Investec revised disclosures

RNS Number : 1117D
Investec PLC
11 May 2012

Investec Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number 1925/002833/06
JSE share code: INL
ISIN: ZAE000081949

Investec plc
Incorporated in England and Wales
Registration number 3633621
JSE share code: INP

(jointly "Investec")

As part of the dual listed company structure, Investec plc and Investec Limited notify both the London Stock Exchange and the JSE Limited of matters which are required to be disclosed under the Disclosure, Transparency and Listing Rules of the United Kingdom Listing Authority (the "UKLA") and/or the JSE Listing Requirements.



Investec plc and Investec Limited ("Investec") combined results


Reclassifications and enhancements to the disclosures for the results for the year ended 31 March 2011 (as previously reported)



In terms of Investec's recent presentations and announcements you would be aware that the Investec Group has positioned its strategic discussions around three core business areas namely, Asset Management, Wealth & Investment and Specialist Banking.


In some respects the Group feels that it has historically overcomplicated its external disclosures by elaborating on six core areas of business. As you would have already seen in the Group's recent presentations all the banking businesses have been combined under one broader umbrella of the Specialist Bank.


As a result the Group has chosen to refine some of its disclosures which are explained further below.


The Group believes that these refinements provide greater clarity on the key income and balance sheet drivers of its business.


The financial information on which this statement is based has not been reviewed and reported on by the Group's auditors.


Investec will be hosting a conference call at 11:00 SA time (10:00 UK time) on 11 May, 2012, to go through these refinements.


Details pertaining to the conference call can be found at


For further information contact:

Investec Investor Relations

Tel: +27 (0) 11 286 7070

Tel: +44 (0) 207 597 5546



Investec plc and Investec Limited

Combined consolidated income statement




Commentary on income statement reclassifications


·      The previously reported principal transaction income line item has been split into the following line items:


Investment income: income, other than margin, from securities held for the purpose of generating interest yield, dividends and capital appreciation

Client flow trading income: income from trading activities arising from making and facilitating client activities

Income from balance sheet management and other trading activities: includes proprietary trading income and other gains and losses as well as income earned from the balance sheet management desk


·      With the continued reduction in insurance activity, it is deemed appropriate to move the associated line items to other operating income


For the year ended 31 March 2011

For the year ended 31 March 2011





Interest income

2 238 783

2 238 783


Interest expense

(1 557 314)

(1 557 314)


Net interest income

681 469

681 469

Fee and commission income

896 300

896 300

Fee and commission expense

(108 642)

(108 642)

Principal transactions


418 686

Investment income

254 943


Trading income

-       From customer flow

76 447


-       From balance sheet management and other trading activities

87 296


Investment income on assurance activities


64 834

Premiums and reinsurance recoveries on insurance contracts


6 110

Other operating income

67 173

54 003

Claims and reinsurance premiums on insurance business


(57 774)

Total operating income before impairment losses on loans and advances

 1 954 986

1 954 986

Impairment losses on loans and advances

(318 230)

(318 230)

Operating income

1 636 756

1 636 756

Operating costs

(1 196 865)

(1 196 865)

Depreciation on operating leased assets

(16 447)

(16 447)

Operating profit before goodwill

423 444

423 444

Impairment of goodwill

(6 888)

  (6 888)

Amortisation of acquired intangibles

(6 341)

(6 341)


Operating profit

 410 215

410 215

Profit arising from associate converted to subsidiary

73 465

73 465

Net loss on disposal of group operations

(17 302)

(17 302)


Profit before taxation

466 378

466 378

Taxation on operating profit before goodwill

(65 075)

(65 075)

Taxation on acquired intangibles and acquisition/ disposal of group operations

6 610

6 610


Profit after taxation

407 913

407 913

Operating losses attributable to non-controlling interests

10 962

10 962

Non operating losses attributable to non-controlling interests

1 641

1 641


Earnings attributable to shareholders

420 516

420 516



Investec plc and Investec Limited

Combined consolidated balance sheet




Commentary on balance sheet reclassifications


The main driver behind the revision to the balance sheet is to enable a better read of Investec's exposures and to minimise reconciliation points to the detailed risk disclosures in the annual report.


It is noted that there are no measurement changes nor are there any changes to total assets, liabilities and equity.


Each category of reclassification is noted below:


·      Cash equivalent corporate paper

Cash equivalent advances to customers has been renamed to "non-sovereign, non-bank cash placements". These balances represent short term placements in corporates that run an in-house treasury function.


