Press release
Outside trading hours - Regulated information*
Brussels, 18 February 2016 (07.00 a.m. CET)
KBC returns profit of 2.6 billion euros for the full year, driven by strong business fundamentals and boosted by non-recurring items in the fourth quarter.
Profit of 862 million euros posted for last quarter of 2015.
Our client-centric business model continued to thrive. We have lent more to clients and they have taken up more insurance products in almost all the countries we operate in. Clients entrusted more assets to us, leading to higher sales of investment products. The low cost of credit also underpinned the net result. Against a background of low interest rates, modest economic growth in Belgium and stronger growth in Central Europe, KBC ended the last quarter of 2015 with an exceptional net profit of 862 million euros, compared to 600 million euros in the preceding quarter and 473 million euros in the last quarter of 2014. Profit was boosted by the liquidation of KBC Financial Holding Inc., but tempered by impairment on goodwill. Excluding these two items, the net result amounted to 441 million euros in the fourth quarter. The result for full year 2015 came to 2 639 million euros (2 218 million euros excluding these two items), with all countries generating a profit.
Financial highlights for the fourth quarter of 2015, compared with the third quarter of 2015:
Johan Thijs, our group CEO added:
'Clients continue to entrust their assets to us and to rely on us for the realisation of their projects. We are genuinely grateful for that. It's all systems go at KBC and the results show that our client-centric approach is paying off. We posted an excellent result of 2.6 billion euros in 2015. Some 862 million euros of that figure came in the last quarter, thanks to the good performance of the underlying business and exceptional items.
The underlying business thrived as illustrated by the increase in lending, as well as growth in assets under management and insurance contracts. A continued focus on cost control and excellent cost of credit are adding to the prosperity of the business.
The announced liquidation of KBC Financial Holding has taken place, leading to a post-tax impact on the result of 765 million euros.
Besides that, higher local capital targets and a higher discount rate lay behind impaired goodwill totalling 344 million euros being recorded almost entirely on our businesses in Bulgaria and Slovakia. This had no impact on our capital ratios. The franchise, reputation and opportunity of these businesses are beyond dispute.
On the regulatory front, we were informed during the fourth quarter of 2015 of the new minimum capital requirements, i.e. a common equity tier-1 (CET1) ratio of at least 9.75%, phased in under the Danish compromise. At the end of October, the National Bank of Belgium also announced its new capital buffers for systemically important Belgian banks. For KBC, it means that an additional capital buffer of 0.5% of CET1 (phased in under the Danish compromise) is required for 2016. We feel comfortable with these targets, which we had already factored in to our capital management models.
That is also why we were able to pay back the last remaining tranche of 2 billion euros of state aid, along with a penalty of 50%, to the Flemish Regional Government at the end of 2015, five years ahead of schedule. In doing that, we have met all the remaining financial obligations imposed on us during and after the recent financial crisis, and have closed that chapter completely. We are extremely grateful to the government and our clients, employees and shareholders for their trust and support during that time.
In line with our previously announced intention, it will be proposed to the annual general meeting that no dividend be paid for 2015.
Our aim for 2016 is to build on the momentum of previous years and, in particular, to assume our role in society as a client-centric organisation. Our bank-insurance model, supported by solid liquidity and capital bases, allows us to generate sustainable results. However, the continuing low level of interest rates remains a challenge for the entire financial sector. And volatility on the financial markets presents a challenge for our fee business. Fundamentally, we are continuing to invest in the future and to pro-actively roll out our financial technology plans so we can serve our clients even better than today.'
Overview KBC Group (consolidated) | 4Q2014 | 3Q2015 | 4Q2015 | FY2014 | FY2015 |
Net result, IFRS (in millions of EUR) | 473 | 600 | 862 | 1 762 | 2 639 |
Basic earnings per share, IFRS (in EUR)* | 1.00 | 1.41 | -0.36 | 3.32 | 3.80 |
Breakdown of the net result, IFRS, by business unit (in millions of EUR) | |||||
Belgium | 414 | 358 | 348 | 1 516 | 1 564 |
Czech Republic | 121 | 153 | 119 | 528 | 542 |
International Markets | -7 | 92 | 61 | -182 | 245 |
Group Centre | -54 | -2 | 334 | -100 | 287 |
Parent shareholders' equity per share (in EUR, end of period) | 31.4 | 33.6 | 34.5 | 31.4 | 34.5 |
* Note: if a coupon is paid on the core-capital securities sold to the Flemish Regional Government and a coupon is paid on the additional tier-1 instruments included in equity, it will be deducted from the numerator (pro rata). If a penalty has to be paid on the core-capital securities, it will likewise be deducted.
