1st Quarter Results - Part 1

Konami Corporation 9 August 2001 PART 1 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the First Quarter Ended June 30,2001 August 9, 2001 KONAMI CORPORATION Contact: Noriaki Yamaguchi, Representative Director and CFO Phone: 03 (3578) 0573 1. Consolidated Financial Results for the First Quarter Ended June 30,2001 (1) Consolidated Results of Operations (Figures truncated) Year-on Operating Year-on- Ordinary Year-on year Income year Income year Net Sales Change Change Change (Y million) (%) (Y million) (Y million) (%) 1st Quarter ended June 30, 2001 37,723 - 2,769 - 2,993 - Year ended March 31, 2001 171,480 16.9 38,645 24.9 36,427 17.1 Diluted Ordinary Ordinary Year-on Net Income Net Income Return Income Income to Net year per share per share on to Sales Income Change Equity Assets Ratio Ratio (Y Million) (%) (Y) (Y) (%) (%) (%) 1st Quarter ended June 30, 2001 698 - 5.43 - - - 7.9 Year ended March 31, 2001 21,781 18.7 190.91 - 19.7 18.9 21.2 Notes: 1. Equity in net income (losses) of affiliated companies 1st Quarter ended June 30,2001: Y50 million Year ended March 31,2001: Y(583) million 2. Average number of shares issued and outstanding 1st Quarter ended June 30, 2001: 128,737,490 shares Year ended March 31, 2001: 114,093,518 shares 3. There is no change in accounting policies. 4. Change (%) of net sales, operating income, ordinary income and net income represents the increase or decrease ratio in relation with the same period of the previous year. (2) Consolidated Financial Position Total Total Equity-Assets Total Assets Shareholders' Ratio Shareholders' (Y million) Equity % Equity per share (Y million) % June 30,2001 221,831 146,330 66.0 1,136.66 March 31, 2001 250,023 149,875 59.9 1,164.19 Notes: Number of shares issued and outstanding June 30.2001: 128,737,420 shares March 31,2001: 128,737,538 shares (3) Consolidated Cash Flows Net cash provided by (used in) Cash and Operating Investing Financing Cash Equivalents Activities Activities Activities at the End (Y million) (Y million)(Y million) (Y million) 1st Quarter ended June 30, 2001 (15,333) (1,041) (5,296) 45,082 Year ended March 31, 2001 21,116 (72,686) 60,440 66,812 (4) Consolidation Scope and Application of Equity Method Consolidated subsidiaries: 32 companies Affiliated companies applicable under equity method: 2 companies (5) Changes in Consolidation Scope and Application of Equity Method Increase in consolidated subsidiaries: I company 1. The financial results for the first quarter ended June 30,2001 are not audited by independent public accountants- 2. The results for the year ended March 31, 2001 are stated for reference since those for the first quarter ended June 30, 2000 were not announced in the previous fiscal year. 1. Organization Structure of Konami Group Konami group specifies its business domain as the digital entertainment industry by providing a wide range of entertainment via computers, and is structured by KONAMI CORPORATION (the 'company'), 32 consolidated subsidiaries and 2 affiliated companies applicable under equity method. The Company, the subsidiaries and the affiliated companies are categorized into each business segment according to their operations as follows: Business Segments Major Companies Amusement Machines Domestic The Company, Konami Marketing, Inc., 1 other company. Konami of America, Inc. Overseas Inc. Konami Amusement of Europe Ltd., Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd. (*1) 2 other companies Consumer-use Software Domestic The Company Konami Marketing, Inc Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka, Inc. (*2) KCE Tokyo, Inc Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. Konami Computer Entertainment Studios, Inc. Konami Computer Entertainment School, Inc. Mobile 21 Co., Ltd (*6), Konami Style. com Japan, Inc 3 other companies Overseas Konami of America, Inc., Konami of Europe GmbH. Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd (*1), Konami Software Shanghai, Inc. 3 other companies Pachinko Systems Domestic The Company, Konami Parlor Entertain- ment, Inc Gaming Machines Domestic The Company, Konami Marketing, Inc. Overseas Konami Gaming, Inc., Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd. (*1) 4 other companies Creative Products Domestic The Company, Konami Marketing, Inc Konami Music Entertainment, Inc., Konami Style.com Japan, Inc. Overseas Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd. (*1), 2 other companies Health Entertainment Domestic Konami Sports Corporation (*3) Konami Sports Life Corporation (*4) 2 other companies (*5) Amusement Operations Domestic Konami Amusement Operation, Inc Finance Domestic Konami Capital, Inc, Others Domestic Konami Capital,Inc., Konami Service Inc., TAKARA CO., LTD. (*6) 1 other company Overseas 3 other companies Notes: 1. The companies that are running multiple businesses are included in each segment respectively. 2. Changes in main companies for the first quarter ended June 30, 2001 are as follows: (*1) Konami (Hong Kong) Ltd, changed its company name to Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd- on June 1, 2001. (*2)KCEO Inc. changed its company name to Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka, Inc. on June 28, 2001. (*3)PEOPLE CO., LTD. changed its company name to Konami Sports Corporation on June 1, 2001. (*4) NAPS CORPORATION changed its company name to Konami Sports Life Corporation on June 1, 2001. (*5) NISSAN SPORTS PLAZA, CO., LTD. became a wholly owned subsidiary of Konami Sports Corporation on June 22, 2001, and changed its company name to Konami Sports plaza Inc. on June 29,2001. (*6) Mobile 21, Co,, Ltd. and TAKARA CO., LTD. are affiliated companies applicable under equity method. 3.KCE Tokyo, Inc. changed its company name to Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, Inc. on August 1,2001. 4.Konami Gaming, Inc., acquired 100% shares of Paradigm Gaming Systems, Inc. on August 3, 2001, which is to be integrated as a systems division. 5.HUDSON SOFT CO., LTD. (HUDSON) will be an affiliate applicable under equity method based on the agreement on strategic business alliance including a capital tie-up (the Company is to acquire shares of HUDSON through a third-party allotment of shares on August 21,2001). HUDSON will succeed a portion (being the entire business located in Sapporo) of the business of a subsidiary, Konami Computer Entertainment Studios, Inc. by the method of absorption following a spin-off on December 1, 2001. 2. Consolidated Results of Operations 1. Results for the First Quarter In the 1st quarter the entertainment industry in which our group operates, GameBoy Advance, next generation's mobile game hardware, was released at the end of the previous fiscal year, some new titles for playstation 2 recorded million sales, and expectations for the release of Microsoft Corporation's Xbox and NINTENDO GAMECUBE this fall has been growing. In these circumstances, our major products made contribution to the sales, particularly our branded POWERFUL PRO BASEBALL series and soccer games in the Consumer-use Software (CS) Division, and card games in the Creative Products (CP) Division. As a result, the consolidated sales for the 1st quarter ended June 30,2001 amounted to Y37,723 million. 2. Performance by Division Sales in the Amusement Machines (AM) Division benefited from wider acceptance of products such as MAMBO A GO GO, a music simulation game, which enables you to experience the real performance of conga, a Latin percussion instrument. Also contributing to the results were the pop'n music series and the variation kit of SILENT SCOPE. Consequently, the consolidated sales in the AM Division were Y2,181 million. In the Consumer-use Software (CS) Division, two titles made contribution to the sales: JIKKYO POWERFUL PRO BASEBALL 2001 for playstation and WORLD SOCCER WINNING ELEVEN 5 for playstation 2, which has maintained the popularity since its release in last fiscal year. In overseas, new titles for GameBoy Advance CASTLEVANIA: CIRCLE OF MOON and KONAMI KRAZY RACERS registered brisk sales, and the robot simulation game Z.O.E (Zone of the Enders) maintained a consistent level of sales. Consolidated sales in the CS Division were Y8,692 million. The Pachinko Systems (PS) Division has maintained a strong reputation for the versatile appeal of its LCD units with high playability As a result of stable growth in sales of LCD units, consolidated sales in the PS Division amounted to Y3,623 million. In the Gaming Machines (GM) Division, two middle-sized token-operated machines, CYCLONE