·      Loans and securitisation

To better align the balance sheet with the Group's risk management disclosures, loans and advances and securitised assets that form part of our "core" lending activities has been separated from assets that are in warehoused facilities and structured credit investments arising out of our securitisation and principal finance activities. This has resulted in a need to split loans and advances and securitised assets into two balance sheet categories for each. Securitised liabilities has been split into two line items to enable the relationship with securitised assets to be clearly identified.


·      Securities reclassification

The Group's previous balance sheet split securities (other than lending related) into two key line items being trading and investment securities. This classification was driven by the accounting rule sets that mainly distinguish between instruments fair valued through profit and loss, those carried at amortised cost (held to maturity) and those fair valued through equity (available for sale). The Group is of the view that disclosure of the nature of exposures on the balance sheet, distinguishing between instruments held to manage balance sheet liquidity, as principal exposure and balance sheet instruments arising from trading desk activities provides more meaningful disclosure on the face of the balance sheet. The line item "securities arising from trading securities" includes all instruments (other than derivative instruments) that are held on balance sheet in relation to trading activities.



As at 31 March 2011

As at 31 March 2011


Cash equivalent corporate paper

Loans and securitisation

Securities reclassification




 Cash and balances at central banks

                     1 769 078

1 769 078





 Loans and advances to banks

                     1 468 705

1 468 705





 Cash equivalent advances to customers

                      535 983

                       (535 983)

                       (535 983)



Reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities borrowed

                     2 467 775

2 467 775






Non-sovereign and non-bank cash placements

                        535 983


                        535 983

                        535 983



 Sovereign debt securities

                     3 532 100


3 532 100



3 532 100

 Bank debt securities

                     3 006 129


3 006 129



3 006 129

 Other debt securities

                        267 132


                        267 132



                        267 132

 Trading securities


5 114 322

(5 114 322)



(5 114 322)

 Securities arising from trading activities

                        743 487


                        743 487



                        743 487

 Derivative financial instruments

                     1 799 204

1 799 204





 Investment securities


3 328 609

(3 328 609)



(3 328 609)

 Loans and advances to customers

                    17 692 356

18 758 524

(1 066 168)


(1 066 168)


 Securitised assets


4 924 293

(4 924 293)


(4 924 293)



Own originated loans and advances to customers securitised

                     1 065 782


1 065 782


1 065 782


 Other loans and advances

                     1 066 168


1 066 168


1 066 168


 Warehouse assets Kensington

                     1 612 181

1 612 181




 Other securitised assets

                     3 858 511


3 858 511


3 858 511


 Investment portfolio

                        858 610


                        858 610



                        858 610

 Interests in associated undertakings

                          23 481

                        23 481





 Deferred taxation assets

                        114 838

                      114 838





 Other assets

                     1 446 066

1 410 593

                          35 473



                          35 473

 Property and equipment

                        279 801

                      279 801





 Investment property

                        379 527

                      379 527






                        456 608

                      456 608





 Intangible assets

                        136 452

                      136 452





                    44 579 974

44 579 974






Other financial instruments at fair value through profit and loss in respect of liabilities to customers

                     6 361 296

6 361 296





                    50 941 270

50 941 270






Deposits by banks

                     1 858 893

1 858 893





Deposits by banks Kensington

                        975 542

                      975 542





Derivative financial instruments

                     1 486 419

1 486 419





Other trading liabilities

                        716 556

                      716 556






Repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities lent

                     1 599 646

1 599 646





Customer accounts (deposits)

                    24 441 260

24 441 260





Debt securities in issue

                     2 145 213

2 145 213





Liabilities arising on securitisation

4 340 864

(4 340 864)


(4 340 864)



Liabilities arising on securitisation of own originated loans and advances

                     1 052 281

1 052 281


1 052 281



Liabilities arising on securitisation of other assets

                     3 288 583

3 288 583


3 288 583


Current taxation liabilities

                        206 957

                      206 957






Deferred taxation liabilities

                        148 750

                      148 750





Other liabilities

1 411 137

1 411 137





                    39 331 237

39 331 237






Liabilities to customers under investment contracts

                     6 358 732

6 358 732






Insurance liabilities, including unit-linked liabilities

                            2 564

                         2 564





                    45 692 533

45 692 533





Subordinated liabilities

                     1 287 635

1 287 635


                    46 980 168

46 980 168






Ordinary share capital







Perpetual preference share capital







Share premium

                     2 242 067

2 242 067





Treasury shares

                         (42 713)

                       (42 713)





