Preliminary Results and Interim Management Stat...

Kenmare Resources plc ("Kenmare" or "the Company") Kenmare Preliminary Results For the year ended 31 December 2010 (LSE/ISE: KMR) 18 April 2011 Kenmare Resources plc which operates the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine (the "Mine") in Mozambique, today announces its preliminary results for the twelve months to 31 December 2010. Production highlights * HMC production increased by 16% to 956,900 tonnes * Ilmenite production increased by 44% to 678,400 tonnes * Zircon production increased by 76% to 37,100 tonnes * Rutile production increased by 161% to 4,700 tonnes * 43 ships were loaded, bringing total sales for the year to 712,900 tonnes of product * Mineral resources increased by 20% since June 2010 Financial highlights * Revenues of US$91.6 million and EBITDA of US$17.4 million in 2010 * US$270 million equity raised in March 2010 to fund a 50% expansion of the Mine, currently being implemented * Kenmare admitted to the FTSE 250 in August 2010 * Global titanium feedstock consumption estimated to have grown by 20% in 2010 Michael Carvill, Managing Director of Kenmare said, "Prices of titanium minerals and zircon have continued to strengthen in 2011 and this trend is expected to continue. The Mine is operating well and production is broadly in line with expectations. The expansion programme to increase production capacity by 50% is well underway and scheduled for commissioning and ramp-up in 2012. We believe the outlook for 2011 is very positive for Kenmare." Chairman's Statement Dear Shareholder, I am pleased to report that Kenmare's Moma Titanium Minerals Mine is operating stably for ilmenite and zircon production with an expected further increase in rutile production later this year. Our expansion plans to increase total production by a further 50% are on course for commissioning in 2012 and markets for our products are very strong with rising prices. Markets The market for our products has transformed over the last twelve months.  At the start of 2010, the market was starting to show signs of recovery, but prices were still at low levels.  The ongoing recovery in world economies, and especially developing economies, has resulted in a significant increase in underlying demand. This, combined with the requirement for our customers to restock depleted inventories, has created a strong market. Total titanium minerals feedstock consumption increased by an estimated 20% in 2010.  This has exposed a supply-demand imbalance which was becoming apparent in late 2008 before the onset of the global financial crisis, but which was then masked by subdued demand. Many existing large mines are mature and cannot easily increase production, and several have become depleted in recent years. Most projects in the development pipeline will not be producing meaningful amounts for several years.  Even when these new projects do enter the market, they will not satisfy the expected increase in demand.  It will take successive developments of new mines to re-establish a balance between supply and demand.  We believe that prices for titanium minerals and zircon will have to increase significantly and be sustained at these higher levels to justify the development of these projects with higher capital and operating costs. Expansion In early 2010, the Mine was still in a production ramp-up phase.  However, most of the equipment necessary to improve the operation of the Mineral Separation Plant (MSP) was either on site or on the way.  Management was confident that they would be able to increase the levels of production for ilmenite and zircon by later in the year, which they achieved.  We were also convinced that there was a future shortfall in the supply of titanium feedstocks and, in order to service our customers in the coming tight market, that we needed to move quickly into an expansion project. Accordingly, we issued a prospectus on 5 March 2010 to raise US$270 million in a Placing and Open Offer in order to fund an expansion to increase production by 50%. We then immediately moved forward with a detailed engineering study on the expansion.  This was then rolled into a contract to perform the Engineering, Procurement & Construction Management function with Aveng Group, a large South African engineering group.  The activities of Aveng are supervised by our owner's team based in Aveng's office in Pretoria.  This owner's team includes senior Kenmare managers who have worked at the Mine for several years and are familiar with the existing operations and requirements for a successful ramp-up. They have employed this experience to guide Aveng in the detailed engineering design, specification of equipment and the current construction works. The expansion project has moved to site. Initial site establishment work, which focused on building a construction camp and excavation of the starter pond for the new mining operations, started in February and is on schedule.  A new dredge, which is larger and more powerful than each of our two existing dredges, is being manufactured in the United States and was approximately 75% complete at the time of writing this report.  