FEVER and SLOT MONSTER registered consistently strong sales. Consequently consolidated sales in the GM Division were Y626 million. The Creative Products (CP) Division's consolidated sales amounted to Y5,771 million, reflecting contributions from the new YU-GI-OH! OFFICIAL CARD GAME DUEL MONSTERS series. In the Health Entertainment (HE) Division, fitness facilities operated by Konami Sports Corporation and sales of fitness equipment by Konami Sports Life Corporation made steady progress. As a result, consolidated sales in the HE Division reached Y15.482 million. Consolidated sales in the Amusement Operations (AO) Division and finance and other segments amounted to Y993 million and Y350 million respectively. Consolidated ordinary income and consolidated net income for the 1st quarter were Y2,993 million and Y698 million respectively. This was less than the average rate of profit in previous year due to lower sales of card games, which have relatively high profit margins. 3. Amendment of Estimates of Financial Results 1, Amendment of Estimates of the Financial Results for the Year Ending March 31,2002 New titles of the YU-GI-OH! OFFICIAL CARD GAME series have shown consistent growth in sales. However, the rate of growth has slowed compared to previous estimates (announced in May 2001), because existing card game titles released last fiscal year have already made their full impact on the market. Lower sales of relatively profitable card games influenced the downward revision in income. Also, the expected extraordinary income from the initial public offering (IPO) by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc., a consumer-use software subsidiary, will be accounted for the 2nd half of the fiscal year owing to the postponement of the IPO considering recent market conditions. As a result, the estimates of consolidated results (for the six months ending September 30, 2001 and year ending March 31, 2002) announced in May 2001 have been amended as follows. (Profits and losses generated by the strategic capital tie-up with HUDSON have not been taken into consideration for this amendment). (Millions of yen) Net sales Ordinary Net income income Previous Six months 100,000 11,000 9,500 Estimates Year 250,000 40,000 24,000 Estimates after Six months 89,000 7,500 2,500 Amendment Year 233,000 31,000 17,500 Changes Six months -11,000 -3,500 -7,000 Year -17,000 -9,000 -6,500 Changes (%) Six months -11.0 -31.8 -73.7 Year -6.8 -22.5 -27.1 (Millions of yen) CS AM GM PS CP HE AO Other Total Previous Six 25,000 8,200 3,200 6,000 21,500 33,000 2,100 1,000 100,000 months Estimates Year 80,000 16,000 10,500 18,500 48,000 71,000 4,000 2,000 250,000 Estimates After Six 25,500 5,700 2,700 6,500 12,500 33,000 2,100 1,000 89,000 months Amendment Year 82,000 12,500 11,000 20,500 30,000 71,000 4,000 2,000 233,000 Changes Six 500 -2,500 -500 500 -9,000 0 0 0 -11,000 months Year 2,000 -3,500 500 2,000 -18,000 0 0 0 -17,000 2, Amendment for Estimates of Interim and Year-end Cash Dividends for the Year Ending March 31,2002 According to the Company's basic policy of maintaining total cash dividends at 30 percent of consolidated net income, estimated cash dividends per share have been amended as follows as a result of the amendment for estimated financial results above. Interim Year-end Annual Previous Estimates 28.0 yen 28.0 yen 56.0 yen Estimates after Amendment 21.0 yen 21.0 yen 42.0 yen *Cautionary Statement These statements are based on information currently available to management but subject to change. Actual financial results might differ due to a number of factors, not limited to but, general global economy, foreign exchange rates in which Konami Group trades and the Konami Group's capability to come up with innovative and attractive products in highly competitive markets of which we have solid confidence. 4. Strategic Perspectives To stabilize profits, we have promoted expansion and enhancement of our scope of business by actively taking M&A and business alliance opportunities. We have also made our best effort to establish the systems that enable each business segment to generate profits independently. The strategies we are currently pursuing are as follows. 