IFRS Impact

Kingfisher PLC 17 March 2005 EMBARGOED UNTIL 1000 HOURS Thursday 17 March 2005 Kingfisher plc IMPACT FROM THE ADOPTION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS Kingfisher plc ('Kingfisher') is preparing for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as its primary accounting basis for the year ending 28 January 2006. As part of this transition, Kingfisher is presenting today financial information prepared in accordance with IFRS for the year ended 29 January 2005. Results for the year ended 29 January 2005 under UK GAAP were released today and are available on the Group's website www.kingfisher.com. The primary changes to Kingfisher's reported financial information at 29 January 2005 from the adoption of IFRS are as a result of the: • recognition of all employee benefit related obligations, principally pensions; • recognition of a relatively small number of building leases as finance leases; • recognition of lease incentives received over the entire term of the lease rather than to the first market rent review; • recognition of deferred tax liabilities on historical property revaluations and other temporary differences; and • recognition of exchange gains and losses in the income statement on inter-company loan balances which do not meet the functional currency requirements under IAS21. For the year ended 29 January 2005 the impact on profits from the adoption of IFRS would be to reduce retail profit by less than 1% and profit after tax by 3%, with an underlying reduction in profit after tax of 5% excluding a functional currency benefit under IAS 21. Net assets would be reduced by 7% at 1 February 2004 and by 11% at 29 January 2005 after the reversal of the property revaluation uplift recorded under UK GAAP. Duncan Tatton-Brown, Group Finance Director, commented: 'This announcement provides a detailed analysis of the impacts of IFRS on our financial statements. To help our stakeholders prepare for the change we have re-stated our results for the year ended 29 January 2005, announced earlier today, under these new rules ahead of their adoption for the year ending 28 January 2006.' For further information: Kingfisher plc Heather Ward, Head of Investor Relations 020 7644 1032 KINGFISHER plc IMPACT FROM ADOPTION OF IFRS CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Basis of Preparation 3. Key Impact Analysis 4. Restated IFRS Consolidated Statements - Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 29 January 2005 - Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense for the year ended 29 January 2005 - Consolidated Balance Sheet at 1 February 2004 - Consolidated Balance Sheet at 29 January 2005 5. Notes to IFRS Financial Information 6. Other Information Appendix - Detailed reconciliation of UK GAAP to IFRS 1. INTRODUCTION Kingfisher plc and its subsidiaries (the Group) currently prepares its consolidated financial statements under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP). Following the adoption of Regulation No. 1606/2002 by the European Parliament on 19 July 2002, the Group has been preparing for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)1 as its primary accounting basis. IFRS will apply for the first time in the Group's financial statements for the year ending 28 January 2006. Accordingly, the Group's first quarter sales and retail profit announcement and the financial results for the six month period ending 30 July 2005 will be prepared and reported under IFRS. This press release explains how the Group's reported UK GAAP financial performance for the year ended 29 January 2005 and its financial position at that date would have been reported under IFRS. It includes, on an IFRS basis: • the Group's consolidated balance sheet at 1 February 2004, the Group's date of transition (the 'opening' balance sheet under IFRS); • the Group's consolidated income statement for the year ended 29 January 2005; • the Group's consolidated statement of recognised income and expense for the year ended 29 January 2005; and • the Group's consolidated balance sheet at 29 January 2005. This document explains all material accounting policy changes from the accounting policies adopted in the UK GAAP financial statements for the year ended 29 January 2005. A full set of IFRS accounting policies will be published in the Group's first IFRS financial statements for the year ending 28 January 2006. The financial information presented in this document is unaudited. Reconciliations to assist the reader in understanding the nature and quantum of differences between UK GAAP and IFRS for the financial information above are included in the Appendix. 