It will be ready for shipping from the U.S. to the Mine in the third quarter of 2011.  The major contracts for structural, mechanical and electrical work have been awarded and the principal shipping and logistics contractor has been appointed.  This first expansion is expected to give Kenmare a 10% share in the titanium feedstock market and a 7% share in the zircon market. To capitalise on the growing market opportunity, Kenmare has moved forward with plans for a second expansion.  A scoping study for a further expansion was commissioned in November 2010 with completion expected by the end of this year.  Assuming the outcome of this study is favourable, a full feasibility study will commence immediately.  Monazite is contained in the Moma orebody and is concentrated in the MSP. Presently this material is then returned to the orebody in the reject stream. A study which is focusing on the production of a marketable monazite concentrate has been commissioned. Monazite is the primary feed material containing Rare Earth Oxides (REOs), including cerium, lanthanum and neodymium. REO's unique magnetic and phosphorescent properties make them vital ingredients for the automotive, glass and electronics sectors. Settling pond breach In October of last year there was a breach of a settling pond.  This allowed muddy water to enter part of Topuito village.  This was a deeply distressing incident for the residents of the village, many of whom are employees of Kenmare. This was made more painful by the loss of a four year old girl as a result of the incident. The incident occurred in the early hours of Friday, 8 October. The Mine was immediately shut down and equipment and personnel were diverted to the village to help people.  A health post was set up by 7 a.m. and water and food was distributed by mid-day.   By Saturday evening most people had been accommodated in a tented village and we were distributing three meals a day to all affected people.  There were a small number of minor injuries, which were treated. On Sunday morning the Minister of Mines arrived to review the efforts and offered Government support to the relief efforts.  All affected people were paid compensation and were fully compensated for all damaged property.  In addition, the work crews were hired from the affected village for extensive clean-up operations, providing further monetary support.  Within two weeks people started to move back into their homes and within four weeks 96% of people were back in their homes.  The remaining villagers returned to their homes in the following weeks.  The Mine did not open again for four weeks while failsafe provisions were put in place to ensure that something like this would never be repeated. The MSP continued to operate during this period at a reduced throughput rate using stockpiled Heavy Mineral Concentrate (HMC) and material that had been partially processed during initial plant commissioning. I would like to pay tribute to the residents of Topuito village and our site staff who worked in close cooperation to ensure that disruption to the life of Topuito village caused by our pond breach was minimised. It is thanks to their efforts that relationships with the local community and the Government of Mozambique continue to be excellent. I would also like to assure all stakeholders that every aspect of our operations have been reviewed for risk both internally and by external experts.  We will work tirelessly to ensure that such an incident never happens again and Kenmare will continue to maintain its strong community relations. Operations HMC output increased during 2010 by 16%. The Mine produced 678,400 tonnes of ilmenite in 2010, which is an increase of 44% from the previous year.  Zircon production was 37,100 tonnes, representing a 76% increase, and rutile production was 4,700 tonnes, up 161% from 2009. Production in 2010 would have been greater were it not for the month long cessation of mining operations while extensive additional protection measures against breaches were put in place at the mine.  This contributed to lower than expected production in the last quarter.  The after-effects of this remedial work were still being felt in early 2011, resulting in slightly diminished zircon recovery in the first quarter of this year.  Zircon recovery is nearly back at design level and the shortfall created in early 2011 will be made up by using partially processed material which was stockpiled during the early ramp-up period. Ilmenite production during the first quarter of 2011 was 183,800 tonnes and zircon production was 10,300 tonnes. We anticipate that the Mine will run at design capacity for ilmenite and zircon for the rest of the year and that rutile recovery will gradually improve as planned modifications to the rutile circuit are implemented.  However there will be some breaks in production to allow tie-ins to the expansion facilities.  