Interim Management Statement

Jupiter Green Investment Trust PLC Interim Management Statement for the three months to 30 June 2011 The Board of Jupiter Green Investment Trust PLC (the "Company") is pleased to announce its interim management statement for the three months ended 30 June 2011. Investment Manager's Report Performance Review For the three months ended 30 June 2011 the total return for the Trust was -2.0per cent.* compared to a return of -1.1 per cent.* for the Trust's benchmark index, the MSCI World Small Cap Index. Market and Policy Review The MSCI World Small Cap Index ended the June quarter slightly lower amid volatile trading. The outlook for global growth moderated with economic data in the US, Japan and China softening. In June, attention focused on Greece where there was strong opposition to the austerity package required for further bailout funds. It came as some relief to markets when this package was passed by Greece's parliament late in the month, averting a default. Also of note was the International Energy Agency's decision to release some of its oil reserves in a bid to fill a gap left by the disruption to Libya's supplies. It was thought the action was also aimed at combating speculation, which had contributed to the rise in oil prices, and in turn threatened global growth. Prices fell by 10 per cent. following the action. Fund performance The Trust lost ground in absolute and relative terms during the period. A lowering of expectations for the alternative energy sector impeded returns. This was due to a combination of retreating energy prices and ongoing regulatory uncertainty. Vestas Wind Systems remained under pressure amid concerns about whether it will achieve its order targets for the year. A large contract win with EDF at the start of July led to a bounce in the stock, although the market remains cautious. The industrial metals recycling business, Horsehead Holdings, suffered on concerns about a slowdown in the global economy. Elsewhere, profit taking affected organic food business Cranswick. Unfavourable currency movements were a particular impediment to relative performance. More positively, exceptional results at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters provided a boost for performance. Safety equipment specialist Latchways also had a buoyant quarter after announcing excellent results. The company has experienced solid growth in its offshore markets. Telvent surged following a takeover offer by Schneider Electric, marking further consolidation in the smart grid sector. The outlook for our bus and rail holdings received a boost from evidence that higher fuel prices were leading to a modal shift from private to public transport. Share price weakness following the earthquake in Japan provided a good entry point for a new holding in Yamatake, an automation and control systems business. In terms of sales, we took partial profits in Green Mountain following its strong performance. We also reduced expose to the wind sector, trimming our holding in Capstone Turbine Corp and disposing of positions in Nordex and Iberdrola Renovables. Investment Outlook Moderating economic data in the US and China, as well as significant uncertainties about how Europe's peripheral debt problems will be resolved, are creating an opaque investment environment. For the portfolio, we have seen expectations for businesses in some of our core areas moderate as weaker gas and commodity prices impact the attractiveness of alternative energy and industrial waste recyclers. However, balance sheets are generally in good shape and we may see further consolidation in areas such as energy efficiency as companies seek to expand operations. Businesses have also adapted to more difficult trading conditions, streamlining operations and diversifying sales channels, which should help to mitigate the impact of differing rates of economic recovery throughout the world. Finally, valuations in our sector are generally undemanding. Providing there are no serious economic shocks, market weakness may prove a good long-term buying opportunity. Solar businesses, for example, are starting to look more attractively valued on a longer-term view and businesses from across our investment universe continue to be underpinned by issues surrounding resource scarcity, energy security, increased populations and emerging market growth. Charles Thomas Jupiter Asset Management Limited Investment Manager 12 August 2011 Total Assets as at 30 June 2011: £38,714,239 Shares in Issue Shares bought back in the period                  1,298,278 Share in issue as at 30 June 2011                36,064,466 Shares held in Treasury at 30 June 2011                  3,264,834 Total Voting Rights as at 30 June 2011                32,799,632   Net Asset Value Market Price (p) Premium/ (Discount) (p) Ordinary (undiluted) 118.03 excluding income/expenses Ordinary (undiluted) 118.52 including income/expenses 99.50 (16%) Ordinary (diluted) 114.38 excluding income/expenses Ordinary (diluted) 114.77 including income/expenses Warrants n/a 1.50 n/a Portfolio Distribution on 30 June 2011 United Kingdom 26% North America 41% Europe 19% Japan 10% Other 4% Cash and fixed interest 0% --------------------------------   100% The Company's exposure to other UK listed investment companies was nil on 30 June 2011. Top Ten Holdings on 30 June 2011 Company Country of Listing Activity % of total assets Novozymes Denmark   3.7 Green Mountain Coffee United States   3.6 Cranswick United Kingdom   3.3 Wabtec United States   2.8 Horsehead Holdings United States   2.7 Whole Foods Market United States   2.6 First Group United Kingdom   2.4 Ricardo Group United Kingdom   2.3 Telvent United Sates   2.3 Johnson Matthey United Kingdom   2.3       28.0 Comparative Performance to 30 June 2011   Three One year % Since launch % months % Total Assets* (2.0) 24.5 21.6 MSCI World Small Cap Index (total return) (1.1) 27.0 36.5 Ordinary Share NAV (2.0) 24.5 21.6 Ordinary Share Price 2.1 16.0 (0.5) Warrant Price (60.0) (50.0) (92.9) * Performance adjusted for share issue/cancellation since launch Material Events During the period the Annual Report was published.  The Annual General Meeting will be held on 7 September 2011. On 16 June 2011 an interim dividend of 0.40p per Ordinary share was declared, payable on 29 July 2011 to shareholders on the register as at 24 June 2011. The last date for Warrantholders to subscribe for Ordinary shares was 31 July 2011. 1,057,145 Warrantholders subscribed for Ordinary shares and as a result 1,057,145 new Ordinary shares were issued at the beginning of August. There were no other material events or transactions that have impacted on the financial position of the Company during the period. The Company's Investment Objective The Company's investment objective is to generate long-term capital growth through a diverse portfolio of companies providing environmental solutions. The Company's Investment Policy The Company invests globally in companies which have a significant focus on environmental solutions. Specifically, the Company looks to invest across three key areas: infrastructure, resource efficiency and demographics. The Company's portfolio has a bias towards small and medium capitalisation companies. It invests primarily in securities which are quoted, listed or traded on a recognised exchange. However, up to 5 per cent. of the Company's Total Assets (at the time of such investment) may be invested in unlisted securities. Any material change in the investment policy of the Company described above may only be made with the approval of Shareholders by an ordinary resolution. Company Information Year end:31 March Results:        interim results to 30 September 2011 announced November 2011; final results to 31 March 2012, announced June/July 2012 Monthly fact sheets for the Company are available for download and by post or fax on request from the company secretarial department. The Company's Ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and the prices are published in the Financial Times under `Investment Companies'. The Net Asset Values of the Company's Ordinary shares are calculated daily and can be viewed on the London Stock Exchange website (under the heading 'Market News'). For further information, please contact: Richard Pavry Director of Investment Trusts Jupiter Asset Management Limited 020 7314 4822 Faith Pengelly Company Secretarial Department Jupiter Asset Management Limited 020 7314 4915 The Company's Registered office is at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ. This interim management statement has been prepared solely to provide information to meet the requirements of the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. By order of the Board Jupiter Asset Management Limited 12 August 2011 This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws; and (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Jupiter Green Investment Trust PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE [HUG#1538260]
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