UPDATE TO Capital Markets Day
20 September 2023
The Board of International Public Partnerships Limited ('INPP', 'the Company'), the FTSE 250 listed infrastructure investment company, previously announced that it was planning to hold a Capital Markets Day for institutional investors and sell-side analysts on the morning of Wednesday 4 October 2023.
Unfortunately, due to planned tube and rail strikes on the day, the event will need to be postponed in order to limit potential disruption. Details of the rescheduled event will be notified to the market in due course.
Institutional investors and sell-side analysts wishing to express interest in advance of the announcement can do so by emailing: investorrelations@amberinfrastructure.com.
For further information:
Erica Sibree +44 (0) 7557 676 499
Amber Fund Management Limited
About International Public Partnerships:
INPP is a listed infrastructure investment company that invests in global public infrastructure projects and businesses, which meet societal and environmental needs, both now, and into the future.
INPP is a responsible, long-term investor in over 140 infrastructure projects and businesses. The portfolio consists of utility and transmission, transport, education, health, justice and digital infrastructure projects and businesses, in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and North America. INPP seeks to provide its shareholders with both a long-term yield and capital growth.
Amber is the Investment Adviser to INPP and consists of approximately 180 staff who are responsible for the management and origination of infrastructure investments.
Visit the INPP website at www.internationalpublicpartnerships.com for more information.
International Public Partnerships Limited
P O Box 286 · Floor 2 · Trafalgar Court Les Banques St Peter Port · Guernsey GY1 4LY · C.I.
T +44 1481 742742 · F +44 1481 730617
Registered in Guernsey No. 45241