1. References to IFRS throughout this document refer to the application of International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), including International Accounting Standards ('IAS') and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and its committees, and as interpreted by any regulatory bodies applicable to the Group. 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION The financial information presented in this document has been prepared on the basis of all International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), including International Accounting Standards ('IAS') and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and its committees, and as interpreted by any regulatory bodies applicable to the Group published by 31 December 2004. These are subject to ongoing amendment by the IASB and subsequent endorsement by the European Commission and are therefore subject to possible change. Further standards and interpretations may also be issued that will be applicable for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2005 or that are applicable to later accounting periods but may be adopted early. The Group's first IFRS financial statements may, therefore, be prepared in accordance with some different accounting policies from the financial information presented here. In preparing this financial information, the Group has assumed that the European Commission will endorse the amendment to IAS 19, 'Employee Benefits - Actuarial Gains and Losses, Group Plans and Disclosures'. On 19 November 2004, the European Commission endorsed an amended version of IAS 39, 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' rather than the full version as previously published by the IASB. In accordance with guidance issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board, the full version of IAS 39, as issued by the IASB, will be adopted with effect from 30 January 2005 (Kingfisher's 2005/06 financial year). 2.1. IFRS 1 First Time Adoption Choices IFRS 1, 'First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' sets out the procedures that the Group must follow when it adopts IFRS for the first time as the basis for preparing its consolidated financial statements. The Group is required to establish its IFRS accounting policies as at 28 January 2006 and, in general, apply these retrospectively to determine the IFRS opening balance sheet at its date of transition, 1 February 2004. This standard provides a number of optional exceptions to this general principle. Set out below is a description of the significant first time adoption choices made by the Group. a) Business combinations before the opening IFRS balance sheet date (IFRS 3, 'Business Combinations') The Group has elected not to apply IFRS 3 retrospectively to business combinations that took place before the date of transition. As a result, in the opening balance sheet, goodwill arising from past business combinations (£2.5 billion) remains as stated under UK GAAP at 1 February 2004. Substantially all of the Group's goodwill arose on the acquisition of the minority interest in Castorama Dubois Investissements S.C.A. and the Group has elected to leave this as a sterling denominated asset. In future, IFRS will require goodwill arising on the acquisition of a foreign operation to be accounted for as a foreign currency asset and to be re-translated each period as part of the translation of the opening net investment. b) Employee Benefits - actuarial gains and losses (IAS 19, 'Employee Benefits') The Group has elected to recognise all cumulative actuarial gains and losses in relation to employee benefit schemes at the date of transition. The Group has recognised actuarial gains and losses in full in the period in which they occur in a statement of recognised income and expense in accordance with the amendment to IAS 19, issued on 16 December 2004. c) Valuation of properties (IAS 16, 'Property, plant and equipment') The Group has previously applied a policy of annual revaluations of property. The Group has now elected to treat the revalued amount of operating properties at 1 February 2004 as deemed cost as at that date and will not revalue for accounts purposes in future. The Group will however provide the current