Final Results - Year Ended 31 Dec 1999, Part 1

Kenmare Resources PLC 10 April 2000 PART ONE KENMARE RESOURCES PLC ('Kenmare') Chairman's Statement & Results for Year Ended 31 December, 1999 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Since our Annual Report last year, Kenmare has completed a Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) on the Moma Titanium Minerals Project, which has confirmed the commerciality of the project and revealed strong economic returns. We have bought the Wet Concentrator Plant from BHP's Beenup mine. A pilot plant programme at the Moma deposit has been successfully completed and we have commenced the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS), which is due to be finished this year. Two new directors have been appointed to the Board of Kenmare and funds have been raised which have allowed us pursue this aggressive development strategy. Our ability to achieve so much has been based, to a large extent, on the legacy of groundwork performed by BHP. As many of the sub-studies had been performed, this allowed us to move immediately into a PFS, prepared by Minproc Ltd of Australia. Minproc was chosen as PFS contractor because of its successful track record in this type of specialised mining. It was responsible for the development of the successful TiWest titanium mine in Western Australia. The results of the PFS are positive. It reveals a project internal rate of return of 27% and a geared rate of return to equity of over 40%. The net present value of the project, (i.e. its value counting both the costs to build and run the project and the income from sales) is calculated to be US$213 million. Operating costs will run at approximately 25% of revenues at full output. Our analysis of the titanium feedstock market suggests that there will be an under-supply by 2003 and new projects need to be developed. We are working to take advantage of this market window. This implies that the mine has to be built, operating, and exporting product by that time. Our objective is completion during 2002. Our task in achieving this has been greatly eased by the purchase from BHP of the Wet Concentrator Plant from the Beenup mine. A mineral sands operation normally consists of a mining dredge, a wet concentrator plant, a dry separation plant and associated infrastructure. The purchase of our Wet Concentrator Plant 'off the shelf' enables us to reduce the development period and results in a significant reduction in the total capital required for the project. Following the completion of the PFS, the next stage in project development is a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) which establishes the costs and revenues with more precision. This is based on pilot plant size samples and more definitive engineering design. Pilot plant work was completed by Kenmare in early March 2000, with bulk samples of heavy mineral concentrate being immediately shipped to Australia for testwork. The DFS also includes an exhaustive environmental impact assessment and, in this case, marine studies for the jetty location. Minproc has again been chosen as the contractor for the DFS, which is due to be completed this year. Our objectives over the next few months are to vigorously pursue the marketing of the products from the mine and the completion of the DFS. These will be followed by financing discussions early in 2001. As I mentioned earlier, the NPV of the project was calculated in the PFS to be over US$200 million. Hence we feel that there are several alternative ways of obtaining the finance to develop the project which do not require Kenmare's shareholders to shoulder a major burden. MORE TO FOLLOW FR URRORRSRSAAR
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