Interim Results
Judges Capital PLC
21 September 2007
• Pre-tax profits increased to £190,000 (first half 2006: £52,000)
• Operating profits before amortisation of intangible assets increased by
35% to £369,000 (first half 2006: £273,000)
• Sales increased by 18% to £2.8 million (first half 2006: £2.4 million)
• Diluted earnings per share 2.87p (first half 2006: 0.92p)
• Adjusted diluted earnings per share increased by 36% to 4.05p (first half
2006: 2.98p)
• Interim dividend raised 10% to 1.1p
• Strong order book
• Sale of shareholding in Poole Investments plc will realise £342,000 cash
• Company well positioned to pursue further acquisitions
• Confidence in full year prospects following favourable start to second
half trading
For further information please contact:
David Cicurel, CEO, Judges Capital: Tel: 01342 323 600
Alex Borrelli, Shore Capital & Corporate: Tel: 020 7408 4090
Melvyn Marckus, Cardew Group: Tel: 020 7930 0777
Alex Hambro, Chairman of Judges Capital, commented: 'All operations performed in
line with management's expectations and this was reflected in a strong
across-the-board contribution to the Group's results. Order pipelines remained
healthy and at the conclusion of the six-month trading period our order book was
more robust than in June 2006.
'I am pleased to report that second half trading has started favourably,
benefiting from the strong order book referred to above. All businesses continue
to enjoy active markets and the Board is confident of the Group's ability to
meet its targets for the full year.'
'I am delighted to report that your Company made encouraging progress during the
six months ended 30 June 2007. The accounts for this period are the first to
have been drawn up under IFRS and comparatives in respect of 2006 have been
restated accordingly. Profit before tax advanced to £190,000 compared with
£52,000 for the corresponding period of 2006 on sales that rose from £2.4
million to £2.8 million. This translates into diluted earnings per share of
2.87p compared with 0.92p in respect of the first half of 2006. Operating
profit before amortisation of intangible assets, a measure of profit that is
similar under both IFRS and UK GAAP, increased to £369,000 from £273,000.
Diluted earnings per share, similarly adjusted for amortisation of intangible
assets, amounted to 4.05p (first half 2006: 2.98p).
'These accounts include a full six-months' contribution from UHV Design
(compared with only four months in the first half of 2006) and from Aitchee,
which was acquired during the second half of 2006.
'All operations performed in line with management's expectations and this was
reflected in a strong across-the-board contribution to the Group's results.
Order pipelines remained healthy and at the conclusion of the six-month trading
period our order book was more robust than in June 2006.
'With cash balances of £648,000, our balance sheet leaves the Company well
positioned to pursue further acquisitions in line with its strategy.
'Subsequent to the end of the trading period, Poole Investments plc, in which
the Company held a significant minority interest, was acquired by Inland plc.
The disposal will result in a second half gain of £142,000 and a £342,000 cash
inflow available to develop our instrument businesses. This virtually concludes
the realisation of the investment portfolio held under the Company's former
'Your Board is of the opinion that the first half trading results and the
outlook for the full year justify a 10% increase in the interim dividend from 1p
to 1.1p. This will be paid on Friday 2 November to shareholders on the register
on Friday 5 October. The shares will go ex-dividend on Wednesday 3 October.
'I am pleased to report that second half trading has started favourably,
benefiting from the strong order book referred to above. All businesses continue
to enjoy active markets and the Board is confident in the Group's ability to
meet its targets for the full year.'
The Hon. Alexander Robert Hambro
21 September 2007
Unaudited 6 months to 6 months to Year to 31
30 June 2007 30 June 2006 December 2006
Note £ £ £
Continuing operations
Revenue 2,836,251 2,406,298 5,195,325
Operating costs (2,539,961) (2,258,083) (4,712,635)
Operating profit 296,290 148,215 482,690
Loss on disposal of available-for-sale investments 0 (6,145) (6,145)
Interest receivable 15,060 19,376 32,041
Interest payable (121,015) (109,913) (227,418)
Profit before tax 190,335 51,533 281,168
Taxation (54,608) (11,019) (84,653)
Profit for the period 135,727 40,514 196,515
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent company 113,334 30,745 190,105
Minority interest 22,393 9,769 6,410
Earnings per share Pence Pence Pence
Basic 7 3.18 0.87 5.36
Diluted 7 2.87 0.92 4.85
Unaudited 30 June 30 June 31 December
2007 2006 2006
£ £ £
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 279,469 231,913 295,468
Goodwill 4,389,963 4,241,023 4,389,963
Other intangible assets 6 123,547 219,295 195,924
Available-for-sale investments 267,950 182,450 210,950
5,060,929 4,874,681 5,092,305
Current assets
Inventories 489,134 540,567 402,941
Trade and other receivables 1,240,222 737,499 1,249,039
Cash and cash equivalents 648,317 1,230,137 824,156
2,377,673 2,508,203 2,476,136
Total assets 7,438,602 7,382,884 7,568,441
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (705,453) (646,235) (779,708)
Current portion of long-term borrowings (492,721) (330,000) (421,813)
Current tax payable (229,548) (237,287) (261,718)
(1,427,722) (1,213,522) (1,463,239)
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings (2,568,958) (3,047,330) (2,835,940)
Deferred tax liabilities (86,539) (82,601) (89,505)
(2,655,497) (3,129,931) (2,925,445)
Total liabilities (4,083,219) (4,343,453) (4,388,684)
Net assets 3,355,383 3,039,431 3,179,757
