Final Results

JP Morgan Fleming Indian IT PLC 08 December 2003 JPMorgan Fleming Indian Investment Trust plc Unaudited Results for the year ended 30th September 2003 8th December 2003 The Board of JPMorgan Fleming Indian Investment Trust plc are pleased to announce the annual results of the Company for the year to 30th September 2003. Year Under Review It has been an exceptional year for investors in the Company's shares with our Investment Manager producing a return on net assets of +62.4%. This is comfortably ahead of the +57.0% return of the benchmark index, the Bombay Stock Exchange National 100 Index in sterling terms. The Investment Manager will highlight the contributing factors to this outperformance in the Annual Report & Accounts that will shortly be published, but the Board particularly noted that a significant proportion of the excess return over the benchmark index was due to successful stock selection. The stock market rally was broad based with almost every sector participating. Profit margins in Indian companies are increasing as revenue growth accelerates while costs have been stabilised. Equity valuations are still attractive despite the strong gains. Structurally, India seems to have surged to a higher growth level. GDP is expected to increase by 7% propelled by strong domestic consumption, growing trade, and a new round of capital investment. Liquidity is abundant. The Indian rupee has strengthened and Foreign Exchange Reserves have increased sharply. As ever, there are risks to investing in India, most immediately in the form of elections in 2004. The Manager and Board are confident, however, that the medium to longer-term prospects are sound. Over the year the discount at which the Company's shares trade to the net asset value narrowed, resulting in a +72.1% share price return. Since the year end the net asset value has continued to grow strongly from 100.6p to 118.2p at the time of writing on the 5th December 2004, and the share price from 86.5p to 112.0p. In addition the Investment Manager, over the two month period to 30th November 2003 continued to outperform the benchmark index. Gearing Given the turnaround in the market and the continuing positive outlook for India the Board believes that it would be beneficial if the Investment Manager was able to gear the portfolio, as it would, in positive markets, enhance the return to shareholders. In this regard, the Board is in the process of arranging a borrowing facility with The Royal Bank of Scotland for up to $15m. This facility will be for a period of one year, and will be at a floating rate of interest. It will therefore be able to be repaid during the year at no penalty cost to the Company. The Investment Manager can use this facility as they see appropriate except that the Board has restricted the maximum gearing level of the Company to 15%. If the facility was fully utilised today the Company would be 12% geared. The actual gearing level today is 1%. Continuation Vote The forthcoming Annual General Meeting has specific significance this year as it is a requirement of the Company's Articles of Association that an ordinary resolution be put to shareholders that the Company continue in existence for a further five-year period. This is the first such continuation vote and if it is passed they will thereafter, under the terms of the Articles, take place every five years. It is therefore appropriate for me to highlight the performance and progress of the Company over longer periods than normal, including since its launch in May 1994. The table below shows the performance of the Company over the one and five year periods to 30th September 2003 as well as since launch in May 1994. While the timing of the launch of the Company ten years ago was in retrospect not ideal, the subsequent performance of both the market and the Investment Manager has been good. Since 1 year 5 years launch Net Asset Value - total return +62.4% +110.2% +5.6% Benchmark - total return +57.0% +59.0% -20.2% NAV Outperformance vs Benchmark(1) +5.4% +51.2% +25.8% Share Price - total return +72.1% +142.0% -4.5% Source: Fundamental Data/Datastream. The Benchmark is the Bombay Stock Exchange National 100 Index in sterling terms. Given this performance and our continuing enthusiasm for the investment opportunities in India, the Directors are of the opinion that the continuation of the Company will be in the best interest of all shareholders. The Board strongly recommends that shareholders vote in favour of the resolution, as they intend to do in respect of their own holdings. Given the importance of this resolution, shareholders are encouraged to vote either in person at the Annual General Meeting or by completing the proxy card that will be sent with the Annual Report & Accounts. If the resolution is not passed, the Directors are required to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within four months at which proposals would be considered for the Company to be reorganised, voluntarily wound up, or otherwise. Change in Benchmark On 14th July the Board announced that the benchmark index against which the Company's performance was measured would be changing to the MSCI India Index in sterling terms with effect from 1st October 2003, being the first day of the current financial year. The Board previously used the Bombay Stock Exchange National 100 Index (in sterling terms) for performance comparison purposes but changes to its constituents in May 2003 had a significant impact on its investability. This was highlighted by the largest stock in the index then having a 14% weighting but a free-float of only 4%. In view of this and other similar changes, the Investment Manager and the Board believed the existing benchmark had become unrepresentative of opportunities in India and unrealistic from a portfolio investment perspective. The MSCI India Index is a free-float-adjusted market capitalisation index that is designed to measure equity performance in India. It is now widely used by mainstream India funds. As this change was announced during the year the Board felt that it would be appropriate to show the performance of the portfolio against both the old and the new indices in the 2003 Annual Report & Accounts. In future only the MSCI India index will be used. The change in the benchmark index did not result in any significant changes to the structure of the