Other reserves

                        315 878

                      315 878





Retained income

                     1 131 980

1 131 980






Shareholders' equity excluding non-controlling interests

                     3 647 573

3 647 573





Non-controlling interest

                        313 529

                      313 529






- Perpetual preferred securities issued by subsidiaries

                        317 997

                      317 997






- Non-controlling interests in partially held subsidiaries

                           (4 468)

                        (4 468)





Total equity

                     3 961 102

3 961 102






Total liabilities and equity

                    50 941 270

50 941 270







Investec plc and Investec Limited

Line of business segmental income statement disclosures




Commentary on line of business segmental reclassifications


The Group previously reported segmental disclosures by six core business lines as well as including a segment for the Group's central functions. The Group is now disclosing its segmental disclosures in three core business lines, namely, Asset Management, Wealth & Investment and Specialist Banking. In this regard:


·      The income statement format has been revised as discussed above

·      The numbers as reported previously for Asset Management and Wealth & Investment have not changed (barring the income statement reclassifications as referred to above)

·      The Property Activities, Private Banking, Investment Banking, Capital Markets and Group Services and Other divisions have now been grouped under one banner and collectively referred to as the Specialist Bank. The total operating profit has however, not changed from that which was previously reported


For the year ended 31 March 2011 NEW FORMAT

Asset Management

Wealth & Investment

Specialist Banking

Total Group


Net interest income

                    2 989

                     7 281

671 199

                   681 469

Fee and commission income

411 935

159 055

325 310

                   896 300

Fee and commission expense

                  (72 831)

                  (11 414)

(24 397)

                  (108 642)

Investment income


                     1 126

253 857

                   254 943

Trading income

-  From customer flow


                    (1 932)

78 379

                     76 447

-  From balance sheet management and other trading activities



87 824

                     87 296

Other operating income

                    2 537

                     2 651

61 985

                     67 173

Total operating income before impairment losses on loans and advances

                 344 590

                 156 239

1 454 157

1 954 986

Impairment losses on loans and advances



(318 259)

                  (318 230)

Operating income

                 344 619

                 156 239

1 135 898

1 636 756

Operating costs

 (216 947)

(115 813)

(864 105)

(1 196 865)

Depreciation on operating leased assets



(16 447)

                    (16 447)

Operating profit before goodwill and acquired intangibles

                 127 672

                   40 426

255 346

                   423 444

Operating losses attributable to non-controlling interests



11 326

                     10 962

Operating profit before goodwill, acquired intangibles and after non-controlling interests

                 127 308

                   40 426

266 672

                   434 406

AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: Operating profit before goodwill, acquired intangibles and after non-controlling interests

                 127 308

                   40 426

266 672


Asset Management

127 308


Wealth & Investment

                   40 426


Property Activities

47 708


Private Banking

(91 441)


Investment Banking

67 362


Capital Markets

242 049


Group Services and Other activities





Investec plc and Investec Limited

Geographical segmental income statement disclosures




Commentary on geographical segmental reclassifications

·      The income statement format has been revised as discussed above

·      Total operating profit per geography agrees to numbers as previously disclosed


For the year ended 31 March 2011 NEW FORMAT

UK & Europe

Southern Africa


Total Group


Net interest income

270 811

338 247

72 411

681 469


Fee and commission income

523 225

333 037

40 038

896 300

Fee and commission expense

(99 473)

(5 280)

(3 889)

(108 642)

Investment income

138 193

111 904

4 846

254 943

Trading income

-       From customer flow

43 353

27 694

 5 400

 76 447


-       From balance sheet management and other trading activities

62 430

25 133


87 296

Other operating income

51 122

18 380

-2 329

67 173

Total operating income before impairment losses on loans and advances

989 661

849 115

116 210

1 954 986

Impairment losses on loans and advances

(210 485)

 (77 538)

(30 207)

(318 230)

Operating income

779 176

771 577

86 003

1 636 756

Operating costs

(640 282)

(471 013)

(85 570)

(1 196 865)

Depreciation on operating leased assets

(16 447)



(16 447)

Operating profit before goodwill and acquired intangibles

122 447

300 564


423 444


Operating losses attributable to non-controlling interests

11 179



10 962


Operating profit before goodwill, acquired intangibles and after non-controlling interests

133 626

300 074


434 406


Investec plc and Investec Limited

Segmental operating profit disclosures


Commentary on segmental geographic and business analysis of operating profit before goodwill, acquired intangibles, non-operating items, taxation and after non-controlling interests


The Group will provide the same disclosures as it previously reported and as reflected below:


For the year ended 31 March 2011 (GBP'000)

