Notification under Listing Rule 9.6.11
17 June 2021
Following the Annual Shareholders' Meeting held on the date hereof, at which Mr. Maurice Lam was elected non-executive independent director, Ms. Heather Ann McSharry, Ms. Peggy Bruzelius and Ms. Eva Castillo Sanz were reelected and their appointments by co-option as non-executive independent directors were ratified and all of the remaining directors were re-elected, the Board of Directors of International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.A. (the "Company") has approved the following changes to the composition of the Board Committees:
(i) To appoint Mr. Maurice Lam as member of the Audit and Compliance Committee, replacing Mr. Alberto Terol, who has ceased to be a member of this committee.
(ii) To appoint Mr. Maurice Lam as member of the Safety, Environment and Corporate Responsibility Committee, replacing Mr. Javier Ferrán, who has ceased to be a member of this committee.
By virtue thereof, the Board of Directors and its Committees of the Company will be composed as follows:
1. Board of Directors :
Chairman: Mr. Javier Ferrán.
Senior Independent Director : Mr. Alberto Terol Esteban .
Chief Executive Officer : Mr. Luis Gallego Martín.
Members: Mr. Giles Agutter.
Ms. Peggy Bruzelius.
Ms. Eva Castillo Sanz.
Ms. Heather Ann McSharry.
Ms. Margaret Ewing.
Mr. Maurice Lam.
Mr. Robin Phillips.
Mr. Emilio Saracho Rodríguez de Torres.
Ms. Nicola Shaw.
2. Audit and Compliance Committee :
Chair: Ms. Margaret Ewing.
Members: Ms. Peggy Bruzelius.
Ms. Eva Castillo Sanz.
Mr. Maurice Lam.
3. Remuneration Committee:
Chair: Mr. Alberto Terol Esteban.
Members: Ms. Eva Castillo Sanz.
Mr. Heather Ann McSharry.
Mr. Emilio Saracho Rodríguez de Torres.
Ms. Nicola Shaw.
4. Nominations Committee:
Chair: Mr. Javier Ferrán.
Members: Mr. Giles Agutter.
Ms. Margaret Ewing.
Ms. Heather Ann McSharry.
Mr. Alberto Terol Esteban.
5. Safety, Environment and Corporate Responsibility Committee:
Chair: Ms. Nicola Shaw.
Members: Mr. Giles Agutter.
Mr. Maurice Lam.
Mr. Robin Phillips.
Mr. Emilio Saracho Rodríguez de Torres.
Álvaro López-Jorrín
Secretary of the Board of Directors