Business highlights in the quarter under review
Overview of our results and balance sheet
We provide a full overview of our IFRS consolidated income statement and balance sheet in the 'Consolidated financial statements' section of the quarterly report. Condensed statements of comprehensive income, changes in shareholders' equity, as well as several notes to the accounts, are also available in the same section.
Consolidated income statement, IFRS KBC Group (in millions of EUR) | 4Q 2014 | 1Q 2015 | 2Q 2015 | 3Q 2015 | 4Q 2015 | FY 2014 | FY 2015 |
Net interest income | 1 123 | 1 091 | 1 092 | 1 062 | 1 066 | 4 308 | 4 311 |
Interest income | 1 982 | 1 850 | 1 804 | 1 770 | 1 725 | 7 893 | 7 150 |
Interest expense | -860 | -759 | -712 | -708 | -659 | -3 586 | -2 839 |
Non-life insurance (before reinsurance) | 123 | 167 | 155 | 142 | 147 | 512 | 611 |
Earned premiums | 322 | 320 | 326 | 335 | 338 | 1 266 | 1 319 |
Technical charges | -200 | -153 | -172 | -193 | -191 | -754 | -708 |
Life insurance (before reinsurance) | -45 | -48 | -51 | -51 | -51 | -216 | -201 |
Earned premiums | 343 | 302 | 265 | 289 | 445 | 1 247 | 1 301 |
Technical charges | -388 | -350 | -316 | -340 | -496 | -1 463 | -1 502 |
Ceded reinsurance result | 10 | -11 | -7 | 0 | -10 | 16 | -29 |
Dividend income | 9 | 12 | 39 | 13 | 12 | 56 | 75 |
Net result from financial instruments at fair value through P&L | 109 | 57 | 179 | 47 | -68 | 227 | 214 |
Net realised result from available-for-sale assets | 22 | 80 | 36 | 44 | 30 | 150 | 190 |
Net fee and commission income | 410 | 459 | 465 | 383 | 371 | 1 573 | 1 678 |
Fee and commission income | 577 | 632 | 634 | 547 | 533 | 2 245 | 2 348 |
Fee and commission expense | -167 | -174 | -169 | -164 | -162 | -672 | -670 |
Other net income | 68 | 49 | 105 | 96 | 47 | 94 | 297 |
Total income | 1 827 | 1 855 | 2 013 | 1 736 | 1 543 | 6 720 | 7 148 |
Operating expenses | -964 | -1 125 | -941 | -862 | -962 | -3 818 | -3 890 |
Impairment | -193 | -77 | -149 | -49 | -472 | -506 | -747 |
on loans and receivables | -158 | -73 | -138 | -34 | -78 | -587 | -323 |
on available-for-sale assets | -14 | -3 | -7 | -15 | -21 | -29 | -45 |
on goodwill | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -344 | 0 | -344 |
other | -21 | -1 | -5 | 0 | -29 | 109 | -34 |
Share in results of associated companies and joint ventures | 6 | 6 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 25 | 24 |
Result before tax | 675 | 659 | 930 | 831 | 114 | 2 420 | 2 535 |
Income tax expense | -202 | -149 | -264 | -231 | 749 | -657 | 104 |
Net post-tax result from discontinued operations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Result after tax | 473 | 510 | 666 | 600 | 863 | 1 763 | 2 639 |
attributable to minority interests | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
attributable to equity holders of the parent | 473 | 510 | 666 | 600 | 862 | 1 762 | 2 639 |
of which legacy activities and own credit risk | -20 | - | - | - | - | 134 | - |
Basic earnings per share (EUR) | 1.00 | 1.19 | 1.56 | 1.41 | -0.36 | 3.32 | 3.80 |
Diluted earnings per share (EUR) | 1.00 | 1.19 | 1.56 | 1.41 | -0.36 | 3.32 | 3.80 |
IFRIC 21 (Levies) was approved by the European Union in June 2014 and became effective on 1 January 2015. The main consequence of IFRIC 21 in 2015 is that certain levies have to be recognised in advance, which adversely impacted the results for the first quarter of 2015. As IFRIC 21 needs to be applied retroactively, KBC restated the comparable quarterly figures for 2014. This relates solely to movements between quarters and does not affect the full-year figures.