market values as additional disclosure in the financial statements. Investment property was previously revalued annually under UK GAAP. Following the disposal of the Chartwell Land investment property portfolio in 2004, the amount of investment property now held by the Group is insignificant. The Group has elected to restate the remaining investment property at historical cost under IFRS. There is no material impact of this change on the income statement. d) Share-based Payments (IFRS 2, 'Share-based Payment') The Group has elected to apply IFRS 2 only to relevant share based payment transactions granted after 7 November 2002. e) Foreign Currency Translation Reserve (IAS 21, 'The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates') The Group has elected to reset the foreign currency translation reserve to zero at 1 February 2004. Going forward, IFRS requires amounts taken to reserves on the retranslation of foreign subsidiaries to be recorded in a separate foreign currency translation reserve and be included in the future calculation of profit or loss on sale of the subsidiary. f) Financial Instruments (IAS 39, 'Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement' and IAS 32, 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation') The Group has taken the option to defer the implementation of IAS 32 and IAS 39 to the financial year ending 28 January 2006. Therefore, financial instruments will continue to be accounted for and presented in accordance with UK GAAP for the year ended 29 January 2005. On 30 January 2005, there will be an adjustment to reflect the movements from the UK GAAP carrying values to the IAS 39 values. It is the Group's intention to apply hedge accounting where the requirements of IAS 39 are met. 2.2. Presentation of financial information The primary statements within the financial information contained in this document have been presented in accordance with IAS 1, 'Presentation of Financial Statements'. However, this format and presentation may require modification as practice develops and in the event that further guidance is issued. 3. KEY IMPACT ANALYSIS The analysis below sets out the most significant adjustments arising from the transition to IFRS. 3.1. Presentation of Financial Statements The format of the primary statements contained in this document have been presented in accordance with IAS 1, 'Presentation of Financial Statements', which are different to their UK GAAP equivalents. The Group will continue to account for its joint venture interests in B&Q Home (Taiwan) and Koctas (Turkey) using the equity method of accounting rather than the proportional consolidation method that is permitted under IAS 31. The Group will also continue to account for its associate investments using the equity accounting method. The presentation of the Group's share of the results of joint ventures and associated undertakings in the Group's consolidated income statement will change under IFRS. Under UK GAAP, the Group's share of joint venture and associated undertaking operating profit, interest and tax have been disclosed separately in the consolidated income statement. In accordance with IAS 1, the results of joint venture and associated undertakings are presented net of interest and tax as a single line item. There is no effect on the result for the financial period from this adjustment. There is no FRS 3 non-operating exceptionals equivalent under IFRS. Items not relating to underlying business performance, such as profits and losses on the disposal of property, will now be reported in operating profit. Kingfisher will continue to disclose operating exceptionals and provide adjusted earnings per share to assist stakeholders. 3.2. Intangible Assets a) Goodwill amortisation IFRS 3 'Business Combinations' requires that negative goodwill is recognised immediately in the income statement as opposed to being amortised. The negative goodwill that arose on the acquisition of the shares in Hornbach has been credited back to opening reserves under IFRS and increases the Group's interest in joint ventures and associates by £19.3m. The removal of the amortisation credit in the current year reduces profit before tax by £1m. The non-amortisation of positive goodwill required under IFRS has no impact as all positive goodwill held was deemed to have an indefinite life under UK GAAP. b) Computer Software Under UK GAAP, all capitalised computer software is included within tangible fixed assets on the balance sheet. Under IFRS, only computer software that is integral to a related item of hardware should be included as property, plant and equipment. All other computer software should be recorded as an intangible asset. Accordingly, a net reclassification has been made of £65.4m in the opening balance sheet and of £66.9m in the balance sheet as at 29 January 2005 between property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. There is no impact on the profit and loss account from this reclassification. 