Interim Results

Kingspan Group PLC 05 September 2006 Kingspan Group plc 2006 INTERIM RESULTS Six months ended 30th June 2006 H1-2006 H1-2005 % change €'mn €'mn Sales 675.9 580.1 +16.5% Operating profit 88.0 67.0 +31.4% Operating margin % 13.0% 11.5% +150bp Profit before tax 83.4 62.4 +33.7% €'cent €'cent Earnings per share 40.4 30.7 +31.6% Dividend per share 6.00 4.45 +35% • Strong momentum was maintained in the first six months with sales up 16.5% and operating profits up 31.4%. • The trend of Insulated Panels in the UK gaining market share over built-up systems was maintained in the first half and is underpinned going forward by ongoing product development and regulatory change. • From a regional perspective group sales were particularly strong in Western and Eastern Europe with growth of 26% and 50%, respectively. • Investment in future growth continued in the first half with net capital expenditure of €24.9m versus depreciation of €18.9m. • Reflecting an ongoing programme of geographic expansion, Kingspan acquired a 51% stake in Eurobond Pacific, an insulated panel manufacturer in Australia, a market which has significant growth potential. • The construction industry and property owners globally are becoming increasingly aware of both the costs and environmental implications of higher energy consumption. This in conjunction with increasing acceptance of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and ever more stringent building regulations are the key drivers behind Kingspan's growth. Gene Murtagh, Chief Executive Officer, commented: 'Results for the first six months represent a tremendous outcome for the Group. Our products continue to gain share against traditional alternatives, bolstered by the increasing awareness of the advantages of sustainable energy construction. This dynamic, coupled with ongoing regulation change underpins demand for our products and gives us confidence that substantial earnings growth will be achieved for the year as a whole'. For further information contact: James Dunny: Murray Consultants Tel: (353 1) 4980 300 Tim Thompson/Jeremy Garcia: Buchanan Communications Tel: +(44) 207 466 5000 INTERIM STATEMENT Six Months Ended 30th June 2006 Kingspan Group plc announces half year results to 30th June 2006. Summary Results • Turnover up 16.5% to €675.9 million (H1 2005 : €580.1 million). • Operating profit up 31.4% to €88.0 million (H1 2005 : €67.0 million). • Basic earnings per share up 31.6% to 40.4 cent (H1 2005 : 30.7 cent). • Interim dividend up 35% to 6.0 cent per share (H1 2005 : 4.45 cent). • Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' funds of 33% at 30th June 2006 (62% at 30th June 2005). • Interest cover (based on EBITDA) was 23.5 times (H1 2005 : 17.9 times). • Capital investment was €36.1 million in the period, of which €24.9 million was net capital expenditure and €11.2 million was acquisitions. The Directors of Kingspan Group plc are pleased to announce the results for the Group for the six months ended 30th June 2006. Operating profit was €88.0 million, an increase of 31.4% on the corresponding period last year, on turnover of €675.9 million, up 16.5%. Basic earnings per share of 40.4 cent were up 31.6% compared to the same period last year. It is proposed that an interim dividend of 6.00 cent per share will be paid on 6th October 2006 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 15th September 2006. This represents an increase of 35% on the 2005 interim dividend. The interim dividend is covered 6.7 times by earnings. INSULATED PANELS & BOARDS Insulated Panels Representing 37% of Group turnover, this product group delivered 17% growth over the same period last year, and advanced in all its geographic markets. Against a stable backdrop in low-rise non-residential construction in the UK, insulated panels' sales grew by close to 11%, continuing the trend of actively converting from less efficient traditional built-up methods. This pattern is expected to continue and will increasingly be bolstered by more recent product introductions that will continue to expand the available market for these materials. Ireland has continued to perform well and in the Benelux sales growth was in the order of 33%, in a strengthening market. Across Central & Eastern Europe, the Group's strategy of rolling out the model throughout the region delivered exceptionally strong organic growth of over 30%. Capacity utilisation and efficiency levels continue to rise in this relatively young part of the Group's base. We are in the early stages of examining further locations from which to expand in this developing region. Having had a commercial presence in Australasia for a number of years, the first half of 2006 marked the beginning of the next phase of Kingspan's development in that region. Kingspan has entered into both manufacturing and sales joint ventures in Australia & New Zealand respectively. This will provide us with an early mover