Share capital 9 178,044 178,044 178,044
Share premium account 9 2,501,430 2,501,430 2,501,430
Merger reserve 9 475,074 475,074 475,074
Retained earnings 9 79,705 (157,364) (33,629)
Revaluation reserve 9 34,156 (25,693) (5,743)
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 3,268,409 2,971,491 3,115,176
Minority interest 9 86,974 67,940 64,581
Total equity 3,355,383 3,039,431 3,179,757
Unaudited Share Share Merger Profit & Revalua-tion Total Minority Total
capital premium reserve loss reserve interest equity
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Restated balance
at 1 January 2006
under IFRS 173,118 2,501,430 380,000 (188,109) (58,510) 2,807,929 58,171 2,866,100
Changes in equity
for first half of
Gains/(losses) on
revaluation of
investments 0 0 0 0 (8,550) (8,550) 0 (8,550)
Tax on revaluation
taken directly to
equity 0 0 0 0 2,566 2,566 0 2,566
Net income
directly in equity (5,984) (5,984) 0 (5,984)
Profit for the
period 0 0 0 30,745 0 30,745 9,769 40,514
Transferred to
profit or loss on
disposal of
investments 0 0 0 0 38,801 38,801 0 38,801
Total recognised
income and expense
for the period 0 0 0 30,745 32,817 63,562 9,769 73,331
Issue of share
capital 4,926 0 95,074 0 0 100,000 0 100,000
Balance at 30 June
2006 178,044 2,501,430 475,074 (157,364) (25,693) 2,971,491 67,940 3,039,431
Restated balance
at 1 January 2006
under IFRS 173,118 2,501,430 380,000 (188,109) (58,510) 2,807,929 58,171 2,866,100
Changes in equity
for 2006
Gains/(losses) on
revaluation of
investments 0 0 0 0 19,950 19,950 0 19,950
Tax on revaluation
taken directly to
equity 0 0 0 0 (5,985) (5,985) 0 (5,985)
Net income
directly in equity 0 0 0 0 13,965 13,965 0 13,965
Profit for the
period 0 0 0 190,105 0 190,105 6,410 196,515
Transferred to
profit or loss on
disposal of
investments 0 0 0 0 38,802 38,802 0 38,802
Total recognised
income and expense
for the period 0 0 0 190,105 52,767 242,872 6,410 249,282
Dividends 11 0 0 0 (35,625) 0 (35,625) 0 (35,625)
Issue of share
capital 4,926 0 95,074 0 0 100,000 0 100,000
Balance at 31
December 2006 178,044 2,501,430 475,074 (33,629) (5,743) 3,115,176 64,581 3,179,757
Balance at 1
January 2007 178,044 2,501,430 475,074 (33,629) (5,743) 3,115,176 64,581 3,179,757
Changes in equity
for first half of
Gains/(losses) on
revaluation of
investments 0 0 0 0 57,000 57,000 0 57,000
Tax on revaluation
taken directly to
equity 0 0 0 0 (17,101) (17,101) 0 (17,101)
Net income
directly in equity 39,899 39,899 0 39,899
Profit for the
period 0 0 0 113,334 0 113,334 22,393 135,727
Total recognised
income and expense
for the period 0 0 0 113,334 39,899 153,233 22,393 175,626
Balance at 30 June
2007 178,044 2,501,430 475,074 79,705 34,156 3,268,409 86,974 3,355,383
Unaudited 6 months to 6 months to Year to 31
30 June 2007 30 June 2006 December 2006
Note £ £ £
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit after tax 135,727 40,514 196,515
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 33,517 21,049 53,644
Amortisation of intangible assets 72,377 124,412 228,783
Profit on disposal of property, plant and
equipment 0 0 (2,078)
Other losses 0 6,145 6,145
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses (3,615) 6,307 (7,335)
Interest expense (net) 105,955 90,537 195,377
Tax expense recognised in income statement 54,608 11,019 84,653
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (86,193) (37,851) 104,775
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other
receivables 8,817 147,113 (364,429)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other
payables (73,683) 15,755 117,933
Cash generated from operations 247,510 425,000 613,983
Interest paid (102,694) (93,177) (227,418)
Tax paid (106,847) (219,545) (294,693)
Net cash from operating activities 37,969 112,278 91,872
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 0 (813,723) (1,036,223)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (17,518) (11,024) (31,336)
Proceeds from disposal of equipment 0 0 15,655
Proceeds from disposal of available-for-sale 0 202,611 202,611
Interest received 15,060 19,376 32,041
Net cash used in investing activities (2,458) (602,760) (817,252)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from drawdown of long-term borrowings 0 700,000 700,000
Repayments of long-term borrowings (211,350) (128,000) (263,454)
Dividends paid 11 0 0 (35,629)
Net cash (used in)/from financing activities (211,350) 572,000 400,917
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash
equivalents (175,839) 81,518 (324,463)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 824,156 1,148,619 1,148,619
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 648,317 1,230,137 824,156
1. General information
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements are for the six months
ended 30 June 2007. They have been prepared taking into account the requirements
of IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' and the requirements of IFRS 1 'First
Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' relevant to
interim reports because they are part of the period covered by the group's first
IFRS financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2007. They do not
include all of the information required for full financial statements, and
should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements (under
UK GAAP) of the group for the year ended 31 December 2006. These condensed
consolidated interim financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling,
which is also the functional currency of the parent company. They were approved
for issue by the board of directors on 21 September 2007.
2. Basis of preparation
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared
under the historical cost convention except for certain financial instruments
which are carried at fair value.
