Portfolio Update
The Board of International Biotechnology Trust plc notes the following follow on investments and changes in valuation to the unquoted portfolio during July 2012:
Follow on investments of £32k and £45k in Reshape Medical and Ricerca.
Celerion, a £0.2m increase in value to £1.02m which reflects an improvement in the company's profitability and the rating of comparable companies in the Manager's EBITDA model Archemix, a £0.1m increase in value to £250k which reflects the valuation of escrow amounts from the deal signed with Baxter which are likely to be paid within six months. A £0.9m increase in value of an unquoted which cannot be named due to sensitive business development discussions which are on-going. Ricerca, a £0.3m reduction in value to £0.7m which reflects a slight worsening of the company's performance in the Manager's revenue valuation model. These changes added £0.9m to Net Asset Value.
Kate Bingham/David Pinniger
Telephone: 020 7412 7070
SV Life Sciences Managers LLP
Investment Manager
Rhona Gregg
Telephone: 0141 225 3009
BNP Paribas Secretarial Services Limited
Company Secretary
10 AUGUST 2012