Chairman's AGM Statement

Jardine Matheson Hldgs Ld 1 June 2000 Jardine Matheson Chairman Makes Statement to Shareholders at Annual General Meeting * Emphasises Commitment To Long-Term Value Creation * Reiterates Strength Of Current Shareholding Structure * Forecasts Strong First Half Performance Bermuda, 1st June 2000 -- Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited today released the statement made by its Chairman, Henry Keswick, to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting held on 1st June 2000. In the statement, Mr Keswick emphasised the commitment of Jardine Matheson's Board and management to building long-term shareholder value. He reiterated the strengths of the current cross shareholding structure with Jardine Strategic, highlighting the stability the structure created in a volatile region which enabled management to concentrate on growing their businesses. In addition, Mr Keswick drew attention to the above-average performance of the Group over the last ten years and forecast strong earnings for the first half of 2000. Mr Keswick stated, 'Despite the continuing difficulties within Dairy Farm and Jardine International Motors, which I highlighted at the time of the 1999 year-end results, the overall result for the Group for the half year to 30th June 2000 should show a strong growth in earnings over the comparable period last year.' Attached is Mr Keswick's full statement. Jardine Matheson is a multinational group focused primarily on the Asia-Pacific Region. Its operations employ some 150,000 people and its activities are leaders in the fields of financial services, supermarkets, consumer marketing, engineering and construction, motor trading, property and hotels. The Group is building its core businesses largely in Asia Pacific with the goal of enhancing shareholder value for the long term. For further information, please contact: Jardine Matheson Limited Neil M McNamara Tel: (1 441) 298 6011 Matheson & Co.Limited Martin Henderson Tel: (44) 0207 816 8135 Forrest International Limited David Dodwell Tel: (852) 2501 7902 Sue Gourlay (852) 2501 7936 Ludgate Communications Richard Hews Tel: (44) 0207 253 2252 Statement Made by the Chairman of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited at the Annual General Meeting of the Company Held on 1st June 2000 I would first like to state that the Board is totally committed to the creation of genuine shareholder value. As such we have considered carefully the issues that have been raised by shareholders in this regard. Nevertheless, we shall not take any action just for the sake of bringing about a short-term increase in the share price. The directors have always focused and will continue to focus on the longer-term perspective and the enhancement of the Group's underlying values. We believe that the logic for the group's structure remains as valid today as ever - to provide a stable background against which management can concentrate on growing their businesses. Such a goal is not unusual in the region, as managers seek stability in a business and political environment noted for its volatility. That was the structure of the Group when today's dissenting shareholders acquired their stake - a structure finalised in 1987 after being approved by market regulators and by decisive votes of the respective shareholders. The unwinding of the cross-shareholding that is proposed will not increase the underlying value of your Company. It might, of course, create an upward share price movement through bid speculation. But it is not the purpose of the Board to lay the Company open to an opportunistic bid at a time when its share price does not reflect its true worth. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out that the cross- shareholding would not prevent a bona fide bid for the Company. The Board would be duty bound to consider any such bid, and, if it represents full value for the passing of control of all our assets and subsidiaries, to recommend it to shareholders. During the first half of the 90s, our profit performance was strong. We are convinced that the work we are now doing to reshape the Group will return us to that trend. And, in looking at performance, it is important to retain a sense of perspective. Much of our emphasis has gone into increasing asset values, sometimes at the expense of immediate earnings. Over the last 10 years, despite the current low share price, Jardines' total shareholder returns compare quite favourably with other conglomerates in the region - a period when the growth of our net asset value per share, plus dividends, is equivalent to an annual rate of return of 14%, measured in US Dollars, one of the world's strongest currencies. There have been one or two outstanding performances by conglomerates in the region, often related to telecommunications, but these are the exceptions. Many others have struggled or even disappeared during what has been a very difficult period for Asia. We do acknowledge that, in recent years, the share price performance has been disappointing: in our view, this was a function of the sharp downturn in Asian markets and of problems in certain Group companies which needed to be put right. During that time, however, the structure has enabled the Group to take far-reaching action in response to a fundamental shift in our markets caused by the trends towards globalisation, and, more recently, e-business. We have narrowed our business focus to concentrate on larger operations with good growth potential, releasing significant value in the process. We have also placed an emphasis on cost control, leading the market with initiatives in areas such as shared services, and have de-layered management so as to streamline our operations. In recent years, we have introduced policies to promote a more efficient use of capital within our businesses, while always recognising the need for conservative financing associated with volatile Asian markets and political risks. We have confidence that these actions will prove successful, not only in financial terms, but also in further sharpening the focus of our management teams. This work is ongoing, and is only now beginning to yield rewards to shareholders as the economic climate in Asia improves. So far this year the better markets have led to a good return to profit growth for Jardine Pacific, while Robert Fleming has done well in line with buoyant financial markets. Despite the continuing difficulties within Dairy Farm and Jardine International Motors, which were highlighted at the time of the 1999 year-end results, the overall result for the Group for the half year to 30th June should show a strong growth in earnings over the comparable period last year. The significant progress made within the Group in adapting to the 'new economy' and embracing new technologies has also yet to be fully appreciated outside the Group. While each of our operating companies is pursuing its own initiatives, at the centre we are giving full reign to the development of some smaller, non-listed operations. A good example is JOS Technology which is being developed into a regional player in the IT solutions arena. Looking to the future I would like to be clear in our intentions: First, we wish to see a strong share price - not just in Jardines but in all our quoted affiliates. That is good for the business and for those who work in the business. We fully recognise the need to have the right people to drive the Group forward, and that they must be properly incentivised. A healthy share price is important to ensure that our share incentive schemes and those of our devolved affiliates live up to their name. A strong share price is also important for the directors themselves, many of whom are substantial shareholders. To be soundly based, this must come from improved performance. We believe that Asia's recovery and the modernisation that is being carried out in all the Group companies will be reflected in a stronger share price. That is our aim. Second, the directors will continue to keep the Group's assets under review and will be ready to make further disposals - as well as selective acquisitions to expand our core businesses - when we judge that the best value for shareholders can be achieved by such action. We shall continue to streamline our business focus. Third, we believe that increasing our stakes in our Group companies often represents an excellent investment, and we intend to continue our programme of share purchases when attractive in economic terms. We shall also be examining a range of options for deploying the proceeds of the Robert Fleming sale in a way that benefits equally all shareholders, including the possibility of share repurchases. As a Group we take our obligations to shareholders seriously. We operate transparently, providing more disclosure than virtually any other group in Asia. In addition, we maintain an active dialogue with shareholders, meeting regularly to explain what we are doing and to understand their concerns. We go to great lengths to avoid potential conflicts of interest and - on the very rare occasions when these arise - we take separate advice and act accordingly. Through the actions that have culminated in today's members' resolutions, shareholders have made their views known, as is their right. We have considered the arguments, and remain committed to studying all the options available to us to enhance long term shareholder value. That does not, however, mean that we intend to expose the Group to an opportunistic bid just as Asia emerges from its troubles and the benefits from the restructuring of the Group begin to show.
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