1st Quarter Results
23 May 2000
IQE plc
1st Quarter 2000 Results : Record Sales and Increased
IQE plc (IQE), the world's largest 'pure play' outsource
supplier of customised epitaxial wafers to the compound
semiconductor industry, is pleased to announce its 1st
Quarter results for the period ended 31 March 2000.
* Record Q1 sales, up 40% to £6.351m (Q1/1999:
£4.535m) and up 25.3% sequentially on Q4 1999 (£5.068m),
despite continued capacity limitations.
* Net profit before tax and exceptional costs for Q1 up
70% to £0.373m (Q1 1999 : £0.220m).
* EPS for Q1 up to 1.98p per share, up by 42% (Q1 1999:
1.41 pence per share).
* Continued strong demand for the Company's products.
* First of new generation MBE systems at Bethlehem now
in full production of 6' epiwafers.
* High quality HBT technology for both AlGaAs and
GaInP products established on new generation MOCVD
systems in Cardiff and now under customer qualification.
* Strong acceleration in capital expenditure programme
to maximise opportunities.
* In addition, since the end of Q1, IQE completed a
successful secondary offering and listing on LSE to raise
£37m (US $56m) for expansion of business.
Dr Drew Nelson, Chairman & CEO commented:
'The Groups results are now beginning to show the fruits
of our investments from the IPO as our new capacity
starts to come on line, resulting in record revenues for
the first quarter of 2000. We are continuing to increase
our profitability despite significantly increased
investment to further accelerate our capacity expansion
plans in order to cope with growing customer demand for
our products.
Our successful secondary offering and listing on the LSE,
which we completed last week, will not only provide the
funds for rapid expansion of our capacity but will also
enable greater visibility for the Group and increased
liquidity in our shares. We continue to look forward to
the future with great confidence.'
For further information please contact:
Drew Nelson, Chairman & CEO, IQE (029)20 839400
Tom Hierl, Chief Technical Officer, IQE (+1) 610 861 6930
Tim Thompson/Nicola Cronk, Buchanan Communications
020 7466 5000
1st Quarter 2000 Results
The Groups products continue to be in very strong demand,
driven by the increasing need to expand the Internet
infrastructure via higher capacity and faster optical
fibre data links and to provide increasingly
sophisticated mobile communications systems. In addition,
many other applications of compound semiconductor devices
continue to grow rapidly.
As previously indicated, we are accelerating our capacity
expansion programme to cope with the increasing demand
for epitaxial wafers and our successful secondary
offering will allow us to establish a much greater
capacity for manufacturing wafers in a highly cost
effective manner over the coming twelve months. Important
milestones achieved during the quarter included
establishing full production of 6' wafers on the first of
the new generation multiwafer 6' MBE equipment in
Bethlehem, and successfully developing a high quality HBT
production technology for both AlGaAs and GaInP products
on the new AIX 2600 multiwafer MOCVD reactors in Cardiff.
These products are now in qualification with a
significant number of customers around the world.
Results for Q1 2000.
Q1 sales reached their highest ever quarterly level of
£6.351m, an increase of 40% over Q1-1999 (£4.535m) and up
sequentially by 25.3% on Q4-1999 revenues (£5.068m).
Turnover continued to be limited by testing and
qualification, but benefited significantly from the
increased revenue generated from our new multiwafer MBE
(VG150) system which we were able to establish in full
production of 6' wafers, which is fully qualified by our
customers - the first in the industry. As previously
indicated gross margin was impacted by continued testing
and qualification and by increased investment costs
associated with building our infrastructure and staffing
ahead of further acceleration of our expansion plans.
Nonetheless gross profit increased 29% to £2.039m
compared with Q1-1999 (£1.576m), although gross margin
was reduced to 32.1% from 34.8% for the same period last
year. SG&A costs were reduced as a percentage of revenue
to 16.8% from 18.8% for Q1-2000 compared with Q1-1999.
Increased R&D costs associated with the successful HBT
product development limited the pre-exceptional operating
profit increase to £0.423m, still up by 12% from Q1-1999
(£0.378m). Net profits before taxes and exceptional
costs rose to £0.373m, an increase of 70% compared with
the same period last year (Q1-1999:£0.220m). Pre-
exceptional post tax profits increased to £0.269m (Q1-
1999:£0.190m) resulting in earnings of 1.98 pence per
share for the quarter compared with 1.41 pence for the
same quarter in 1999. Including exceptionals, post tax
profits increased by 77% to £0.230m from £0.130m in Q1-
The 1st quarter of 2000 saw several more major milestones
achieved and continued strong demand for our products,
particularly those used in optical fibre communication
systems which provide increased capacity for Internet
infrastructure systems and those used to support rapidly
increasing growth in the mobile telephony marketplace.