The expansion implementation plan has been designed to minimise these breaks and we anticipate they will represent an overall loss of production of less than 10%. In 2010, 43 ships were loaded, bringing total sales for the year to 712,900 tonnes of product. This compares with 24 ships and 418,000 tonnes in 2009, a 71% increase in tonnage year on year. 2010 also marked a number of milestones for the shipping department, including the completion of the first bulk shipment of rutile. Financial 2010 was the first full year when revenue and related costs were reported through the income statement; prior to 1 July 2009 they were capitalised as development expenditure. Revenues in 2010 were US$92 million, up from U$42 million in the previous twelve months and we expect these to continue to improve substantially during 2011. We made a loss for the year of US$16 million, but generated earnings before interest, tax and depreciation (EBITDA) of US$17.4 million.  These results were influenced by the production ramp-up during the early part of 2010 and mine downtime following the settling pond breach. Revenues were also affected as some sales in 2010 were based on contracts negotiated during the economic crises, though average prices increased later in the year as the global economy started to recover. Cash operating costs were impacted by mining industry inflation, albeit gross margins are more than maintained as product prices continue to increase strongly. Cost control will remain a key focus for management in 2011. With increased production levels and significantly improved product prices, the outlook for the future is very positive. Outlook In the coming year, we are looking forward to operating at design capacity and to continued improvements in selling prices for our mineral products.  In recent months, the ilmenite market has continued to move away from long term fixed price contracts.  In addition to spot sales where pricing is set at time of shipment, we have concluded some ilmenite contracts in 2011 in which prices are set on a six monthly basis with renegotiation based on how the market has moved at the end of the period.    The number of these contracts with shorter term pricing is likely to increase in 2012 as old contracts are renewed. Rutile is also likely to move to short term pricing in line with the rest of the market when current contracts expire in 2011. Zircon prices are set quarterly or per shipment and contracts are volume based. The indications are that all product prices will continue to increase as the market tightens. During the period under review production has improved, the market has strengthened and our expansion has moved into the construction phase. The Company has entered the FTSE 250 and our shareholder base has broadened. The search for my replacement continues and we are confident a suitable candidate will be selected in the coming months.  In the interim, I would like to thank all of our shareholders for their continued support over the last year and look forward to a positive 2011. Charles Carvill Chairman This release incorporates Kenmare's Interim Management Statement relating to the period from the 1 January 2011 to the 18 April 2011. For more information: Kenmare Resources plc Michael Carvill, Managing Director Tel: +353 1 6710411 Mob: + 353 87 674 0110 Murray Consultants Joe Heron Tel: +353 1 498 0300 Mob: + 353 87 690 9735 Tavistock Communications Charlie Geller Tel: +44 207 920 3150 Mob: +44 7528 233 383 KENMARE RESOURCES PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2010   2010 2009   US$'000 US$'000 Continuing Operations Revenue 91,587 26,721 Cost of sales (77,741) (35,170) Gross profit/(loss) 13,846 (8,449) Other operating costs (17,369) (3,662) Operating loss (3,523) (12,111) Finance income 1,522 202 Finance costs (31,024) (15,533) Foreign exchange gain/(loss) 16,691 (2,910) Loss before tax (16,334) (30,352) Income tax expense - - Loss for the year and total comprehensive loss for the year (16,334) (30,352) Attributable to equity holders (16,334) (30,352)   US$ cents US$ cents per share per  share Loss per share: Basic (0.01c) (3.59c) Loss per share: Diluted (0.01c) (3.59c) KENMARE RESOURCES PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2010   2010 2009   US$'000 US$'000 Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 552,786 540,924 Current assets Inventories 24,618 21,951 Trade and other receivables 12,974 13,311 Cash and cash equivalents 238,515 17,408   276,107 52,670 Total assets 828,893 593,594 Equity Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's equity holders Called-up share capital 195,830 74,670 Share premium 299,860 163,147 Retained losses (43,694) (57,501) Other reserves 14,103 41,795 Total equity 466,099 222,111 Liabilities Non-current liabilities Bank loans 252,814 297,326 Obligations under finance lease 2,015 2,172 Provisions 6,750 4,347   261,579 303,845 Current liabilities Bank loans 85,574 58,791 Obligations under finance lease 157 92 Provisions 279 650 Trade and other payables 15,205 8,105   101,215 67,638 Total liabilities 362,794 371,483 Total equity and liabilities 828,893 593,594 KENMARE RESOURCES PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2010   2010 2009   US$'000 US$'000 Cash