portfolio. Governance The Board has considered the implications of the recent reports on corporate governance and considers that it has complied with the principles of the Association of Investment Trust Companies code of corporate governance. The Board believes that the actions of individual directors, rather than the length of their service, is the appropriate factor in determining the independence of directors. In addition, the Board is mindful of the continuation vote which will take place at this year's Annual General Meeting and, if passed, every five years thereafter. Moreover, the Board believes that familiarity with the Indian market over a considerable period is also an important factor. The Nomination Committee of the Board will, when Directors retire by rotation, consider whether they should be re-elected in light of the above criteria. In any one year the Nomination Committee is made up of those Directors who are not up for re-election by rotation at the next Annual General Meeting. With a Board of five Directors, at least two Directors will be re-elected every year. If the continuation vote is passed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, it is the Board's intention to appoint a further independent Director. The Board also noted the FSA's changes to the Listing Rules and recently announced that it is the Company's policy to invest no more than 15% of its gross assets in other listed investment companies (including investment trusts). Accordingly the Company's shares continue to remain an eligible investment for as many buyers of investment trust shares as possible. Discount Management In 1998 the Board was concerned over the level of discount at which the Company's shares were then trading to the net asset value and therefore obtained shareholder authority to repurchase shares for cancellation, in order to enhance shareholder value and to reduce discount volatility. This mechanism has been actively used since then with over 27% of the issued shares being cancelled. Throughout this period the Board has regularly reviewed and amended the policy at which level shares could be repurchased as the discount has narrowed. The Board is therefore pleased that the discount has now narrowed to less than 10%. Going forward, the Board will continue to use the buy back powers but now feels it is appropriate to state that it is its intention to manage the discount such that, as far as is possible and dependent on market conditions, the discount remains at less than 10%. Authority to Repurchase or Issue the Company's Shares At last year's Annual General Meeting shareholders gave the Directors authority to repurchase the Company's shares for cancellation. During the year 10.7m shares were repurchased at an average discount of 18.1% and an average price of 55.0p. The total cost of these purchases was £5.9m. This reduced the issued share capital by approximately 13.7% and had the effect of enhancing the net asset value of the remaining shares by 2.7%. As stated earlier, the Board will continue to use this authority as and when appropriate, and is seeking approval from shareholders to renew the facility at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Shares repurchased in the future might, however, as explained under the next heading, not be cancelled but held as treasury shares. At the Annual General Meeting of the Company in 1998, shareholders granted Directors the authority to issue shares for cash should the shares trade at a premium to net asset value. This authority was in place until 27th January 2003. Although no such shares have been issued under this authority since it was granted, the Board believes that it would be wise to renew the authority so that it could be used if circumstances changed. The proposed authority would enable 10% of the share capital to be issued in new shares. As such issues would only be made at prices which are at a premium to the net asset value, this would result in an enhancement of the Company's net asset value per share and would therefore be to the benefit of existing shareholders. This authority would last until 27th January 2009. A resolution proposing the Directors be authorised to effect such issues will be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Treasury Shares From the 1st December 2003, investment trusts have been able to buy their own shares, and either hold them in treasury and then subsequently reissue them or to cancel such shares. The Board welcomes this, and views treasury shares as an additional tool in the armoury to manage both the absolute level and volatility of the discount or premium. As explained earlier, the Board is seeking shareholders approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting for the renewal of the existing buy back authority as well as the introduction of a share issuance authority. The ability to issue shares out of treasury would supplement this latter authority, as issuing shares out of treasury would be cheaper since they will avoid the necessity of the Company paying listing fees to the London Stock Exchange and the UK Listing Authority. Because of this advantage the Board is proposing to issue treasury shares when appropriate to do so having regard to the interests of the Company. The Board will only buy back shares at a discount to their prevailing net asset value, and issue shares when they trade at a premium to their net asset value in both cases, so as not to prejudice remaining shareholders. Purchases of shares to be held in treasury will be made in accordance with the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority and the Companies (Acquisition of Own Shares) (Treasury Shares) Regulations 2003 as amended. JPMorgan Fleming Asset Management The Board has reviewed the investment management, secretarial and marketing services provided to the Company by JPMorgan Fleming Asset Management (UK) Limited. This review has included their performance record, management processes, investment style, resources and risk control mechanisms. The Board was satisfied with the results of the review and therefore in the opinion of the Directors, the continuing appointment of JPMorgan Fleming Asset Management (UK) Limited for the provision of these services is in the best interests of shareholders. Investment Philosophy The investment process is one of active stock selection, combined with disciplined