Final Results

Kenwood Appliances PLC 4 July 2000 KENWOOD APPLIANCES PLC Preliminary Results for the Year ended 31st March 2000 Strong Second Half Performance at Kenwood £ Million 1999/2000 1998/99 Sales from continuing business 143.4 145.0 Gross Margins* 36.6% 35.6% Operating Profit* 5.8 4.1 Profit before exceptionals & tax 2.9 0.1 Exceptional items - operating 0.3 (1.0) - non-operating (4.3) (8.9) (Loss) before Tax (1.1) (9.8) Net Borrowings 24.0 29.2 Earnings/ (Loss) per Share before exceptionals 3.3p (3.0)p after exceptionals (3.0)p (24.6)p * before exceptional charges David Nash, Chairman said today: - 'Profit before tax and exceptionals moved strongly ahead from £0.1m to £2.9m fuelled by a particularly robust second half sales performance in the UK, and in a number of export markets. Profits before tax and exceptionals in the second half were £3.1m compared to a loss of £0.8m in 1998/99. These results were achieved despite the adverse impact of currency movements and on a constant currency basis, full year PBT would have been approximately £1.5m higher. 'The restructuring programme resulted in the Group's committed cost base being reduced by £7.6m. The associated exceptional charges were in line with previous forecasts at £4.0m. 'Tight cash controls resulted in net borrowings reducing by a further £5.2m to £24.0m after spending £3.5m cash on restructuring charges.' Colin Gordon, Chief Executive said today: - 'The benefits from the programme to transform Kenwood from a vertically integrated manufacturing company to an agile brand led business are now beginning to show through. In the year to 31st March 2000: - - 67 new products were launched, the most successful being the Kenwood fryers and food processors and the Ariete steam gun; - Over 20% of sales were generated by new products; - These new products fuelled growth in our core markets with, for example, Kenwood sales in the UK, our largest market, increasing by 13%; - Despite the further strengthening of sterling, gross margins improved 1.0% to 36.6% as more product was sourced from the Far East; - The programme to reduce UK manufacturing content was implemented successfully and the number of UK employees fell by almost half from 691 to 361; - The Group is now outsourcing both its international warehousing and 66% of manufacturing; - The long-standing arbitration proceedings arising from the acquisition of Ariete in 1994 were finally resolved. 'Since the year-end, the 12 acre site in Havant has been sold for £5.4m with an agreement to lease back warehousing and refurbished office space. Net proceeds are anticipated to be £4.5m. In addition a freehold property in Florence, Italy has been sold for £2.0m. These two disposals were slightly above book value and the net proceeds will be used to reduce borrowings. 'In the absence of unforeseen circumstances, the Board anticipates continued progress as the restructuring programme is completed. Sales momentum has continued in the first quarter, although there is increased pressure on margins arising from currency and retail price deflation. The final outcome will, of course, be dependent upon the level of sterling relative to the Euro and the US dollar.' For further information contact: Colin Gordon Kenwood Appliances plc 0239 247 6000 Simon Rigby Citigate Dewe Rogerson 020 7638 9571 Alex Brown Citigate Dewe Rogerson 020 7638 9571 FINANCIAL RESULTS Sales were £145.4m compared to £154.1m in the previous year. After stripping out discontinued activities, sales were £143.4m compared to £145.0m. The first half had been difficult in a number of markets and sales from continuing business declined by 9%. However, the second half recovered strongly and sales were up by 6% compared to the previous year. Sales growth was good in the UK, the Far East and a number of export markets. Continuing progress was made on gross margins, which increased to 36.6% compared to 35.6% last year, as more product was sourced from China. Tight controls resulted in distribution and administration costs falling by 7.6% to £47.1m. Total fixed costs including manufacturing fell by £7.6m. Profit before exceptionals and tax increased strongly from £0.1m to £2.9m. In the second half profits before tax and exceptionals were £3.1m compared to a loss of £0.8m in 1998/99. In line with other UK exporters, the Group was hampered by the strength of Sterling, and at constant exchange rates PBT would have been approximately £1.5m higher. Exceptional charges of £4.0m were booked, which was in line with previous forecasts and, as a result, the loss after exceptionals was £1.1m compared to a loss of £9.8m in 1998/99. Earnings per share before exceptionals were 3.3p (loss 3.0p in 1998/99). After exceptionals losses per share were 5.4p (24.6p in 1998/99). Net borrowings were reduced by £5.2m to £24.0m. Despite spending £3.5m on exceptional charges, £3.4m of cash was generated. The net interest charge fell from £4.0m to £3.0m. Pre- exceptional interest cover was 2.0 times (1.0 times in 1998/99). The Board is not recommending a dividend payment for the year 1999/2000. TRADING REPORT UK Building upon a successful first half, sales of Kenwood products rose by 13% to £41.6m. The market grew 8% and Kenwood gained share overall. Particularly