flows from/(used in) operating activities Loss for the year (16,334) (30,352) Adjustment for: Foreign exchange movement (16,691) 2,910 Share based payments 2,374 796 Finance income (1,522) (202) Finance costs 29,852 15,533 Depreciation 20,955 12,871 Impairment of property, plant and equipment 3,066 - Increase in provisions 845 739 Operating cash flow 22,545 2,295 Increase in inventories (2,667) (13,749) Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables 319 (700) Increase in trade and other payables 6,851 5,898 Cash from/(used in) operations 27,048 (6,256) Interest received 1,522 202 Interest paid (10,191) (11,866) Net cash from/(used in) operating activities 18,379 (17,920) Cash flows from/(used in) investing activities Addition to property, plant and equipment (34,790) (40,197) Net cash used in investing activities (34,790) (40,197) Cash flows from/(used in) financing activities Proceeds on the issue of shares 257,873 19,582 Repayment of borrowings (26,374) (336) Increase in borrowings - 15,890 Decrease in obligations under finance leases (588) (286) Net cash from financing activities 230,911 34,850 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 214,500 (23,267) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 17,408 40,536 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 6,607 139 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 238,515 17,408 NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS Note 1. Basis of Accounting and Preparation of Financial Information During the first six months ended 30 June 2009, the Group continued to build up production to target levels. From 1 July 2009 the Kenmare Moma Titanium Minerals Mine (the "Mine") was considered to be capable of operating at target levels of production; as a result, the Group has reported revenue and related costs in the income statement from July 2009 onwards. While the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010, from which the preliminary results have been extracted, are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union, these preliminary results do not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRSs. On 15 April 2011 the Directors approved the full financial statements that comply with IFRS as adopted by the European Union and expect to publish the financial statements in April 2011. The financial statements are prepared in US Dollars under the historical cost convention except for share based payments which are recognised at fair value. The auditors have reported without qualification of their audit opinion on the financial statements in respect of the year ended 31 December 2010 but drew attention to the disclosures made in the financial statements concerning the recoverability of property, plant and equipment (see Note 5) and investments in and amounts due from subsidiary undertakings, which are dependent on the successful development of economic ore reserves and successful operation of the mine. They noted that the financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to these uncertainties and the ultimate outcome cannot at present be determined. The financial information presented above does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2009. A copy of the accounts in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2010 will be annexed to the Annual Return for 2011. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 prepared under IFRS upon which the auditors have issued an unqualified opinion, but with an emphasis of matter drawing attention to the disclosures made in the financial statements concerning the recoverability of property, plant and equipment and investments in and amounts due from subsidiary undertakings, which are dependent on the successful development of economic ore reserves and successful operation of the mine, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. Note 2. Segment Reporting Information on the operations of Moma Titanium Minerals Mine in Mozambique is reported to the Board for the purposes of resources allocation and assessment of segment performance. Information regarding the Group's operating segment is reported below. Segment revenues and results   2010 2009 Moma Titanium Minerals Mine US$'000 US$'000 Revenue 91,587 26,721 Cost of sales (77,741) (35,170) Gross profit/(loss) 13,846 (8,449) Other operating costs (10,363) (1,770) Segment operating profit/(loss) 3,483 (10,219) Central other operating costs (7,006) (1,892) Group operating loss (3,523) (12,111) Finance income 1,522 202 Finance expenses (31,024) (15,533) Foreign exchange gain/(loss) 16,691 (2,910) Loss before tax (16,334) (30,352) Income tax expense - - Loss for the year (16,334) (30,352) Segment assets Moma Titanium Minerals Mine assets 593,305 571,266 Corporate assets 235,588 22,328 Total assets 828,893 593,594 Segment liabilities Moma Titanium Minerals Mine liabilities 356,504 366,352 Corporate liabilities 6,290 5,131 Total liabilities 362,794 371,483 Other segment information Depreciation and amortisation Moma Titanium Minerals Mine 20,912 12,830 Corporate 43 41 Total 20,955 12,871 Additions