Final Results

Kingspan Group PLC 20 March 2002 KINGSPAN GROUP PLC RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2001 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS € % change Turnover 828.9m Up 25% Operating profit 88.6m Up 15% Operating profit before goodwill amortisation 97.2m Up 20% Net profit before tax 73.4m Up 9% Basic earnings per share 32.9 c Up 8% Adjusted earnings per share (before goodwill amortisation) 37.9c Up 16% Total dividend per share for the year 4.7 c Up 30% Dividend cover 6.9 times (2000: 8.4 times) Interest cover 6.4 times (2000: 8.7 times) Gearing ratio (net debt as % of shareholders' funds) 73% at 31st December 2001 (60% at 31st December 2000) CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Turnover for the year ended December 2001 was €829 million up 25% over the previous year. Tate, the leading raised access flooring business in the USA, was acquired in January 2001 and contributed €125million to turnover for the period. Turnover excluding Tate was €704 million, an increase of €42 million over 2000. Turnover in the raised access flooring business in Europe demonstrated a strong performance, with an increase of €23 million. The demand for this product range was particularly strong in the UK and Irish markets. Sales of insulated panels increased marginally in the period across all markets and this again was achieved against the backdrop of an estimated decline in the UK cladding market of 10% in the year. This demonstrates the strength of Kingspan Insulated Panels in the overall cladding market. Insulation boards, which continues to be targeted at the domestic housing market, showed an increase of 11%. Components and light weight structural sections which tend to be related to the macro economic scene were flat compared with 2000 which was considered a very credible performance given the decline in the market for single storey industrial buildings during the period. The environmental containers business continued to grow on the back of increasing demand for products that offer increased environmental protection. The performance of Tate since its acquisition has been extremely disappointing from initial expectations. The Group has had to wrestle with unforeseen problems, a number of which are the subject of arbitration proceedings mentioned below. The Group has applied considerable resources in refocusing the business and reducing the cost base and employee numbers significantly. The US raised access flooring market has the potential to be an attractive one but will require considerable marketing resources to deliver on this potential. Already the Groups marketing initiatives for raised access flooring in the US have generated a very encouraging response, far in excess of anything that Tate had ever experienced in the past. These initiatives are in line with our market conversion strategy for the raised access floor market in the US. We had expected to be undertaking this activity with the luxury of a substantial backlog of orders that no longer exist. Kingspan's strength, which it is bringing to Tate is its ability to convert markets to its particular solution, irrespective of the macroeconomic environment. The whole focus now is to identify all the projects at the design stage so that Tate can influence the use of access floors at that point. Projects at the design stage now could logically be expected to come on stream in 2004. The emphasis at Tate in the past was very much a basic product sell. The new approach is to sell a total solution, in effect a 'technology platform' where all of the services, cabling, sprinklers and HVAC are all incorporated under the floor The arguments in favour of designing the 'technology platform' into office buildings is that in so doing they are cheaper to build, cheaper to staff and cheaper to operate. The speed at which Kingspan can convince the US market of these compelling arguments is what will influence the rate of growth of raised access floors and hence the performance of Tate over the next few years. As part of the acquisition of Tate, Kingspan required and was granted a number of specific representations and warranties by the Vendor. These representations and warranties were an integral part of the acquisition decision, and as such were an important component in the transaction value to Kingspan. A number of these representations and warranties given by the Vendor have subsequently been revealed to be misrepresented or incorrect, and Kingspan has accordingly initiated binding arbitration. At the interim stage, it was indicated that expenditure on new product development across the Group in 2001 would be in excess of €5million. This has transpired to be the case. Ten new products were flagged up at that stage, all of which were the subject of rigorous testing and certification procedures. We can now confirm that all of those products will be fully launched by the end of June 2002, fully certified. These products will be contributors to Group profits