Standard Form TR-1
Standard form for notification of major holdings
NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the Central Bank ofIreland)i |
1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights areattached ii : KerryGroupplc |
2.Reasonforthenotification (pleaseticktheappropriateboxor boxes): [x]Anacquisitionordisposalofvotingrights [ ] An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments[ ] An event changing the breakdown of voting rights[]Other(please specify)iii: |
3. Detailsofpersonsubject tothenotificationobligation iv : |
Name:RoyalBank ofCanada(RBC) |
Cityandcountryofregisteredoffice(if applicable):
Montreal,Québec,Canada |
4. Fullnameofshareholder(s) (ifdifferentfrom3.)v:Seeitem10 |
5. Dateonwhichthethresholdwascrossedor reached vi :
March10, 2022 |
March15, 2022 |
3% |
8.Totalpositionsofperson(s)subjecttothenotificationobligation: |
% of voting rightsattachedtoshares(totalof9.A) |
%ofvotingrightsthrough financialinstruments (totalof9.B.1+9.B.2) |
Totalofbothin%(9.A +9.B) |
Totalnumberofvoting rights ofissuer vii |
Resulting situationonthedateonwhichthreshold wascrossedorreached |
2.96% |
0.08% |
3.04% |
176,850,087 |
Positionofpreviousnotification (ifapplicable) |
9.Notifieddetailsoftheresultingsituationonthedateonwhichthethresholdwascrossedor reached viii : |
A:Votingrightsattachedtoshares |
Class/type ofshares ISIN code (ifpossible) |
Numberofvotingrights ix |
%ofvotingrights |
Direct |
Indirect |
Direct |
Indirect |
IE0004906560 |
N/A |
5,235,920 |
N/A |
2.96% |
5,235,920 |
2.96% |
B1:FinancialInstrumentsaccordingtoRegulation17(1)(a)oftheRegulations |
Typeoffinancialinstrument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi |
Number of votingrightsthatmaybeacquired if theinstrumentis exercised/converted. |
%ofvotingrights |
American DepositReceipts (ISIN:US4924601002) |
N/A |
N/A |
144,312 |
0.08% |
144,312 |
0.08% |
B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Regulation 17(1)(b) of theRegulations |
Typeoffinancialinstrument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/ Conversion Period xi |
Physicalor cashsettlement xii |
Number ofvotingrights |
%ofvotingrights |
10. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please tick theapplicablebox):
[ ] Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legalentity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the(underlying)issuer. xiii
[X] Fullchainofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orthe financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person orlegalentity xiv : |
Name xv |
% of voting rights if itequalsorishigherthanthenotifiablethreshold |
% of voting rightsthrough financialinstrumentsifitequalsor is higher than thenotifiablethreshold |
Total of both if it equalsor is higher than thenotifiablethreshold |
Royal Bank of Canada(RBC) |
RoyalBank HoldingInc. |
Capital Funding AlbertaLimited |
RBC Global AssetManagementInc. |
RBC Holdings (ChannelIslands)Limited |
Royal Bank of Canada(Channel Islands)Limited |
RBCEuropeLimited |
RoyalBank HoldingInc. |
RBC Phillips, Hager &North InvestmentCounselInc. |
RoyalBank HoldingInc. |
RBC Private Counsel(USA)Inc. |
RBC US Group HoldingsLLC |
RBC USA HoldcoCorporation |
RBC Capital Markets,LLC |
RBC US Group HoldingsLLC |
RBC USA HoldcoCorporation |
CityNationalBank |
City National RochdaleHoldings LLC |
CityNationalRochdale,LLC |
RBC US Group HoldingsLLC |
RBC USA HoldcoCorporation |
CityNationalBank |
RBC Trust Company(Delaware)Limited |
Royal Trust CorporationofCanada |
RBC DominionSecuritiesLimited |
RBC DominionSecuritiesInc. |
11. In case of proxy voting: [ name of the proxy holder ] will cease to hold [% and number ] votingrightsas of[ date ] |
12.Additionalinformation xvi : |
Done at Toronto, Ontario, Canada on March 15, 2022.