defeat the purpose of shareholders who are looking to benefit from a longer term investment view of the international biotechnology industry. The Board believes that the future of the biotechnology sector is even brighter than ever today as new breakthroughs are achieved in research and the potential for commercialisation of unique products improves rapidly. Shareholders should be aware that Millennium is a US-based private limited partnership which has had a history of buying shares in closed-end funds investing in a variety of sectors at substantial discounts to NAV and then, through corporate activity including liquidation of such funds, attempted to realise their short term gain. It is the Board's belief that in serving the EGM requisition, Millennium has no interest either in the Company's investment strategy or in the biotechnology sector generally. Millennium's sole aim appears to be to get its entire investment out of the Company as soon as possible. The letter from Millennium has raised questions and concerns in relation to Jeremy Curnock Cook, in particular with regard to options over shares in investee companies granted to him and other non-executive directors of those directors. The Board was reviewing this issue for some time before Millennium raised it. Rothschild Asset Management ('RAM') has reviewed this issue at the request of the Board and it has been agreed that, whilst options were granted to Mr. Curnock Cook as a director of companies in common with other non-executive directors under shareholder approved schemes, any financial benefit arising from these options, both in the past and in the future, will be transferred to the Company. Millennium was aware that the Board has had this issue under review for some time. Management of the Company In April 1999, RAM, your Company's investment manager, indicated that, in the context of a strategic review of their activities, they were minded to withdraw from the business of bioscience fund management in the United Kingdom. In light of these developments, the Board entered into negotiations with Merlin Biosciences with the objective of appointing it as investment manager to the Trust. Merlin Biosciences is a new company that was formed by Merlin Ventures which was to have included certain individuals from the Rothschild Bioscience Unit. However, these discussions have been terminated and management of the investments has continued to be provided by RAM. Throughout this period the Board has monitored the investment performance of RAM very carefully which, despite the uncertainty referred to above, has been very satisfactory. After a review, following his appointment as Chief Executive of RAM, Paul Manduca has now indicated to your Board that he wishes RAM to remain in the bioscience fund management business. However, acting on medical advice, Jeremy Curnock Cook has decided to stand down as the head of the Rothschild Bioscience Unit and has resigned from the Board of the Company. The Board expresses their gratitude to Jeremy for leading the management team successfully since the Company's inception in 1994 and for the investment management team's excellent performance. The Board has accepted Mr. Curnock Cook's offer to make himself available to assist with the portfolio where appropriate. In light of these developments, the Board has had detailed discussions with RAM about the ongoing management of the Company and is confident that RAM can fulfil its management obligations to the Company. Chris Jenkins, who has had many years of fund management experience, will be leading the Rothschild Bioscience Unit and will work closely with Edward Wawrzyncznak who has been with the Rothschild Bioscience Unit for the last 8 years. It is RAM's intention to add further sector expertise to the investment management team in the near future. Performance Fee The Board notes Millennium's comments on the performance fee. This fee structure, which was put in place at the time of the launch of your Company in 1994, has, since that time, been voted on and supported by shareholders. The Board firmly believes that aligning the interests of shareholders and the investment manager will help to maximise the returns to shareholders. Shareholders should note that, unlike most other performance fee structures, 90% of the fee paid by your Company is invested in new Shares in your Company. In addition, unlike some incentive schemes for other investment vehicles, this incentive fee is subject to a cap which has been set at the level of 7.5 million shares. Your Board reviews the investment management arrangements including the incentive fee agreement at regular intervals, having regard to changes in market practice and other relevant factors, and it is proposed that these arrangements will be reviewed with RAM in the near future. Investment Performance and Return of Capital Since 31 March 1999, the net asset value of your Company has increased from £55 million to £285 million on 27 June 2000 reflecting both a revaluation by the market of biotechnology companies and superior investment management. The net asset value per share has outperformed the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (in UK£) by over 90% over this period. In recognition of the high valuation by the market of biotechnology companies early in the year (the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index peaked in early March), the investment manager took profits from a