("IQ-AI" or the "Company")
IQAI's Sponsored Phase I Clinical Trial is Open
Milwaukee - 9 March 2022: IQ-AI Limited (OTCQB: IQAIF) (LSE: IQAI) is pleased to announce that the sponsored Phase I clinical trial for oral gallium maltolate (GaM) is open for enrolment. The trial is being led by Dr. Jennifer Connelly, MD, Associate Professor of Neurology, and Dr. Christopher Chitambar, MD, Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Biophysics, Division of Hematology and Oncology, both at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW). Patient recruitment in the trial is underway and potential volunteers that meet the inclusion criteria have already been identified.
This Phase I dose escalation study is designed to determine the optimal dose of GaM that can be administered safely. It is the first-in-human clinical trial for an oral form of GaM to be used in patients with high-grade brain tumours.
"I applaud the efforts of everyone involved in qualifying a new encapsulation supplier and preparing the necessary documentation to the FDA, and that the start of this much anticipated trial is now finally underway," said Trevor Brown, CEO of IQAI.
The Directors of the Company accept responsibility for the contents of this announcement
For further information, please contact:
IQ-AI Limited Trevor Brown/Brett Skelly/Vinod Kaushal Tel: 020 7469 0930 |
Peterhouse Capital Limited (Financial Adviser and Broker) Lucy Williams/Heena Karani Tel: 020 7220 9797 |
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation EU 596/2014 as it forms part of retained EU law (as defined in the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018).
About IQ-AI Limited
IQ-AI Limited, (LON: IQAI) (OTCQB: IQAIF), the parent company of Wisconsin-based Imaging Biometrics, LLC (IB), develops and provides visualisation and analytical solutions that enable clinicians to better diagnose and treat disease with greater confidence. Through close collaboration with top researchers and clinicians, sophisticated advancements are translated into platform-independent and automated software plug-ins which can extend the base functionality of workstations, imaging systems, PACS, or medical viewers. By design, IB's advanced visualisation software seamlessly integrates into routine workflows. For more information about Imaging Biometrics, visit the company's website at .