1. Enhancement of the Business Foundation of the Group -Strategic Business Alliance with HUDSON SOFT CO., LTD. including Capital Tie-up - We aim at the following synergy effects by welcoming HUDSON into the KONAMI group as announced on July 26 2001. (1) Enhancement of Group Capabilities We are aiming to enhance total group capability and to establish and further expand our firm foundation in the industry through the integration of operations in Sapporo of Konami Computer Entertainment Studios, Inc. into HUDSON, mutual utilization of technology and contents, and the joint acquisition of major contents. (2) Cooperation in Strategic Areas We are aiming to achieve synergies in strategic business fields such as On-Line, and Mobile games and business cooperation other than consumer-use game software. (3) Mutual Utilization of Management Resources and Know-how HUDSON will utilize not only KONAMI's already developed domestic distribution network but also various development support functions and financial resources- Further, HUDSON will apply KONAMI'S management know-how. 2. Release of Major Titles by the CS Division and Expansion of the YU-GI-OH! Series in the US The CS Division aims at acquiring powerful content from outside while cultivating and reinforcing own characters at the same time. This fiscal year, we plan to expand powerful original titles such as METAL GEAR SOLID and SILENT HILLS, launching them into overseas market. The YU-GI-OH! OFFICIAL CARD GAME DUEL MONSTERS series will be expanded in the US through marketing activities that aim at creating synergies with TV broadcasts, game software and card games. The launch of the series in the US will be timed to coincide with the Christmas season and will begin with the distribution of GameBoy software and card games. 3. Creating New Markets in Health Entertainment Business The KONAMI group will create new market by providing products and services that combine elements of health and beauty with our accumulated knowledge and experience in creating entertainment contents with regard to fitness equipment and machines developed and distributed by Konami Sports Life Corporation, we scheme to build an increasingly attractive product line-up by maximizing the synergies effects on both business and home use products. We plan to release the following new products: MARTIAL BEAT, a fitness game with music that enables you to enjoy exercise; and FITNESS REVOLUTION and FITNESS ORCHESTRA series, which are aimed at enabling people to realize healthy dietary lives while enjoying games and music. 4. Gaming as the Pillar of Overseas Business For the overseas gaming business, we pursue to increase market share by strengthening our capacities to produce, manufacture and distribute and enlarging the sales fields, As announced on August 6, 2001, we acquired all of the shares of Paradigm Gaming Systems, Inc. (Paradigm), a developer of casino management systems, through Konami Gaming, Inc. (KGI), our wholly owned subsidiary in Las Vegas, our aim is to achieve the following synergies by integrating Paradigm into the KONAMI group as a gaming systems division of KGl. (1) Improving services and promoting sales by providing unified solutions through integration of machines and systems. (2) Developing highly advanced and entertaining machines, such as server-based slot machine with extensive progressive systems, which utilize Paradigm's systems. (3) Expanding sales by enlarging the customer base. 5. Global Expansion of Gaming Business -Inclusion of Konami Australia Pty. Ltd.- To expand the gaming business in countries other than the US in which casinos are legal, KONAMI will incorporate Konami Australia Ply. Ltd. into the group, subject to approval of gaming authorities. In this way we will aim to strengthen our development capabilities in Australia, increase market share, and establish footholds in new neighboring markets. 