Highlights of consolidated balance sheet KBC Group (in millions of EUR) | 31-12-2014 | 31-03-2015 | 30-06-2015 | 30-09-2015 | 31-12-2015 | ||
Total assets | 245 174 | 258 396 | 256 654 | 257 632 | 252 356 | ||
Loans and advances to customers | 124 551 | 124 632 | 126 093 | 126 971 | 128 223 | ||
Securities (equity and debt instruments) | 70 359 | 71 948 | 70 755 | 71 115 | 72 623 | ||
Deposits from customers and debt certificates | 161 783 | 167 922 | 170 159 | 171 412 | 170 109 | ||
Technical provisions, before reinsurance | 18 934 | 19 181 | 19 198 | 19 365 | 19 532 | ||
Liabilities under investment contracts, insurance | 12 553 | 13 263 | 12 937 | 12 422 | 12 387 | ||
Parent shareholders' equity | 13 125 | 13 928 | 13 576 | 14 022 | 14 411 | ||
Non-voting core-capital securities | 2 000 | 2 000 | 2 000 | 2 000 | 0 | ||
Net result (in millions of EUR) Breakdown of net result for 4Q2015 (in millions of EUR)
Net result (in millions of EUR) |
Up to 2014, we provided not only figures according to IFRS, but also so-called 'adjusted figures'. In these figures, we extracted the impact of legacy activities (remaining divestments and CDOs) as well as the impact of the valuation of own credit risk, and rearranged trading income under 'Net result from financial instruments at fair value'. As these legacy activities have become immaterial (divestments have been finalised and there is no longer any exposure to CDOs) - and in order to simplify reporting - we have now stopped providing adjusted results.
The inclusion of the acquisition of Volksbank Leasing in the results is covered in the International Markets Business Unit.
Analysis of the quarter (4Q2015)
The net result for the quarter under review amounted to 862 million euros, compared to 600 million euros quarter-on-quarter and 473 million euros year-on-year.
Total income down 11% quarter-on-quarter, given the liquidation of KBC Financial Holding Inc, but down just 2% excluding this item. Net interest income slightly higher and net fee and commission income down.
· Net interest income stood at 1 066 million euros in the last quarter of 2015. In the current environment of low yields, our net interest income was slightly higher quarter-on-quarter, but contracted by 5% year-on-year. The quarter-on-quarter increase was driven by lower funding costs in Ireland and by term deposits in Belgium, better lending income through volume growth and rate cuts on savings accounts. However, it was partly offset by lower reinvestment yields, the continued impact of mortgage prepayments in Belgium in previous quarters, some pressure on commercial lending margins and the weak level of dealing room income. Compared to a year ago, the 5% drop in net interest income was largely driven by a negative hedging result relating to mortgage loans in Belgium, despite sound commercial margins, volume increases and lower funding costs. As a result, the net interest margin came to 1.95% for the quarter under review, 4 basis points lower than the level of the previous quarter, and 20 basis points lower than the level of the year-earlier quarter. Interest income continued to be supported by volume growth: loans went up both quarter-on-quarter (by 1%) and year-on-year (by 3%) and deposit volumes stayed flat quarter-on-quarter but went up by 5% year-on-year.
· Technical income from our non-life and life insurance activities fell both quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year. Gross earned premiums less gross technical charges and the ceded reinsurance result contributed 86 million euros to total income, 5% less than in the previous quarter and 1% less than in the year-earlier quarter.
Earned premiums from our non-life insurance activities increased by 1% quarter-on-quarter and by 5% year-on-year. Claims during the fourth quarter were down 1% on the previous quarter and 4% on their level in the fourth quarter of 2014. The combined ratio came to an excellent 91% for the full year.
Sales of life insurance products (including unit-linked products not included in premium income) were up 40% quarter-on-quarter and 6% year-on-year. The result was partly seasonal owing to tax-deductible contracts with a regular premium, but it was also driven by the savings campaign.
