Portfolio Update
The Board of International Biotechnology Trust plc (the "Company") notes that today a definitive agreement has been signed by Jazz Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:JAZZ) to buy the unquoted portfolio company EUSA Pharma for $650m in cash plus a potential $50m milestones payment.
The Director's have changed the valuation of the Company's interest in EUSA Pharma by £1.9m from £2.7m to £4.6m on a cost of £2.4m to reflect the terms of the deal. This change in valuation will be included in the Company's Net Asset Value from today and will be released to the market on Monday. The increase to NAV per share in comparison to that released yesterday is 3.5 pence per share.
Kate Bingham/David Pinniger
Telephone: 020 7412 7070
SV Life Sciences Managers LLP
Investment Manager
Rhona Gregg
Telephone: 0141 225 3009
BNP Paribas Secretarial Services Limited
Company Secretary
27 April 2012