The group's financial statements up to and including those for the year ended 31
December 2006 were prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Accounting
Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). With effect
from 1 January 2007, the company, being listed on the Alternative Investment
Market of the London Stock Exchange, is required to present its consolidated
financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. Accordingly, these condensed
consolidated interim financial statements (the interim financial statements)
have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out below
which are based on the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS in issue
as adopted by the European Union (EU) and are effective at 31 December 2007 or
are expected to be adopted and effective at 31 December 2007, the first annual
reporting date at which the group is required to use IFRS accounting standards
adopted by the EU.
The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the group for
the purposes of preparation of these condensed consolidated interim financial
3. Transition to IFRS
In accordance with the provisions of IFRS 1, 'First time adoption of
International Financial Reporting Standards', the group's transition date for
adoption of IFRS was 1 January 2006. Comparative figures in respect of 2006
have been restated in these financial statements to reflect changes in
accounting policies as a result of the adoption of IFRS. The disclosures
required by IFRS 1 concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS are given in
the reconciliation schedules presented in note 9. The group has taken advantage
of certain exemptions available under IFRS 1. The exemptions used are explained
under the respective accounting policy.
4. Summary of significant accounting policies
4.1 Basis of consolidation
The group financial statements include those of the company and all its
subsidiaries. Subsidiaries are entities over which the group has the power
through voting rights to control the financial and operating policies so as to
obtain benefits from its activities. Unrealised gains on transactions between
the group and its subsidiaries are eliminated. Unrealised losses are also
eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the
asset transferred. Amounts reported in the financial statements of subsidiaries
have been adjusted where necessary to ensure consistency with the accounting
policies adopted by the group.
Acquisitions of subsidiaries are dealt with by the purchase method. The purchase
method involves the recognition at fair value of all identifiable assets and
liabilities, including contingent liabilities of the subsidiary, at the
acquisition date, regardless of whether or not they were recorded in the
financial statements of the subsidiary prior to acquisition. On initial
recognition, the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary are included in the
consolidated balance sheet at their fair values, which are also used as the
bases for subsequent measurement in accordance with the group accounting
policies. In the case of acquisitions after 31 December 2005, goodwill is
stated after separating out identifiable intangible assets. Goodwill represents
the excess of acquisition cost over the fair value of the group's share of the
identifiable net assets of the acquired subsidiary at the date of acquisition.
4.2 Business combinations completed prior to the date of transition to
The group has elected not to apply IFRS 3 Business Combinations retrospectively
to business combinations prior to the date of transition. Accordingly the
classification of the combination (acquisition, reverse acquisition or merger)
remains unchanged from that used under UK GAAP. Assets and liabilities are
recognised at the date of transition if they would be recognised under IFRS, and
are measured using their UK GAAP carrying amounts immediately post-acquisition
as deemed cost, unless IFRS requires fair value measurement. Amounts recorded
as goodwill under UK GAAP have not been re-assessed to identify intangible
assets. Deferred tax and minority interest are adjusted for the impact of any
consequential adjustments after taking advantage of the transitional provisions.
4.3 Goodwill
Goodwill, representing the excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value
of the group's share of the identifiable net assets acquired, is capitalised and
reviewed annually for impairment. Goodwill is carried at cost less accumulated
impairment losses. Negative goodwill is recognised immediately after
acquisition in the income statement.
The carrying value of negative goodwill at the date of transition has been
credited to reserves. There is no re-instatement of goodwill or negative
goodwill that was amortised prior to transition to IFRS.
4.4 Revenue
Revenue from the sale of goods is measured by reference to the fair value of
consideration received or receivable by the group for goods supplied, excluding
Value Added Tax, and is recognised when all the following conditions have been
• the group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards
of ownership of the goods, which is generally at the point of despatch from
the factory;
• the amount of revenue and the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect
of the transaction can be measured reliably; and
• it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction
will flow to the group.
Dividend income is recognised when the shareholder's right to receive payment is
4.5 Intangible assets acquired as part of a business combination
In accordance with IFRS 3 Business Combinations, an intangible asset acquired in
a business combination is deemed to have a cost to the group of its fair value
at the acquisition date. The fair value of the intangible asset reflects market
expectations about the probability that the future economic benefits embodied in
the asset will flow to the group. Amortisation begins when the intangible asset
is first available for use and is calculated on a discounted straight-line basis
to allocate the deemed cost over its estimated useful life.
4.6 Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost, net of depreciation and any
provision for impairment.
Disposal of assets: the gain or loss arising on the disposal of an asset is
determined as the difference between the disposal proceeds and the carrying
amount of the asset and is recognised in the income statement. Any revaluation
surplus remaining in equity on disposal of the asset is transferred to the
profit and loss reserve.
Depreciation: Depreciation is provided at annual rates calculated to write off
the cost less residual value of each asset over its expected useful life, within
the following ranges:
• Plant and machinery: 15% on written down value to 20% on cost
• Fixtures, fittings and equipment: 15% on written down value to 33% on cost
• Motor vehicles: 25% on written down value to 25% on cost
• Building improvements: 20% on cost
Material residual value estimates are updated as required but at least annually,
whether or not the asset is revalued.
4.7 Impairment testing of goodwill, other intangible assets and
property, plant and equipment
For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest
levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating
units). As a result, some assets are tested individually for impairment and
some are tested at cash-generating unit level. Goodwill is allocated to those
cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from synergies of the related
business combination and represent the lowest level within the group at which
management monitors the related cash flows.
Goodwill, other individual assets or cash-generating units that include
goodwill, other intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and those
intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment at least
annually. All other individual assets or cash-generating units are tested for
impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
carrying amount may not be recoverable.