UK & Europe

Southern Africa


Total group

Asset Management

53 002

74 306


127 308

Wealth and Investment

25 008

15 418


40 426

Specialist Banking

55 616

210 350


266 672

Property Activities


40 178

7 155

47 708

Private Banking

(84 041)

2 990

(10 390)

(91 441)

Investment Banking

8 887

65 191

(6 716)

67 362

Capital Markets

139 978

92 211

    9 860

242 049

Group Services and Other Activities

(9 583)

9 780



Total group

133 626

300 074


434 406



Investec plc and Investec Limited

Additional income statement note disclosures




Commentary on additional income statement note disclosures


The Group will provide further information with respect to net interest income, net fees and commissions and investment income as reflected below


Net interest income for the year ended 31 March 2011


Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Received

Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Received

Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Received

Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Received

UK & Europe

UK & Europe

Southern Africa

Southern Africa



Total Group

Total Group

Cash, near cash and bank debt and sovereign debt securities

4 626 562

19 642

7 147 523

306 128

1 005 685

45 459

12 779 770

371 229

Core loans and advances

5 576 252

318 102

11 106 445

979 123

2 075 441

187 343

18 758 138

1 484 568

Private Client

3 378 213

178 218

8 126 148

664 934

1 820 450

158 958

13 324 811

1 002 110

Corporate, institutional and other clients

2 198 039

139 884

2 980 297

314 189

254 991

28 385

5 433 327

482 458

Other debt securities and other loans and advances

722 836

60 109

476 998

39 345

133 466

6 746

1 333 300

106 200

Other interest earning assets

6 809 548

235 936

1 774 765

33 391

131 649

7 459  

8 715 962

276 786

Total interest earning assets

17 735 198

633 789

20 505 731

1 357 987

3 346 241

247 007

41 587 170

2 238 783


Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Paid

Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Paid

Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Paid

Balance sheet value as at 31 March 2011

Interest Paid

UK & Europe

UK & Europe

Southern Africa

Southern Africa



Total Group

Total Group

Deposits by banks and other debt related securities

3 585 032

70 911

3 432 229

68 150

1 048 452

56 577

8 065 713

 195 638

Customer accounts

8 812 240

192 456

14 207 218

  830 450

 1 421 802

80 388

24 441 260

1 103 294

Other interest bearing liabilities

4 062 716

53 699

1 193 502

63 045

495 783

35 558

5 752 001

152 302

Subordinated liabilities

636 468

45 912

619 385

58 095

31 802

2 073

1 287 655

106 080

Total interest bearing liabilities

17 096 456

362 978

19 452 334

1 019 740

2 997 839

174 596

39 546 629

1 557 314

Net interest income

270 811

338 247

72 411

681 469



Net fees and commissions for the year ended 31 March 2011 



UK & Europe

Southern Africa


Total Group

Fund management fees/fees for assets under management

332 621

183 994

7 580

524 195

Private client transactional fees

53 763

80 543

12 761

147 067

Corporate and institutional transactional and advisory services

136 841

68 500

19 697

225 038

Fee and commission income

523 225

333 037

40 038

896 300

Fee and commission expense

(99 473)

(5 280)

(3 889)

(108 642)

Net fees and commissions

423 752

327 757

36 149

787 658



Investment income for the year ended 31 March 2011


UK & Europe

Southern Africa


Total Group


 124 196

31 271

4 061

159 528


 13 054

64 915


78 736

Dividend income


37 482


38 443

Funding costs


(21 764)


(21 764)

Investment income

138 193

111 904

4 846

254 943



Investment income for the year ended 31 March 2011


Investment portfolio (listed and unlisted equities)



Debt securities (sovereign, bank and other)

Investment properties

Other asset categories



29 610

89 385


 5 201

124 196


13 217




13 054

Dividend income






Funding costs






Investment income: UK & Europe

43 770

89 222


5 201

138 193


Investment portfolio (listed and unlisted equities)

Debt securities (sovereign, bank and other)


Investment properties

Other asset categories



26 922

3 441



31 271


12 072

(2 141)

 54 984


 64 915

Dividend income

 36 826




37 482

Funding costs

(15 818)


(5 839)


(21 764)

Investment income: Southern Africa

60 002

1 230

50 672


111 904


Investment portfolio (listed and unlisted equities)

Debt securities (sovereign, bank and other)


Investment properties

Other asset categories




1 578


2 353 

4 061







Dividend income






Funding costs






Investment income: Australia


1 578


 2 353  

4 846


Investec plc and Investec Limited

Other disclosures


Commentary on other disclosures

The balance of the Group's non-financial statement disclosures will largely remain as previously reported

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Investec (INVP)
UK 100

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