advantage in markets that offer long-term conversion potential for Kingspan Firesafe(R) solutions, an approach that may be replicated to take advantage of similar opportunities in other geographic markets currently under consideration. INSULATION BOARDS Representing 17% of Group turnover in the period, this product group delivered growth of 10% compared to the same period last year. In the UK, this business's largest market, general levels of relevant construction have been stable. Growth has been achieved through a slight improvement in the penetration levels of Rigid Firesafe Insulation, reflecting the full impact of the 2002 building regulations, and the subsequent stabilisation of the purchasing patterns. In the period, the 2006 amendments to the UK building codes became law, and are anticipated to yield significant benefit to our Insulation business over the coming years. As previously indicated, competition in the UK continues to intensify, particularly given the medium term growth prospects for high performance insulation. Kingspan's focus remains on being the lowest cost provider to this sector, with our clear product differentiation and market driven philosophy. Substantial capital investment is both underway and planned in this business, not only to meet the expected growth in demand, but to ensure that our evolving technology continues to deliver superior returns in a changing insulation environment. These projects will take place not only in the UK, but also in Ireland, which once again during the period, posted significant growth. Kingspan entered into a Joint Venture with Recticel for the production of industrial insulation late last year and this business is performing as planned. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAINERS Representing 18% of Group turnover in the period, this division has grown by 17%, including acquisitions, compared to the same period last year. In this division, the emphasis has been on achieving strong market positions, in complimentary niche product areas. Its primary products are effluent treatment solutions, fuel storage products and a number of water related systems. They include pressurised and un-pressurised hot and cold water storage and distribution, as well as rainwater harvesting systems which could prove an attractive growth area in the future. The operating performance in the first half was particularly strong in the hot water and effluent treatment business units. Growth in the unvented cylinder market was a key driver as these systems continued to gain share over the more traditional gravity fed alternative. In mainland Europe, last year's capacity expansion at our Polish facility has supported structured growth of this business in the region. This was mainly into Scandinavia, where we are assessing further potential avenues to expand our activity. OFFSITE & STRUCTURAL Representing 17% of Group turnover in the period, this division grew by 17% over the same period in 2005. Much of this growth is attributable to the acquisition timing of Kingspan Century which was acquired in April last year. In Ireland, the combination of a strong housing market and an evident increase in people's awareness of lower energy building methods continues to drive growth in the penetration of timber frame homes, now estimated at circa 27% of all houses built. Both the investor's and the public's knowledge of the long-term cost benefits of timber frame, the compelling build speed advantages of MMC, and the looming regulation changes in 2008 all provide us with confidence in the medium term prospects for this business in Ireland. In England, progress to date has been slower. However, clear signs are emerging that momentum in MMC penetration, not only for timber-based systems, but also metal and indeed hybrid solutions, is rising. From its current low base of approximately 11% penetration, it would not be unreasonable to expect that figure to reach 20% by 2010. Although no significant progress has been made to-date, the Group is committed to investing both in acquisition and capex, to ensure Kingspan plays a leading role in this relatively small but growth niche. Structural products performed soundly in the period, and in particular, composite floor decking, used in commercial construction, is expected to be strong during 2006. ACCESS FLOORS Representing 11% of Group turnover in the period, Access Floors growth was 27% compared to the same period last year. In the US, office construction has remained at significantly lower levels than at its peak in 2001. Whilst this pattern clearly limits the available market for our products, Kingspan's relentless focus has been on driving the specification bank for under-floor air systems, that essentially incorporate our floor panels. Although slowly, and in a weak market, penetration has been improving. This, coupled with an advantageous sales mix, particularly around Data Warehousing, and a lower cost