RNS announcement
Karbon Homes Group: Annual Report and Financial Statements to 31st March 2024
Karbon Homes is a housing association that owns or manages almost 33,000 homes across the North East of England and Yorkshire within diverse communities facing a range of challenges and opportunities.
A full pdf copy of the financial statements is attached to this announcement and is also available via the company's website at www.karbonhomes.co.uk/corporate/
Paul Fiddaman, Chief Executive of the Karbon Group, said: ''Through 2023/24, Karbon has remained committed to its mission of providing a strong foundation for life.
We have pushed forward with our ambitious plans to deliver more affordable homes across the region and have invested heavily in the maintenance of our existing homes.
We have invested in our customer facing services, launching a new customer approach that supports our ambition to have a greater local presence in the areas we work.
We have continued delivering on our Fair Foundations approach to placeshaping; a way of working differently in our left behind communities to make long-lasting changes and support growth.
And we have continued to explore growth opportunities, creating efficiencies and developing stronger revenue streams to bring additional financial capacity into the organisation.
All the while, the safety, security and wellbeing of our residents has remained our top priority, and they have remained at the heart of everything we do."
We are pleased to report that, despite increased construction and maintenance costs caused by rising inflation and greater demand for investment in our existing homes, our operating surpluses (adjusted for negative goodwill arising from recent mergers) have remained healthy over the last two years at c. £46m.
We are, therefore, pleased to publish our financial statements to 31st March 2024.''
For further information, please contact:
Andrew Thompson, Assistant Director: Treasury
Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the associated PDF document. http://www.rns-pdf.londonstockexchange.com/rns/7778Y_1-2024-8-1.pdf