It should be noted that, during the last quarter of 2015, investment income derived from insurance activities was down 4% on its level of the previous quarter, and down 5% on the year-earlier quarter. Both changes were driven by the lower level of net interest income caused by decreasing yields on the bond position and hedging instruments on the equity portfolio, somewhat offset by a higher realised result from available-for-sale assets.
· The investment climate has been volatile since the autumn. Despite this, new entries and a positive price performance boosted total assets under management by 4% (to 209 billion euros) in the quarter under review. Compared to a year ago, they have increased by as much as 12%, two-thirds of which through net entries. As regards net fee and commission income, it needs to be mentioned that the sales-related increase in entry fees on investment products was offset by a lower level of management fees for mutual funds, due to a different asset allocation. This was the main reason for the decrease in our net fee and commission income, which came to 371 million euros, down 9% year-on-year and 3% quarter-on-quarter.
· The net result from financial instruments at fair value was a negative 68 million euros in the fourth quarter of 2015, compared to a positive 47 million euros in the previous quarter and 109 million euros in the year-earlier quarter. This was triggered by the one-off translation difference on the liquidation of KBC Financial Holding Inc. (-156 million euros). Disregarding this impact, fair value income increased by 87% quarter-on-quarter. To a lesser extent, the trend was influenced by a marginally higher valuation of derivative instruments used for asset/liability management purposes, a higher level of income generated by the dealing rooms and a substantial positive impact of valuation adjustments (MVA/CVA/FVA) because of lower exposure and/or lower credit spreads.
· All other income items combined amounted to 89 million euros. They comprise realised gains on the sale of available-for-sale assets (30 million euros for the quarter under review), dividend income (12 million euros) and other net income (47 million euros).
Continued focus on cost management: excluding special bank taxes, end-of-year operating expenses up quarter-on-quarter but down year-on-year.
The cost/income ratio of our banking activities stood at 55% for the full year (down from 58% for 2014).
Loan impairment charges: low credit cost ratio of 0.23%
· Loan losses stood at 78 million euros, up on the quarter-earlier level of 34 million euros, but down on the level of 158 million euros in the fourth quarter of 2014. The quarter-on-quarter increase came about mainly because of Belgium (an increase of 21 million euros to 34 million euros, specific loan files). The Czech Republic stood at 14 million euros, Hungary at a positive 1 million euros, Slovakia at 9 million euros, Ireland at 16 million euros, Bulgaria at 2 million euros and the Group Centre at 4 million euros. Loan loss impairment in 2015 accounted for some 0.23% the total loan portfolio.
Goodwill impairment charges: exceptional item
· Impairment on goodwill stood at an exceptionally high 344 million euros for the last quarter of 2015. Due to higher local capital targets and a higher discount rate, an impairment on goodwill was recognised for CIBANK (117 million euros) and DZI in Bulgaria (34 million euros), for CSOB Bank in Slovakia for the acquisition of Istrobanka in 2008 (191 million euros) and for Hypotecni Banka in the Czech Republic (2 million euros). This impairment had no impact on our capital ratios.
Tax: exceptional item
· Consequent on the liquidation of KBC Financial Holding Inc., the loss in paid-up capital at KBC Bank was tax-deductible for the parent company at the moment of liquidation, contributing largely to a total positive income tax figure of 749 million euros in the last quarter of 2015.
Results per business unit
Strong fundamentals even after repayment of remaining state aid: equity, solvency and liquidity
Analysis of full year 2015
Note: the year-on-year performance was partly affected by the deconsolidation of KBC Bank Deutschland and by a number of other minor changes. These items will be disregarded to enable a meaningful comparison to be made ('on a comparable basis').
Note: the first-time inclusion of the acquisition of Volksbank Leasing in the results is covered in the International Markets Business Unit.
Our aggregate result for the year came to 2 639 million euros, compared to 1 762 million euros a year earlier.