strong performances were recorded on deep fryers, kettles and food processors - one in every two food processors sold in the UK last Christmas was branded Kenwood. Margins were higher and as a result profitability increased significantly. Kenwood is strongly positioned as the clear brand leader in food preparation with a market share over twice that of its nearest competitor. Italy Ariete achieved record profits, despite difficult conditions in the Italian market where a number of the categories in which Ariete is strong showed significant declines. After a first half decline of 16%, sales in the second half were up 12% against the previous year. The strongest performance was recorded in the export markets, which grew 26% to 47.2bn lire (£15.4m). For the full year, sales were marginally ahead at 112.2bn lire (£36.5m). Ariete's second half sales growth was generated by the continuing success of its new product development programme which contributed 34% of the total sales and the Vapori steam cleaning gun sold 146,000 units in the first six months following its launch. Mizushi, the air conditioning business, had a good season and as a result its working capital declined by 13.3bn lire (£4.1m). Overseas Subsidiaries In Europe, turnover fell by £4.5m to £25.0m (-15%) as the Group focused on more profitable products and sales channels. Consequently profits increased in France and losses were reduced in Germany. The loss making Polish sales subsidiary was closed at the end of March 2000. Ireland, which had been reorganised at the end of the last financial year, showed improved sales and significantly enhanced profitability. In the rest of the world, all the Kenwood sales companies showed progress. Sales in aggregate were up 16% at £11.9m. After a difficult start, the strength of the new product programme delivered a significant profit improvement in South Africa and the Asian subsidiaries - Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong - all reported profits that were sharply higher. Third Party Distributors After a difficult first half in which sales declined by 21% to £9.5m, there was a significant recovery in the second half resulting in a sales increase of 24%. For the full year, therefore, sales were in line with those achieved in 1998/99. There were strong performances from a number of markets including Greece, Belgium and the Middle East, but overall this sector of business was impacted by the high sterling exchange rate. Manufacturing and Sourcing The transformation of the Group's manufacturing facilities was largely completed in the year. The final products were successfully transferred to China leaving the UK to focus on the manufacture of the Kenwood Chef and of water filter cartridges. The number of employees in UK manufacturing fell by two thirds to 174. In China, from where the Group is now sourcing over half its products, the strategic alliance with Allan International has been developed following their acquisition of the majority of the UK manufacturing plant and machinery. In Italy there has been a further consolidation of manufacturing activity following the merger of the Mizushi and Ariete production facilities. As a result it was possible to reduce the labour force by 17%. KENWOOD RESTRUCTURING PROGRAMME In 1997 a strategy was initiated to transform Kenwood from a vertically integrated, predominantly UK manufacturing company, into an agile brand led business. The target date for the completion of this programme was identified as December 2000. The Board indicated that profits would improve by £4m per year in the first full year following the completion of the programme. In the year to the 31st March 2000, and particularly in the second half, those benefits have started to materialise. Revitalised Products New products are the lifeblood of this business. In the year, there were 54 new products launched under the Kenwood brand. The most successful of these included our patented dishwasher safe fryer and the updated food processors. A comprehensive range of chromium finished products has also been successfully launched. In the core categories, the number of Kenwood Chefs sold increased by 4%. Ariete has a consistent track record of innovation; last year 13 new products were launched including the Vapori steam gun which has sold 146,000 units since it was introduced in September 1999. Sales of ironing systems and coffee makers in Italy were encouraging with Ariete enjoying third and fourth positions respectively in the market in these two important categories. Cost Reduction Programmes Since the start of the Kenwood restructuring programme the Group has reduced its workforce by over 40 % to 1626. In the year to 31st March 2000, headcount was reduced by 329 and with the closure of the UK motor winding facility during July, the Group is a long way to delivering its target employment level of approximately 260 staff in the UK. In total, the fixed cost base of the Group was further reduced by £7.6m. Reductions in Borrowings Borrowings fell by a further £5.2m to £24.0m having peaked at over £50m in 1996/97. Interest charges fell by £1.0m to £3.0m. Interest cover is now 2.0 times compared to 1.0 times in the last financial year. Since the year end there have been