An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's or
cash-generating unit's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The
recoverable amount is the higher of fair value, reflecting market conditions
less costs to sell, and value in use based on an internal discounted cash flow
evaluation. Impairment losses recognised for cash-generating units, to which
goodwill has been allocated, are credited initially to the carrying amount of
goodwill. Any remaining impairment loss is charged pro rata to the other assets
in the cash-generating unit. With the exception of goodwill, all assets are
subsequently reassessed for indications that an impairment loss previously
recognised may no longer exist.
4.8 Leases
In accordance with IAS 17, the economic ownership of a leased asset is
transferred to the lessee if the lessee bears substantially all the risks and
rewards related to the ownership of the leased asset. The related asset is
recognised at the time of inception of the lease at the fair value of the leased
asset or, if lower, the present value of the minimum lease payments plus
incidental payments, if any, to be borne by the lessee. A corresponding amount
is recognised as a finance leasing liability.
Assets held under finance leases and hire purchase contracts are capitalised in
the balance sheet and depreciated over their expected useful lives. The
interest element of leasing payments represents a constant proportion of the
capital balance outstanding and is charged to the income statement over the
period of the lease.
All other leases are regarded as operating leases and the payments made under
them are charged to the income statement on a straight line basis over the
period of the lease term. Lease incentives are spread over the term of the
4.9 Inventories and work in progress
Inventories and work in progress are stated at the lower of cost and net
realisable value. Costs of ordinarily interchangeable items are assigned using
the first-in, first-out cost formula. Cost includes materials, direct labour
and an attributable proportion of manufacturing overheads based on normal levels
of activity.
4.10 Taxation
Current tax is the tax currently payable based on taxable profit for the year.
Deferred income taxes are calculated using the liability method on temporary
differences. Deferred tax is generally provided on the difference between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases. However,
deferred tax is not provided on the initial recognition of goodwill, nor on the
initial recognition of an asset or liability unless the related transaction is a
business combination or affects tax or accounting profit. Deferred tax on
temporary differences associated with shares in subsidiaries is not provided if
reversal of those temporary differences can be controlled by the group and it is
probable that reversal will not occur in the foreseeable future. In addition,
tax losses available to be carried forward as well as other income tax credits
to the group are assessed for recognition as deferred tax assets.
Deferred tax liabilities are provided in full, with no discounting. Deferred
tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that the underlying
deductible temporary differences will be able to be offset against future
taxable income. Current and deferred tax assets and liabilities are calculated
at tax rates that are expected to apply to their respective periods of
realisation, provided they are enacted or substantively enacted at the balance
sheet date.
Changes in deferred tax assets or liabilities are recognised as a component of
tax expense on the income statement, except where they relate to items that are
charged or credited directly to equity in which case the related deferred tax is
also charged or credited directly to equity.
The interim tax charge on underlying business performance is calculated by
reference to the estimated effective tax rate for the full year. Tax on
disposals and other exceptional items is based on the expected tax impact of
each item.
4.11 Share-based payments
For equity-settled share options, the services received from employees are
measured by reference to the fair value of the share options. The fair value is
calculated at grant date and recognised in the income statement, together with a
corresponding credit to 'other reserves', on a straight-line basis over the
vesting period, based on the best available estimate of the number of options
that are expected eventually to vest. Estimates are subsequently revised if
there is any indication that the number of share options expected to vest
differs from previous estimates. Any cumulative adjustment prior to vesting is
recognised in the current period. No adjustment is made to any expense
recognised in prior periods if share options ultimately exercised are different
to that estimated on vesting. Vesting conditions, other than market conditions,
are not taken into account when estimating the fair value.
IFRS 2 has been applied, in accordance with IFRS 1, to equity-settled share
options granted on or after 7 November 2002 and not vested at 1 January 2006.
Upon exercise of share options the proceeds received net of attributable
transaction costs are credited to share capital, and where appropriate share
4.12 Financial assets
Financial assets are divided into the following categories: loans and
receivables and available-for-sale financial assets. Financial assets are
assigned to the different categories by management on initial recognition,
depending on the purpose for which they were acquired. The designation of
financial assets is re-evaluated at every reporting date at which a choice of
classification or accounting treatment is available.
All financial assets are recognised when the group becomes a party to the
contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial assets are recognised at
fair value plus transaction costs.
Loans and receivables comprise trade receivables and are non-derivative
financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
active market. They are measured subsequent to initial recognition at amortised
cost using the effective interest method, less provision for impairment. Any
change in their value through impairment or reversal of impairment is recognised
in the income statement. Provision against trade receivables is made when there
is objective evidence that the group will not be able to collect all amounts due
to it in accordance with the original terms of those receivables. The amount of
the write-down is determined as the difference between the asset's carrying
amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows.
Available-for-sale financial assets include non-derivative financial assets that
are either designated as such or do not qualify for inclusion in any of the
other categories of financial assets. All financial assets within this category
are measured subsequently at fair value, with changes in value recognised in
equity, through the statement of changes in equity. Gains and losses arising
from investments classified as available-for-sale are recognised in the income
statement when they are sold or when the investment is impaired, with a
corresponding adjustment within the statement of changes in equity in respect of
previously recognised changes in fair value.
In the case of impairment of available-for-sale assets, any loss previously
recognised in equity is transferred to the income statement. An assessment for
impairment is undertaken at least at each balance sheet date.
A financial asset is derecognised only where the contractual rights to the cash
flows from the asset expire or the financial asset is transferred and that
transfer qualifies for derecognition. A financial asset is transferred if the
contractual rights to receive the cash flows of the asset have been transferred
or the group retains the contractual rights to receive the cash flows of the
asset but assumes a contractual obligation to pay the cash flows to one or more
recipients. A financial asset that is transferred qualifies for derecognition
if the group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of
the asset, or if the group neither retains nor transfers substantially all the
risks and rewards of ownership but does transfer control of that asset.
