Interim Results

Kingspan Group PLC 5 September 2001 Embargo: Wednesday, 5th September 2001, 7:00am 5th September 2001 Kingspan Group plc Kingspan Group plc announces half year results to 30th June 2001: Highlights * Turnover up 34.9% to Euro438.3 million * Profit before tax up 21.1% to Euro38.0 million * Profit after tax up 10.8% to Euro26.9 million * Basic earnings per share up 10.4% to 15.9 cents * Basic earnings per share before goodwill ('adjusted EPS') up 17.9% to 18.4 cents * Interim dividend up 29.6% to 1.75 cents * Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' equity of 110.5% at 30th June 2001 (59.6% at 31st December 2000). Interim Statement Results The Directors of Kingspan Group are pleased to announce that profit before tax for the six months to 30th June 2001 amounted to Euro38.0 million compared to Euro31.4 million for the corresponding period of 2000, representing an increase of 21.1% (26.6% before goodwill amortisation). Basic earnings per share of 15.9 cents is up 10.4% compared to the same period last year (adjusted EPS up 17.9%). In line with Financial Reporting Standard 10, goodwill arising on acquisitions in the period of Euro92.2 million has been capitalised; total goodwill of Euro 4.2 million has been amortised against profits in the period. Net debt amounted to Euro231.7 million at 30th June 2001, representing net gearing of 110.5%. This compares to net debt of Euro109.9 million and net gearing of 59.6% at 31st December 2000. Interest was covered 5.5 times in the period compared 8.3 times for the calendar year 2000. It is proposed that an interim dividend of 1.75 cents will be paid on 12th October 2001 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 14th September 2001. This represents an increase of 29.6% on the 2000 interim dividend. Turnover Turnover in the period at Euro438.3 million is up 34.9% over the corresponding period last year. This includes the effect of the acquisition of Tate, the raised access flooring business in the USA, which was completed on the 12th January this year. Turnover in Tate in the period was Euro89.4 million. The downturn in the US market particularly in quarter 2, which can be expected to continue to year end, resulted in excess stock being held by dealers due to cancelled orders and this will adversely affect Tate performance in the second half of the year. It is anticipated that this surplus stock will have been substantially reduced by year-end. An enhanced sales and marketing plan is being rolled out which focuses on the opportunity presented by the 90% of the commercial office market which currently does not use raised floors. Significant benefits can be attributed to the use of raised access floors that include reduced first build cost, running costs and staffing costs. The approach and techniques being used in the marketplace include those that Kingspan has previously applied successfully in other markets. Turnover for the Group, excluding the Tate acquisition was Euro349.0 million, an increase of 7.4% on the corresponding period last year. Turnover of raised access floors in Europe increased by 28% where the market, particularly in Britain remains buoyant. The process of rolling out the market conversion formula for Kingspan raised access floors to specific mainland European markets is underway. Sales of composite panels increased by 2.6% over all markets. This was achieved against a backdrop of the overall UK cladding market which is estimated to have declined by 8% and by 15% in Germany and the Benelux region. The conversion to composite panels from traditional 'built up' systems continues and will receive a further boost when new building regulations referred to below are introduced in the UK in Quarter 2 next year. Doubling the Available Market through Product Development A significant feature in the period has been expenditure of Euro2 million on new product development across the existing portfolio. It is expected that the full year new product development costs will be in excess of Euro5 million. The Group is in the process of bringing ten new products to market which will have the effect of doubling the size of the available market in which Kingspan operates without going outside its current geographical regions. This will have the effect of increasing sales opportunities. Kingspan has very strong market shares in the markets in which it operates and its products are the leading brands in their sectors. The Kingspan brand stands for quality, reliability, functional and financial benefits for customers that have not been compromised. It is anticipated that the new products will be viewed in exactly the same light. We have always worked on the principal that brands that are successful are those that deliver strong benefits and are synonymous with original thinking. In the UK for example, we are witnessing the first stage in a wider 'Egan' inspired drive to reform house building. In anticipation of an increase in demand for factory assembled systems for domestic houses, Kingspan has developed a product using existing technology that is already showing signs of strong market approval. There are also two new innovative systems to tackle the very substantial non-domestic roof tile and slate market. The Group will also have, for the first time, two new insulated panels for flat roof solutions where only site assembled systems could be used until now. Again, this will substantially increase the available market. New UK Building Regulations to Favour Kingspan The new UK Building Regulations, which will be introduced in Quarter 2 of 2002, require that all new buildings will have a significantly higher degree of thermal efficiency. In addition, for the first time, buildings will have to meet demanding new requirements relating to both air and heat leakage. It is expected that the