to non-current assets Moma Titanium Minerals Mine 32,647 43,651 Corporate 3,236 4,024 Total 35,883 47,675 Depreciation for the first six months to 30 June 2009 of US$5.8 million has been capitalised in development expenditure in property, plant and equipment. Revenue from major products   2010 2009   US$'000 US$'000 Mineral products (ilmenite, zircon and rutile) 91,587 26,721 Revenue for the first six months to 30 June 2009 of US$15.6 million has not been included in the 2009 amount as this has been capitalised in development expenditure in property, plant and equipment, being generated at a time before the Mine was operating in the manner intended by management. Geographical information   2010 2009 Revenue from external customers US$'000 US$'000 Europe 51,169 13,700 Asia 25,059 4,563 USA 13,153 8,458 Rest of World 2,206 - Total 91,587 26,721 The Group's revenue from external customers is generated by the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine, the non-current assets of which are US$546.6 million (2009: US$536.8 million). Information about major customers Included in revenues are US$17.5 million (6 months ended 31 December 2009: US$8.5 million) from sales  to the Group's largest customer, US$15.1 million (6 months ended 31 December 2009: US$7.7 million)  from sales to the Group's second largest customer, US$13.2 million (6 months ended 31 December 2009: US$4.6 million)  from sales to the Group's third largest customer and US$9.8 million from sales to the Group's fourth largest customer. All revenues are generated by the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine. Note 3.  Other Operating Costs   2010 2009   US$'000 US$'000 Distribution costs 3,777 1,770 Freight costs 4,098 - Administration costs 7,660 1,892 Cost of the settling pond breach incident net of insurance claim 1,834 -   17,369 3,662 Included in administration costs are: Share based payments 2,063 796 Litigation costs 1,839 78 Distribution, freight and certain administration and share based payments costs for the first six months to 30 June 2009 have been capitalised in development expenditure in property, plant and equipment.  Freight costs of US$4.1 million are reimbursable by customers or factored into the sales price for product delivered to customers on a CIF (cost, insurance and freight) basis. Total share based payments for 2010 amounted to US$2.5 million of which US$0.3 million relate to staff at the Mine and are included as a production cost of inventories. US$0.1 million relate to staff working on the expansion project and have been capitalised in property, plant and equipment and the balance of US$2.1 million included in administration costs in the income statement.  Total share based payments for 2009 amounted to US$2.0 million of which US$0.8 million was included in administration costs in the income statement and US$1.2 million was capitalised in property, plant and equipment. During the year the Company incurred and provided for litigation costs as a result of High Court proceedings in a defamation case taken by a former Company Director. On 17 November 2010, the High Court jury delivered a verdict of damages of €10 million. The Company has submitted an appeal to the Supreme Court with a view to setting aside both the verdict and the amount, with the intention of securing a retrial. The High Court granted a stay on the award subject to the payment of €0.5 million until the hearing of the Supreme Court appeal. The Company's legal team strongly advise that the award will be set aside on appeal. The same former Director has also served notice that he intends to pursue a number of non-defamation actions against the Company.  The Company has provided US$1.3 million for the costs associated with the defamation case appeal and retrial and further actions taken by the former Director. On 8 October 2010, a settling pond at the Mine breached a retaining wall resulting in the release of water, sand and clay which flowed through part of the nearby village of Topuito. The Group provided help and support to those affected by the breach and all families were settled back in their homes and compensated. Improvements to the settling pond berm complex were completed and following a review by the Mozambican authorities mining operations resumed on 9 November 2010. The total costs incurred in relation to compensation and reinstating production was US$3.0 million. An insurance claim of US$1.2 million has been made under the Group's public liability policy and this is included in other receivables as at 31 December 2010 resulting in the net charge of US$1.8 million included in the income statement. Note 4.  