Portfolio Update
The Board of International Biotechnology Trust plc (the "Company") notes the following changes in valuations to the unquoted portfolio during April 2012:
Aptiv Solutions, a £575k increase in value to £5.62m which reflects an improvement in the company's profitability and the rating of comparable companies in the Manager's EBITDA model.
Ricerca, a £35k increase in value to £974k which reflects a slight improvement in the company's revenue and the rating of comparable companies in the Manager's revenue valuation model.
Celerion, a £458k increase in value to £735k which reflects an improvement in the company's profitability and the rating of comparable companies in an EBITDA model.
EBR Systems, a £190k decrease in value to £704k which reflects the likely valuation of the company in a new round of funding to be raised.
Allocure, a £60k decrease in value to £549k to adjust for the impact of the March 2012 fund raising on the equity of previous rounds.
Taking into account the £1.9m increase in value resulting from Jazz Pharmaceuticals acquisition of unquoted portfolio company EUSA Pharma previously announced on Friday 27 April 2012, the impact of changes to the valuation of unquoted portfolio by the board in April 2012 was an increase of £2.7m or 4.9 pence per share.
Kate Bingham/David Pinniger
Telephone: 020 7412 7070
SV Life Sciences Managers LLP
Investment Manager
Rhona Gregg
Telephone: 0141 225 3009
BNP Paribas Secretarial Services Limited
Company Secretary
4 MAY 2012