base have underpinned a very satisfactory result for the period. In the UK, where penetration rates are much higher, the performance of the business is improving with the early stage cyclical upturn in commercial office construction in London, where vacancy rates are now estimated at less than 9%. The project pipeline is healthy, and consistent with independent views on the anticipated rate of office development over the coming 3 years or so. ACQUISITIONS During the period, Kingspan completed the acquisition of a 51% stake in an Australian start-up company, Eurobond Pacific, since rebranded Kingspan, for €11mn. The remaining 49% will be acquired at end 2007. Based in Sydney, this facility will now supply the growing Australian and New Zealand markets with our Firesafe(R) products for the food, industrial and retail sectors. Kingspan also entered into an agreement to acquire Leanort Ltd, a holding company for the Xtratherm & Hytherm insulation brands in the UK and Ireland for up to €87 million. This is currently awaiting approval from the Competition Authority. FINANCIAL REVIEW Operating Margins The gross margin at 32.2% compares with 30.3% in the first half in 2005. This improvement reflects some changes in product mix, efficiencies across the operations and the recovery of raw material price increases. Administration costs at €93 million were up 23% on the corresponding period last year, and 10% on the second half of last year, reflecting the ongoing investment in product and process development, which are important elements of the Group's strategy. The operating margin at 13.0% compares with 11.5% in the same period last year and 11.7% for the full year 2005. Sales by geographical market (H1-2006 versus H1-2005): % change in 2006 Ireland 21% Britain and Northern Ireland 9% Europe mainland 35% United States of America 35% Sales by product group (H1-2006 versus H1-2005): % change in 2006 Insulated panels and boards 14% Off-site and structural products 17% Environmental Containers 17% Access Floors 27% Cash Flow The table below summarises the Group's funds flow for H1-2006, H1-2005 and FY05 H1-2006 H1-2005 FY05 €'mn €'mn €'mn Inflows Operating profit 88.0 67.0 145.1 Depreciation 18.9 14.1 30.6 Amortisation 1.3 0.7 1.9 Pension contributions (1.8) (0.9) (2.9) Working capital increase (32.4) (23.6) (9.4) Interest paid (4.3) (2.3) (7.5) Taxation paid (7.7) (8.9) (28.2) Others 3.1 1.9 13.7 Free cash flow 65.1 48.0 143.3 Acquisitions (11.2) (137.3) (141.6) Net capital expenditure (24.9) (17.4) (42.2) Dividends paid (15.0) (10.3) (17.8) Cash flow movement 14.0 (117.0) (58.3) Debt translation (0.8) 0.1 2.9 Decrease / (Increase) in net debt 13.2 (116.9) (55.4) Net debt at start of period (163.5) (108.1) (108.1) Net debt at end of period (150.3) (225.0) (163.5) Free cash flow at €65.1 million is up 36% on the corresponding period last year. This reflects the strong underlying growth in profits. Working capital, expressed in terms of days sales, remaining broadly unchanged at 36 days, as compared to 37 at 30th June 2005. These cashflows were used to fund net capital expenditure of €24.9m and acquisition spend of €11.2m. These movements resulted in net debt at the end of June 2006 of €150.3m, which represents a reduction of €13.2 million from the €163.5 million reported for the end of December 2005. This represents gearing of 33% and compares to current banking facilities in place of over €450m. OUTLOOK Globally the construction industry and property owners are becoming increasingly aware of both the costs and environmental implications of higher energy consumption. It is evident that a growing number of investors are taking voluntary steps to build as sustainably and efficiently as is practical. In combination with this pattern, the UK Building Regulations became law during the early part of this year. They will demand further improvements in building materials and methodology. Kingspan is not only well positioned for this market dynamic, but is committed to the R&D investment necessary to remain at the leading edge of this evolving industry. This backdrop, together with the solid performance of the Group in the first half, give the Board confidence that substantial earnings growth will be achieved for the year as a whole. GROUP INCOME STATEMENT Notes Continuing Operations Acquisitions 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended ended ended 30.6.06 30.6.06 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) € '000 € '000 € '000 € '000 € '000 Sales revenue 3 674,834 1,040 675,874 580,063 1,243,410 Costs of sales (457,749) (685) (458,434) (404,115) (866,348) Gross profit 217,085 355 217,440 175,948 377,062 Distribution costs (36,274) (56) (36,330) (33,600) (71,582) Administrative costs (92,822) (274) (93,096) (75,384) (160,411) Operating result 87,989 25 88,014 66,964 145,069 Finance costs (6,048) (5,105) (11,607) Finance income 1,447 543 1,535 Result for the period before tax 83,413 62,402 134,997 Tax expense, net (15,424) (11,297) (23,628) Net result for the period 67,989 51,105 111,369 Attributable to minority interest 10 23 (9) Attributable to shareholders of Kingspan Group plc 67,979 51,082 111,378 Earnings per share for the period 5 Basic 40.4 30.7 66.4 Diluted 39.4 29.8 64.8 GROUP BALANCE SHEET Notes 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) € '000 € '000 € '000 Assets Non-current assets Goodwill 6 220,800 210,323 217,736 Other intangible assets 7 10,949 13,382 12,265 Property, plant and equipment 258,589 243,976 250,757 Long term financial assets 774 26 755 Deferred tax assets 2,263 1,641 2,366 493,375 469,348 483,879 Current assets Inventories 106,403 107,046 97,323 Trade and other receivables 319,807 305,408 268,124 Cash and cash equivalents 105,819 82,755 120,165 532,029 495,209 485,612 Total assets 1,025,404 964,557 969,491 Liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other liabilities 223,809 220,802 193,368 Provisions 30,699 21,244 30,252 Deferred consideration 6,633 14,104 16,777 Short term financial liabilities 31,975 44,010 38,864 Current tax liabilities 23,902 23,390 16,366 317,018 323,550 295,627 Non-current liabilities Pension and other employee obligations 26,656 27,104 24,009 Long term financial liabilities 216,758 241,855 226,799 Deferred tax liabilities 3,951 3,146 5,173 Deferred consideration 731 7,787 1,241 248,096 279,892 257,222 Total liabilities 565,114 603,442 552,849 NET ASSETS 460,290 361,115 416,642 Equity Equity attributable to shareholders of Kingspan Group plc Share capital 22,073 21,865 22,003 Additional paid-in share capital 23,882 21,358 22,803 Other reserves (34,690) (24,786) (23,650) Revaluation reserve 713 713 713 Capital redemption reserve 513 513 513 Retained earnings 446,862 341,015 393,898 459,353 360,678 416,280 Minority interest 937 437 362 TOTAL EQUITY 460,290 361,115 416,642 GROUP STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 30.06.06 30.06.05 31.12.05 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) € '000 € '000 € '000 Balance at beginning of period 416,642 305,063 305,063 Cash flow hedging - in equity (157) (103) 18 Defined benefit pension scheme (4,265) (3,995) (2,979) Currency translation (9,430) 16,093 15,032 Income taxes relating to items charged or credited to equity 1,279 1,211 891 Net income recognised directly in (12,573) 13,206 12,962 equity Profit for the period 67,979 51,082 111,378 Total recognised income and expense for 55,406 64,288 124,340 the period Shares issued 1,149 1,166 2,749 Employee share based compensation 1,532 876 2,256 Dividends (15,014) (10,300) (17,713) Movement in Minority Interest 575 22 (53) Balance at end of period 460,290 361,115 416,642 STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) € '000 € '000 € '000 Profit for financial period attributable to Group shareholders 67,979 51,082 111,378 Cash flow hedging (157) (103) 18 Defined benefit pension scheme (4,265) (3,995) (2,979) Currency translation (9,430) 16,093 15,032 Income taxes relating to items charged or credited to equity 1,279 1,211 891 Total income and expense recognised since last annual report 55,406 64,288 124,340 GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT Notes 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) € '000 € '000 € '000 Operating activities Result for the period before tax 83,413 62,402 134,997 Adjustments 8 25,768 20,289 46,625 Change in inventories (9,910) (3,473) 8,032 Change in trade and other receivables (51,601) (42,952) (5,627) Change in trade and other payables 30,104 22,780 (4,392) Pension contributions (1,817) (924) (2,873) Cash generated from operations 75,957 58,122 176,762 Taxes paid (7,725) (8,908) (28,159) Net cash flow from operating activities 68,232 49,214 148,603 Investing activities Additions to property, plant and equipment (26,510) (18,282) (46,802) Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment 1,636 853 4,654 Proceeds from financial assets - 13 29 Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (6,487) (139,028) (142,970) Net cash acquired with acquisitions (768) 18,250 18,910 Payment of deferred consideration in respect of acquisitions (10,450) (1,419) (1,441) Dividends paid to minorities - - (44) Interest received 1,340 521 1,606 Net cash flow from investing activities (41,239) (139,092) (166,058) Financing activities Proceeds from bank loans 1,636 159,350 151,458 Repayment of bank loans (13,313) (65,363) (89,862) Discharge of finance lease liability (150) (212) (413) Proceeds from share issues 1,149 1,166 2,749 Interest paid (5,603) (2,796) (9,138) Dividends paid (15,014) (10,300) (17,713) Net cash flow from financing activities (31,295) 81,845 37,081 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 110,231 85,201 85,201 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (4,302) (8,033) 19,626 Translation adjustment (1,456) 5,046 5,404 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 104,473 82,214 110,231 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 120,165 87,791 87,791 Overdrafts (9,934) (2,590) (2,590) 110,231 85,201 85,201 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period 105,819 82,755 120,165 Overdrafts (1,346) (541) (9,934) 104,473 82,214 110,231 Kingspan Group plc Financial statements 30 June 2006 Notes 1 Basis of preparation The financial information presented in this announcement has been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and in accordance with the accounting policies as set out on pages 53 to 57 of the Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2005. The 2006 interim results and balance sheet are presented in Euro. Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at the average exchange rates for the period, and the related balance sheets have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The interim results for the half year to 30th June 2006 and 30th June 2005 are unaudited. The comparative figures for the year ended 31st December 2005 represent an abbreviated version of the Group's full accounts for that year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors, Grant Thornton, have issued an unqualified audit report. These interim results are available on the Group's website ( A printed copy will be sent by post to all registered shareholders. Copies may also be obtained from the Company's Registrars: Computershare Services (Ireland) Limited, Heron House, Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. 2 Reporting currency The currency used in this preliminary announcement is Euro. Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at the average exchange rates, and the related balance sheets have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange rates used were as follows: Average rate Closing rate Euro = 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 Pound Sterling 0.687 0.686 0.684 0.684 0.665 0.678 US Dollar 1.230 1.286 1.245 1.262 1.217 1.185 Czech Koruna 28.522 30.123 29.836 28.480 30.000 28.920 Polish Zloty 3.899 4.083 4.029 4.070 4.100 3.830 3 Segment reporting Analysis by class of business Insulated Offsite & EC Access TOTAL Panels Segment Revenue & Boards Structural Floors €m €m €m €m €m Total Revenue - H1 2006 367.7 114.6 119.9 73.7 675.9 Total Revenue - H1 2005 321.4 97.9 102.8 58.0 580.1 Total Revenue - 2005 689.4 203.9 220.1 130.0 1,243.4 Intersegment revenue is not material and is thus not subject to separate disclosure in the above analysis Segment Result (profit before finance costs) Insulated Offsite & EC Access TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Panels & Boards Structural Floors H1 2006 H1 2005 2005 €m €m €m €m €m €m €m Operating result - H1 2006 58.3 12.6 10.0 7.1 88.0 Operating result - H1 2005 43.7 10.1 8.8 4.4 67.0 Operating result - 2005 94.2 22.7 18.4 9.8 145.1 Finance costs (net) (4.6) (4.6) (10.1) Result for the period before tax 83.4 62.4 135.0 Tax expense, net (15.4) (11.3) (23.6) Net result for the period 68.0 51.1 111.4 Segment Assets and Liabilities Insulated Offsite & EC Access TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Panels & Boards Structural Floors H1 2006 H1 2005 2005 €m €m €m €m €m €m €m Assets - H1 2006 457.3 149.4 172.7 137.9 917.3 Assets - H1 2005 381.6 204.8 164.1 129.7 880.2 Assets - 2005 413.3 134.6 161.2 137.9 847.0 Liabilities- H1 2006 (143.4) (60.1) (46.8) (30.9) (281.2) Liabilities - H1 2005 (139.6) (63.3) (44.4) (21.9) (269.2) Liabilities - 2005 (131.2) (50.2) (40.2) (26.1) (247.7) Total assets less total liabilities 636.1 611.0 599.3 Cash and cash equivalents 105.8 82.8 120.2 Deferred tax asset 2.3 1.6 2.3 Financial liabilities (current and non-current) (248.7) (285.9) (265.7) Deferred consideration (current and non-current) (7.4) (21.9) (18.0) Income tax liabilities (current and deferred) (27.9) (26.5) (21.5) Total Equity as reported in Group Balance Sheet 460.2 361.1 416.6 Other Segment Information Insulated Offsite & EC Access TOTAL Panels & Boards Structural Floors €m €m €m €m €m Capital Investment - H1 2006 29.3 2.2 2.7 4.3 38.5 Capital Investment -H1 2005 32.5 74.3 40.9 0.4 148.1 Capital Investment -2005 67.3 66.7 45.4 7.2 186.6 Depreciation included in segment result - H1 2006 (8.6) (2.9) (3.4) (3.9) (18.8) Depreciation included in segment result - H1 2005 (7.1) (2.1) (3.0) (1.9) (14.1) Depreciation included in segment result - 2005 (14.8) (5.0) (6.3) (4.5) (30.6) Amortisation included in segment result - H1 2006 (0.5) (0.6) (0.2) 0.0 (1.3) Amortisation included in segment result - H1 2005 (0.2) (0.3) (0.2) 0.0 (0.7) Amortisation included in segment result - 2005 (0.8) (0.8) (0.3) 0.0 (1.9) Non- Cash Items included in segment result - H1 2006 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 Non- Cash Items included in segment result - H1 2005 0.1 (0.1) 0.0 Non- Cash Items included in segment result - 2005 (1.9) (0.1) 0.2 0.0 (1.8) Analysis of Segmental Data by