Final Results - Part 2

Kingfisher PLC 14 March 2001 Part 2 1. Turnover £ millions 2001 2000 Home Improvement 5,093.5 4,528.3 Electrical 3,564.9 3,188.0 General Merchandise 3,358.4 3,065.5 Property 59.2 32.5 Financial Services 58.2 70.7 Total turnover 12,134.2 10,885.0 2. Operating Profit Restated £ millions 2001 2000 Group Turnover 12,134.2 10,885.0 Cost of Sales (8,245.3) (7,248.5) Gross Profit 3,888.9 3,636.5 Other income and expenses (3,190.2) (2,886.9) Exceptional items - operating 5.8 (3.5) Share of joint ventures and associates (34.2) (2.0) Group Operating Profit 670.3 744.1 3. Exceptional items £ millions 2001 2000 Operating exceptionals Non-recurring reduction in local French business tax on restructuring of Group companies 5.8 - Costs of attempted merger - (3.5) 5.8 (3.5) Non operating exceptionals Gain on deemed disposal of Liberty Surf Group S.A. 120.8 - Loss on the sale of operations and Group restructuring: Costs relating to planned divestment of General Merchandise (8.8) - Disposal of Electric City (13.3) - Disposal of Andre Deutsch (1.4) - (23.5) - Profit on the disposal of properties 0.2 6.2 4. Net interest payable £ millions 2001 2000 Interest payable 112.1 76.5 Interest receivable (26.8) (36.6) 85.3 39.9 Interest capitalised (8.7) (2.4) Net interest payable 76.6 37.5 5. Taxation £ millions 2001 2000 Tax charge on profit for the year: UK corporation tax at 30% (2000 : 30.16%) 103.2 123.9 Relief for double taxation (0.5) (3.2) Overseas taxation 67.0 93.6 Deferred tax 0.8 (0.3) Associated undertakings 0.8 0.8 Joint ventures 1.4 0.7 172.7 215.5 Prior year adjustments (1.9) (11.1) 170.8 204.4 6. Earnings per share The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities, after taxation and minority interests of £415.5 million (2000: £ 409.0 million) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 1,369.5 million (2000: 1,357.1 million). The diluted earnings per share is based on the diluted profit on ordinary activities, after taxation and minority interests of £409.5 million (2000: £ 401.8 million) and the diluted weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 1,383.3 million (2000: 1,390.4 milion). Supplementary earnings per share figures are presented. These exclude the effects of exceptional items, acquisition goodwill amortisation and estimated LibertySurf losses in the year and are presented to allow comparison to prior year on a like-for-like basis. Accordingly, the adjusted basis and diluted EPS exclude exceptional items and acquisition goodwill amortisation. Also excluded are the estimated LibertySurf losses as the directors do not believe it is meaningful to aggregate these with the profits from the continuing Group businesses. In the previously reported figures for 1999 the directors also excluded the costs of developing the e-commerce activities of our established businesses. These have no longer been excluded and the comparative adjusted basic and diluted EPS have been restated accordingly, the effect of which is to decrease these figures by 0.7p and 0.8p respectively. The comparative figure for diluted earnings per share has also been restated to adjust for the effect of interest, tax and minority interests on convertible bonds. The difference between the basic and diluted earnings per share is reconciled as follows: Restated pence 2001 2000 Basic earnings per share 30.3 30.1 Attributable to exceptional items (7.5) (0.2) Attributable to acquisition goodwill amortisation 1.3 0.8 Attributable to estimated LibertySurf losses 3.1 0.6 Taxation arising on exceptional items 0.1 - Minority share of exceptional items 0.1 - Basic - adjusted earnings per share 27.4 31.3 Diluted earnings per share 29.6 28.9 Attributable to exceptional items (7.4) (0.1) Attributable to acquisition goodwill amortisation 1.3 0.7 Attributable to estimated LibertySurf losses 3.1 0.5 Taxation arising on exceptional items 0.1 - Minority share of exceptional items 0.1 - Diluted - adjusted earnings per share 26.8 30.0 7. Reconciliation of movement in equity shareholders' funds Restated £ millions 2001 2000 Profit for the financial year attributable to the members of Kingfisher plc 415.5 409.0 Dividends (214.8) (198.2) 200.7 210.8 Foreign exchange adjustments (net of tax) 10.8 (53.2) Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties 53.9 142.0 Shares issued under option schemes 51.3 10.3 Scrip issue 57.8 34.6 Non-distributable reserve arising on the combination of B&Q and Castorama - 1.9 Minority increase in Castorama (0.9) 21.2 Net addition to shareholders' funds 373.6 367.6 Opening shareholders' funds 2,609.5 2,241.9 Closing shareholders' funds 2,983.1 2,609.5 8. Net cash flow from operating activities Restated £ millions 2001 2000 Group operating profit 704.5 746.1 Depreciation and amortisation 233.7 191.3 Decrease/(increase) in development work in progress 7.5 (25.3) Increase in stock (377.3) (272.3) Increase in debtors (143.6) (106.2) Increase in creditors 127.8 326.0 Loss on disposal of fixed assets 10.6 4.2 Net cash inflow from operating activities 563.2 863.8 EN FRCGXGDXRSBGGBS


Kingfisher (KGF)
UK 100

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