Final Results

Kingspan Group PLC 09 March 2004 KINGSPAN GROUP PLC RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 2003 2002 % Change % Change €million €million Reported In constant currency * Turnover 783.9 739.6 +6% +14% Operating profit before goodwill amortisation 79.4 82.0 -3% +3% Profit before tax 65.4 63.7 +3% +8% € cent € cent Earnings per share -before goodwill 36.0 35.5 +1% Earnings per share -after goodwill 31.2 30.2 +3% Regular Dividend per share 7.2 5.9 +22% * These percentages compare the 2003 results with the 2003 figures restated at 2002 average exchange rates. Eugene Murtagh, Chairman and Chief Executive said to-day: Kingspan delivered a satisfactory performance in 2003 showing strong top line and pre-tax profit growth in constant currency. This was achieved in a year when substantial parts of the construction markets in which we operate, showed little or no growth. On a geographic basis in local currency, all markets, with the exception of the USA, showed good growth. The strategy of focussing investment in markets that offer strong growth potential is evidenced by the success of our Central European operations in 2003. The products continuing to demonstrate strong growth represent 85% of Kingspan Group plc ('Group') turnover. We are confident that these products will remain resilient in 2004. The Group is in a strong financial position to fund its anticipated growth, both organically and through bolt on acquisitions. Turnover for the year ended 31 December 2003 was €783.9 million, up 6% compared to the previous year. Profit before tax was €65.4 million (2002: €63.7 million). Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders were €51.4 million (2002: €50.5 million). Cash generation remained strong with earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of €101.4 million (2002: €103.7 million). The relative strength of the Euro against Sterling and the other operating currencies had a negative impact on the translation of turnover of €60.5 million, €4.9 million at the operating profit level before goodwill amortisation and €2.2 million on earnings. These figures are calculated by comparing the 2003 results with the 2003 figures restated at 2002 average exchange rates. Goodwill amortisation amounted to €7.9 million (2002: €8.9 million), while spending on acquisitions and capital investment amounted to €47.3 million in the year (2002: €37.7 million). Dividends Net debt at the year end was €120.8 million, an increase of €3.5 million from €117.3 million as at 31 December 2002. This was achieved after the payment of a special dividend of €19.8 million during 2003, capital investment during the year of €39.7 million and acquisitions of €7.6 million. The gearing ratio as at 31 December 2003 was 49% (2002: 50%). Given the continued strong cash-flow, it is proposed to pay a final dividend of 4.6 cent per share, an increase of 21% on the 2002 final dividend of 3.8 cent. This gives a total dividend for the year of 7.2 cent per share, an increase of 22% on 2002. This results in dividend cover of 5.0 times earnings before amortisation, and 8.5 times earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation. It is proposed to pay the final dividend on 11 June, 2004, to shareholders on the register on 19 March, 2004. It is the intention to continue with a progressive dividend policy for 2004 in a manner compatible with the growth plans set out later in this statement, so as to bring dividend cover to a level closer to industry norms. Market Conditions The underlying turnover growth in the year in constant currency was 14%. This was achieved in a year when construction markets showed zero or no growth. This underlying growth rate reflects an increase in real terms of 21% in insulated panels and associated components, 37% in insulation boards and 17% in environmental containers and a decline of 19% in access floors. The products continuing to demonstrate strong growth represent 85% of Group turnover and can be expected to remain resilient in the medium term. Performance in all of our major markets, with the exception of the USA, which declined by 14% in US dollar terms, showed significant growth. In constant currency Ireland was up 14%, Britain and Northern Ireland up 13%, Western Europe up 11% and Eastern Europe up 94%. Strategy The Group aims to differentiate its products in the areas of thermal efficiency, fire ratings and structural capability. We also have products to address the trend for the elimination of wet trades in the building industry. Our strategy is to achieve industry leadership and profitable growth in all our target markets. We are concentrating our investment in geographical markets that can generate strong top line growth. In this regard our focus on Central Europe in the recent past has been very successful, showing growth of 94% in 2003. We are continuing to invest there to ensure that Kingspan becomes the most recognised brand in the targeted sectors in the region. Overall our strategy is to win a high share in large market segments in all targeted geographic markets. The chemical formulations associated with the development of our insulation products, including insulated panels, insulation boards and structural panels, are all developed in-house and are proprietary. In addition, there are various forms of intellectual property protection involved in our product and process technology. This gives Kingspan a crucial competitive advantage, allowing