Holding(s) in Company

ITV PLC 07 July 2005 SCHEDULE 10 NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES _______________________________________________________________ All relevant boxes should be completed in typed block capital letters. 1. Name of Company 2. Name of shareholder having a major interest ITV PLC Fidelity Management and Research Corp. and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, and Fidelity International Limited (FIL) and its direct and indirect subsidiaries. 3. Please state whether notification indicates 4. Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more that it than one holder, the number of shares held by each is in respect of holding of the shareholder named of them in 2 above or in respect of a non-beneficial interest or in the case of an individual holder if it is a holding of that person's spouse or children under the age of 18 SEE BELOW SEE BELOW 5. Number of 6. Percentage of 7. Number of shares/ 8. Percentage of amount of stock disposed shares/amount of stock issued class issued class acquired N/A N/A N/A N/A 9. Class of security 10. Date of 11. Date company transaction informed ORDINARY SHARES OF 10 PENCE EACH - 06 July 2005 12. Total holding following this notification 13. Total percentage holding of issued class following this notification 576,657,208 14.06% 14. Any additional information 15. Name of contact and telephone number for queries c/o Helen Tautz ITV plc The London Television Centre SEE BELOW London SE1 9LT TEL: 020 7261 3061 FAX : 020 7928 4943 16. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this notification Helen Tautz 07 July 2005 Company Announcements Office, Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1HP Facsimile: 020 7588 6057 NOTIFICATIONS UNDER SECTIONS 198 TO 202 - - U.K. COMPANIES ACT 1. Company in which shares are held: ITV plc 2. Notifiable Interest: Ordinary Shares (A) FMR Corp. 82 Devonshire Street Boston, MA 02109 Parent holding company of Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMRCO), Investment manager for US mutual funds, and Fidelity Management Trust Company (FMTC), a US state chartered bank which acts as a trustee or investment manager of various pension and trust accounts. (See Schedule A for listing of Registered Shareholders and their holdings). (B) Fidelity International Limited (FIL) P.O. Box HM 670 Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda Parent holding company for various direct and indirect subsidiaries, including Fidelity Investment Services Ltd. (FISL), Fidelity Gestion (FIGEST), Fidelity Investments Advisory (Korea) Limited (FIA(K)L), Fidelity Investments Management (Hong Kong) Limited (FIMHK), Fidelity Pension Management (FPM) and Fidelity Investments International (FII), investment managers for various non-US investment companies and institutional clients. (See Schedule A for listing of Registered Shareholders and their holdings.) 3. The notifiable interests also comprise the notifiable interest of: Mr. Edward C. Johnson 3d 82 Devonshire Street Boston, MA 02109 A principal shareholder of FMR Corp. and Fidelity International Limited. Fidelity Management & Research Company 82 Devonshire Street E14B Boston, MAO2109-3614 Phone: 617 563-700C 4. The notifiable interests include interest held on behalf of authorized unit trust schemes in the U.K., notwithstanding the exemption from reporting pursuant to Section 209 (1) (h) of the Companies Act 1985. 5. These notifications of disclosable interests constitute separate notifications of interest in the shares and are combined solely for the purposes of clarity and efficiency. Nothing herein should be taken to indicate that FMR Corp. and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, Fidelity International Limited and its direct and indirect subsidiaries or Mr. Edward C. Johnson 3d act as a group or in concert in respect of the disclosed interests, or that they are required to submit these notifications on a joint basis. 6. The disclosable interests arise under section 208 (4) (b) of the Act, namely where a person, not being the registered holder, is entitled to exercise a right conferred by the holding of the shares or to control the exercise of such rights, or under section 203 of the Act respectively. Rani Jandu Regulatory Reporting Manager - FIL Investment Compliance Duly authorized under Powers of Attorney Dated 25 August 2004 by Eric D. Roiter, by and on Behalf of FMR Corp. and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, and Fidelity International Limited and its direct and indirect subsidiaries. Schedule A Security: ITV plc (Ordinary Shares ) Shares Held Management Nominee/ Company Registered Name 98,900 FIA(K)l State Street Hong Kong 1,262,800 FICL State Street Bank and Tr. Co. 415,020 FIGEST CDC Finance 7,165,104 FII Bank of New York Europe LDN 10,133,820 FII JP Morgan, Bournemouth 134,220 FIJ Brown Brothers Harriman and Co. 297,484 FIJ Master Trust Bank of Japan 106,880 FIJ Nomura Trust and Banking 94,215 FIJ Trust&Cust SVCS BK LTD TOKO 2,851,612 FIL Bank of New York Brussels 369,551 FIL BNP Paribas, Paris (C) 136,950,595 FIL Brown Brothers Harriman Ltd LUX 961,306 FIL Chase Manhattan Bank AG Frankfurt 77,651 FIL ING Luxembourg 3,063,219 FIL JP Morgan, Bournemouth 2,913,479 FIL National Astl Bank, Melbourne 2,214,260 FIL Northern Trust London 1,120,221 FIL State Str Bk and Tr Co London 329,183 FIL State Street Bank Australia 111,618 FIL State Street T&B Co Ltd Tokyo 712,656 FIM HK Bermuda Trust Far East HK 203,149,158 FISL JP Morgan, Bournemouth 55,127,996 FMRCO JP Morgan Chase Bank 840,600 FMRCO Northern Trust London 2,965,872 FMRCO State Street Bank and Tr Co. 1,804,525 FMTC Bank of New York 7,281,622 FMTC Brown Brothers Harriman and Co. 649,672 FMTC CIBC Mellon Trust 2,435,414 FMTC JP Morgan Chase Bank 2,593,273 FMTC Mellon Bank N.A. 4,471,158 FMTC Northern Trust Co. 90,577 FMTC Royal Trust Toronto 13,314,945 FMTC State Street Bank and Tr Co. 17,095,016 FPM Bank of New York Brussels 337,300 FPM Bank of New York Europe LDN 2,323,864 FPM Bankers Trust London 83,800 FPM Chase Manhattan London 606,363 FPM Chase Manhttn Bk AG Frankfurt 320,200 FPM Citibank London 962,167 FPM Clydesdale Bank plc 69,000 FPM Dexia Privatbank 3,678,601 FPM HSBC Bank plc 25,095,971 FPM JP Morgan, Bournemouth 343,100 FPM JP Morgan Chase Bank 8,084,115 FPM Mellon Bank 1,170,923 FPM Midland Securities Services 31,723,128 FPM Northern Trust London 126,273 FPM Societe Generale 18,457,255 FPM State Stre Bk and Tr Co Lndn 71,526 FPM State Street Munich Total Ordinary Shares: 576,657,208 Current ownership 14.06% percentage: Shares in issue: 4,100,280,119 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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