two developments which will impact borrowings in the current year: - - Two property sales have been finalised. On 30 June the 12 acre site in Havant in the UK was sold for £5.4m. A lease back arrangement has been agreed for part of the site which will be comprehensively refurbished to provide new offices, distribution and manufacturing facilities in line with the current scope of the UK Group's operations. Net proceeds will be £4.5m. Also in June, the former Ariete site in Calenzano, Florence was sold for 6.1bn lire (£2.0m). The Italian operations have been consolidated on to the Mizushi site in Prato, Florence. These sales were achieved at slightly above book value and the proceeds will be used to reduce borrowings. - The litigation on the purchase price of Ariete was resolved resulting in a settlement of £4.5m to the Vendor. Restructuring Costs In July 1999 the Board forecast that restructuring charges of £4.0m would be incurred in 1999/2000, with a further £1.1m in 2000/01. Exceptional charges of £4.0m were incurred in 1999/2000 of which £2.6m were cash items largely representing redundancy payments. For the current year the bulk of the exceptionals will again be for redundancies which have already been announced. Future Prospects In the absence of unforeseen circumstances, the Board anticipates continued progress as the restructuring programme is completed. Sales momentum has continued in the first quarter, although there is increased pressure on margins arising from currency and retail price deflation. The final outcome will, of course, be dependent upon the level of sterling relative to the Euro and the US dollar. Group Profit & Loss Account Year to Year to 31 March 2000 2 Apr 1999 Before Except- Except- ional ional Total Total £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover: Continuing operations 143,359 - 143,359 145,016 Discontinued operations 2,021 - 2,021 9,105 ---- ---- ---- ---- 145,380 - 145,380 154,121 Cost of sales (92,203) - (92,203) (100,206) ---- ---- ---- ---- Gross profit 53,177 - 53,177 53,915 Distribution costs (34,568) - (34,568) (37,181) Administrative expenses (12,490) 267 (12,223) (13,766) ---- ---- ---- ---- (47,058) 267 (46,791) (50,947) ---- ---- ---- ---- 6,119 267 6,386 2,968 Other operating expenditure (271) - (271) 166 Operating profit: Continuing operations 6,146 267 6,413 3,680 Discontinued operations (298) - (298) (546) 5,848 267 6,115 3,134 Exceptional items: Continuing - fundamental reorganisation - (2,765) (2,765) (8,884) Discontinued - loss on sale of operation - (1,483) (1,483) - Bank interest receivable 282 - 282 704 Interest payable (3,269) - (3,269) (4,708) ---- ---- ---- ---- (2,987) - (2,987) (4,004) ---- ---- ---- ---- (Loss)/ Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2,861 (3,981) (1,120) (9,754) Tax on ordinary activities (1,366) - (1,366) (1,519) ---- ---- ---- ---- (Loss)/ Profit attributable to members of the parent company 1,495 (3,981) (2,486) (11,273) Earnings / (loss) per share 3.3p (5.4)p (24.6)p Adjusted earnings / (loss) per share (3.0)p Fully diluted earnings / (loss) per share 3.3p (5.4)p (24.6)p Group Balance Sheet 31 March 2 April 2000 1999 £000 £000 Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets 20,588 27,467 Investments 1,927 1,927 ---- ---- 22,515 29,394 ---- ---- Current assets Stocks 25,760 21,698 Debtors 36,839 40,658 Cash at bank and in hand 10,773 9,670 ---- ---- 73,372 72,026 ---- ---- Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (72,550) (76,489) ---- ---- Net current assets / (liabilities) 822 (4,463) ---- ---- Total assets less current liabilities 23,337 24,931 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (3,635) (602) Provision for liabilities and charges (506) (1,005) ---- ---- 19,196 23,324 ====== ====== Capital & reserves Called up share capital 4,586 4,586 Share premium 25,101 25,101 Special reserve 2,180 2,180 Profit and loss account (12,671) (8,543) ---- ---- 19,196 23,324 ====== ====== Group Statement of Cash Flows Audited Audited 31 March 2 April 2000 1999 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 7,037 15,997 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (2,987) (4,004) Taxation (716) (763) Capital expenditure - net (930) (4,666) Acquisitions & disposals 990 - Financing - loans repaid (1,521) (21,402) ---- ---- Increase / (Decrease) in cash in the period 1,873 (14,838) ---- ---- Reconciliation to net debt: Increase / (Decrease) in cash in the period 1,873 (14,838) Cash outflow from decrease in debt and lease financing 1,521 21,402 ---- ---- Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 3,394 6,564 Translation difference 1,815 (324) ---- ---- Movement in net debt in the period 5,209 6,240 Opening net debt (29,216) (35,456) ---- ---- Closing net debt (24,007) (29,216) ---- ---- The above accounts do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act. Full accounts for the year to 31st March 2000, which have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, will be sent to shareholders. The auditors have issued an unqualified audit report. Copies of this announcement are available to members of the public at the Company's registered office. New Lane Havant Hants PO9 2NH.
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