in 2002 and increasingly thereafter. The Group had capital investment of €33.7million in the year and is planning to invest a further €90million up to end 2003. This capital investment is necessary to support anticipated growth in the existing product groups and to create state of the art facilities for the 10 new products that will have been launched by mid-2002. It was always understood that in bedding down the Tate acquisition the focus for the following 2 years would be on organic growth. The size of the planned capital expenditure demonstrates this point. The Group expects to have strong growth in its composite panel markets, under-pinned by building regulation changes finally introduced and new products which are showing early signs of strong market acceptance. These new products double the size of the market in which the Group operates. The fact that Tate has had a difficult year in no way affects the Groups ability to implement its growth strategy going forward. Outlook The issues at Tate have detracted from what has been a strong performance from the Group in 2001 in mixed market conditions. Demand conditions in the global building materials sector are expected to remain challenging in the current year particularly in the area of high-rise office development . Kingspan's other businesses face a less challenging environment and with the benefit of regulatory changes and new products should deliver growth in line with expectations. Against an overall challenging background, the Group's enlarged product portfolio remains strategically well positioned for the future. Cash generation can be expected to remain strong again in 2002 and this will enable the Group to take advantage of any opportunities that arise. Financial Review Operating review Sales for 2001 at €828.9 million were €166.4 million, or 25% higher than 2000. Of this increase €125million related to the acquisition of Tate, translation effects had a negative effect of €8.8million and €50.2million related to continuing underlying sales growth across all product groups. Operating profits, before charging amortisation of goodwill, increased by €16.6million or 20.6% compared to 2000. Goodwill amortisation increased from €3.8million in 2000 to €8.6million in 2001. This increase related to the Tate acquisition. Net interest charges increased by €6 million and corporate tax charge increased by €1.9million. The combination of these increased charges resulted in an 8% growth in earnings. Cash generation in the year was strong with free cash flow per share increasing 107% to 68.3 cent per share (2000: 32.9 cent per share). A total of €120.4 million was invested in the acquisition of Tate Global in the year and €12.0 million was paid in respect of this acquisition in 2000. Of the total amount invested in Tate of €132.4 million, €92.1 million was in respect of goodwill capitalised. Tate generated operating profits of €7.9 million in the year. Sales and Margins Excluding the acquisition of Tate, sales increased by 6% . On a geographical basis, sales in the Republic of Ireland continued to grow strongly in 2001, and generated an increase of 11% over 2000. Sales in Britain and Northern Ireland, which accounted for 59% of Group turnover, increased by 8% in value terms to €493.8 million. In Mainland Europe sales were up 5%. 2001 2000 The analysis by geographical area is as follows: €'000 €'000 Republic of Ireland 108,919 97,694 Britain and Northern Ireland 493,764 455,809 Mainland Europe 94,126 89,471 United States of America 109,221 2,564 Other 22,917 17,015 828,947 662,553 2001 2000 The analysis by class of activity is as follows: €'000 €'000 Composite panels 248,011 244,745 Raised access flooring 252,455 104,098 Insulation boards 98,306 87,989 Environmental containers 116,147 111,037 Building components 114,028 114,684 828,947 662,553 At the gross profit level average margins,excluding Tate, were stable at 31.1% compared to 2000. Margins were diluted with the inclusion of Tate to 28.9%. At the operating profit level before goodwill amortisation, average margins, excluding the effect of Tate, increased to 12.7% (2000: 12.2%) and were diluted with the inclusion of Tate to 11.7%. Taxation The Group's effective tax rate, calculated before goodwill amortisation, fell marginally from 22.6% in 2000 to 21.9% in 2001. Earnings per share Earnings per share before goodwill at 37.9 cent shows an increase of 16% over the previous year, or 8% after goodwill amortisation. Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation has grown at an annual compound rate of 19% over the period 1998 through to 2001. Dividends The total net dividend per share for 2001 is proposed at 4.70 cent. This comprises an interim dividend of 1.75 cent paid in October 2001, and a final dividend of 2.95 cent which it is proposed will be paid on 28th May 2002 to shareholders on the register on 2nd April 2002. This represents an increase of 30% on the previous year. The dividend for the year is covered 6.9 times compared to 8.4 times in 2000. Cash flow The table below summarises the Group's funds flow for 2001 and 2000: 2001 2000 €million €million Inflows Profit before taxation 73.4 67.5 Depreciation 22.2 15.7 Amortisation 9.0 4.3 Working Capital 26.9 (19.0) Share issues in Company 0.5 1.1 132.0 69.6 Outflows Acquisitions 120.4 15.0 Acquisition deposit 0.0 12.0 Capital Expenditure 33.7 31.1 Dividends paid 6.8 4.9 Taxation paid 16.3 13.0 Dividends to and acquisitions of minorities 1.6 1.8 Translation effect on debt 9.0 1.1 Purchase of own shares 4.0 0.0 191.8 78.9 Increase in net debt (59.8) (9.3) Net debt at start of year (109.9) (100.6) Net debt at end of year (169.7) (109.9) The acquisition of Tate was financed out of the Groups resources. There was an increase in net debt of €59.8million but leaving aside the payment for the period in respect of the acquisition of Tate of €120.4million and non-cash translation effects there was debt reduction in the period of €69.6 million. The free cash flow for the year, comprising operating cash flow less interest and taxation paid, amounted to €115.2million, an increase of 107% compared to €55.5million in 2000. This performance represents 68.3 cent per share (2000: 32.9 cent). Over the two years 2000 and 2001 a total of €197million in free cash was generated which was used in acquisitions which cost €148million and in capital expenditure of €66million. This was achieved through good management and control practices Working capital, comprising stocks, debtors and creditors, was reduced by €26.9million, having adjusted for working capital included in acquisitions. Of this reduction €12million was achieved in Tate since its acquisition. Year end working capital expressed as days sales in 2001 was 46 days compared to 60 days in 2000. Return on capital employed The return on capital employed, being profit before interest and taxation, at year end was 22.3% compared to 26.6% in 2000. If goodwill previously written off of €52million (2000:€43million) was still on the balance sheet, the return on year end capital employed, being profit before interest ,taxation and goodwill amortisation, would have been 21.6% compared to 24.2% in 2000. Treasury Net interest payable amounted to €15.3million and this is covered 5.8 times (2000: 8.3 times) Net year end borrowings amounted to €169.7million representing gearing of 73%, compared to 60% in 2000. Net debt was reduced by €62million in the course of the second half of the year. Summary The acquisition of Tate in the USA has had the effect of temporarily reducing some of the key ratios and measures of profitability. The market initiatives, which have been undertaken, together with, cost reduction programs and extending the product range will address this issue. Cash generation remains strong and the Group remains committed to continuing its growth strategy. This will entail investment in extending capacity, specifically in composite panels and insulation products, and in improving production facilities during 2002. Capital of €90million has been allocated for these developments over 2002 and 2003. Operations Review The Group is focused on five main product groups, all of which have leading positions in various building material markets. In each market, our product solutions have inherent advantages over alternative building methods particularly in relation to meeting ever more stringent building, fire or environmental legislation. Consequently, our products are specified by name by architects or engineers at the design phase of the building. New Product Development to Double Our Available Markets Developing and launching new products has been a major objective of the Group this year. We are implementing a new product pipeline in related market segments which will have the Kingspan brand values of quality, reliability and continually offering new solutions which have significant functional and financial benefits for customers. It is anticipated that the new products will be viewed in exactly the same light as the current products, which have driven growth to date. We have always worked on the principal that brands that are successful are those that deliver strong benefits and are synonymous with original thinking. We believe that we can double the marketplace available to the Group by developing new products which provide broader access to the markets we are already focused on. During the year, the Group increased investment in new product development to over €5million. Ten new products will have been launched by mid year with more to follow. In composite panels, new products have been launched or are being developed which will double the available market. Our new composite panel for flat roofs - Topdeck (R)- has been successfully launched. This is a newly innovated composite panel for the flat roof market and is the first one to be successfully launched in this segment. Topdeck(R) gives the architect the benefits of factory assured quality, build speed and excellent thermal