We successfully established in full production our new
multiwafer 6' MBE system (VG150) in Bethlehem with our
three largest electronics customers, enabling us to
substantially increase our Q1 revenues. As this is the
first of a new generation of large capacity MBE systems,
the risk associated with its operation has now been
eliminated and we have established a commanding time lead
over our competitors. We have several further large
capacity MBE systems arriving over the next four months,
to cope with customer demand and additional design
improvements based on our experiences to date are being
incorporated into the new systems, which will include
full automation.
We have also been successful in establishing a powerful
HBT technology for both the AlGaAs and GaInP products on
the new generation AIX2600 MOCVD platform in Cardiff, and
device results achieved to date are highly encouraging.
These products for the mobile telephony and optical
fibre communication systems are currently in
qualification with a significant number of customers
around the world. We will receive several more of these
large capacity MOCVD systems over the next twelve months
which will be used for a variety of products, including
Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) for
which there is a rapidly growing market in local area
optical fibre networks. IQE is currently the leading
provider of these complex wafers to the industry.
The development of our large scale multiwafer 4' and 6'
technology for both HBT and PHEMT is particularly
relevant since the electronics part of the Compound
Semiconductor Industry is moving rapidly to 6' wafer
processing, with some customers now in production with 6'
wafer technology. Almost all of the major companies in
the sector have now announced their plans to move to 6'
wafers, confirming the timeliness of our strategy to
invest heavily in large scale 6' epitaxy equipment, which
we announced last September.
Capital expenditure, including deposits on new equipment
in the quarter was £4.154m, ahead of our original
intentions and reflecting the significant acceleration in
our capex plans which are aimed at bringing forward our
capacity increase to cope with rising customer demands.
Trading Prospects
The markets for our products are continuing to grow
rapidly, with demand especially strong in the materials
for Internet infrastructure projects such as Dense
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) optical fibre
systems for long haul and metro networks, short haul
optical fibre links and mobile telephony systems. Almost
all the major companies in the electronics sector have
announced plans to move to 6' wafer processing, as
anticipated by IQE last September, strongly supporting
the rapid growth strategy adopted by the Group. In
addition the installation at IQE's sites of the new
generation reactors, which are also much more cost
effective at producing 4' wafers compared to existing
technology, has presented the Group with the opportunity
to supply traditionally fully captive manufacturing
facilities with a more cost effective alternative than
fully re-equipping their plants with new generation
reactors. This will encourage current 'captive'
manufacturers to reappraise their in-house strategy,
faced with the prospect of having to replace a
significant amount of their current manufacturing
As a result of this acceleration in our plans, we
announced a primary fund raising of £37m (US $56m) and a
move to the techMARK index of the LSE. This was highly
successful, with the share subscription being four times
oversubscribed in a very difficult and volatile market.
The funds raised for the Group will be used to execute
our ambitious expansion plan, which will give IQE a
significant advantage over its competitors in providing a
comprehensive and cost effective epitaxial wafer foundry
service to the worldwide compound semiconductor industry.
Overall, the rapidly growing demand and ever increasing
range and size of applications for compound semiconductor
wafers, represents a unique opportunity for IQE to
establish itself as the first choice supplier globally
for outsource epi-wafer supply, particularly as we have
the financial strength to execute our plans. We expect
our revenues will grow strongly as new reactors capacity
is brought on line during the next twelve months, and we
continue to look forward to the future with great
Profit and Loss Account
Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1