number of the Company's investments which had met the investment manager's targets, holding such proceeds in cash to reinvest in the market when good opportunities were more reasonably valued. The Board continues to believe that the Company provides an excellent vehicle for investors seeking a medium to long term investment in the biotechnology sector that will reward shareholders through capital appreciation. However, the Company's investment policy of investing in companies that are seeking a public quote or which have only recently been floated means that your Company's portfolio contains a significant number of investments in companies which are at a relatively early stage of development, a number of which investments have only recently been made. These investments were made with a view to maximising their return in line with the Company's proposed continuation vote in 2003. The Board believes that these factors would lead to a significant loss of potential value to shareholders if the Company were liquidated at this time as indicated by Millennium's first resolution. Although the Company's Articles of Association provide for a resolution to be put to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting in 2003 to allow shareholders to vote on the continuation of the Company, the Company's current cash position provides the opportunity to return some of the gains to shareholders at a time which does not compromise the Company's portfolio or investment strategy. It is therefore the Board's intention to put forward proposals to return at least £45 million to shareholders in September 2000. Such return of capital will be at a small discount to net asset value and shareholders will be provided with the option of leaving their capital in the Company. In addition, in line with growing current practice and in order to provide the Company with additional flexibility to address the potential volatility of the discount to net asset value at which shares in the Company may trade, the Board will request shareholders to provide the Company with powers to repurchase shares in the Company on terms which would enhance net asset value. The Board, which is being advised by Merrill Lynch International, its financial adviser, will be writing to shareholders in September setting out in detail the proposals for returning capital to shareholders, the taking of powers to repurchase shares and seeking shareholder approval for these proposals. Action to be taken Shareholders will find enclosed with this letter a green replied-paid form of proxy for use in connection with the EGM. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED AND RETURNED A FORM OF PROXY FOR THE EGM PLEASE NOTE THAT COMPLETION AND RETURN OF THE ENCLOSED FORM OF PROXY WILL SUPERSEDE ANY FORM OF PROXY PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED BY YOU AND YOUR BOARD URGES YOU TO COMPLETE IT VOTING AGAINST THE RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED BY MILLENNIUM AND TO RETURN IT TO COMPUTERSHARE SERVICES PLC, REGISTRAR'S DEPARTMENT, PO BOX 451, OWEN HOUSE, 8 BANKHEAD CROSSWAY NORTH, EDINBURGH EH11 DXG AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND, IN ANY EVENT, BY 4:30 PM ON WEDNESDAY 5 JULY 2000. The completion of the form of proxy will not preclude you from attending the EGM and voting in person should you wish to do so. Recommendation Your Directors strongly believe in light of the observations made in this letter that the resolutions (save resolution 4 which, with the resignation of Jeremy Curnock Cook from the Board, is no longer applicable) are not in the best interests of the Company and Shareholders as a whole. The Directors unanimously recommend that you vote AGAINST the resolutions 1,2 and 3 to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting (save that in the case of resolutions 2 and 3 seeking the removal of Directors, the relevant Director has abstained from the recommendation.) Your Directors intend to vote their own beneficial holdings amounting in aggregate to 201,437 shares, representing 0.23% of the issued share capital, against the resolutions and intend to elect to maintain their investment in the Company in full when the return of capital proposals are put to shareholders in due course. Yours sincerely John Green-Armytage Chairman Merrill Lynch International has given and not withdrawn its written consent to the issue of this document with the inclusion herein of the references to it in the form and context in which such references are included. Merrill Lynch International which is regulated in the United Kingdom by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for International Biotechnology Trust plc in relation to the matters described in this document and no one else, and will not be responsible to anyone other than International Biotechnology Trust plc for providing the protections afforded to customers of Merrill Lynch International nor for providing advice in relation to any matter referred to herein. The circular dated 23 June 2000 from Millennium Partners LP will be on display at the EGM.' Enquiries: John Green-Armytage - Chairman, International Biotechnology Trust plc 020 7491 3633 Paul Manduca - Chief Executive, Rothschild Asset Management 020 7623 1000 David Yates - Financial Dynamics 020 7831 3113 Peter Moorhouse - Merrill Lynch 020 7772 1000 Melville Trimble - Merrill Lynch 020 7772 1000
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