4.13 Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are obligations to pay cash or other financial assets and
are recognised when the group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of
the instrument. Financial liabilities are recorded initially at fair value, net
of direct issue costs, and are recorded at amortised cost using the effective
interest method, with interest-related charges recognised as an expense in
finance cost in the income statement. Finance charges, including premiums
payable on settlement or redemption and direct issue costs, are charged to the
income statement on an accruals basis using the effective interest method and
are added to the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are
not settled in the period in which they arise.
A financial liability is derecognised only when the obligation is extinguished,
that is, when the obligation is discharged or cancelled or expires.
4.14 Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and demand deposits, together
with other short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible
into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of
changes in value.
4.15 Pensions
Companies in the group operate defined contribution pension schemes for
employees and directors. The assets of the schemes are held by investment
managers separately from those of the company and group. The pension costs
charged against operating profits represent the amount of the contributions
payable to the schemes in respect of the accounting period.
4.16 Foreign currencies
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at
the date of the transaction. Non-monetary items that are measured at fair
value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate at the date
when the fair value was determined. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign
currencies are translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet
date. All foreign exchange differences are dealt with through the income
4.17 Dividends
Dividend distributions payable to equity shareholders are included in 'trade and
other payables' when the dividends are approved in general meeting prior to the
balance sheet date.
4.18 Equity
Equity comprises the following:
• 'Share capital' represents the nominal value of equity shares.
• 'Share premium' represents the excess over nominal value of the fair
value of consideration received for equity shares, net of expenses of the share
• 'Merger reserve' represents the fair value of the consideration
received in excess of the nominal value of equity shares issued in connection
with acquisitions where the company has exercised entitlement to the merger
relief offered by section 131 of the Companies Act 1985.
• 'Other reserves' represents provision for equity-settled share-based
employee remuneration until such share options are exercised.
• 'Profit and loss reserve' represents retained profits.
• 'Revaluation reserve' represents gains and losses due to the
revaluation of certain financial assets.
5. Segmental reporting
The group's primary reporting format is business segment and its secondary
format is geographical segment by origin of revenue.
Segment analysis: all of the group's operations are in the field of design and
manufacture of scientific instruments. The revenues and net results generated
by each of the business segments are as follows:
6 months to 6 months to Year to
30 June 2007 30 June 2006 31 December 2006
£ £ £
Fire testing equipment
Revenues 1,703,280 1,527,534 3,247,979
Operating profit 199,286 186,035 495,499
Fibre optic test equipment
Revenues 457,281 419,020 787,817
Operating profit 69,824 82,207 95,763
Ultra high vacuum manipulation equipment
Revenues 675,690 459,744 1,159,529
Operating profit 140,956 129,168 282,839
Central costs and consolidation
Revenues 0 0 0
Operating profit (113,776) (249,195) (391,411)
Group consolidated
Revenues 2,836,251 2,406,298 5,195,325
Operating profit 296,290 148,215 482,690
All revenue originates from the United Kingdom.
6. Additions to and amortisation of intangible assets
The following tables show the significant additions to and amortisation of
intangible assets:
Carrying Additions Amortisation Carrying
amount at 1 amount at 30
January 2007 June 2007
£ £ £ £
Advertising contracts 2,488 0 1,867 621
Distribution agreements 16,333 0 16,333 0
Customer relationships 158,348 0 51,927 106,421
Non-competition agreements 18,755 0 2,250 16,505
Total 195,924 0 72,377 123,547
Carrying Additions Amortisation Carrying
amount at 1 amount at 30
January 2006 June 2006
£ £ £ £
Advertising contracts 0 5,600 1,245 4,355
Distribution agreements 0 98,000 32,667 65,333
Sales order backlog 0 89,000 89,000 0
Customer relationships 0 128,602 0 128,602
Non-competition agreements 0 22,505 1,500 21,005
Total 0 343,707 124,412 219,295
Carrying Additions Amortisation Carrying
amount at 1 amount at 31
January 2006 December 2006
£ £ £ £
Advertising contracts 0 5,600 3,112 2,488
Distribution agreements 0 98,000 81,667 16,333
Sales order backlog 0 91,000 91,000 0
Customer relationships 0 207,602 49,254 158,348
Non-competition agreements 0 22,505 3,750 18,755
Total 0 424,707 228,783 195,924
7. Earnings per share
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the period.
The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per
share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the post-tax effect of
interest, on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and other dilutive
potential ordinary shares.