31 Mar 00 31 Mar 00 31 Mar 99
(All figures unaudited exceptionals unaudited
GBP000s except
Sales 6,351 6,351 4,535
Cost of Sales (4,312) (4,312) (2,959)
Gross Profit 2,039 2,039 1,576
Gross Margin % 32.1 32.1 34.8
Research/Development (545) (545) (345)
Selling/General/Admin (1,070) (1,070) (853)
Selling/General/Admin (39) 0 (60)
Operating Profit 384 423 318
Operating Marging % 6.1 6.7 7.0
Interest Receivable/(Payable) (50) (50) (158)
Interest (Payable) Exceptional (0) 0 0
Net Profit before Taxes 334 373 160
Net Margin % 5.3 5.9 3.5
Current Taxes (104) (104) (30)
Deferred taxes (0) (0) (0)
Dividend (0) (0) (0)
Profit/(Loss) after Taxes 230 269 130
Earnings £/share 0.02 0.02 0.01
Earnings $/share 0.03 0.03 0.02
Exchange Rate $/£ Average 1.63 1.63 1.62
Exchange RAte $/£ Closing 1.61 1.61 1.61
Quarter 1 12 months
31 Mar 1999 31 Dec 1999
exceptionals audited
Sales 4,535 19,043
Cost of Sales (2,959) (12,558)
Gross Profit 1,576 6,485
Gross Margin % 34.8 34.1
Research/Development (345) (1,302)
Selling/General/Admin (853) (3,729)
Exceptionals 0 (171)
Operating Profit 378 1,283
Operating Marging % 8.3 6.7
Interest Receivable/(Payable) (158) (261)
Interest (Payable) Exceptional (0) (328)
Net Profit before Taxes 220 694
Net Margin % 4.9 3.6
Current Taxes (30) 47
Deferred taxes (0) 102
Dividend (0) 0
Profit/(Loss) after Taxes 190 843
Earnings £/share 0.02 0.06
Earnings $/share 0.03 0.10
Exchange Rate $/£ Average 1.62 1.61
Exchange Rate $/£ Closing 1.61 1.61
Balance Sheet
As At As At As At
31 Mar 2000 31 Mar 1999 31 Dec 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) audited
Fixed assets 14,759 7,094 11,483
Stocks 3,058 1,533 2,573
Debtors 9,076 3,535 7,742
Cash and Bank 3,932 383 8,117
Total Current Assets 16,066 5,451 18,432
Creditors Falling (5,392) (6,268) (4,517)
Due within One Year
Net Current Asset 10,674 -817 13,915
Total Assets less
Current Liablities 25,433 6,277 25,398
Creditors Falling
Due after One Year
Deferred Income (89) (8) (93)
Long Term
Borrowings (3,840) (5,029) (4,024)
Deferred Tax
Liability (331) (491) (331)
Net Assets 21,176 749 20,950
Capital and
Called Up Share
Captal 1,366 1,040 1,360
Merger Reserve (605) (759) (605)
Share Premium
Account 18,916 0 18,907
Earnings 1,551 568 1,281
Other Reserves (12) (100) 7
Total Equity
Shareholders' Funds 21,176 749 20,950
CASH FLOW Quarter 1 Quarter 1 12 Months
STATEMENT 31 Mar 2000 31 Mar 1999 31 December 1999
(All figures
GBP000s) unaudited unaudited audited
Net Inflow/(outflow) (96) 1,250 (2,877)
from operations
Returns on Investment
and Servicing Finance
Interest (50) (158) (589)
Capital Expenditure (3,850) (1,917) (7,413)
Equity Dividend
Paid (0) (0) 0
Tax Paid (20) 5 (282)
Net Inflow/(Outflow) (4,016) (820) (11,161)
before financing
Issue of Ordinary
Share Capital 6 0 319
Proceeds of IPO (net) 9 (0) 19,061
Loans (184) 361 (443)
Net Inflow/(Outflow)
from Financing (169) 361 18,937
in Cash and Bank (4,185) (458) 7,776
Quarter 1 Quarter 1 12 months
31 Mar 2000 31 Mar 1999 31 Dec 1999
UK GAAP unaudited unaudited audited
(All figures GBP000s) ----------------------------------------
(1) Statement of
Cash Flows
The following shows the
statement of cash flows as
if they had presented under
Cash Inflow/(Outflow) (129) 1,158 (3,525)
from Opertions
Cash Inflow/(Outflow) (3,850) (1,917) (7,136)
from Investing
Cash Inflow/(Outflow)
Financing (208) 301 18,438
Net Increase/(Decrease)
in Cash and cash (4,188) (458) 7,777
Cash and Cash
Equivalent at the Start
of the Period per IAS 8,118 341 341
Exchange difference 2 (0) 0
Cash and Cash Equivalents
at the end of the period
IAS per IAS 3,933 (117) 8,118
2) Goodwill
Goodwill of £284,000 arose on acquisition of Epitaxial Products
by EPIH on 27 March 1996. Under UK GAAP, this has been written
off directly to reserves. Under IAS, however, goodwill arising
on acquisition should be recognised as an asset and amortised
over its useful life. The following shows the retained profit
and total net assets as if they had been prepared under IAS
with goodwill amortized over 5 years.
Profit/(Loss) after
Taxes and Exceptional
Items 230 130 1,342
Dividends (0) (0) 0
Retained Profit/(Loss) per
UK GAAP 230 130 1,342
Goodwill Amortisation (14) (14) (57)
Retained Profit/(Loss)
per IAS 216 116 1,285
Equity Shareholders'
Funds per UK GAAP 21,176 749 20,950
Goodwill Capitalisation
at Cost 284 284 284
Accumulated Goodwill
Amortisation (227) (170) (213)
Equity Shareholders'
Funds per IAS 21,232 863 21,021