Loss per share The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Parent Company is based on the loss after taxation of US$16.3 million (2009: loss US$30.4 million) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during 2010 for the purposes of basic loss per share of 2,029,895,059 (2009: 844,314,758) and for diluted loss per share of 2,093,498,317 (2009:891,343,016). In 2010 the basic loss per share and the diluted loss per share are the same, as the effect of the outstanding share options are anti-dilutive. Note 5. Property, plant and equipment   Plant & Other Construction Development Total   Equipment Assets In Progress Expenditure   US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Cost At 1 January 2009 259,516 12,798 45,705 236,406 554,425 Transfer from construction 47,354 1,511 (48,865) - - in progress Reclassification to (1,797) - - - (1,797) inventory Additions during the year 6,360 268 7,473 33,574 47,675 Adjustment as a result of - - - (25,758) (25,758) the DOS&R Impairment during the year - (362) - (48) (410) At 1 January 2010 311,433 14,215 4,313 244,174 574,135 Transfer from construction 4,224 1,894 (6,118) - - in progress Additions during the year 4,510 24 27,180 4,169 35,883 At 31 December 2010 320,167 16,133 25,375 248,343 610,018 Accumulated Depreciation At 1 January 2009 10,220 4,533 - - 14,753 Charge for the year 11,042 2,440 - 5,188 18,670 Impairment during the year - (212) - - (212) At 1 January 2010 21,262 6,761 - 5,188 33,211 Charge for the year 10,949 2,488 - 7,518 20,955 Impairment during the year 3,066 - - - 3,066 At 31 December 2010 35,277 9,249 - 12,706 57,232 Carrying Amount At 31 December 2010 284,890 6,884 25,375 235,637 552,786 At 31 December 2009 290,171 7,454 4,313 238,986 540,924 An EPC Contract for the engineering, procurement, building, commissioning and transfer of facilities at the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine in Mozambique was entered into on 7 April 2004. The EPC Contractor was a joint venture formed for this project by subsidiaries of Multiplex Limited and Bateman B.V.. On 12 December 2009, a Deed of Settlement and Release (DOS&R) was signed by Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Limited and Kenmare Moma Processing (Mauritius) Limited and the EPC Contractor. Under the terms of the DOS&R all outstanding rights, obligations and liabilities of all parties under the EPC contract and related agreements have been mutually settled and released. As a result of the DOS&R US$25.8 million of EPC Contract accruals net of receipts of US$10 million, were credited to development expenditure in December 2009. At the 30 June 2010 the Group finalised drilling work on the Nataka deposit resulting in an increase in the total reserves from 25 million tonnes of total heavy mineral to 33 million tonnes of total heavy mineral. This resulted in a change in the depreciation rate for plant and machinery which is depreciated on a unit of production basis. The jetty was initially damaged in December 2007 when the Bronagh J collided with it during loading. While the jetty remains operational using a modified mooring and loading procedure, there has been some further deterioration to the structure over time. During 2010, an assessment of the permanent repair work required was carried out. Based on this assessment, an impairment of US$3.0 million was recognised in the income statement and property plant and equipment. In addition, during the year repair costs of US$0.5 million were incurred.  The Group has commenced repair and upgrade work on the jetty which will both strengthen the current structure and increase its operational capacity by allowing the transhipment vessels to load from both sides of the jetty. An insurance claim relating to the damage to the jetty structure was settled in June 2010 for US$3.5 million and this has been recognised in the income statement. Included in plant and equipment are capital spares of US$1.4 million (2009: US$1.0 million). Substantially all the property, plant and equipment of the Group is or will be mortgaged, pledged or otherwise secured to provide collateral for the wholly owned subsidiary undertakings Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Limited and Kenmare Moma Processing (Mauritius) Limited (the "Project Companies") senior and subordinated loans, or in the case of the transhipment barge Peg and tug/workboat Sofia III, a loan provided to the Group as detailed in Note 8. Additions to development expenditure include mine expansion development costs of US$4.2 million (2009: US$1.0 million). Expansion development costs incurred during the period before the expansion assets are capable of operating at production levels in a manner intended by management are deferred and included in property, plant and equipment. The recovery of property, plant and equipment is dependent upon the successful operation of the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine and continued availability of adequate funding for the Mine. The Directors are satisfied that at the balance sheet date the recoverable amount of property, plant and equipment exceeds its carrying amount and based on the planned mine production levels that the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine will achieve positive cash flows. Note 6. Cash and cash equivalents                                 2010        2009                                 US'000        US$'000 Immediately available without restriction                        55,892        10,255 Contingency Reserve Account                        