us to manufacture insulated panels and insulation boards with important properties that our competitors have been unable to achieve. This has been achieved on the back of a substantial increase in expenditure on product and process development which has helped to differentiate our products from our competitors'. The added value that our products offer our target market allows us to defend our margins and grow our market share at the expense of competing products. This forms the basis of the Group's business model that should help us achieve high rates of growth and above average returns on our investments going forward. Finance The gross profit margin, being gross profit as a percent of turnover, was 29.6% in the year, down from 30.3% last year. There was an improvement in the second half of the year to 30.0% compared to 29.3% in the first half. The operating margin, being earnings before interest, tax and amortisation as a percent of turnover, was 10.1% in the year, down from 11.1% last year. Again the trend has been positive throughout the second half of the year, increasing from 9.4% in the first half to 10.8% in the second half of the year. Net interest in the year was €6.0 million compared to €9.4 million in 2002, a reduction of 35.8%. This reflects a reduction in weighted net debt levels compared to 2002, the benefit of currency movements against the Euro and a reduction in interest rates. Interest is covered 13.2 times by earnings before interest, tax and amortisation (2002: 8.8 times). The effective tax rate, calculated on earnings before amortisation, was 19.0%, compared to a rate of 18.3% in 2002. Operational working capital at the year end was €116.5 million and represented 14.9% of turnover, against a company target of 15.0%. The corresponding figure at the end of 2002 was €103.2 million and represented 14.0% of turnover. The return on capital employed, being profit before interest and taxation as a percentage of shareholder funds plus net debt at the year end, was 19.4% compared to 20.6% in 2002. If goodwill previously written off of €68.9 million was still on the balance sheet, the corresponding figures would be 18.1% in 2003 and 19.7% in 2002. In October 2003 the Group announced the outcome of the arbitration proceedings provided for under the Purchase and Sale Agreement with the vendors of Tate Global Corporation. The panel of arbitrators found in favour of Kingspan and made an award of US$40.1 million plus interest accruing daily from September 2003. The award is currently being challenged in the U.S. District Court in Harrisburg, PA. The US lawyers advising Kingspan have noted that the grounds for overturning or modifying awards rendered under binding arbitration are narrow and limited to points of law. Pending the outcome of the challenge no credit for any of the award made has been taken into the Kingspan accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003. Overall the Group is in a strong financial position going into 2004 and is well positioned for continued growth. The balance sheet is conservatively geared and this will enable the Group to comfortably fund its anticipated growth, through both organic means and bolt on acquisitions. The table below summarises the Group's funds flow for 2003 and 2002: 2003 2002 Euro Euro millions millions Inflows Profit before taxation 65.4 63.7 Depreciation 21.5 21.2 Amortisation 8.4 9.4 Disposals 3.4 0.7 Share issues in Company 0.6 1.1 --------- --------- 99.3 96.1 --------- --------- Outflows Acquisitions 7.6 7.7 Purchase of Treasury shares 0.0 8.0 Capital Expenditure 39.7 30.0 Dividends paid 30.3 8.5 Taxation paid 8.9 10.7 Dividends to minorities 0.3 0.0 Working capital increase 25.1 1.7 Translation (10.6) (23.1) Other 1.5 0.2 --------- --------- 102.8 43.7 --------- --------- Decrease/(increase) in net debt (3.5) 52.4 Net debt at start of year (117.3) (169.7) --------- --------- Net debt at end of year (120.8) (117.3) --------- --------- Operations The period proved positive for each of the Group's primary business streams, particularly in the light of the prevailing economic backdrop of 2003. The year was characterised by: •embedding large scale capital investments across the Group •turnover increased by 14% in constant currency •uplift in the momentum of our new products initiatives •rationalisation of our access floor businesses to reflect the present environment. Insulated Panels: Our insulated panels business continued to show a significant growth during 2003 with constant currency growth of 28% (22% reported). This has been the result of a number of key strategies. These were: •a determination to achieve leading brand and market share positions across all key markets •a commitment to achieve the lowest cost base in our class coupled with an unparalleled flexibility to service customer needs •a systematic rollout of our Central and Eastern European activities •a sustained investment in new and enhanced product solutions UK building regulations continued to be a positive driver and our solutions again outperformed traditional built-up systems. This was a contributory factor in the delivery of 28% growth for Kingspan against a 7% decline in the market as a whole. 50% of the roofing and cladding market has now been converted to insulated panels mainly driven by Kingspan. This leaves considerable scope for growth. To further capitalise on the opportunities in the UK, Ireland and Benelux, an additional €12 million manufacturing facility will come on stream by mid 2004. Our strategy to play a leading role in the insulated panel sector throughout Central and Eastern Europe took a step forward with the addition of our Polish facility during Quarter 2, 2003. To further reinforce our position in that region, a €10 million green-field investment is scheduled for completion by mid 2005. Insulation: Representing 20% of total Group turnover, this business performed very strongly during 2003 and posted constant currency growth of 37% with the focus firmly on conversion from lesser performing traditional insulants. Our rigid insulation board business continued its strong penetration of the UK and Irish markets. This advancement was supported in the latter end of 2003 by a €10 million capital spend to increase capacity at our Pembridge plant. The Irish and Western European businesses were also subject to capacity upgrades. Tek Haus(R), a structural insulated panel system for domestic and low-rise buildings, was launched in 2002 into the UK and Irish markets. Turnover of the product grew by 50% in 2003 and the specification of the product by architects and developers continues to increase. As a business, Tek Haus(R) is now through its break-even level and is expected to be a profit contributor in 2004. Environmental Containers: Encouraging progress was made across all three of this division's core fuel storage, treatment plant and recycling solutions. Turnover grew by 17% on a constant currency basis and was under-pinned in the main by increased conversion to double-skinned domestic oil storage tanks and by a much improved position in the Irish domestic waste treatment plant market. Both of these trends are driven by increasing environmental awareness and regulations in the UK and Irish markets. The division also posted its strongest performance to date from its Polish activity, a green-field investment in 1999. That business primarily services Central European demand and is recently focussing on the nearby Scandinavian markets. Access Floors: Throughout 2003 the environment for our access floor businesses in the UK and the USA remained challenging. Office starts in the UK and the USA were at their lowest levels for many years. There are however signs of a recovery in the US economy and while we are already seeing some improvement in 2004, it will be 2005 before there is a substantial improvement. Although turnover growth was not achieved in either of these businesses, management continued to work relentlessly towards achieving the industry's lowest cost base. There has been a dramatic reduction in the breakeven points of the access floors businesses and they are currently operating at or above those levels. These breakeven levels have been achieved through major overhead reduction and improved operating efficiencies. We will be well placed for any improvement in market conditions and we should derive substantial leverage from our much lower cost base. Structural and Off-Site: Representing 12% of Group turnover in 2003, the market for this business has in the past been driven by the level of structural steel construction in the UK and Ireland. Turnover grew by 2% on a constant currency basis (-6% reported) and was achieved against a backdrop of a 5% sectoral decline. There is an increasing demand in the construction industry to reduce the dependence on wet trades and bring more of the construction process into a controlled factory environment. To meet this demand, which can broadly be classified as 'Off-Site', Kingspan has launched a range of products specifically for this sector; developed exemplar designs for the Public Funding Initiative (PFI) sector; combined products across the range to meet the structural, thermal and fire rating demands; and is preparing a 14,000 square metre manufacturing facility in the UK at an initial capital investment of €6 million. This facility will be operational by Quarter 4, 2004. Overall the Group's operating units are well positioned to capitalise on the trends and opportunities which it will face in the coming year. Outlook We continue to invest in production capacity so that we can meet the growth that we anticipate in our main product groupings. We see strong potential for these products on an individual basis or combined to satisfy an ever growing demand for 'Off-Site' solutions. To compensate for the lack of wet trade skills, particularly in the UK and Irish markets, our entire range of products and exemplar designs is geared towards the type of projects that require significant factory pre-assembled solutions that will allow Government to achieve its targets for schools, hospitals, single living accommodation and affordable housing. We benefit from superior economies of scale through the dedication of plants that our substantial volumes allow, and by operating these plants at speeds much greater than our competitors. We continue to reduce operating costs at all plants by improving manufacturing processes, plant productivity and product re-engineering. Efficient low cost manufacturing coupled with our proprietary technologies should allow us generate good returns on investments through the achievement of acceptable margins. We expect to be in a position to leverage our superior chemistry technology and process capabilities to offer differentiated products and systems to a market that is seeking high performance products with quick build capabilities. The proprietary nature of Kingspan's technology, which has been a major factor in growing market share against traditional systems and against direct competitors, will continue to be the main platform for profitable growth as the economic cycle becomes more favourable. The combination of this proprietary technology, differentiated products and the most efficient manufacturing facilities in our industries, point to encouraging short and medium term prospects for the Group. Contact: Tom Byrne Murray Consultants 35 Upper Mount Street Dublin, 2 Ireland Tel: + (353 1) 4980 300 Fax: + (353 1) 4980 380 GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2003 Continuing Operations Acquisitions Total Total 2003 2003 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 Turnover 759,444 24,450 783,894 739,610 Cost of sales (532,513) (19,029) (551,542) (515,236) --------- ---------- -------- -------- Gross profit 226,931 5,421 232,352 224,374 Distribution costs (47,712) (1,278) (48,990) (41,361) Administrative expenses (101,589) (2,383) (103,972) (101,014) --------- ---------- -------- -------- Operating profit before goodwill amortisation 77,630 1,760 79,390 81,999 Goodwill amortisation (7,807) (126) (7,933) (8,887) --------- ---------- -------- -------- Operating profit 69,823 1,634 71,457 73,112 --------- ---------- Interest payable and similar charges (6,802) (10,972) Interest receivable and other income 786 1,605 -------- -------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 65,441 63,745 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (13,959) (13,276) -------- -------- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 51,482 50,469 Minority interest (74) 13 -------- -------- Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 51,408 50,482 Ordinary dividends (11,896) (29,494) -------- -------- Profit retained for the year 39,512 20,988 -------- -------- Basic earnings per share 31.2 c 30.2 c Basic earnings per share (before goodwill amortisation) 36.0 c 35.5 c Diluted earnings per share 30.9 c 30.0 c GROUP BALANCE SHEET 2003 2002 AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2003 €'000 €'000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 176,140 165,962 Intangible assets 122,487 142,645 Financial assets 49 36 -------- -------- 298,676 308,643 -------- -------- CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 61,708 62,172 Trade and other debtors 175,957 168,600 Cash and term deposits 55,746 71,782 -------- -------- 293,411 302,554 -------- -------- CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year Trade and other creditors 139,613 140,215 Bank and other borrowings 46,298 28,375 Deferred consideration 85 311 Dividends 7,608 26,034 -------- -------- 193,604 194,935 -------- -------- NET CURRENT ASSETS 99,807 107,619 -------- -------- TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 398,483 416,262 -------- -------- CREDITORS Amounts falling due after more than one year Bank and other borrowings 126,116 156,138 Deferred consideration 4,067 4,264 -------- -------- 130,183 160,402 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 17,605 17,156 CAPITAL GRANTS 999 1,145 -------- -------- 249,696 237,559 -------- -------- CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 21,711 21,631 Share premium account 18,761 18,214 Revaluation reserve 891 891 Profit and loss account 239,965 200,453 Other reserves (32,896) (5,285) -------- -------- Shareholders' funds 248,432 235,904 -------- -------- MINORITY INTERESTS 1,264 1,655 -------- -------- 249,696 237,559 -------- -------- GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2003 2002 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2003 €'000 €'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 75,698 102,979 -------- -------- Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 794 1,597 Interest paid (7,294) (12,555) Interest element of finance lease rental payments (3) (11) -------- -------- Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (6,503) (10,969) -------- -------- Taxation Corporation tax paid (8,909) (10,713) -------- -------- Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (39,690) (30,029) Proceeds on sale of tangible fixed assets 3,374 673 -------- -------- Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (36,316) (29,356) -------- -------- Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (7,478) (7,855) Net cash acquired with acquisitions 728 552 Payment of deferred consideration in respect of acquisitions (734) (1,069) Disposal of subsidiary undertakings - 1,204 Net cash disposed with disposals - (839) -------- -------- Net cash outflow for acquisitions and disposals (7,484) (8,007) -------- -------- Equity dividends paid (30,322) (8,456) -------- -------- Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing (13,836) 35,478 -------- -------- Management of liquid resources Decrease/(Increase) in bank deposits 3,400 (5,505) -------- -------- Financing Issue of shares 627 1,091 Increase/(Decrease) in term debt 1,212 (31,745) Capital element of finance lease repayments (37) (106) Acquisition of own shares - (8,006) Capital grants received 7 6 Acquisition of shares held by minorities (418) (16) Dividends paid to minorities (288) - -------- -------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 1,103 (38,776) -------- -------- (Decrease) in cash for the year (9,333) (8,803) -------- -------- GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2003 2002 