3.3. Post Employment Benefits The Group currently applies the provisions of SSAP 24 under UK GAAP and provides detailed disclosure under FRS 17 in accounting for pensions and other post-employment benefits. The Group has elected to early adopt the amendment to IAS 19, 'Employee Benefits ' issued by the IASB on 16 December 2004 which allows all actuarial gains and losses to be charged or credited to equity. The Group's opening IFRS balance sheet reflects the assets and liabilities of the Group's defined benefit schemes totalling a net liability of £245.7m. This amount represents less than 4% of the Group's market capitalisation at 31 January 2004. The transitional adjustment of £220.6m to opening reserves comprises the reversal of entries in relation to UK GAAP accounting under SSAP 24 less the recognition of the net liabilities of the Group's defined benefit schemes. The incremental charge arising from the adoption of IAS 19 on the Group's income statement is as follows: Year ended 29 January 2005 £m Charged to operating profit 0.9 Charged to net financing charge 5.1 Total charge 6.0 The actuarial loss before tax of £79.3m arising in the year ended 29 January 2005 has been recorded in the statement of recognised income and expense. The pension deficit under IFRS at 29 January 2005 is £325.7m. 3.4. Deferred and Current Taxes The scope of IAS 12, 'Income Taxes' is wider than the corresponding UK GAAP standards, and requires deferred tax to be provided on all temporary differences rather than just taxable timing differences under UK GAAP. As a result, the Group's IFRS opening balance sheet at 1 February 2004 includes an additional deferred tax liability of £189.4m. The majority of this adjustment relates to the deferred tax provided on the revaluation reserve less the deferred tax asset recognised on the pension deficit at 1 February 2004. As stated in 3.1 above, the Group's share of its joint venture and associated undertakings' tax charges is shown as part of 'Share of post tax result in joint venture and associated undertakings'. 'Tax on profit on ordinary activities' on the face of the consolidated income statement comprises the tax charge of the Company and its subsidiaries under IFRS. The effective overall tax rate on profit is 31.0%. The effective tax rate before exceptional items and acquisition goodwill amortisation excluding prior year adjustments and the impact of the presentation of joint ventures and associated undertakings is 33.5% compared with 31.6% under UK GAAP. The increase is as a result of deferred tax being provided on all temporary differences as described above. 3.5. Share-based Payments IFRS 2, 'Share-based Payment' requires that an expense for equity instruments granted is recognised in the financial statements based on their fair value at the date of grant. This expense, which is primarily in relation to employee option and performance share schemes, is recognised over the vesting period of the scheme. As previously mentioned, IFRS 2 allows the measurement of this expense to be calculated only on options granted after 7 November 2002. The Group has principally adopted the Black Scholes model for the purposes of computing fair value under IFRS. The additional pre-tax charge arising from the adoption of IFRS 2 on the Group's income statement is £1.8m for the year ended 29 January 2005. The impact from the adoption of this standard has only a small impact as the Group ceased offering share options in 2003 and replaced them with deferred shares for which a charge equating to the market value of the deferred shares has been recognised under UK GAAP. 3.6. Leases a) Capitalisation of building leases IAS 17, 'Leases' requires that the land element of leases on land and buildings is considered separately for the purposes of determining whether the lease is a finance or operating lease. A majority of the Group's buildings are on leases of 25 years or less which are classified as operating leases under IFRS. This treatment is consistent with UK GAAP. There are a small number of leases greater than 25 years where the building element of the leases have been reclassified as finance leases based on the criteria set out in IAS 17. As a result, the Group's IFRS opening balance sheet at 1 February 2004 includes additional tangible fixed assets of £30.6m and additional finance lease obligations of £47.6m included within current and non-current borrowings. The main impact on the income statement is that the operating lease payment charged to operating profit under UK GAAP is replaced with a depreciation charge of the asset (in operating profit) and a financing charge (interest expense). Whilst the total charge for a lease over the life of the lease will be the same under UK GAAP and IFRS, the profile of the charge is different, with the charge being more front loaded under IFRS. The net pre-tax impact on the income statement is a further charge of £1.3m for the year ended 29 January 2005. b) Lease incentives Under UK GAAP, lease incentives were recognised over the period to the first market rent review. Under IFRS (SIC 15), lease incentives are required to be recognised over the entire lease term. As a result, the Group's IFRS opening balance sheet at 1 February 2004 includes additional deferred income of £21.7m and a reduction in operating profit for the year ended 29 January 2005 of £4.5m. 3.7. FX Gains and Losses Exchange differences on inter-company loan balances which do not meet the more stringent functional currency requirements of IAS 21 are shown in the income statement rather than as reserve movements, giving rise to a pre-tax unrealised gain of £12m in net finance costs for the year ended 29 January 2005. As these amounts are generated by exchange movements they will vary from period to period. However, there is an equal and opposite amount in reserve movements on consolidation and net equity is therefore unaffected. 3.8. Post Balance Sheet Events IAS 10, 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date' requires that dividends declared after the balance sheet date should not be recognised as a liability at that balance sheet date as the liability does not represent a present obligation as defined by IAS 37, 'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets'. The final dividend declared in March 2004 in relation to the financial year ended 31 January 2004 of £143.4m has been reversed in the opening balance sheet and charged to equity in the balance sheet as at 29 January 2005. The final dividend accrued for the year ended 29 January 2005 of £159.7m has been reversed in the IFRS balance sheet as at 29 January 2005. 3.9. Financial Instruments IAS 32, 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation' and IAS 39 ' Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' address the accounting for, and reporting of, financial instruments. IAS 39 sets out detailed accounting requirements in relation to financial assets and liabilities. All derivative financial instruments are accounted for at fair market value whilst other financial instruments are accounted for either at amortised cost or at fair value depending on their classification. Subject to stringent criteria, derivative financial instruments, financial assets and financial liabilities may be designated as forming hedge relationships as a result of which fair value changes are offset in the income statement or charged/credited to equity depending on the nature of the hedge relationship. Hedge accounting will be adopted for a majority of the Group's forward currency contracts which are taken out to hedge the cost of foreign currency inventory, thereby reducing potential volatility in the income statement. Hedge accounting will also be adopted for the Group's interest rate swaps and underlying capital market debt, thereby reducing potential volatility in the income statement. 3.10. Other Adjustments Other adjustments comprise: - the restatement of investment properties to historical cost; - reclassification of current asset investments to cash and cash equivalents as required by IAS 7; - the inclusion of certain elements of income from suppliers and other similar items in the cost of inventories as required by IAS 2; and - other minor GAAP differences. 