Reconciliations of the earnings and the weighted average number of shares used
in the calculations are set out below:
6 months to 30 June 2007 Earnings Weighted Earnings
attributable to average per
equity holders number of share
of the parent shares
£ no. Pence
Profit after tax for calculation of basic earnings per share 113,334
Notional taxed interest income accruing on dilution 10,374
Profit after tax for calculation of diluted earnings per share 123,708
Add-back amortisation of intangible assets, net of tax 50,664
Adjusted diluted profit before amortisation of intangible assets 174,372
Number of shares for calculation of basic earnings per share 3,560,878
Dilutive effect of potential shares 748,218
Number of shares for calculation of diluted earnings per share 4,309,096
Basic earnings per share 3.18
Diluted earnings per share 2.87
Adjusted diluted earnings per share 4.05
6 months to 30 June 2006 Earnings Weighted Earnings
attributable to average per
equity holders number of share
of the parent shares
£ no. Pence
Profit after tax for calculation of basic earnings per share 30,745
Notional taxed interest income accruing on dilution 8,171
Profit after tax for calculation of diluted earnings per share 38,916
Add-back amortisation of intangible assets, net of tax 87,088
Adjusted diluted profit before amortisation of intangible assets 126,004
Number of shares for calculation of basic earnings per share 3,528,763
Dilutive effect of potential shares 704,681
Number of shares for calculation of diluted earnings per share 4,233,444
Basic earnings per share 0.87
Diluted earnings per share 0.92
Adjusted diluted earnings per share 2.98
Year to 31 December 2006 Earnings Weighted Earnings
attributable to average per share
equity holders number of
of the parent shares
£ no. pence
Profit after tax for calculation of basic earnings per share 190,105
Notional taxed interest income accruing on dilution 16,685
Profit after tax for calculation of diluted earnings per share 206,790
Add-back amortisation of intangible assets, net of tax 160,148
Adjusted diluted profit before amortisation of intangible assets 366,938
Number of shares for calculation of basic earnings per share 3,544,953
Dilutive effect of potential shares 718,852
Number of shares for calculation of diluted earnings per share 4,263,805
Basic earnings per share 5.36
Diluted earnings per share 4.85
Adjusted diluted earnings per share 8.60
8. Events after the balance sheet date
On 9 August 2007, a recommended cash offer of 6p per share was made for the
whole of the issued share capital of Poole Investments plc, in which the group
owned 3.08% and which formed the last significant holding under its previous
investment strategy. The offer was declared unconditional in all respects on 6
September 2007. The cash proceeds of this disposal of £342,000 are expected to
be received by the end of September 2007 and the gain to be realised through the
income statement will amount to £142,217 before tax.
9. Explanation of transition to IFRS
As stated in the Basis of Preparation, these are the group's first condensed
consolidated interim financial statements for part of the period covered by the
first IFRS annual consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with
IFRS. An explanation of how the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS has affected
the group's financial position, financial performance and cash flows is set out
IFRS 1 permits companies adopting IFRS for the first time to take certain
exemptions from the full requirements of IFRS in the transition period. These
interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of taking the
following exemptions:
• business combinations prior to 1 January 2006, the group's date of
transition to IFRS, have not been restated to comply with IFRS 3 Business
Combinations. Goodwill arising from these business combinations of
£3,762,324 (net of amortisation to 31 December 2005) has not been restated
other than as set out in note d below.
• negative goodwill arising on business combinations prior to 1 January 2006
of £124,265 (net of amortisation to 31 December 2005) has been transferred
to reserves as at the date of transition.
Reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2006
UK IFRS adjustments - 1 January 2006 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate State equity Deferred tax
negative investments on FTT
goodwill at market value fair value
Note 9a 9e 9f
£ £ £ £ £
Non-current assets
PP&E 114,336 114,336
Goodwill 3,762,324 (27,789) 3,734,535
Negative goodwill (124,265) 124,265 0
Available-for-sale investments 427,911 (83,586) 344,325
Current assets
Inventories 413,130 413,130
Trade and other receivables 692,350 692,350
Cash and cash equivalents 1,148,619 1,148,619
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (472,466) (472,466)
Current portion of long-term
borrowings (256,000) (256,000)
Current tax payable (315,798) (315,798)
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings (2,528,959) (2,528,959)
Deferred tax (23,557) (37,280) 25,076 27,789 (7,972)
Net assets 2,837,625 86,985 (58,510) 0 2,866,100
Reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2006 (continued)
UK IFRS adjustments - 1 January 2006 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate State equity Deferred tax
negative investments on FTT
goodwill at market value fair value
Note 9a 9e 9f
£ £ £ £ £
Share capital (173,118) (173,118)
Share premium (2,501,430) (2,501,430)
Merger reserve (380,000) (380,000)
Profit and loss account 232,471 (44,362) 188,109
Revaluation reserve 0 58,510 58,510
Minority interests (15,548) (42,623) (58,171)
Total equity (2,837,625) (86,985) 58,510 0 (2,866,100)
Reconciliation of equity at 30 June 2006
UK IFRS adjustments - 30 June 2006 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate Eliminate Business Amortisation State Deferred
negative goodwill combinations of equity tax on
goodwill amortisation intangibles investments FTT fair
at market value
values adj
Note 9a 9d (iii) 9d (i) 9d (iii) 9e 9f
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Non-current assets
PP&E 231,913 231,913
Goodwill 4,400,299 109,108 (240,595) (27,789) 4,241,023
Negative goodwill (69,666) 69,666 0
Other intangible assets 0 343,707 (124,412) 219,295
investments 219,155 (36,705) 182,450
Current assets
Inventories 540,567 540,567
Trade and other
receivables 737,499 737,499
Cash and cash
equivalents 1,230,137 1,230,137
Current liabilities
Trade and other
payables (646,235) (646,235)
Current portion of
long-term borrowings (330,000) (330,000)
Current tax payable (237,287) (237,287)
Long-term borrowings (3,047,330) (3,047,330)