5. Consolidated Financial Statements (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) (millions of yen) March 31, 2001 June 30,2001 Share of Share of total assets total assets ASSETS: I Current Assets Y125,278 50.1% Y97,497 44.0 % Cash and cash equivalents 66,812 45,092 Trade notes and accounts 33,870 21,810 receivable Inventories 13,997 20,501 Prepaid expenses 3,257 3,348 Deferred tax assets 6,421 5,318 Other 1,448 1,777 Allowance for bad debts (528) (351) II Fixed Assets 124,744 49.9 124,334 56.0 1. Tangible fixed assets 31,865 12.7 31,526 14.2 Buildings and structures 19,137 18,791 Machinery and transportation 316 324 equipment Tools and fixtures 3,975 4,061 Land 8,225 8,190 Construction in progress 211 158 2. Intangible fixed assets 62,736 25.1 62,083 28.0 Leaseholds 2,100 2,092 In-house software 2,267 2,417 Goodwill 57,857 57,131 Other 510 442 3. Investments and other assets 30,143 12.1 30,724 13.8 Investment securities 4,949 4,412 Lease deposits 21,696 22,270 Deferred tax assets 2,881 3,012 Other 615 1,029 TOTAL ASSETS Y250,023 100.0% Y221,831 100.0% (Millions of yen) March 31, 2001 June 30, 2001 Share of Share of total liabilities total liabilities minority interest minority interest and and shareholder shareholder equity equity LIABILITIES: I Current Liabilities Y 77,570 31.0% Y52,954 23.9 % Trade notes and accounts 24,651 16,660 payable Short-term loans payable 5,686 4,776 Current portion of 2,001 1,963 long-term loans payable Current portion of 10,000 10,000 straight bonds Other accounts payable 8,646 5,804 Accrued expenses 3,780 2.807 Income taxes payable 14,880 1,851 Deferred tax liabilities 339 287 Advances received 2,786 3,089 Allowance for bonuses 1,964 1,606 Other 2,834 4,104 II Long-term Liabilities 8,553 3.5 8,554 3.8 Long-term loans payable 3,262 3,260 Liability for employees' 1,818 2,070 retirement benefits Liability for directors' retirement benefits 1,738 1,477 Other 1,733 1,747 TOTAL LIABILITIES 86,124 34.5 61,508 27.7 MINORITY INTEREST 14,023 5.6 13,992 6.3 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: I Common Stock 47,398 19.0 47,398 21.4 II Additional Paid in Capital 47,106 18.8 47,106 21.2 III Retained Earnings 55,253 22.1 51,905 23.4 IV Unrealized Holding Gains (Losses) on other Investment Securities 115 0.0 (25) (0.0) V Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment 1 0.0 (53) (0.0) 149,875 59.9 146,330 66.0 VI Treasury Stock (0) (0.0) (0) (0.0) TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 149,875 59.9 146,330 66.0 TOTAL LIABILITIES, MINORITY INTEREST AND SHAREHOLDERS'EQUITY Y250,023 100.0 % Y221,831 100.0% (2) Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited) (Millions of yen) Year ended First Quarter ended March 31,2001 June 30, 2001 Share of Share of net sales net sales I Net Sales Y171,480 100,0% Y37,723 100.0% II Cost of Sales 103,209 60.2 26,514 70.3 Gross Profit 68,270 39.8 11,208 29.7 III Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 29,624 17.3 8,439 22.4 Operating Income 38,645 22.5 2,769 7.3 IV Non-operating Income 897 0.5 416 1.1 Interest income 468 55 Gain on sale of treasury 16 - Stock Rental income 20 5 Foreign exchange gains - 29 Equity in net income of affiliated companies - 50 Other 393 275 V Non-operating Expenses 3,115 1.8 192 0.5 Interest expenses 810 126 Foreign exchange losses 220 - Stock issue expenses 639 - Commission for syndicate loan 302 - Equity in net losses of affiliated companies 583 - Other 558 66 Ordinary Income 36,427 21.2 2,993 7.9 VI Extraordinary Income 4,072 2.4 558 1.5 Gain on reversal of allowance for bad debts 138 Gain on sale of fixed assets 124 4 Gain on sale of investment securities - 416 Gain on sale of investments in. subsidiaries 3 - Gain on sale of minority interest in subsidiaries 3,944 - VII Extraordinary Losses 908 0.5 170 0.4 Loss on sale and disposal of 516 170 fixed assets Loss on sale of investment 7 - securities Loss on cancellation of leasing contracts 384 - Net Income before Income Taxes and Minority Interest 39,591 23.1 3,382 9.0 Income taxes - current 20,902 12.2 1,264 3.3 Income taxes - deferred (3,595) (2.1) 929 2.5 Minority interest 503 0.3 489 1.3 Net Income Y21,781 12.7% Y698 1.9% (3) Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings (Unaudited) (Millions of yen) Year ended First Quarter March 31, 2001 June 30, 2001 I Retained Earnings, Beginning of Period Y39,565 Y55,253 II Increase in Retained Earnings - - III Decrease in Retained Earnings 6,094 4,046 Cash dividends 5,913 3,604 Directors' bonuses 170 442 Decrease by consolidated subsidiary's merger with unconsolidated subsidiary 10 - 21,781 698 IV Net Income V Retained Earnings, End of Period Y55,253 Y51,905 MORE TO FOLLOW
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