4. RESTATED IFRS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT For the year ended 29 January 2005 UK GAAP IFRS IFRS (unaudited) adjustments (unaudited) IFRS format (unaudited) £m £m £m Revenue 7,649.6 - 7,649.6 Cost of sales (4,783.3) (2.4) (4,785.7) Gross profit 2,866.3 (2.4) 2,863.9 Selling costs (1,834.4) 1.4 (1,833.0) Administrative expenses (363.4) (7.3) (370.7) Other operating income 16.8 0.2 17.0 Other operating expenses (note 5.1) (16.6) 2.9 (13.7) Share of post tax result in joint venture and associated undertakings 27.5 (12.9) 14.6 Operating profit 696.2 (18.1) 678.1 Analysed as: Retail profit 747.9 (5.9) 742.0 Other operating costs (36.1) (1.2) (37.3) Acquisition goodwill amortisation 1.0 (1.0) - Exceptional items (note 5.1) (16.6) 2.9 (13.7) Share of joint venture and associate interest and tax - (12.9) (12.9) 696.2 (18.1) 678.1 Net financing charge (25.3) (3.4) (28.7) Gain on retranslation of intercompany loan balance - 12.0 12.0 Net interest payable (25.3) 8.6 (16.7) Profit before tax 670.9 (9.5) 661.4 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (201.4) (3.8) (205.2) Profit for the financial period from continuing operations 469.5 (13.3) 456.2 Attributable to: - Equity shareholders 469.0 (13.3) 455.7 - Minority interests 0.5 - 0.5 469.5 (13.3) 456.2 Earnings per share (pence): - Basic 20.3 (0.6) 19.7 - Diluted 20.2 (0.6) 19.6 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE For the year ended 29 January 2005 UK GAAP IFRS IFRS (unaudited) adjustments (unaudited) IFRS format (unaudited) £m £m £m Gains on revaluation of properties 175.8 (175.8) - Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 65.2 (18.2) 47.0 Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension schemes - (79.3) (79.3) Tax on items taken directly to equity (2.5) 31.7 29.2 Net income recognised directly in equity 238.5 (241.6) (3.1) Profit for the financial period 469.5 (13.3) 456.2 Total recognised income and expense for the period 708.0 (254.9) 453.1 Attributable to: - Equity shareholders 707.9 (254.9) 453.0 - Minority interests 0.1 - 0.1 708.0 (254.9) 453.1 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 1 February 2004 (Opening balance sheet) UK GAAP IFRS adjustments IFRS (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) IFRS format £m £m £m Non-current assets Intangible assets 2,455.3 66.7 2,522.0 Property, plant and equipment 2,769.2 (37.1) 2,732.1 Investment property 12.0 (6.3) 5.7 Investments in joint venture and associates 145.7 19.3 165.0 Other investments 0.2 - 0.2 Trade and other receivables 25.8 - 25.8 5,408.2 42.6 5,450.8 Current assets Inventory 1,071.7 (10.8) 1,060.9 Trade and other receivables 491.6 1.2 492.8 Income tax 1.4 - 1.4 Investments 23.8 (13.8) 10.0 Cash and cash equivalents 144.2 13.8 158.0 1,732.7 (9.6) 1,723.1 Total assets 7,140.9 33.0 7,173.9 Current liabilities Short-term borrowings (267.6) (0.8) (268.4) Income tax liabilities (79.2) - (79.2) Trade and other payables (1,578.4) 124.1 (1,454.3) Provisions (7.0) - (7.0) (1,932.2) 123.3 (1,808.9) Net current liabilities (199.5) 113.7 (85.8) Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (744.2) (46.8) (791.0) Other payables (0.7) - (0.7) Deferred tax liabilities (14.6) (189.4) (204.0) Post employment benefits (25.1) (220.6) (245.7) Provisions (17.5) - (17.5) (802.1) (456.8) (1,258.9) Net assets 4,406.6 (300.5) 4,106.1 Equity Share capital 2,390.4 - 2,390.4 Other reserves 2,013.3 (300.5) 1,712.8 Total equity shareholders' funds 4,403.7 (300.5) 4,103.2 Minority interests 2.9 - 2.9 Total equity 4,406.6 (300.5) 4,106.1 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 29 January 2005 UK GAAP IFRS adjustments IFRS (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) IFRS format £m £m £m Non-current assets Intangible assets 2,463.1 69.9 2,533.0 Property, plant and equipment 3,247.9 (216.6) 3,031.3 Investment property 22.8 (4.1) 18.7 Investments in joint venture and associates 158.3 18.3 176.6 Trade and other receivables 26.6 - 26.6 5,918.7 (132.5) 5,786.2 Current assets Inventory 1,333.0 (13.0) 1,320.0 Trade and other receivables 451.6 2.3 453.9 Income tax 8.8 - 8.8 Investments 9.4 (9.4) - Cash and cash equivalents 152.7 9.4 162.1 1,955.5 (10.7) 1,944.8 Total assets 7,874.2 (143.2) 7,731.0 Current liabilities Short-term borrowings (184.0) (0.9) (184.9) Income tax liabilities (113.7) - (113.7) Trade and other payables (1,816.3) 136.6 (1,679.7) Provisions (16.4) - (16.4) (2,130.4) 135.7 (1,994.7) Net current liabilities (174.9) 125.0 (49.9) Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (772.4) (45.9) (818.3) Other