Deferred tax (31,568) (20,900) (103,112) 37,324 11,012 24,643 (82,601)
Net assets 2,997,484 48,766 109,108 0 (87,088) (25,693) (3,146) 3,039,431
Reconciliation of equity at 30 June 2006 (continued)
UK IFRS adjustments - 30 June 2006 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate Eliminate Business Amortisation State Deferred
negative goodwill combinations of equity tax on
goodwill amortisation intangibles investments FTT fair
at market value
values adj
9a 9d (iii) 9d (i) 9d (iii) 9e 9f
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Share capital (178,044) (178,044)
Share premium (2,501,430) (2,501,430)
Merger reserve (475,074) (475,074)
Profit and loss
account 201,109 (24,871) (109,108) 87,088 3,146 157,364
Revaluation reserve 0 25,693 25,693
Minority interests (44,045) (23,895) (67,940)
Total equity (2,997,484) (48,766) (109,108) 0 87,088 25,693 3,146 (3,039,431)
Reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2007
UK IFRS adjustments - 1 January 2007 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate Eliminate Business Amortisation State Deferred
negative goodwill combinations of equity tax on
goodwill amortisation intangibles investments FTT fair
at market value
values adj
Note 9a 9d (iii) 9d (i) 9d (iii) 9e 9f
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Non-current assets
PP&E 295,468 295,468
Goodwill 4,467,528 247,519 (297,295) (27,789) 4,389,963
Negative goodwill (36,702) 36,702 0
Other intangible
assets 0 424,707 (228,783) 195,924
investments 219,155 (8,205) 210,950
Current assets
Inventories 402,941 402,941
Trade and other
receivables 1,249,039 1,249,039
Cash and cash
equivalents 824,156 824,156
Current liabilities
Trade and other
payables (779,708) (779,708)
Current portion of
long-term (421,813) (421,813)
Current tax payable (261,718) (261,718)
Long-term borrowings (2,835,940) (2,835,940)
Deferred tax (43,676) (11,011) (127,412) 68,635 2,462 21,497 (89,505)
Net assets 3,078,730 25,691 247,519 0 (160,148) (5,743) (6,292) 3,179,757
Reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2007 (continued)
UK IFRS adjustments - 1 January 2007 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate Eliminate Business Amortisation State Deferred
negative goodwill combinations of equity tax on
goodwill amortisation intangibles investments FTT fair
at market value
values adj
9a 9d (iii) 9d (i) 9d (iii) 9e 9f
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Share capital (178,044) (178,044)
Share premium (2,501,430) (2,501,430)
Merger reserve (475,074) (475,074)
Profit and loss
account 127,810 (13,102) (247,519) 160,148 6,292 33,629
Revaluation reserve 0 5,743 5,743
Minority interests (51,992) (12,589) (64,581)
Total equity (3,078,730) (25,691) (247,519) 0 160,148 5,743 6,292 (3,179,757)
Reconciliation of profit for the 6 months ended 30 June 2006
UK IFRS adjustments - 30 June 2006 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate Eliminate Amortisation State Deferred
negative goodwill of equity tax on
goodwill amortisation intangibles investments FTT fair
at market value
values adj
9b 9d (iii) 9d (iii) 9e 9f
Note £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Turnover (continuing and
acquisitions) 2,406,298 2,406,298
Operating costs (2,133,671) (2,133,671)
Goodwill amortisation -
positive (109,108) 109,108 0
Goodwill amortisation -
negative 54,599 (54,599) 0
Amortisation of intangibles 0 (124,412) (124,412)
Total operating costs (2,188,180) (54,599) 109,108 (124,412) 0 0 (2,258,083)
Operating profit/(loss) 218,118 (54,599) 109,108 (124,412) 0 0 148,215
Profit/(loss) on disposal
and changes in market
values of investments (6,145) (6,145)
Interest receivable 19,376 19,376
Interest (payable) (109,913) (109,913)
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 121,436 (54,599) 109,108 (124,412) 0 0 51,533
Tax on profit on ordinary
activities (61,577) 16,380 37,324 (3,146) (11,019)
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation 59,859 (38,219) 109,108 (87,088) 0 (3,146) 40,514
Minority interests (28,497) 18,728 (9,769)
Profit for the financial
period retained 31,362 (19,491) 109,108 (87,088) 0 (3,146) 30,745
Reconciliation of profit for the year ended 31 December 2006
UK IFRS adjustments - 31 December 2006 IFRS
GAAP Eliminate Eliminate Amortisation State Deferred
negative goodwill of equity tax on
goodwill amortisation intangibles investments FTT fair
at market value
values adj
9b 9d (iii) 9d (iii) 9e 9f
Note £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Turnover (continuing and
acquisitions) 5,195,325 5,195,325
Operating costs (4,483,852) (4,483,852)
Goodwill amortisation -
positive (247,519) 247,519 0
Goodwill amortisation -
negative 87,563 (87,563) 0
Amortisation of intangibles 0 (228,783) (228,783)
Total operating costs (4,643,808) (87,563) 247,519 (228,783) 0 0 (4,712,635)
Operating profit/(loss) 551,517 (87,563) 247,519 (228,783) 0 0 482,690
Profit/(loss) on disposal
and changes in market
values of investments (6,145) (6,145)
Interest receivable 32,041 32,041
Interest (payable) (227,418) (227,418)
Profit on ordinary
activities before
taxation 349,995 (87,563) 247,519 (228,783) 0 0 281,168
Tax on profit on ordinary
activities (173,265) 26,269 68,635 (6,292) (84,653)
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation 176,730 (61,294) 247,519 (160,148) 0 (6,292) 196,515
Minority interests (36,440) 30,030 (6,410)
Profit for the financial
period retained 140,290 (31,264) 247,519 (160,148) 0 (6,292) 190,105
Notes to the reconciliations
a) The group acquired 51% of the issued share capital of
PE.fiberoptics Limited on 2 September 2005. Under UK GAAP, negative goodwill
arising in connection with this acquisition was capitalised. Under IFRS, the
amount of negative goodwill as at the date of transition was transferred to
reserves. The result of this adjustment is to decrease negative goodwill by
£124,265 as at the date of transition to IFRS and to increase deferred tax,
minority interest and reserves by the same amount in aggregate. At 30 June 2006
and 31 December 2006 the value of the reduction in negative goodwill was £69,666
and £36,702 respectively.
b) Negative goodwill recognised by the group on the above acquisition
under UK GAAP was written back to profit and loss to match the consumption of
the non-monetary assets acquired. Under IFRS, with the balance of negative
goodwill as at the date of transition having been transferred to reserves, no
amortisation or write-back is required. The result of these adjustments is to
eliminate the amortisation credit of £54,599 in the income statement for the six
months ended 30 June 2006 and of £87,563 for the year ended 31 December 2006.
