KBC Group: KBC provides more details on the Ann...

KBC Group: KBC provides more details on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 7 May 2020

Press Release
Regulated information*

Brussels, 16 April 2020, 12.30 CEST

KBC provides more details on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 7 May 2020

In light of worldwide travel restrictions and the social distancing recommendations made by health authorities, the KBC Group Board of Directors decided on 30 March 2020 to organise this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Shareholders as a virtual meeting. KBC Group NV had also included a specific clause on this matter in the notice convening the AGM published on 3 April 2020.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Depending on the measures taken by the authorities in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, KBC Group NV may decide to adjust the terms of participation for the Annual General Meeting or, if necessary, to postpone this Annual General Meeting. Such revised terms of participation and/or postponement will be announced in a timely manner on KBC's website (www.kbc.com) and, as the case may be, by other means to ensure that all shareholders are duly and timely informed. In the meantime and for reasons of public safety/health, all shareholders are strongly encouraged to make maximum use of the right to vote by proxy as described below and the right to ask written questions.

Today, KBC Group NV has published more details on its website ( www.kbc.com/corporate governance/General Meetings) about the additional and amended information to shareholders regarding the AGM. This information relates to:

  • shareholders and their proxies being prohibited from physically participating in the AGM
  • shareholders exercising their rights to grant a proxy to vote at the AGM or to use a voting form themselves
  • questions asked in writing
  • the ability to follow the AGM by means of a live webcast.

For more information, please contact:

Viviane Huybrecht, General Manager, Corporate Communication/Spokesperson, KBC Group
Tel +32 2 429 85 45  - E-mail: viviane.huybrecht@kbc.be

Kurt De Baenst, General Manager, Investor Relations
Tel +32 2 429 35 73 – E-mail : kurt.debaenst@kbc.be

* This news item contains information that is subject to the transparency regulations for listed companies.


KBC Group NV

Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels


Viviane Huybrecht

General Manager

CorporateCommunication /Spokesperson

Tel. +32 2 429 85 45

Press Office

Tel. +32 2 429 65 01 Stef Leunens

Tel. +32 2 429 29 15 Ilse De Muyer

Tel. +32 2 429 32 88 Pieter Kussé


E-mail: pressofficekbc@kbc.be

KBC press releases are available at www.kbc.com or can be obtained by sending an e-mail to pressofficekbc@kbc.be

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