regulations will become even more stringent over the next five years. These regulations favour Kingspan type composite panel solutions over the traditional and complex 'built-up' methods. Operating Margins Before taking account of acquisitions in the period, gross margin at 30.3% is down marginally on 30.5% in the corresponding period last year. The gross margin in acquisitions is 20.2%. Due to the fact that there are little or no distribution costs in the Tate operations in the US, gross margins can be expected to be at least 5% lower than equivalent Group businesses in the UK against which it is benchmarked. Actions are underway which will improve this margin over time bringing it closer to the UK benchmark. The operating margin excluding acquisitions, before the effects of goodwill amortisation, was 11.8% in the current period, compared to 12.2% in 2000. This reflects expenditure in the period on product development, increased transport costs, partly offset by manufacturing efficiencies. Balance Sheet Review Net debt at Euro231.7 million is 110.5% of shareholders funds and interest is covered 5.5 times. Working capital at 15% of sales remains constant. Capital investment in the period amounted to Euro17.2 million and a further Euro20 million will be invested to year-end. This investment increases capacity, improves efficiency of manufacture and includes Euro4 million on I.T. Acquisitions in the period amounted to Euro120.5 million, funded from the Group's resources. Banking facilities of Euro375 million are in place, which together with strong cash generation will fund the growth strategies of the Group. Outlook The business environment in which the Group operates has changed in recent months. However, appropriate strategies have been developed to manage this situation, and Kingspan still looks forward to a satisfactory outcome for the year. The key strategy going forward is innovation in product and market development in each area in which Kingspan operates in conjunction with continuing groupwide initiatives to reduce unit costs and increase efficiency. In tight property market conditions, building owners are more conscious than ever of value for money and return on investment. Kingspan products meet these criteria by reducing capital and running costs of buildings and meeting the functional requirements of occupiers. Kingspan has significantly increased the size of the marketplace in which it operates and the platform for continuing growth is in place. This coupled with investment in production efficiency augurs well for future growth. Further information, contact: Eugene Murtagh Chairman & Chief Executive Dermot Mulvihill Group Finance Director Tel.: +353 42 9698000 GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Continuing operations Acquisitions 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.01 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Turnover 348,963 89,379 438,342 324,907 662,553 Cost of sales (243,172) (71,296) (314,468) (225,766) (455,916) Gross profit 105,791 18,083 123,874 99,141 206,637 Distribution costs (19,578) (11) (19,589) (17,935) (37,736) Administrative expenses (44,961) (8,776) (53,737) (43,371) (88,280) Goodwill amortisation (2,030) (2,166) (4,196) (1,948) (3,827) Group operating profit 39,222 7,130 46,352 35,887 76,794 Interest payable and (8,845) (5,084) (10,398) similar charges Interest receivable and 476 555 1,111 other income Profit on ordinary 37,983 31,358 67,507 activities before taxation Tax on profit on (11,102) (7,095) (16,098) ordinary activities Profit on ordinary 26,881 24,263 51,409 activities after taxation Minority interest 5 (64) (176) Profit attributable to 26,886 24,199 51,233 ordinary shareholders Ordinary dividends (2,964) (2,270) (6,105) Profit retained for the 23,922 21,929 45,128 period Euro cents Euro cents Euro cents Basic earnings per share 15.9 14.4 30.4 Diluted earnings per 15.7 14.2 30.0 share Basic earnings per share 18.4 15.6 32.7 (before goodwill) Dividend per share 1.75 1.35 3.62 GROUP BALANCE SHEET 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 164,220 119,197 130,588 Intangible assets 171,442 74,063 73,110 Financial assets 299 557 12,714 335,961 193,817 216,412 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 76,532 56,622 66,777 Trade and other debtors 210,406 174,690 157,622 Cash and term deposits 58,481 41,667 44,817 345,419 272,979 269,216 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due within one year) Trade and other creditors 156,357 132,195 125,678 Bank and other borrowings 37,444 72,616 82,799 Deferred consideration 1,933 0 1,797 Dividends 3,054 2,270 3,835 198,788 207,081 214,109 NET CURRENT ASSETS 146,631 65,898 55,107 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 482,592 259,715 271,519 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due after more than one year) Bank and other borrowings 244,452 70,480 63,435 Deferred consideration 6,323 8,945 6,713 250,775 79,425 70,148 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 19,002 15,333 12,168 GOVERNMENT GRANTS 1,461 1,860 1,496 211,354 163,097 187,707 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 22,015 21,865 21,939 Share premium account 17,248 16,200 16,866 Revaluation reserve 891 891 891 Profit and loss account 163,958 116,837 140,036 Other reserves 5,515 3,957 4,695 Shareholders' funds 209,627 159,750 184,427 MINORITY INTERESTS Including non-equity interests 1,727 3,347 3,280 211,354 163,097 187,707 GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 51,648 28,074 77,511 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (8,752) (4,083) (8,644) Taxation (8,498) (4,956) (12,986) Capital expenditure and financial investment (17,186) (13,557) (43,221) Acquisitions and disposals (120,482) (16,406) (18,270) Equity dividends paid (3,745) (2,636) (4,906) Cash outflow before use of liquid resources and (107,015) (13,564) (10,516) financing Management of liquid resources 4,173 (10,991) 2,526 Financing 111,191 25,782 34,498 Increase in cash in the period 8,349 1,227 26,508 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO 6 months 6 months Year MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Increase in cash in the period 8,349 1,227 26,508 (Decrease) / increase in liquid resources (4,173) 10,991 (2,526) Cash flow from movement in debt, lease finance (90,420) (23,673) (31,739) and deferred consideration Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (86,244) (11,455) (7,757) Change in net debt resulting from acquisitions (21,586) 0 (45) (107,830) (11,455) (7,802) Translation adjustment (13,913) 1,711 (1,494) Movement in net debt in the period (121,743) (9,744) (9,296) Net debt at start of period (109,926) (100,630) (100,630) Net debt at end of period (231,669) (110,374) (109,926) STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Profit for financial period attributable to 26,886 24,199 51,233 Group shareholders Exchange adjustments 820 (2,034) (1,296) Total gains and losses recognised since last 27,706 22,165 49,937 annual report SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 BASIS OF PREPARATION The 2001 interim results and summarised balance sheet are presented in Euro. Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at the average exchange rates for the period, and the related balance sheets have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting and financial reporting standards and the accounting policies used are consistent with those set out on pages 46 to 48 of the Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2000. The interim results for the half year to 30th June 2001 and 30th June 2000 are unaudited. The comparative figures for the year ended 31st December 2000 represent an abbreviated version of the Group's full accounts for that year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors, Grant Thornton, have issued an unqualified audit report. These interim results are available on the Group's website ( A printed copy will be sent by post to all registered shareholders. Copies may also be obtained from the Company's Registrars: Computershare Services (Ireland) Limited, Heron House, Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. 2 EARNINGS PER SHARE 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Profit attributable to ordinary 26,886 24,199 51,233 shareholders Number of Number of Number of shares shares shares ('000) ('000) ('000) Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of basic earnings per share 168,966 168,022 168,286 Dilutive effect of share options 1,806 2,758 2,264 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of diluted earnings per 170,772 170,780 170,550 share Euro cents Euro cents Euro cents Basic earnings per share 15.9 14.4 30.4 Diluted earnings per share 15.7 14.2 30.0 3 DIVIDEND An interim dividend at the rate of 1.75c per ordinary share (2000: 1.35c) is payable on 12 October 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 14 September 2001. 4 TURNOVER 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) The analysis by class of activity is as Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 follows: Composite panels 120,018 116,974 244,745 Raised access floors 160,165 55,000 104,098 Insulation products 46,644 43,901 87,989 Environmental containers 55,991 52,596 111,037 Building components 55,524 56,436 114,684 438,342 324,907 662,553 The analysis by geographical area is as follows: Republic of Ireland 56,157 45,902 97,694 Britain and Northern Ireland 242,152 231,429 455,809 Mainland Europe 45,378 37,549 89,471 United States of America 83,288 948 2,564 Other 11,367 9,079 17,015 438,342 324,907 662,553 5 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN 6 months 6 months Year SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Profit for the financial period attributable 26,886 24,199 51,233 to Group shareholders Dividends (2,964) (2,270) (6,105) 23,922 21,929 45,128 Other recognised gains and losses for the 820 (2,034) (1,296) period New share capital subscribed 458 354 1,094 Net addition to shareholders' funds 25,200 20,249 44,926 Opening shareholders' funds 184,427 139,501 139,501 Closing shareholders' funds 209,627 159,750 184,427 6 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO 6 months 6 months Year NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ended ended ended 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Operating profit 46,352 35,887 76,794 Depreciation charges 10,268 6,830 15,713 Amortisation of intangible assets 4,438 2,205 4,311 Amortisation of other assets 259 0 0 Loss / (profit) on sale of tangible 44 (14) (79) assets Government grants amortised (67) (89) (242) Decrease / (increase) in stocks 3,657 (5,555) (15,110) (Increase) in debtors (14,635) (38,527) (19,200) Increase in creditors 1,332 27,337 15,324 Net cash flow from operating activities 51,648 28,074 77,511 7 INTANGIBLE ASSETS 30.6.01 30.6.00 31.12.00 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Goodwill At start of period 69,197 68,798 68,799 On acquisitions 92,238 4,276 4,457 On disposals 0 0 0 Translation adjustment 10,518 (1,195) (232) Amortised in period (4,197) (1,948) (3,827) At end of period 167,756 69,931 69,197 Patents At start of period 3,913 4,398 4,398 On acquisitions 0 0 0 On disposals 0 0 0 Translation adjustment 14 (9) (1) Amortised in period (241) (257) (484) At end of period 3,686 4,132 3,913 Total intangible assets At start of period 73,110 73,196 73,197 On acquisitions 92,238 4,276 4,457 On disposals 0 0 0 Translation adjustment 10,532 (1,204) (233) Amortised in period (4,438) (2,205) (4,311) At end of period 171,442 74,063 73,110
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