After 30% Corporation Tax and 49% minority interest, the net profit reduction is
£19,492 and £31,260 respectively.
c) The group acquired UHV Design Limited on 21 February 2006 and the
goodwill and certain trading assets of Aitchee Engineering Associates on 4
September 2006. Goodwill recognised by the group on these acquisitions under UK
GAAP was amortised over a period of 20 years in the case of UHV Design Limited
and 3 years in the case of the Aitchee business. Under IFRS goodwill is not
amortised, but tested annually for impairment and therefore the amortisation
charge recognised in accordance with UK GAAP in 2006 has been written back.
However, intangible assets identified on business combinations in accordance
with IFRS as described above are amortised in accordance with the accounting
policy explained above. Application of IFRS 3 to these business combinations
resulted in identification of a number of intangible assets, including customer
relationships, distribution agreements and sales order backlogs. Under IFRS
these have been recognised separately in the balance sheet at their fair values
at the dates of the combinations, along with the associated deferred tax. Under
UK GAAP these intangible assets were subsumed within goodwill and amortised in
accordance with the group's accounting policy above.
d) The result of these changes is:
(i) To decrease goodwill by £240,595 and increase intangible assets
by £343,707 (with deferred tax of £103,112) as at the date of the combination in
the case of UHV Design Limited and to decrease goodwill by £56,700 and increase
intangible assets by £81,000 (with deferred tax of £24,300) in the case of
Aitchee Engineering Associates.
(ii) At 30 June 2006 and 31 December 2006 the value of these
intangible assets, net of amortisation, was £219,215 and £195,924 respectively.
(iii) The goodwill amortisation charge in respect of these acquisitions
and that of Fire Testing Technology Limited ('FTT' - acquired prior to the date
of transition to IFRS) in the 6 months ended 30 June 2006 and the year ended 31
December 2006 was reduced in aggregate by £109,108 and £247,519 respectively.
The equivalent intangible assets amortisation charge was increased by £124,412
and £228,783 respectively, each stated prior to a 30% reduction to reflect the
release of deferred taxation.
e) Under UK GAAP, available-for-sale investments were stated at the
lower of cost and the directors' estimates of near-term net realisable value.
Under IFRS, such investments are stated at open market values, with changes in
value being transferred directly into equity, net of applicable taxation.
Amounts accumulated in equity are transferred to the income statement when an
available-for-sale investment is sold. This has had the effect of reducing the
carrying value of such investments by £83,586 to £344,325 at 31 December 2005,
by £36,705 to £182,450 at 30 June 2006 and by £8,205 to £210,950 at 31 December
2006, with consequential changes to deferred tax and in equity.
f) Under UK GAAP, no deferred tax was recognised in respect of fair
value adjustments arising on the acquisition of FTT. Notwithstanding that the
date of the FTT acquisition was prior to the group's IFRS transition date, IFRS
requires that deferred tax be recognised in respect of such fair value
adjustments. Accordingly a deferred tax liability of £27,789 has been
recognised at the transition date, with reversals of the provision of £3,146 and
£6,292 in the six months ended 30 June 2006 and year ended 31 December 2006
10. Explanation of material adjustments to the cash flow statement
Application of IFRS has resulted in the reclassification of certain items in the
cash flow statement as follows:
(i) Under UK GAAP, payments to acquire property, plant and
equipment were classified as part of 'Capital expenditure and financial
investment'. Under IFRS, payments to acquire property, plant and equipment have
been classified as part of 'Investing activities'.
(ii) Income taxes are classified as operating cash flows under
IFRS, but were included in a separate category of tax cash flows under UK GAAP.
(iii) Interest paid and interest received are classified as cash
flows from investing activities under IFRS, but were included in the 'Returns on
investments and servicing of finance' category in cash flows under UK GAAP.
(iv) Equity dividends paid are classified as financing cash flows
under IFRS, but were included in a separate category of dividend cash flows
under UK GAAP.
There are no other material differences between the cash flow statement
presented under IFRS and that presented under UK GAAP.
Changes in net debt in the 6 months ended 30 June 2007 were as follows:
I January 2007 Cash flow Non-cash items 30 June 2007
Revaluation Other
£ £ £ £ £
Cash at bank and in hand 824,156 (175,839) 0 0 648,317
Available-for-sale investments 210,950 0 57,000 0 267,950
Debt (bank and subordinated loans) (3,257,753) 210,763 0 (14,689) (3,061,679)
Net debt (2,222,647) 34,924 57,000 (14,689) (2,145,412)
11. Dividends
The company paid a maiden dividend of 1p per share (£35,629) on 3 November 2006
and a final dividend of 2p per share (£71,258) on 6 July 2007, both relating to
the financial year ended 31 December 2006.
12. Status of interim report
The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute
statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006,
prepared under UK GAAP, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The
auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not
contain a statement under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.
13. Distribution of document
Copies of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements will be sent
to shareholders and the AIM team shortly and will be available on the company's
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange