Interim Management Statement

Jupiter Green Investment Trust PLC Interim Management Review for the three months to 31 December 2007 The Board of Jupiter Green Investment Trust PLC (the "Company") is pleased to announce its interim management review for the quarter ended 31 December 2007. Investment Manager's Report for the Quarter Ended 31 December 2007 Performance Review For the period from 1 October 2007 to the 31 December 2007, the return on the Company's Total Assets was 5.0 per cent.* compared to a decline of 0.1 per cent.* for the Company's composite benchmark index**. Market and Policy Review The Company ended the quarter marginally lower against a backdrop of highly volatile market conditions. The outlook for the US economy took a turn for the worse during the quarter and heightened risk aversion among investors meant small and mid cap stocks were left behind large caps. The Manager continues to apply a long-term approach to investing, selecting companies that have positive growth drivers and are addressing local and global environmental problems. The six key investment themes for the Jupiter Green Investment Trust are clean energy, water management, waste management, sustainable living, environmental services and green transport. Some performance highlights included strong advances by wind power companies Vestas Wind Systems and Gamesa, which come under our clean energy theme. These companies are experiencing good demand and were boosted by the EU climate change and energy strategy published in January 2008. The strategy proposes that 20% of overall EU energy consumption should come from renewable sources by 2020. This target is expected to have particular benefits for wind companies given the cost competitiveness of the sector. Less successful was UK based renewable energy company Novera Energy (clean energy) which ended lower due to generally poor stock market sentiment. The company is attractively valued at these levels and its growing wind portfolio is supporting its longer-term prospects. Environmental services holding Keller Group also ended the quarter down, with the stock now priced for a recession in the US, regardless of unchanged company fundamentals and clear visibility of its order book. Outlook The short-term outlook for equities is overshadowed by the heightened risks in the US economy. However, we continue to view the current downturn in market sentiment, particularly in small and mid caps stocks, as a potential buying opportunity. The unilateral agreement at the UN climate conference in Bali to negotiate a binding deal for measures to tackle climate change was an important step for the green sector. In addition to the longer-term environmental consequences of the Bali roadmap, the agreement represents a major endorsement of companies responding to climate change either through their products or policies. Given the potential for strong intergovernmental legislation in coming years, the long- term outlook for the sector remains very compelling. Charles Thomas Fund Manager, Jupiter Asset Management Limited Sources * Jupiter Asset Management Limited ("Jupiter"). All positions mentioned are held directly within the portfolio managed by Jupiter. ** FTSE World Smaller Companies and Russell 2500 Growth Index, rebalanced to reflect the proportion of total assets managed by Jupiter and Winslow Management Company LLC ("Winslow") respectively. Total Assets as at 31 December 2007: £61,101,051 % of Total Assets Jupiter Managed Portfolio £38,889,132 63.6 Winslow Managed Portfolio £22,211,919 36.4 Shares in Issue on 31 December 2007 Net Asset Value (p) Market Price (p) Premium/ (Discount) Ordinary (undiluted) 130.17 121.00 Ordinary (diluted) 125.56 121.00 (3.6)% Warrants n/a 37.75 n/a Portfolio Distribution on 31 December 2007 United Kingdom 33% North America 39% Europe 16% Japan 5% Other 2% Cash and fixed interest 5% 100% The Company's exposure to other UK listed investment companies was nil on 31 December 2007. Top Ten Holdings on 31 December 2007 Company Country of Listing % Vestas Wind System Denmark 3.9 Gamesa Corp Spain 3.4 Atkins Group United Kingdom 3.3 First Solar Inc USA 2.9 Cranswick United Kingdom 2.8 Firstgroup United Kingdom 2.7 RPS Group United Kingdom 2.2 Novozymes A/S Denmark 2.2 Nordex AG Germany 2.1 Genus United Kingdom 2.1 27.6 Comparative Performance to 31 December 2007 1 Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % Since Launch % Last Annual Report % Total Assets* 5.0 5.0 19.0 34.1 9.7 FTSE World Smaller Cos - Ex US Index 1.3 (1.7) 9.6 25.1 3.0 Russell 2500 Growth Index 3.2 (1.5) 0.1 5.7 (2.8) Composite Index 1.9 (0.1) 8.7 21.9 2.9 Ordinary Share NAV 5.0 5.0 19.0 34.1 9.7 Ordinary Share Price 2.1 (0.8) 10.8 21.0 2.1 Warrant Price 0.0 (10.1) (3.8) 79.8 (6.2) *Adjusted for new share issues in September 2006, November 2006 and April & August 2007 and C share conversion in November 2007. The Company's Investment Objective The Company's investment objective is to generate long-term capital growth through a diverse portfolio of companies providing environmental solutions. The Company's Investment Policy The Company invests globally in companies which have a significant focus on environmental solutions such as Clean Energy, Water Management, Waste Management, Sustainable Living, Environmental Services and Green Transport. The Company is focused on the following six green investment themes: · Clean Energy Stand alone power and back-up systems based on wind, solar, flywheels, batteries and fuel cells; bio-fuels; insulation materials; energy efficiency technologies. · Waste Management Waste reduction and associated technologies; recycling and resource management; recycled materials. · Green Transport Integrated public transport systems; vehicle emissions and energy efficiency control technologies. · Sustainable Living Healthy lifestyle sector including organic foods, complementary medicines and healthcare. · Environmental Services Companies directly benefiting from increased environmental legislation, including environmental consultancies and providers of safety equipment. · Water Management Water and wastewater services including sewerage and treatment infrastructure; new technology-based solutions such as membranes and UV disinfection. The Company's portfolio has a bias towards small and medium capitalisation companies. It invests primarily in securities which are quoted, listed or traded on a recognised exchange. However, up to 5 per cent. of the Company's Total Assets (at the time of such investment) may be invested in unlisted securities. No such investments have been made to date. Material Events On 2 November 2007 the 24.25 million C Shares and 4,850,000 New Warrants issued pursuant to the Placing and Offer described in the prospectus dated 4 July 2007 were converted into Ordinary Shares and Warrants ranking pari passu with the existing Ordinary Shares and Warrants in issue. The Conversion Ratio for the C Shares was 0.79989967 Ordinary Shares for every one C Share held prior to the conversion date. The holders of New Warrants received 0.72228309 continuing Warrants for every one New Warrant held. Following a ruling by the European Court of Justice, HM Revenue and Customs has recently accepted that VAT will no longer be charged on investment management fees. For the Company it may also be possible to recover some of the VAT paid in the past on management fees. However, the amount repayable is subject to a number of legal and procedural considerations which currently are under review by the Directors. The Board is not aware of any other significant events or transactions which have occurred between 30 September 2007 and the date of publication of this interim management statement which would have a material impact on the financial position of the Company. Availability of Monthly Fact Sheets Monthly fact sheets for the Company are available for download from and by post or fax on request from the company secretarial department. The Company's Ordinary shares and Warrants are listed on the London Stock Exchange and the prices are published in the Financial Times under `Investment Companies'. The Net Asset Values of the Company's ordinary shares are calculated weekly and can be viewed on the London Stock Exchange website at (under the heading `Market News'). For further information, please contact: Richard Pavry Director of Investment Trusts Jupiter Asset Management Limited 020 7314 4822 Jenny Thompson Company Secretarial Department Jupiter Asset Management Limited 020 7314 5565 The Company's Registered office is at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ. This interim management statement has been prepared solely to provide information to meet the requirements of the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
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