JPMorgan Chinese Investment Trust plc
Directorate Change
The Board of JPMorgan Chinese Investment Trust plc is pleased to announce the appointment of John Misselbrook as a non-executive Director of the Company with immediate effect.
Mr. Misselbrook has more than 30 years experience in financial services, including 20 years in senior management positions with responsibility for finance, compliance and risk management, operations, information technology and human resources. Prior to his retirement in December 2011, Mr. Misselbrook was a Director and Chief Operating Officer of Baring Asset Management Limited. In earlier roles with INVESCO Asia, LGT Asset Management, James Capel and Mansion House Securities, Mr. Misselbrook spent more than 10 years of his career in Hong Kong.
Mr. Misselbrook is a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and also of The Institute of Internal Auditors.
There is no further information to be disclosed under paragraphs 9.6.13 (2) to (6) of the UKLA Listing Rules for Mr. Misselbrook.
23rd July 2012
For further information:
Lucy Dina
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited ......................... 020 7742 4000