26 July 2023
Directorate Change
Finance Director Retirement and Appointment of Chief Financial Officer
The Company previously announced in January 2023, that Martin Magee our Finance Director, and Executive Director on the Board of the Company, would be retiring.
At a meeting of the Board held today, Martin Magee resigned from the Board with effect from 26 July 2023.
The Board of Jersey Electricity Plc is pleased to announce the appointment of Lynne Georgine Fulton as Chief Financial Officer, and Executive Director with immediate effect.
The Company confirms there is no additional information to disclose under Listing Rule 9.6.13.
Resignation and Appointment of Company Secretary
The Company announces that Andrew Welsby has resigned as Company Secretary and Fiona Wilson has been appointed with immediate effect.
Fiona Wilson
Company Secretary
Jersey Electricity Plc
PO Box 45, The Powerhouse
Queens Road, St Helier
Jersey. JE4 8NY
Tel: +44 1534 505253