172,753        1 Shareholder Funding Account                        -        25 Project Companies Accounts                        9,870        7,127                                238,515        17,408 Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances held for the purposes of meeting short-term cash commitments and investments which are readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. Where investments are categorised as cash equivalents, the related balances have a maturity of three months or less from the date of investment. The Contingency Reserve Account (the "CRA") and Shareholder Funding Account are accounts established under a cash collateral and shareholder funding deed to secure the obligations of the Company and Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary undertaking) under the Completion Agreement as detailed in Note 8. On 5 March 2010 the Company, Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited and the Project Companies entered into a deed of waiver and amendment (the "Expansion Funding Deed") with the Project lenders and the lenders' agents. The Expansion Funding Deed required that, as a condition to its effectiveness, US$200 million be deposited to the CRA to fund the expansion by 30 June 2010, and provides that funds deposited into the CRA may be transferred by Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited, at its sole discretion, to the secured Project bank accounts controlled by the Project Companies.  Once deposited in those accounts, such funds are required to be applied in accordance with the provisions of the financing agreements (as amended, including pursuant to the Expansion Deed) pursuant to which such funds may in the absence of an event of default be spent on, amongst other things, the expansion. Funds deposited into the CRA may not be transferred other than to the Project Accounts.  It is a completion requirement that all the funds initially deposited to the CRA as a condition to the effectiveness of the Expansion Funding Deed be transferred to Project bank accounts.  There are no continuing funding requirements in relation to the CRA, and no minimum balance is required to be maintained in the CRA. Note 7. Called up share capital On 1 April 2010, 1,497,030,066 new ordinary shares were issued by way of a firm placing and placing and open offer which raised US$257.8 million net of expenses. The primary purpose of this equity raising is to fund an expansion of the existing mine operations to increase production capacity from 800,000 tonnes per annum of ilmenite plus co-products to 1.2 million tonnes per annum of ilmenite plus co-products. US$121.12 million of this issue has been credited to share capital. US$136.68 million of this issue has been credited to share premium. 508,333 million new ordinary shares were issued during the year as a result of share options exercised and resulted in US$0.039 million being credited to share capital and US$0.032 million credited to share premium. Note 8. Bank loans   2010 2009   US$'000 US$'000 Project Loans Senior Loans 159,968 188,079 Subordinated Loans 176,372 165,525 Total Project Loans 336,340 353,604 Mortgage Loan 2,048 2,513   338,388 356,117 The borrowings are repayable as follows: Within one year 85,574 58,791 In the second year 40,578 41,722 In the third to fifth years inclusive 120,656 124,979 After five years 91,580 130,625   338,388 356,117 Less: amount due for settlement within 12 months (85,574) (58,791) Amount due for settlement after 12 months 252,814 297,326 Project Loans Balance at 1 January 2010 353,604 334,824 Loan interest accrued 29,024 28,600 Loan interest paid (10,026) (11,809) Loan repayment (25,911) (336) Foreign exchange movement (10,351) 2,325 Balance at 31 December 2010 336,340 353,604 Mortgage Loan Balance at 1 January 2010 2,513 - Drawdown - 2,500 Loan interest accrued 163 70 Loan interest paid (165) (57) Loan repayment (463) - Balance at 31 December 2010 2,048 2,513 Project loans Project loans have been made to the Mozambique branches of Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Limited and Kenmare Moma Processing (Mauritius) Limited (the Project Companies). The Project loans are secured by substantially all rights and assets of the Project Companies, and, amongst other things, the shares in and intercompany loans to the Project Companies. The Company and Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited have guaranteed the Project loans during the period prior to Completion (achievement of "Technical Completion" and "Non-Technical Completion"). The Expansion Funding Deed dated 5 March 2010 extended the final date for achieving Completion to 31 December 2013. Completion occurs upon meeting certain tests and satisfying certain conditions, all as verified by the lenders' independent engineer, including installation of all required facilities, meeting certain cost, efficiency, and production benchmarks and social and environmental requirements ("Technical Completion"), meeting marketing, legal and permitting requirements, including filling of specified reserve accounts to the required levels ("Non-Technical Completion"). Upon Completion, the Company's and Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited's guarantee of the Project loans will terminate. Under the Expansion Funding Deed failure to achieve Technical Completion by 31 December 2011 ceases to be an event of default but Senior Loans and Subordinated Loans will attract an additional interest margin of 1% and 2% respectively from 31 December 2011 until Technical Completion is achieved. Failure to achieve Non-Technical Completion by 31 December 2013 is an event of default. Three of the four certificates required for Technical Completion (Physical Facilities, Production, and Efficiency) were submitted to lenders on 20 February 2011.  