Investec Limited NSX share code: IVD BSE share code: INVESTEC ISIN: ZAE000081949 |
Investec plc
JSE share code: INP |
As part of the dual listed company structure, Investec plc and Investec Limited notify both the London Stock Exchange and the JSE Limited of matters which are required to be disclosed under the Disclosure Guidance, Transparency Rules (DTR) and Listing Rules of the United Kingdom Listing Authority (the "UKLA") and/or the JSE Listing Requirements.
Accordingly, we advise of the following:
Capital disclosures
The disclosures below are made with respect to Basel III quarterly disclosure requirements and have been prepared in line with the Foundation Internal Ratings Based (FIRB) approach . Investec Limited's application for conversion to the Advanced Internal Ratings Based (AIRB) approach remains under review by the South African Prudential Authority (PA). Investec Limited has commenced with its six-month parallel run for certain AIRB models. Full conversion to AIRB is expected to result in a circa 2% uplift to the CET1 ratio. Investec Limited continues to hold capital in excess of regulatory requirements and board-approved minimum targets .
Including unappropriated profits |
Investec Limited* |
IBL* |
As at 31 December 2020 |
R'mn |
R'mn |
Common equity tier 1 capital |
41,698 |
42,109 |
Additional tier 1 capital |
2,127 |
1,040 |
Tier 1 capital |
43,825 |
43,149 |
Tier 2 capital |
10,460 |
12,371 |
Total regulatory capital |
54,285 |
55,520 |
Risk-weighted assets per risk type: |
Credit risk |
266,468 |
262,701 |
Counterparty credit risk |
9,030 |
9,029 |
Credit valuation adjustment risk |
6,062 |
6,062 |
Equity risk |
30,717 |
14,961 |
Market Risk |
5,928 |
4,841 |
Operational risk |
28,795 |
22,529 |
Total risk-weighted assets |
347,000 |
320,123 |
Total minimum capital requirement |
36,435 |
33,613 |
Capital ratios |
Common equity tier 1 ratio |
12.0% |
13.2% |
Tier 1 ratio |
12.6% |
13.5% |
Total capital adequacy ratio |
15.6% |
17.3% |
Leverage ratio disclosures
Including unappropriated profits |
Investec Limited* |
IBL* |
As at 31 December 2020 |
R'mn |
R'mn |
Tier 1 capital |
43,825 |
43,149 |
Total exposure |
567,335 |
544,253 |
Leverage ratio |
7.7% |
7.9% |
Excluding unappropriated profits |
Investec Limited* |
IBL* |
As at 31 December 2020 |
R'mn |
R'mn |
Common equity tier 1 capital |
39,245 |
39,936 |
Additional tier 1 capital |
2,145 |
1.039 |
Tier 1 capital |
41,390 |
40,975 |
Tier 2 capital |
10,730 |
12,371 |
Total regulatory capital |
52,120 |
53,346 |
Risk-weighted assets per risk type: |
Credit risk |
265,664 |
262,207 |
Counterparty credit risk |
9,030 |
9,029 |
Credit valuation adjustment risk |
6,062 |
6,062 |
Equity risk |
30,302 |
14,961 |
Market Risk |
5,928 |
4,841 |
Operational risk |
28,795 |
22,529 |
Total risk-weighted assets |
345,781 |
319,629 |
Total minimum capital requirement |
36,307 |
33,561 |
Capital ratios |
Common equity tier 1 ratio |
11.3% |
12.5% |
Tier 1 ratio |
12.0% |
12.8% |
Total capital adequacy ratio |
15.1% |
16.7% |
Leverage ratio disclosures
Excluding unappropriated profits |
Investec Limited* |
IBL* |
As at 31 December 2020 |
R'mn |
R'mn |
Tier 1 capital |
41,390 |
40,975 |
Total exposure |
566,801 |
544,055 |
Leverage ratio |
7.3% |
7.5% |
* Where: IBL is Investec Bank Limited consolidated. The information for Investec Limited includes the information for IBL.
Liquidity disclosures
Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)
The objective of the LCR is to promote the short-term resilience of the liquidity risk profile of banks by ensuring that they have sufficient high-quality liquid assets to survive a significant stress scenario lasting 30 calendar days.
With effect from 1 April 2020, the minimum LCR requirement in South Africa was reduced from 100% to 80%, until such time as the South African Prudential Authority (PA) is of the view that the financial markets have normalised post COVID-19. This applies for both Investec Bank Limited (IBL) (solo basis) and Investec Bank Limited (IBL) consolidated group.
In accordance with the provisions of section 6(6) of the South African Banks Act 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990), banks are directed to comply with the relevant LCR disclosure requirements. This disclosure is in accordance with Pillar 3 of the Basel III liquidity accord, as specified by BCBS d400 (2017) and Directive D1/2018.
The following table sets out the LCR for IBL (solo basis) and IBL consolidated group for the quarter ending 31 December 2020:
IBL (solo basis) - Total weighted value |
IBL consolidated group - Total weighted value |
High quality liquid assets (HQLA) (R'mn) |
86,019 |
87,717 |
Net cash outflows (R'mn) |
58,751 |
56,030 |
Actual LCR |
147.4% |
157.6% |
Required LCR |
80%^ |
80%^ |
^ - temporarily reduced from 100% by the PA.
The values in the table are calculated as the simple average of 92 calendar daily values over the period 1 October 2020 to 31 December 2020 for IBL (solo basis). IBL consolidated group values use daily values for IBL (solo basis), while those for other group entities use the average of October, November and December 2020 month-end values.
Net stable funding ratio (NSFR)
The objective of the NSFR is to promote the resilience of the banking sector by requiring banks to maintain a stable funding profile in relation to the composition of their assets and off-balance sheet activities on an ongoing structural basis. By ensuring that banks do not embark on excessive maturity transformation that is not sustainable, the NSFR is intended to reduce the likelihood that disruptions to a bank's funding sources would erode its liquidity position, increase its risk of failure and potentially lead to broader systemic risk.
The minimum NSFR requirement in South Africa is 100%. This applies to both IBL (solo basis) and IBL consolidated group.
In accordance with the provisions of section 6(6) of the South African Banks Act 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990), banks are directed to comply with the relevant NSFR disclosure requirements. This disclosure is in accordance with Pillar 3 of the Basel III liquidity accord, as specified by Directive 11/2015 and Directive 01/2018.
The following table sets out the NSFR for IBL (solo basis) and IBL consolidated group as at 31 December 2020:
IBL (solo basis) |
IBL consolidated group |
Actual NSFR |
110.7% |
112.2% |
Required NSFR |
100% |
100% |
Further disclosures with respect to Investec Limited's and Investec Bank Limited's capital and liquidity will be provided on the Investec website in due course as required by the relevant regulations.
29 January 2021
Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited