Interim Results

Kingspan Group PLC 09 September 2003 Kingspan Group plc Kingspan Group plc announces half year results to 30th June 2003: Summary •Turnover up 5.5% to €380.3 million (H1 2002 : €360.5 million). Underlying growth, excluding the negative effects of translation, was 14.6%. •Profit before tax €28.3 million (H1 2002 : €28.7 million). Underlying growth of earnings before goodwill, excluding the negative effect of translation, was 6.2%. •Basic earnings per share before goodwill ('adjusted EPS') up 1.9% to 15.8 cent. •Interim dividend up 24% to 2.6 cent per share. •Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' funds of 59% at 30th June 2003 (50% at 31st December 2002). •Interest cover was 10.2 times (8.8 times for the calendar year 2002). •Two acquisitions in the period: CFMex, Spanish installer of raised access floors at a cost of €1 million, and certain assets of Tarmont, a Polish insulated panel manufacturer, at a cost of €7 million. •Capital expenditure was €18 million in the period, with investment of €10 million in additional manufacturing capacity. Interim Statement Results The Directors of Kingspan Group plc are pleased to announce the results for the Group for the six months ended 30th June 2003. Profits before tax were €28.3 million, a drop of € 0.4 million on the corresponding period last year on turnover of €380.3 million, up 5.5%. Due to the weakness in Sterling and the US dollar in relation to the Euro, there was a negative impact on the translation of profits before tax and goodwill of €1.7 million and of €33 million on the translation of turnover compared to the corresponding period last year. Excluding the impact of translation there was growth in earnings before goodwill of 6.2% and growth in turnover of 14.6%. Goodwill of €4.0 million has been amortised against profits in the period compared to €4.4 million in the corresponding period last year. This reduction in goodwill also arose from the translation effect. Basic earnings per share before goodwill amortisation of 15.8 cent were up 1.9% compared to the same period last year. It is proposed that an interim dividend of 2.6 cent per share will be paid on 10th October 2003 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 19th September 2003. This represents an increase of 24% on the 2002 interim dividend. The interim dividend is covered 6.1 times by earnings before goodwill amortisation. Market conditions Expressed in local currency, there was very healthy growth for Kingspan in all its main geographic markets. This growth was achieved in construction markets that continued to decline during the period. In these tough market conditions all Kingspan products, with the exception of access floors, showed their resilience, delivering growth and significantly outperforming the markets in which they compete : Sales by geographical market before translation Ireland + 11.4% Britain and Northern Ireland + 14.7% Mainland Europe + 24.7% United States of America + 14.2% Sales by product group before translation Insulated panels + 23% Raised access flooring - USA + 5% Raised access flooring - Europe - 22% Insulation boards + 45% Environmental containers + 18% As mentioned earlier, a feature of the period was the weakness of Sterling and the US dollar relative to Kingspan's reporting currency, the Euro. While this had little effect on the trading results, where currency exposure is mainly internally hedged, there was a negative impact on the translation of the results of subsidiaries operating in these areas. Insulated Panels Sales of insulated panels outperformed the markets in all geographic areas in which we operate. Sales were up 15.2% in monetary terms on the corresponding period last year and by 13.5% in volume. If the negative effects of translation are excluded, revenues were up by 23%. The overall cladding market in Britain, mainly in commercial and industrial building, is estimated to be down by a minimum of 5% in 2003 compared to last year. Despite this, Kingspan achieved sales growth of 26 % in this market as insulated panels continue to increase penetration against traditional built up systems. This increasing penetration continues to be driven by the application of building regulations governing insulation and air leakage and by the success of new products in the Kingspan range. To meet continuing sales demand both in the UK and mainland Europe, a new insulated panel line will be installed and commissioned by mid 2004 and new warehouse facilities have been added at the Group's panel factory in Holywell, North Wales. The Central European markets remain a strong focus for the Group where it sees an opportunity to become the dominant brand. The Group acquired certain assets of Tarmont, a panel manufacturing business in Poland, in April this year. This facility, in which the plant is practically new, is based at Lipsko, south of Warsaw, and combined with sales from the Group's Czech factory, gives the Group a very strong position in the Polish insulated panel market. Upgrading the latest Polish facility to accommodate the Kingspan configuration of insulated panels is underway. This will facilitate interchanging production and products in the region between the Polish and Czech plants. The acquisition of the Polish facility and the installation of a new panel line to service the UK and Western European markets are the first two of five panel lines that the Group expects to add over the next five years. Raised Access Flooring Access floors, which are aimed at the high rise office market, represented 17% of Group sales in the period. The products are manufactured in Hull, England and at Red Lion, Pennsylvania in the US and are sold in a global marketplace but with a focus on the US, the UK and mainland Europe. In the UK, all the Group lead indicators suggest that construction of new offices will decline further through 2003 and 2004. Steps have been taken through reductions in fixed and variable costs to contain the downside risks and position the business for any market upturn. In mainland Europe the Group has continued to build up its network of customers and installers. In Spain, following the acquisition of a 50% interest in CFMex, a national installer, Kingspan supplies 30% of that market which remains an exception in that it continues to be buoyant and looks like it can continue to grow through 2003 and 2004. In the US market, where Kingspan is also the market leader, sales in the period were up 5% to $23.7 million and indications are that the market may have bottomed out. This remains an attractive market opportunity for Kingspan, where, even in this significant downturn, 150 million square feet of new office space is expected to be constructed in 2003. Very significant costs have been taken out of the business which is now trading at breakeven. Insulation Boards Sales of insulation boards represented 19% of Group turnover in the period and at €74 million sales were up 35% in the period compared to the corresponding period last year. When the effects of translation are eliminated, the increase in turnover was 45% and sales outperformed the markets in all geographic areas. As planned a new line has been installed in the UK and another is planned for 2004/05. More capacity is also being added at the Group's plant in The Netherlands. Environmental Containers Sales of environmental containers represented 16% of Group turnover in the period and were up 8.3% in the period, rising from €56.8 million in the equivalent period last year to €61.5 million this year. When the effects of translation are eliminated, the increase in turnover in local currencies was 18%. The Group has a comprehensive range of products in the marketplace which addresses the more stringent environmental regulation and legislation introduced in Britain. These relate to commercial buildings where all oil storage must be converted to bunded tanks by the end of 2005. Operating Margins The gross margin in the period was 29.3%, down 1.0% from the 30.3% for the full year 2002. The operating margin before goodwill amortisation was 9.4% compared to 11.1% for the full year 2002. These declines are a factor of the reduced profitability in access floors in the UK and increased transport costs, particularly in insulated panels and insulation boards. Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Review Net debt at 30th June was €142.5 million, up from €117.3 million at the end December 2002. This is after paying the special dividend of €19.8 million declared in the 2002 accounts, capital expenditure of €18 million and acquisitions of €8 million. Capital expenditure for the year is expected to be approximately €35 million. Working capital increased by €19.5 million in the six month period. Half of this reflects the higher activity level, and half relates to a real increase in working capital equating to four days sales. Interest was covered 10.2 times by profits in the period compared to 8.8 times for the calendar year 2002. Balance sheet gearing, being the relationship of net debt to shareholders' funds, was 59% at the end of June compared to 50 % at 31st December 2002. The current level of borrowings, anticipated capital expenditure and available bank facilities are consistent with the Group's cash generation, dividend policy and growth strategies. 6 months 30th June 2003 Year 31st December 2002 €million €million Inflows Profit before taxation 28.3 63.7 Depreciation 10.9 21.2 Amortisation 4.2 9.4 Disposals 1.3 0.7 Share issues 0.0 1.1 44.7 96.1 Outflows Acquisitions 7.9 7.7 Capital expenditure 18.2 30.0 Dividends paid 26.0 8.5 Taxation paid 5.9 10.7 Purchase own shares 0.0 8.0 Working Capital 19.5 1.7 Others 0.3 0.2 (77.8) (66.8) Net cash inflow/outflow (33.1) 29.3 Translation effect 7.9 23.1 Net debt at start of (117.3) (169.7) period Net debt at end of period (142.5) (117.3) Board Changes We have taken steps to broaden the composition of your board with the recent appointments of three new non-executive directors - Mr Tom Mulcahy, Mr Brian Joyce and Mr Tony McArdle. I have decided that it is appropriate that the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer be separated. This will be done in 2004 when an independent non-executive Chairman will be appointed. The board also announces the promotion of Mr. Gene Murtagh Jr. to the position of Chief Operating Officer. Outlook Market conditions in all regions remain difficult. This is most evident in Kingspan's access floors and building components sectors, which are more dependent on macro economic conditions, and where sales and margins remain under some pressure. On the positive side the Group continues to benefit from further tightening of building and environmental regulations. New products are beginning to take hold and have the ability for improved momentum going forward. In the medium term the Group will benefit from the Government sponsored Private Finance Initiative in the UK and continues to develop and present its products with this in mind. The Group's growth strategies are not acquisition dependent and can be achieved through organic development across its product categories. In the absence of any further deterioration in the economies in which the Group operates, Kingspan looks forward to a satisfactory outcome for the year. Group CEO, Mr. Eugene Murtagh is chairing a results conference call at 2.30 pm BST. To join the call, dial 1 890 924 780 or (+44 020 8747 6810. There will be a presentation followed by a question and answer session. To listen to a recording of the call, please dial (+44) (0)1296 618700, the access code is 401159 and the password is Kingspan. This recording will be available to listen to until 9th October. Further information, contact: Eugene Murtagh Chairman & Chief Executive Dermot Mulvihill Group Finance Director Tel.: +353 42 9698000 GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Continuing operations Acquisitions 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.03 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 Turnover 371,338 8,948 380,286 360,523 739,610 Cost of sales (261,937) (7,044) (268,981) (248,605) (515,236) Gross profit 109,401 1,904 111,305 111,918 224,374 Distribution costs (23,016) (523) (23,539) (19,183) (41,361) Administrative expenses (51,214) (785) (51,999) (54,358) (101,014) Goodwill amortisation (3,963) (22) (3,985) (4,380) (8,887) Group operating profit 31,208 574 31,782 33,997 73,112 Interest payable and (3,992) (6,047) (10,972) similar charges Interest receivable and 491 723 1,605 other income Profit on ordinary 28,281 28,673 63,745 activities before taxation Tax on profit on ordinary (6,102) (7,072) (13,276) activities Profit on ordinary 22,179 21,601 50,469 activities after taxation Minority interest (86) 52 13 Profit attributable to 22,093 21,653 50,482 ordinary shareholders Ordinary dividends (4,288) (3,543) (29,494) Profit retained for the 17,805 18,110 20,988 period € cent € cent € cent Basic earnings per share 13.4 12.9 30.2 Diluted earnings per share 13.4 12.8 35.5 Basic earnings per share 15.8 15.5 30.0 (before goodwill) Dividend per share 2.60 2.10 17.90 GROUP BALANCE SHEET 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 169,701 164,111 165,962 Intangible assets 131,084 148,536 142,645 Financial assets 49 36 36 300,834 312,683 308,643 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 63,816 61,642 62,172 Trade and other debtors 199,456 173,175 168,600 Cash and term deposits 33,358 78,670 71,782 296,630 313,487 302,554 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due within one year) Trade and other creditors 157,478 148,291 140,215 Bank and other borrowings 15,586 17,325 28,375 Deferred consideration 215 375 311 Dividends 4,288 3,543 26,034 177,567 169,534 194,935 NET CURRENT ASSETS 119,063 143,953 107,619 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 419,897 456,636 416,262 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due after more than one year) Bank and other borrowings 155,819 195,675 156,138 Deferred consideration 4,212 4,939 4,264 160,031 200,614 160,402 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 16,728 11,534 17,156 CAPITAL GRANTS 1,048 1,236 1,145 242,090 243,252 237,559 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 21,649 22,144 21,631 Share premium account 18,214 18,212 18,214 Revaluation reserve 891 891 891 Profit and loss account 218,258 205,581 200,453 Other reserves (18,852) (5,216) (5,285) Shareholders' funds 240,160 241,612 235,904 MINORITY INTERESTS 1,930 1,640 1,655 242,090 243,252 237,559 GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 Net cash inflow from 26,743 52,630 102,979 operating activities Returns on investments and (3,161) (5,506) (10,969) servicing of finance Taxation (5,888) (4,561) (10,713) Capital expenditure and (16,893) (14,319) (29,356) financial investment Acquisitions and disposals (7,560) (4,991) (8,007) Equity dividends paid (26,034) (4,997) (8,456) Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and (32,793) 18,256 35,478 financing Management of liquid 20,708 (1,884) (5,505) resources Financing (1,775) (16,371) (38,776) (Decrease)/Increase in cash (13,860) 1 (8,803) in the period RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 Increase in cash in the (13,860) 1 (8,803) period (Decrease) / increase in (20,708) 1,884 5,505 liquid resources Cash flow from movement in debt, lease finance and 2,333 17,453 32,920 deferred consideration Change in net debt (32,235) 19,338 29,622 resulting from cash flows Change in net debt (872) 177 (362) resulting from acquisitions (33,107) 19,515 29,260 Translation adjustment 7,939 10,528 23,121 Movement in net debt in the (25,168) 30,043 52,381 period Net debt at start of period (117,306) (169,687) (169,687) Net debt at end of period (142,474) (139,644) (117,306) STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 Profit for financial period attributable to 22,093 21,653 50,482 Group shareholders Exchange adjustments (13,567) (8,571) (9,153) Total gains and losses recognised since 8,526 13,082 41,329 last annual report SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 BASIS OF PREPARATION The 2003 interim results and summarised balance sheet are presented in Euro. Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at the average exchange rates for the period, and the related balance sheets have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting and financial reporting standards and the accounting policies used are consistent with those set out on pages 52 to 54 of the Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2002. The interim results for the half year to 30th June 2003 and 30th June 2002 are unaudited. The comparative figures for the year ended 31st December 2002 represent an abbreviated version of the Group's full accounts for that year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors, Grant Thornton, have issued an unqualified audit report. These interim results are available on the Group's website ( A printed copy will be sent by post to all registered shareholders who have not elected to receive the results electronically. Copies may also be obtained from the Company's Registrars: Computershare Services (Ireland) Limited, Heron House, Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. 2 EARNINGS PER SHARE 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 Profit attributable to 22,093 21,653 50,482 ordinary shareholders Number of Number of Number of shares shares shares ('000) ('000) ('000) Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of basic 164,844 167,839 167,121 earnings per share Dilutive effect of share 386 1,673 1,304 options Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of diluted 165,230 169,512 168,425 earnings per share € cent € cent € cent Basic earnings per share 13.4 12.9 30.2 Diluted earnings per share 13.4 12.8 30.0 3 DIVIDEND An interim dividend at the rate of 2.60c per ordinary share (2002: 2.10c) is payable on 10 October 2003 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 19 September 2003. 4 TURNOVER 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) The analysis by class of €'000 €'000 €'000 activity is as follows: Insulated panels 133,742 116,123 240,240 Raised access flooring 63,903 84,309 160,716 Insulation products 73,888 54,663 123,170 Environmental containers 61,521 56,792 118,610 Building components 47,232 48,636 96,874 380,286 360,523 739,610 The analysis by geographical area is as follows: Republic of Ireland 51,334 46,493 94,179 Britain and Northern 246,925 236,580 475,542 Ireland Mainland Europe 52,567 43,693 97,678 United States of America 21,157 22,781 49,006 Other 8,303 10,976 23,205 380,286 360,523 739,610 5 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS 6 months 6 months Year IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 Profit for the financial period attributable 22,093 21,653 50,482 to Group shareholders Dividends (4,288) (3,543) (29,494) 17,805 18,110 20,988 Exchange adjustment (13,567) (8,571) (9,153) Purchase of treasury shares - - (8,006) New share capital 18 1,089 1,091 subscribed Net addition to 4,256 10,628 4,920 shareholders' funds Opening shareholders' funds 235,904 230,984 230,984 Closing shareholders' funds 240,160 241,612 235,904 6 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO 6 months 6 months Year NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) €'000 €'000 €'000 Operating profit 31,782 33,997 73,112 Depreciation charge 10,863 10,265 21,227 Amortisation of intangible 4,225 4,621 9,370 assets (Profit)/loss on sale of (581) - 1,137 tangible assets Government grants amortised (60) (59) (152) (Increase) in stocks (3,211) (1,254) (3,183) (Increase) in debtors (34,884) (4,074) (6,802) Increase in creditors 18,609 9,134 8,270 Net cash flow from 26,743 52,630 102,979 operating activities 7 INTANGIBLE ASSETS 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.03 30.6.02 31.12.02 Goodwill At start of period 139,714 158,513 158,513 On acquisitions 2,818 3,140 7,730 Translation adjustment (10,134) (11,911) (17,642) Amortised in period (3,985) (4,380) (8,887) At end of period 128,413 145,362 139,714 Patents At start of period 2,931 3,440 3,440 On acquisitions - - - Translation adjustment (20) (24) (26) Amortised in period (240) (242) (483) At end of period 2,671 3,174 2,931 Total intangible assets At start of period 142,645 161,953 161,953 On acquisitions 2,818 3,140 7,730 Translation adjustment (10,154) (11,935) (17,668) Amortised in period (4,225) (4,622) (9,370) At end of period 131,084 148,536 142,645 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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