A small number of items are being addressed prior to submitting the fourth certificate (Environmental). Interest and principal on the subordinated loans is due to be paid each year in February and August but if cash is insufficient in the Project Companies on the scheduled payment dates, interest is capitalised and both interest and principal becomes payable on the next semi-annual payment date thereafter on which sufficient cash is available, in whole or in part, to the extent of available cash. Included in loan amounts due within one year is US$55.4 million in relation to subordinated loans. The final installments are due on 1 August 2019. Under the second Deed of Waiver and Amendment referred to above, interest margins on subordinated loans were increased by 3% per annum until Technical Completion and by 1% per annum until Completion. This additional margin is scheduled to be paid after senior loans have been repaid in full but may be prepaid without penalty. Amendments to Project loan agreements Under the existing financing documentation, the marketing certificate required for Completion must be delivered no later than 30 June 2011, and thereafter a marketing covenant which tests ratios relating projected revenue from sales contracts with a term of at least 12 months with eligible buyers to projected costs and debt service over a 12 month horizon is to be observed at all times. This covenant was negotiated when long term sales contracts prevailed in the titanium minerals industry. As the supply of titanium minerals has tightened, the length of contracts has shortened and this covenant is no longer appropriate.  Accordingly, the Company, Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited and the Project Companies have agreed the terms of a Deed of Amendment with the lenders and lenders' agents that provides flexibility when entering into sales contracts. The Deed of Amendment is currently in the final stages of the lenders' approval processes and the main provisions of the Deed of Amendment include the following: * The marketing covenant is to be tested semi-annually as at 1 January and 1 July, the calculation to be set out in a periodic marketing certificate to be delivered no later than 1 March (45 days after the effectiveness of the Deed of Amendment in the case of 2011) and 1 September of each year; * In determining projected revenues for the marketing covenant, all offtake agreements with eligible buyers entered into on or before the date of the marketing certificate would be considered regardless of term. At present, only offtake agreements with eligible buyers with a term of one year or greater may be considered; * The amended marketing covenant would require sales contracts with eligible buyers with a term of at least 1 year for a specified tonnage of final products, to be tested annually as at 1 January; * Failure to comply with the marketing covenant would no longer give rise to an event of default; rather, such a failure would result, pre-Completion, in majority lenders being able to convene a meeting at which the Project Companies would present their marketing plan, and post-Completion in the inability of the Project Companies to make restricted payments (dividends and payments on intercompany loans) on the next semi-annual restricted payment date. Other Group bank borrowings On the 7 August 2009 Mozambique Minerals Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary undertaking) entered into a loan agreement with Banco Comerical e de Investimentos, S.A. for US$2.5 million to fund the purchase of an additional product transhipment barge, Peg, and a tug/work boat, Sofia III. Interest accrues at a 6 month LIBOR plus 6%, and is payable monthly commencing September 2009 with principal scheduled to be repaid in 54 monthly installments commencing March 2010. This loan was fully drawn on 10 August 2009. The loan was secured by a mortgage on the Peg and Sofia III and by a guarantee from Kenmare Resources plc. This loan was repaid in full on the 5 March 2011. Note 9.  2010 Annual Report and Accounts The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders before 30 April 2011. This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws; and (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Kenmare Resources via Thomson Reuters ONE [HUG#1507150]
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