efficiency. It is anticipated that Topdeck(R) will achieve over 25% market share by the end of 2003. A new composite rooflight was also successfully launched. There is a significant market for non-domestic roof tiles. A composite panel solution has been launched to offer specifiers the benefits of a composite panel with integrated tile support. A new composite steel tile has also been developed and will be launched during 2002. These products are specifically targeted at the sizeable non-domestic tile market. Another new market segment for Kingspan is the coldstore market. Recently, there have been a number of serious fires associated with coldstore products having poor fire characteristics. In addition, these products often have unacceptable thermal efficiency. We are about to launch a range of coldstore composite panels with excellent fire and thermal performance with the goal of becoming the market leader by the end of 2003. Architects and designers are continually seeking ways of increasing the aesthetic appeal of their building concepts. Already in 2002, Kingspan has launched three new composite panels with advanced design features to meet this market need. A further range of aesthetic products are currently going through rigorous testing and certification procedures In NorthWest Europe, a significant number of industrial buildings are built with wide spanning built-up flat roof systems. This potential market is being targeted for product launches in 2003. In raised access floors, a new raised floor system for the European market has been successfully developed and launched. Spain and Benelux have been selected as the markets to focus on initially with anticipated sales of over €13million by the end of 2003. More stringent environmental legislation has been introduced in Britain. The Group led the industry by successfully launching a new range of products with advanced level sensing telemetry to meet the requirements of the new legislation. We are also leading the conversion in the domestic off-mains effluent market away from less effective septic tanks to more added value mini waste treatment plants. A new structural insulated panel solution - Tek Haus (R) - was developed and launched in Britain and Ireland targeted at schemes of residential houses and the commercial modular market. The new solution is a combined structural and insulated panel which provides excellent thermal efficiency and structural properties allied to very fast construction. Tek Haus(R) surpasses the requirements of the new building regulations, it allows use of the attic space as a warm living or storage space with no need for rafters and the need for highly skilled trades for erection of the building is reduced. Typical completed developments include a range of premium properties for Centerparcs in Britain. Capital Investment and Market Developments The Group had capital investment of €33.7million in the year to support sales growth, industrialise new products and improve efficiencies. Among the investments made were new profiling and handling equipment at our main composite panel facilities to produce a range of new products and a new insulation board manufacturing line at Castleblaney. During the year, world class operations and procurement initiatives were introduced across the Group. The focus is to reduce unit costs while increasing the expertise and flexibility to manage the successful industrialisation of a wider range of products. Sales of composite panels increased despite an overall slowdown in the construction of industrial buildings, especially in Europe. In Britain, composite panels have increased penetration of the total cladding market from 41% in 2000 to 43% in 2001. Sales in Central Europe increased by 25% and we have just completed an extension to our composite panel line in the Czech Republic In raised access floors in North America, the downturn in the market, particularly during quarter 2 required the implementation of a comprehensive cost reduction initiative. This was implemented quickly and satisfactorily. Additional sales and marketing programmes are now in place. The objectives are to increase the penetration of raised access floors into the 28 million square meter office market from the current 10% level and introduce the benefits of raised access floors with underfloor air-conditioning to important new segments like education and refurbishment. Initial indications are encouraging. Kingspan Capitalising On More Stringent Regulations The new Building Regulations in Britain for increased thermal efficiency and reduced air leakage will come into force from April 2002. Broadly, the new regulations will require double the thickness of insulation on new buildings. This will provide a distinct advantage for the types of composite panel solutions offered by the Group as the traditional 'built-up' approach will have difficulty meeting the new regulations and will be very cumbersome on site. The Group has successfully led the industry in marketing the implications and solutions for the new regulations to specifiers. Fire regulation and certification requirements are becoming more stringent both to ensure building safety and to minimise insurance costs. We have recognised that a specific fire safety engineering approach must be taken in the design of large and complex buildings. Kingspan has led the industry with the establishment of our own fire engineering technology group and with the development of 'Firesafe' insurer approved roof and wall systems. We believe that there are further market opportunities for the product solutions we offer as we work with customers to create innovative buildings that meet more stringent building, fire or environmental regulations. GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2001 Continuing Operations Acquisitions Total Total 2001 2001 2001 2000 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 Turnover 703,977 124,970 828,947 662,553 Cost of sales (484,622) (104,802) (589,424) (455,916) Gross profit 219,355 20,168 239,523 206,637 Distribution costs (39,405) (155) (39,560) (37,736) Administrative expenses (90,664) (12,102) (102,766) (88,280) Goodwill amortisation (4,031) (4,532) (8,563) (3,827) Operating profit 85,255 3,379 88,634 76,794 Interest payable and similar charges (16,746) (10,398) Interest receivable and other income 1,474 1,111 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 73,362 67,507 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (17,947) (16,098) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 55,415 51,409 Minority interest (20) (176) Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 55,395 51,233 Ordinary dividends (7,960) (6,105) Profit retained for the year 47,435 45,128 Basic earnings per share 32.9 c 30.4 c Basic earnings per share (before goodwill amortisation) 37.9 c 32.7 c Diluted earnings per share 32.3 c 30.0 c GROUP BALANCE SHEET 2001 2000 AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2001 €'000 €'000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 167,427 130,588 Intangible assets 161,953 73,110 Financial assets 38 12,714 329,418 216,412 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 61,503 66,777 Trade and other debtors 170,133 157,622 Cash and term deposits 91,466 44,817 323,102 269,216 CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year Trade and other creditors 139,537 125,678 Bank and other borrowings 35,275 82,799 Deferred consideration 0 1,797 Dividends 4,996 3,835 179,808 214,109 NET CURRENT ASSETS 143,294 55,107 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 472,712 271,519 CREDITORS Amounts falling due after more than one year Bank and other borrowings 220,215 63,435 Deferred consideration 5,663 6,713 225,878 70,148 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 12,757 12,168 CAPITAL GRANTS 1,343 1,496 232,734 187,707 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 22,019 21,939 Share premium account 17,248 16,866 Revaluation reserve 891 891 Profit and loss account 187,471 140,036 Other reserves 3,355 4,695 Shareholders' funds 230,984 184,427 MINORITY INTERESTS Including non-equity interests 1,750 3,280 232,734 187,707 GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2001 2000 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2001 €'000 €'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 146,658 77,511 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 1,483 1,128 Interest paid (15,560) (9,719) Interest element of finance lease rental payments (28) (53) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (14,105) (8,644) Taxation Corporation tax paid (16,308) (12,986) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (35,830) (31,808) Less new finance leases 2 12 Purchase of financial fixed assets 0 (12,158) Proceeds on sale of tangible fixed assets 2,133 733 Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (33,695) (43,221) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (100,280) (14,727) Net cash acquired with acquisitions 701 0 Payment of deferred consideration in respect of (2,275) (3,543) acquisitions Net cash outflow for acquisitions and disposals (101,854) (18,270) Equity dividends paid (6,799) (4,906) Cash outflow before use of liquid resources and financing (26,103) (10,516) Management of liquid resources (Increase) / decrease in bank deposits (23,401) 2,526 Financing Issue of shares 462 1,094 Increase in term debt 69,000 35,796 Capital element of finance lease repayments (290) (514) Acquisition of own shares (3,979) 0 Acquisition of shares held by minorities (1,372) (1,594) Dividends paid to minorities (210) (284) Net cash inflow from financing 63,611 34,498 Increase in cash for the year 14,107 26,508 GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2001 2000 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2001 €'000 €'000 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Increase in cash for the year 14,107 26,508 Increase / (decrease) in liquid resources 23,401 (2,526) Cash