In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited ('JMH' or the 'Company') has been published or made available to the public over the previous 12 months up to and including 9th April 2009.
In accordance with Article 27(3) of the Prospectus Directive Regulation the information referred to below was up to date at the time of publication of the information but some information may now be out of date due to change in circumstances.
1. The information below was made available via a Regulatory Information Services (RNS). The announcements lodged through RNS are available at the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com/rns. Those announcements indicated with an asterisk (*) are also available at the Company's website at www.jardines.com.
Date of announcement |
Description |
11/04/2008 |
Annual Report 2007 and Notice of 2008 Annual General Meeting |
15/04/2008 |
Director's Share Transaction in JMH |
25/04/2008 |
Director's Share Transactions in JMH |
28/04/2008 |
2007 Final Dividend - Scrip Entitlement Multiple* |
30/04/2008 |
2007 Final Dividend - Pound Sterling Equivalent* |
02/05/2008 |
Annual Information Update |
08/05/2008 |
Interim Management Statement* |
08/05/2008 |
Result of AGM - All resolutions passed |
08/05/2008 |
Annual General Meeting - Non-routine resolutions submitted to the Financial Services Authority |
14/05/2008 |
Directors' Share Transactions in JMH |
29/05/2008 |
Director's Share Transaction in JMH |
30/05/2008 |
Total Voting Rights |
04/06/2008 |
Amendments to the Bermuda Takeover Code and The Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited Consolidation and Amendment Act 1988* |
16/06/2008 |
Director's Share Transactions in JMH |
27/06/2008 |
Share Transaction of Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities in JMH |
02/07/2008 |
Director's Share Transaction in JMH |
04/07/2008 |
2008 Half-Yearly Results Announcement Date |
01/08/2008 |
Half-Yearly Results for the Six Months ended 30th June 2008 * |
28/08/2008 |
Directors' Share Transactions in JMH |
28/08/2008 |
Directors' Share Transactions in JMH |
28/08/2008 |
Directors' Share Transactions in JMH |
03/09/2008 |
Circular to Shareholders - Scrip Dividend Scheme |
29/09/2008 |
2008 Interim Dividend - Scrip Entitlement Multiple* |
02/10/2008 |
2008 Interim Dividend - Pound Sterling Equivalent* |
15/10/2008 |
Interim Dividend Payment* |
15/10/2008 |
Directors' Share Transactions in JMH |
31/10/2008 |
Total Voting Rights |
13/11/2008 |
Interim Management Statement* |
19/12/2008 |
Shares Purchased by Jardine Matheson International Services Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary |
09/02/2009 |
2008 Final Results Announcement Date |
05/03/2009 |
Director's Share Transaction in JMH |
06/03/2009 |
2008 Preliminary Announcement of Results* |
16/03/2009 |
Share Transaction of Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities in JMH |
24/03/2009 |
Application For Block Listing of New Shares |
31/03/2009 |
Circular to Shareholders - Scrip Dividend Scheme |
09/04/2009 |
Publication of 2008 Annual Report and Notice of Annual General Meeting* |
2. Copies of the documents below were lodged and are available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility which is situated at The Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. Copies of the annual reports and circulars are also available at the Company's website at www.jardines.com.
Date of Issue of Document |
Description |
11/04/2008 |
Annual Report 2007, Notice of 2008 Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form |
08/05/2008 |
Annual General Meeting - non-routine resolutions |
03/09/2008 |
Circular to Shareholders - Scrip Dividend Scheme |
31/03/2009 |
Circular to Shareholders - Scrip Dividend Scheme |
09/04/2009 |
Annual Report 2008, Notice of 2009 Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form |
3. The information below was made available via the SGXNET of the Singapore Exchange Limited. The announcements are available at the website of the Singapore Exchange Limited at www.sgx.com. Those announcements indicated with an asterisk (*) are also available at the Company's website at www.jardines.com.
Date of announcement |
Description |
30/04/2008 |
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc, an associate company Interim Management Statement for the Three Months Ended 31/03/2008* (also see Note 1) |
02/05/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for April 2008 |
02/06/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for May 2008 |
02/07/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for June 2008 |
01/08/2008 |
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc, an associate company Unaudited Interim Results for the Six Months to 30/06/2008* (also see Note 1) |
01/08/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for July 2008 |
01/09/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for August 2008 |
02/10/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for September 2008 |
03/11/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for October 2008 |
11/11/2008 |
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc, an associate company Interim Management Statement for the Three Months Ended 30/09/2008* (also see Note 1) |
01/12/2008 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for November 2008 |
02/01/2009 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for December 2008 |
02/02/2009 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for January 2009 |
02/03/2009 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for February 2009 |
03/03/2009 |
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc, an associate company Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31/12/2008 (Unaudited)* (also see Note 1) |
01/04/2009 |
Movement in the Issued Share Capital for March 2009 |
Note 1 : As the announcement was issued by the associate company via a Regulatory Information Services, a copy of which is available at the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com/rns, JMH did not issue the announcement again in London.
4. The information below was advertised in the newspapers in Bermuda. Copies of the notices can be obtained at the Company's registered office at Jardine House, 33-35 Reid Street, Hamilton, Bermuda.
Date of publication |
Description |
13/08/2008 |
Notice of Closing of the Register of Members |
18/03/2009 |
Notice of Closing of the Register of Members |
Neil M McNamara, Jardine Matheson Limited
For and on behalf of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited
20th April 2009