payables (0.9) - (0.9) Deferred tax liabilities (20.8) (171.9) (192.7) Post employment benefits (17.8) (307.9) (325.7) Provisions (7.7) - (7.7) (819.6) (525.7) (1,345.3) Net assets 4,924.2 (533.2) 4,391.0 Equity Share capital 2,434.9 - 2,434.9 Other reserves 2,486.6 (533.2) 1,953.4 Total equity shareholders' funds 4,921.5 (533.2) 4,388.3 Minority interests 2.7 - 2.7 Total equity 4,924.2 (533.2) 4,391.0 5. NOTES TO IFRS FINANCIAL INFORMATION 5.1.Exceptional items Exceptional items (other operating expenses) comprise a £4.0m profit on the disposal of properties and fixed asset investments and a £17.7m charge relating to the provision against the working capital loan made in connection with the disposal of ProMarkt. 5.2.Adjusted earnings per share Year ended 29 January 2005 (unaudited) £m Earnings attributable to equity shareholders for basic and diluted earnings per share 455.7 Items not related to underlying business performance: - Profit on disposal of fixed assets and investments (4.0) - Loss on sale of businesses 17.7 - Gain on retranslation of intercompany loan balance (12.0) - Tax on the adjustments (1.7) Earnings attributable to equity shareholders for adjusted earnings per share 455.7 Weighted average number of shares for basic EPS (millions) 2,307.5 Weighted average number of shares for diluted EPS (millions) 2,324.4 Basic earnings per share (pence) 19.7 Diluted basic earnings per share (pence) 19.6 Adjusted basic earnings per share (pence) 19.7 Adjusted diluted basic earnings per share (pence) 19.6 5.3.Net debt Year ended 29 January 2005 (unaudited) £m Net debt under UK GAAP 794.3 Additional finance lease liability 46.8 Net debt under IFRS 841.1 6. OTHER INFORMATION This document, together with the Appendix will be available on the Group's website www.kingfisher.com Kingfisher plc APPENDIX - Detailed reconciliation of UK GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) CONTENTS 1. Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 29 January 2005 2. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 1 February 2004 3. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 29 January 2005 These financial reconciliations are for convenience only and do not contain sufficient information to allow a full understanding of the impact of the transition to IFRS on the financial statements of Kingfisher plc or the historical results and state of affairs of Kingfisher plc. 1. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) For the year ended Reported IAS 1 IFRS 3 IAS 19 IAS 12 IFRS 2 IAS 17 SIC 15 IAS 21 Other Restated 29 January 2005 under Joint Business Employee Deferred Share Leases Lease Functional under UK GAAP venture combin- benefits tax based incent- currency IFRS and ation payments ives assoc- iates £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Revenue 7,649.6 - - - - - - - - - 7,649.6 Cost of sales (4,783.3) - - - - - - (0.3) - (2.1)(4,785.7) Gross profit 2,866.3 - - - - - - (0.3) - (2.1) 2,863.9 Selling costs (1,834.4) - - 0.6 - - 5.3 (4.4) - (0.1)(1,833.0) Administrative (363.4) - (1.0) (1.5) - (1.8) (2.2) - - (0.8) (370.7) expenses Other operating 16.8 - - - - - - 0.2 - - 17.0 income Other operating (16.6) - - - - - - - - 2.9 (13.7) expenses Share of post tax result in joint venture and 27.5 (12.9) - - - - - - - - 14.6 associated undertakings Operating profit 696.2 (12.9) (1.0) (0.9) - (1.8) 3.1 (4.5) - (0.1) 678.1 Net financing charge (25.3) 6.1 - (5.1) - - (4.4) - - - (28.7) Gain on retranslation of intercompany loan balance - - - - - - - - 12.0 - 12.0 Profit before tax 670.9 (6.8) (1.0) (6.0) - (1.8) (1.3) (4.5) 12.0 (0.1) 661.4 Tax on profit on (201.4) 6.8 - 1.9 (12.1) 0.5 0.4 1.4 (3.6) 0.9 (205.2) ordinary activities Profit for the financial period from 469.5 - (1.0) (4.1) (12.1) (1.3) (0.9) (3.1) 8.4 0.8 456.2 continuing operations 2. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (UNAUDITED) As at 1 February 2004 Reported IFRS 3 IAS 38 IAS 19 IAS 12 IFRS 2 IAS 17 SIC 15 IAS 18 Other Restated (Opening balance under Business Intang- Employee Deferred Share Leases Lease Dividend under sheet) UKGAAP combin- ibles benefits tax based incent- IFRS (IFRS ations reclas- payments ives format) sifica- tion £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Non-current assets Intangible assets 2,455.3 - 68.2 - - - - - - (1.5) 2,522.0 Property, plant and 2,769.2 - (68.2) - - - 30.6 6.7 - (6.2) 2,732.1 equipment Investment property 12.0 - - - - - - - - (6.3) 5.7 Investment in joint 145.7 19.3 - - - - - - - - 165.0 ventures and associates Other investments 0.2 - - - - - - - - - 0.2 Trade and other 25.8 - - - - - - - - - 25.8 receivables 5,408.2 19.3 - - - - 30.6 6.7 - (14.0) 5,450.8 Current assets Inventory 1,071.7 - - - - - - - - (10.8) 1,060.9 Trade and other 491.6 - - - - - - 2.1 - (0.9) 492.8 receivables Income tax 1.4 - - - - - - - - - 1.4 Investments 23.8 - - - - - - - - (13.8) 10.0 Cash and cash 144.2 - - - - - - - - 13.8 158.0 equivalents 1,732.7 - - - - - - 2.1 - (11.7) 1,723.1 Total assets 7,140.9 19.3 - - - - 30.6 8.8 - (25.7) 7,173.9 Current liabilities Short-term borrowings (267.6) - - - - - (0.8) - - - (268.4) Income tax liabilities (79.2) - - - - - - - - - (79.2) Trade and other (1,578.4) - - (0.8) - 3.2 - (21.7) 143.4 - (1,454.3) payables Provisions (7.0) - - - - - - - - - (7.0) (1,932.2) - - (0.8) - 3.2 (0.8) (21.7) 143.4 - (1,808.9) Net current liabilities (199.5) - - (0.8) - 3.2 (0.8) (19.6) 143.4 (11.7) (85.8) Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (744.2) - - - - - (46.8) - - - (791.0) Other payables (0.7) - - - - - - - - - (0.7) Deferred tax (14.6) - - 66.6 (268.8) 0.1 5.1 3.8 - 3.8 (204.0) liabilities Post employment (25.1) - - (220.6) - - - - - - (245.7) benefits Provisions (17.5) - - - - - - - - - (17.5) (802.1) - - (154.0) (268.8) 0.1 (41.7) 3.8 - 3.8 (1,258.9) Net assets 4,406.6 19.3 - (154.8) (268.8) 3.3 (11.9) (9.1) 143.4 (21.9) 4,106.1 Equity Share capital 2,390.4 - - - - - - - - - 2,390.4 Other reserves 2,013.3 19.3 - (154.8) (268.8) 3.3 (11.9) (9.1) 143.4 (21.9) 1,712.8 Total equity 4,403.7 19.3 - (154.8) (268.8) 3.3 (11.9) (9.1) 143.4 (21.9) 4,103.2 shareholders' funds Minority interests 2.9 - - - - - - - - - 2.9 Total equity 4,406.6 19.3 - (154.8) (268.8) 3.3 (11.9) (9.1) 143.4 (21.9) 4,106.1 3. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (UNAUDITED) As at 29 Reported IFRS 3 IAS 38 IAS 19 IAS 12 IFRS 2 IAS 17 SIC 15 IAS 16 IAS 18 Other Restated January under Business Intang- Employee Deferred Share Leases Lease Valuation Dividend under 2005 UKGAAP combin- ibles benefits tax based incent- of IFRS (IFRS ation reclas- payments ives proper- format) sifica- ties tion £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Non-current assets Intangible 2,463.1 - 69.8 - - - - - - - 0.1 2,533.0 assets Property, 3,247.9 - (69.8) - - - 28.4 10.7 (185.1) - (0.8) 3,031.3 plant and equipment Investment 22.8 - - - - - - - - - (4.1) 18.7 property Investment in 158.3 18.3 - - - - - - - - - 176.6 joint ventures and associates Trade and 26.6 - - - - - - - - - - 26.6 other receivables 5,918.7 18.3 - - - - 28.4 10.7 (185.1) - (4.8) 5,786.2 Current assets Inventory 1,333.0 - - - - - - - - - (13.0) 1,320.0 Trade and 451.6 - - - - - - 2.3 - - - 453.9 other receivables Income tax 8.8 - - - - - - - - - - 8.8 Investments 9.4 - - - - - - - - - (9.4) - Cash and cash 152.7 - - - - - - - - - 9.4 162.1 equivalents 1,955.5 - - - - - - 2.3 - - (13.0) 1,944.8 Total assets 7,874.2 18.3 - - - - 28.4 13.0 (185.1) - (17.8) 7,731.0 Current liabilities Short-term (184.0) - - - - - (0.9) - - - - (184.9) borrowings Income tax (113.7) - - - - - - - - - - (113.7) liabilities Trade and (1,816.3) - - 1.5 - 7.9 - (30.4) - 159.7 (2.1) (1,679.7) other payables Provisions (16.4) - - - - - - - - - - (16.4) (2,130.4) - - 1.5 - 7.9 (0.9) (30.4) - 159.7 (2.1) (1,994.7) Net current (174.9) - - 1.5 - 7.9 (0.9) (28.1) - 159.7 (15.1) (49.9) liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term (772.4) - - - - - (45.9) - - - - (818.3) borrowings Other payables (0.9) - - - - - - - - - - (0.9) Deferred tax (20.8) - - 92.0 (279.9) 0.6 5.5 5.2 - - 4.7 (192.7) liabilities Post (17.8) - - (307.9) - - - - - - - (325.7) employment benefits Provisions (7.7) - - - - - - - - - - (7.7) (819.6) - - (215.9) (279.9) 0.6 (40.4) 5.2 - - 4.7 (1,345.3) Net assets 4,924.2 18.3 - (214.4) (279.9) 8.5 (12.9) (12.2) (185.1) 159.7 (15.2) 4,391.0 Equity Share 2,434.9 - - - - - - - - - - 2,434.9 capital Other 2,486.6 18.3 - (214.4) (279.9) 8.5 (12.9) (12.2) (185.1) 159.7 (15.2) 1,953.4 reserves Total 4,921.5 18.3 - (214.4) (279.9) 8.5 (12.9) (12.2) (185.1) 159.7 (15.2) 4,388.3 equity shareholders' funds Minority 2.7 - - - - - - - - - - 2.7 interests Total equity 4,924.2 18.3 - (214.4) (279.9) 8.5 (12.9) (12.2) (185.1) 159.7 (15.2) 4,391.0 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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