flow from movement in debt, lease finance & deferred (66,435) (31,739) consideration Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (28,927) (7,757) Loans and finance leases acquired with subsidiaries (21,586) (396) Deferred consideration arising on acquisitions during 783 363 the year New finance leases (2) (12) Translation adjustment (10,028) (1,494) Movement in net debt in the year (59,760) (9,296) Net debt at start of year (109,926) (100,630) Net debt at end of year (169,686) (109,926) STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 2001 2000 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2001 €'000 €'000 Profit for financial year attributable to Group 55,395 51,233 shareholders Exchange adjustments 3,158 (1,296) Total gains and losses recognised since last annual 58,553 49,937 report SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION REPORTING CURRENCY The financial statements are presented in Euro. Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at the average exchange rates, and the related balance sheets have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange rates used were as follows: Average Average Closing Closing Euro = 2001 2000 2001 2000 Irish Pound 0.787564 0.787564 0.787560 0.787564 Pound Sterling 0.621900 0.609500 0.608500 0.624100 Dutch Guilder 2.203710 2.203683 2.203710 2.203683 Belgian Franc 40.339900 40.339894 40.339900 40.339894 Deutschemark 1.955830 1.955836 1.955830 1.955836 Hong Kong Dollar 6.985500 7.197300 6.872300 7.257800 Czech Koruna 34.068500 35.599500 31.962000 35.047000 US Dollar 0.895600 0.923600 0.881300 0.930500 TURNOVER 2001 2000 The analysis by class of activity is as follows: €'000 €'000 Composite panels 248,011 244,745 Raised access flooring 252,455 104,098 Insulation boards 98,306 87,989 Environmental containers 116,147 111,037 Building components 114,028 114,684 828,947 662,553 2001 2000 The analysis by geographical area is as follows: €'000 €'000 Republic of Ireland 108,919 97,694 Britain and Northern Ireland 493,764 455,809 Mainland Europe 94,126 89,471 United States of America 109,221 2,564 Other 22,917 17,015 828,947 662,553 DIVIDENDS 2001 2000 €'000 €'000 Ordinary dividends Paid: Interim dividend 1.75c per share (2000: 1.35c per share) on 169,348,115 shares 2,964 2,270 Payable: Final dividend 2.95c per share (2000: 2.27c per share) on 169,373,115 shares 4,996 3,835 7,960 6,105 The Board is recommending the payment of a final dividend of 2.95c per share to be paid, subject to shareholder approval, on 23 May 2002 to shareholders registered at close of business on 2 April 2002. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN 2001 2000 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS €'000 €'000 Profit for the financial year attributable to Group 55,395 51,233 shareholders Dividends (7,960) (6,105) 47,435 45,128 Exchange adjustments 3,159 (1,296) Purchase of treasury shares (4,499) 0 New share capital subscribed 462 1,094 Net addition to shareholders' funds 46,557 44,926 Opening shareholders' funds 184,427 139,501 Closing shareholders' funds 230,984 184,427 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO 2001 2000 NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES €'000 €'000 Operating profit 88,634 76,794 Depreciation charges 22,235 15,713 Amortisation of intangible assets 9,046 4,311 (Profit) / loss on sale of tangible assets 38 (79) Capital grants amortised (174) (242) Decrease / (Increase) in stocks 19,126 (15,110) Decrease / (Increase) in debtors 26,512 (19,200) (Decrease) / Increase in creditors (18,759) 15,324 146,658 77,511 EARNINGS PER SHARE 2001 2000 €'000 €'000 The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following: Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 55,395 51,233 Number of Number of shares ('000) shares ('000) 2001 2000 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of basic earnings 168,543 168,286 per share Dilutive effect of share options 3,055 2,264 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of diluted earnings 171,598 170,550 per share 2001 2000 Cent Cent Basic earnings per share 32.9 30.4 Diluted earnings per share 32.3 30.0 Basic earnings per share before goodwill amortisation 37.9 32.7 ABBREVIATED ACCOUNTS The 2001 financial information is an abridged version of the Group's financial statements which have not yet been filed with the Registrar of Companies but upon which the auditors have given an unqualified audit report. The 2000 figures are an extract from the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and audited and reported upon without qualification. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT These results are available on the Group's website at A printed copy is available to the public from Thursday 21st March at the Company's registered office or from the Company's Registrars: Computershare Services (Ireland) Limited, Heron House, Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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