Compared to 2014, the result for 2015 was characterised by:
Selected ratios for the KBC group (consolidated) | FY2014 | FY2015 | ||
Profitability and efficiency | ||||
Return on equity* | 14% | 22% | ||
Cost/income ratio, banking | 58% | 55% | ||
Combined ratio, non-life insurance | 94% | 91% | ||
Solvency | ||||
Common equity ratio according to Basel III (fully loaded) | 14.3% | 14.9% | ||
Common equity ratio according to Basel III (phased-in)) | 14.4% | 15.2% | ||
Common equity ratio according to FICOD method (fully loaded) | 14.6% | 14.6% | ||
Leverage ratio according to Basel III (fully loaded) | 6.4% | 6.3% | ||
Credit risk | ||||
Credit cost ratio | 0.42% | 0.23% | ||
Impaired loans ratio | 9.9% | 8.6% | ||
for loans more than 90 days overdue | 5.5% | 4.8% | ||
Liquidity | ||||
Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) | 123% | 121% | ||
Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) | 120% | 127% | ||
* If a coupon is paid on the core-capital securities sold to the Flemish Regional Government and/or on the additional tier-1 instruments included in equity, it will be deducted from the numerator (pro rata). |
Statement of risk
· As we are mainly active in banking, insurance and asset management, we are exposed to a number of typical risks for these financial sectors such as - but not limited to - credit default risk, counterparty credit risk, concentration risk, movements in interest rates, currency risk, liquidity and funding risk, insurance underwriting risk, changes in regulations, operational risk, customer litigation, competition from other and new players, as well as the economy in general. Although KBC closely monitors and manages each of these risks within a strict risk framework containing governance and limits, they may all have a negative impact on asset values or could generate additional charges beyond anticipated levels.
· At present, a number of items are considered to constitute the main challenges for the financial sector in general and, as a consequence, are also relevant to KBC. Increasing capital requirements are a dominant theme for the sector and regulatory initiatives are expected on such topics as risk models, floors on risk weighted assets, systemic and other capital buffers and minimum requirement of eligible liabilities and own funds (MREL). Besides these factors, the low interest rate environment remains a continuing challenge. If low rates were to be sustained, this would put material pressure on the long-term profitability of banks and especially insurers. Finally, operational risk and particularly cyber risk have become one of the main threats during the past few years, not just for the financial sector, but for the economy as a whole.
· Risk management data are provided in our annual reports, extended quarterly reports and dedicated risk reports, all of which are available at
· So far in 2016, uncertainty on the financial markets, stock market corrections and falling benchmark bond yields have continued. In January, the price of Brent oil temporarily fell below 30 US dollar per barrel, driving inflation to lower-than-anticipated levels. The ECB is therefore likely to ease its policy stance further, most likely by cutting its deposit rate again. On the other hand, the Fed is likely to continue cautiously following its rate normalisation path in 2016. This divergence between Fed and ECB policy will probably weaken the euro somewhat against the US dollar in 2016.
· Low inflation, accommodating monetary policy and fears of a global slowdown in growth mean that bond yields will remain low during 2016. They will only rise very gradually once the unemployment rate in the euro area has fallen enough to generate sustainable wage increases and the effect of the sharp fall in oil prices starts to drop out of the annual inflation rate. We expect the oil price to gradually rise again in the second half of 2016. Despite the expected continued turbulence in emerging markets, we expect 2016 to be a year of sustained economic growth in both the euro area and the US, with a growth rate broadly similar to that in 2015. This growth will be driven mainly by domestic demand against the background of the expected weak contribution from international trade.
Additional information
· Our auditor has confirmed that its audit procedures for the consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted in the European Union, are substantially completed and that they have not revealed any material modification that would have to be made to the accounting information derived from the consolidated financial statements and included in this earnings statement.
· It will be proposed to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that no dividend for financial year 2015 be paid in 2016.
· Financial calendar for 2015:
For more information, please contact:
Wim Allegaert, General Manager, Investor Relations, KBC Group
Tel +32 2 429 50 51 - E-mail:
Viviane Huybrecht, General Manager, Corporate Communication/Spokesperson, KBC Group
Tel +32 2 429 85 45 - E-mail:
* This news item contains information that is subject to the transparency regulations for listed companies. | ||
KBC Group NV Havenlaan 2 - 1080 Brussels Viviane Huybrecht General Manager CorporateCommunication /Spokesperson Tel. +32 2 429 85 45 | Press Office Tel. +32 2 429 65 01 Stef Leunens Tel. +32 2 429 29 15 Ilse De Muyer Fax +32 2 429 81 60 E-mail: | KBC press releases are available at or can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Follow us on |