Geography Republic United Rest of Americas Others TOTAL of Ireland Kingdom Europe €m €m €m €m €m €m Income Statement Items Segment Revenue - H1 2006 125.7 394.3 111.2 36.3 8.4 675.9 Segment Revenue - H1 2005 104.0 362.0 82.4 27.0 4.7 580.1 Segment Revenue - 2005 215.3 753.3 196.4 63.7 14.7 1,243.4 Balance Sheet Items Assets - H1 2006 203.8 498.2 136.5 64.5 14.3 917.3 Assets - H1 2005 147.7 555.0 116.8 60.0 0.7 880.2 Assets - 2005 119.2 532.8 127.6 66.1 1.3 847.0 Other segmental information Capital Investment - H1 2006 2.6 16.1 3.8 3.9 12.1 38.5 Capital Investment - H1 2005 14.1 28.6 104.7 - 0.7 148.1 Capital Investment - 2005 22.8 36.1 124.2 0.8 2.7 186.6 4 Dividends An interim dividend at the rate of 6.00c per share (2005 : 4.45c) is payable on 6th October 2006 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 15th September 2006. An interim dividend on Ordinary Shares is recognised as a liability in the Group's financial statements on a cash paid basis under IFRS rather than on an accruals basis which was the accounting treatment previously adopted under Irish GAAP. The Final Dividend on Ordinary Shares for 2005 (€15.0 million) was approved by shareholders in May 2006 and, in accordance with IFRS, was recognised as a charge to Reserves in the six month period ended 30th June 2006. 5 Earnings per share 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 €'000 €'000 €'000 The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following: Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 67,979 51,082 111,378 Number of Number of Number of shares shares shares ('000) ('000) ('000) 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of basic earnings per share 168,169 166,306 167,625 Dilutive effect of share options 4,525 5,010 4,269 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the calculation of diluted earnings per share 172,694 171,316 171,894 € cent € cent € cent Basic earnings per share 40.4 30.7 66.4 Diluted earnings per share 39.4 29.8 64.8 6 Goodwill Goodwill € '000 Carrying amount 31 December 2005 217,736 Additions 7,034 Net exchange difference (3,970) Carrying amount 30 June 2006 220,800 7 Other intangible assets Patents Brands Technical Other Total Know-how € '000 € '000 € '000 € '000 € '000 Carrying amount 31 December 2005 1,347 9,599 1,099 220 12,265 Additions Amortisation (212) (762) (59) (218) (1,251) Net exchange difference - (63) - (2) (65) Carrying amount 30 June 2006 1,135 8,774 1,040 - 10,949 8 Cash flow statement The following non-cash adjustments have been made to the pre-tax result for the period to arrive at operating cash flow: 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 Adjustments: €'000 €'000 €'000 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges of fixed and intangible assets 20,116 14,862 32,515 Employee equity-settled share options 1,532 876 2,256 Finance income (1,447) (543) (1,535) Finance cost 6,048 5,105 11,607 (Profit)/loss on sale of tangible assets (481) (11) 1,782 Total 25,768 20,289 46,625 9 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.06 30.6.05 31.12.05 €'000 €'000 €'000 (Decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts (4,302) (8,033) 19,626 Decrease/(Incease) in debt, lease finance and deferred consideration 22,277 (92,356) (59,742) Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 17,975 (100,389) (40,116) Loans and lease finance acquired with subsidiaries (3,969) (5,103) (6,314) Deferred consideration arising on acquisitions in the period - (11,452) (11,383) New finance leases - (31) (45) Translation movement (768) 104 2,472 Net movement 13,238 (116,871) (55,386) NET DEBT AT START OF THE PERIOD (163,516) (108,130) (108,130) NET DEBT AT END OF THE PERIOD (150,278) (225,001) (163,516) 10 Board approval The Interim Report was approved by the Board of Directors of Kingspan Group plc on 4th. September 2006. Independent review report to Kingspan Group plc Introduction We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2006 which comprises the consolidated income statement, statement of recognised income and expense, consolidated balance sheet information as at 30 June 2006, consolidated cash flow statement and associated notes and basis of preparation. We have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the Listing Rules of the Irish Stock Exchange. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Irish Stock Exchange which require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in Ireland and the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group and local management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with International Statements on Auditing (Ireland and the United Kingdom) and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 June 2006. Grant Thornton 24 - 26 City Quay Chartered Accountants & Dublin 2 Registered Auditors 4 September 2006 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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