portfolio construction and risk controls. The Investment Manager looks for securities that exhibit a combination of factors that are proven to outperform over time. Examples of these factors include value, high earnings growth rates, and stocks where earnings expectations are being upgraded. The Investment Manager validates that these factors exist for each stock through inhouse research, and that the companies invested in are financially sound. Tight risk controls are maintained, and the final portfolio is diversified, with no single security or sector being allowed to rise to too great a proportion of the portfolio. The average number of stocks in the portfolio is approximately 50. Warrants At the time of the Company's launch, shareholders received one warrant for every five shares purchased. Each warrant confers the right to subscribe for one ordinary share at £1 at a specific time each year. I would like to remind shareholders that these warrants will expire at the beginning of February 2004. As we have done every year since the Company's launch, the Directors will send a circular to warrantholders in December 2003 giving details and informing them of their opportunity to exercise these warrants, should they so wish. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting this year will be held at 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4 at 12 noon on Wednesday 28th January 2004. The format of the meeting will be similar to those of recent years and will include an investment presentation from representatives of the Manager, Ted Pulling and Rukhshad Shroff, as well as an opportunity for shareholders to meet and question the Directors. As mentioned earlier, the continuation of the Company will be decided at this meeting and shareholders are therefore encouraged to vote in person or by proxy. Outlook The Company's current year has commenced satisfactorily, reflecting the justified optimism with which investors view the Indian stock market. Earnings for the Indian financial year ending March 2004 are expected to increase by 24%. GDP for the year ending March 2004 is expected to grow by 7%, significantly higher than in previous years. There are fundamental reasons to believe that these levels of growth can be maintained through the year ending March 2005, providing a conducive environment for equities to register further gains. Comprehensive company visiting by the Investment Manager continues to result in the discovery of new companies into which your Company can invest. This has always been the essence of the Indian investment strategy - bottom up stock selection. As with every emerging market, there are risks. Late 2003 to mid 2004 will be an election - intensive period in India. This could result in a slower pace of reform which may disenchant some investors. We believe, though, that the reform and divestment programme in India will not be reversed. There remains some external risk, such as the state of the US economy and the US stock market. That said, we believe that the domestic dynamics in India can support higher equity prices. We believe that India's growing role in global trade will attract more investment, both equity and direct. India and China are emerging as the dynamic duo in the global outsourcing story. After years of hesitant starts, India finally seems poised to graduate to the next level of economic development. Corporate India is attractively priced and well positioned to benefit from this growth, as is your Company. Philip Daubeney Chairman 8th December 2003 JPMorgan Fleming Indian Investment Trust plc Unaudited Consolidated figures for the year ended 30th September 2003 Statement of Total Return (Unaudited) Year ended 30th September 2003 Year ended 30th September 2002 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Realised gains on investments - 5,178 5,178 - 5,317 5,317 Change in unrealised depreciation - 22,571 22,571 - (2,459) (2,459) Currency losses on cash and short-term deposits held during the year - (34) (34) - (80) (80) Currency translation difference - (3,993) (3,993) - (5,230) (5,230) Other capital items - (38) (38) - (44) (44) Exchange adjustments - 1,567 1,567 - 2,236 2,236 Unrealised exchange gain on intercompany loan - 153 153 - - - Realised losses on intercompany loan - - - - (137) (137) Income from investments 1,055 - 1,055 907 - 907 Other income 10 - 10 34 - 34 _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ Gross return/(loss) 1,065 25,404 26,469 941 (397) 544 Management fee (607) - (607) (703) - (703) Other administrative expenses (557) - (557) (446) - (446) Interest payable (40) - (40) (41) - (41) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ (Loss)/return before (139) 25,404 25,265 (249) (397) (646) taxation Taxation (43) - (43) (114) - (114) ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ (Loss)/return attributable to shareholders (182) 25,404 25,222 (363) (397) (760) ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== (Loss)/return per ordinary share (0.26)p 36.49p 36.23p (0.46)p (0.51)p (0.97)p JPMorgan Fleming Indian Investment Trust plc Unaudited Consolidated figures for the year ended 30th September 2003 BALANCE SHEET 30th September 30th September 2003 2002 Fixed assets £'000 £'000 Investments at valuation 68,417 46,580 Debtors 429 141 Cash and short term deposits 224 1,970 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (1,497) (455) ______ _______ Total Equity shareholders' funds 67,573 48,236 ===== ===== Net asset value per ordinary share 100.64p 61.96p CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Net cash outflow from operating activities (191) (392) Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (37) (92) Total tax paid - (6) Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial 3,070 4,946 investment Net cash outflow from financing (4,703) (2,181) _______ ______ (Decrease)/increase in cash for the period (1,861) 2,275 ===== ==== The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2003 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. The comparative financial information is based on the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2002. These accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. J.P. MORGAN FLEMING ASSET MANAGEMENT (UK) LIMITED 8th December 2003 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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