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2003 €'000 €'000 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt (Decrease) in cash for the year (9,333) (8,803) (Decrease)/Increase in liquid resources (3,400) 5,505 Cash flow from movement in debt, lease finance and deferred consideration (441) 32,920 -------- -------- Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (13,174) 29,622 Loans and finance leases acquired with subsidiaries (246) (51) Deferred consideration arising on acquisitions during the year (646) (311) Translation adjustment 10,552 23,121 -------- -------- Movement in net debt in the year (3,514) 52,381 Net debt at start of year (117,306) (169,687) -------- -------- Net debt at end of year (120,820) (117,306) -------- -------- STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 2003 2002 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2003 €'000 €'000 Profit for financial year attributable to Group shareholders 51,408 50,482 Exchange adjustments (27,611) (9,153) -------- -------- Total gains and losses recognised since last annual report 23,797 41,329 -------- -------- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 REPORTING CURRENCY The financial statements are presented in Euro. Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at the average exchange rates, and the related balance sheets have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange rates used were as follows: Average rate Year end rate Euro = 2003 2002 2003 2002 Pound Sterling 0.692 0.629 0.705 0.650 US Dollar 1.132 0.946 1.240 1.043 Czech Koruna 31.894 30.912 32.500 31.404 Polish Zloty 4.400 3.849 4.640 3.998 Hong Kong Dollar 8.816 7.376 9.644 8.134 2 TURNOVER 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 The analysis by class of activity is as follows: Insulated panels 292,530 240,240 Raised access flooring 115,681 160,716 Insulation boards 155,768 123,170 Environmental containers 128,413 118,610 Building components 91,502 96,874 -------- -------- 783,894 739,610 -------- -------- 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 The analysis by geographical area is as follows: Republic of Ireland 105,799 94,179 Britain and Northern Ireland 494,743 475,542 Mainland Europe 126,410 97,678 United States of America 36,825 49,006 Other 20,117 23,205 -------- -------- 783,894 739,610 -------- -------- 3 DIVIDENDS 2003 2002 Ordinary dividends Paid: Interim dividend 2.60c per share (2002: 2.10c per share) on 164,911,415 shares 4,288 3,460 Payable: Final dividend 4.60c per share (2000: 3.80c per share) on 165,387,495 shares 7,608 6,261 Payable: Special dividend nil per share (2002: 12.00c per share) - 19,773 -------- -------- 11,896 29,494 -------- -------- The Board is recommending the payment of a final dividend of 4.60c per share, subject to shareholder approval, to shareholders registered at close of business on 19 March 2004. 4 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 Profit for the financial year attributable to Group shareholders 51,408 50,482 Dividends (11,896) (29,494) -------- -------- 39,512 20,988 Exchange adjustments (27,611) (9,153) Purchase of treasury shares - (8,006) New share capital subscribed 627 1,091 -------- -------- Net addition to shareholders' funds 12,528 4,920 Opening shareholders' funds 235,904 230,984 -------- -------- Closing shareholders' funds 248,432 235,904 -------- -------- 5 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO 2003 2002 NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES €'000 €'000 Operating profit 71,457 73,112 Depreciation charges 21,511 21,227 Amortisation of intangible assets 8,407 9,370 (Profit)/Loss on sale of tangible assets (426) 1,147 (Profit) on sale of operation - (10) Government grants amortised (102) (152) (Increase) in stocks (4,685) (3,183) (Increase) in debtors (17,749) (6,802) (Decrease)/Increase in creditors (2,715) 8,270 -------- -------- 75,698 102,979 -------- -------- 6 EARNINGS PER SHARE 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following: Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 51,408 50,482 -------- -------- Number Number of shares of shares ('000) ('000) Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of basic earnings per share 164,984 167,121 Dilutive effect of share options 1,425 1,304 -------- -------- Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of diluted earnings per share 166,409 168,425 -------- -------- € Cent € Cent Basic earnings per share 31.2 c 30.2 c -------- -------- Diluted earnings per share 30.9 c 30.0 c -------- -------- Basic earnings per share before goodwill amortisation 36.0 c 35.5 c -------- -------- 7 ABBREVIATED ACCOUNTS The 2003 financial information is an abridged version of the Group's financial statements which have not yet been filed with the Registrar of Companies but upon which the auditors have given an unqualified audit report. The 2002 figures are an extract from the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002 which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and audited and reported upon without qualification. 8 DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT These results are available on the Group's website at A printed copy is available to the public at the Company's registered office or from the Company's Registrars: Computershare Services (Ireland) Limited, Heron House, Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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