1st Quarter Results - Part 2
Konami Corporation
9 August 2001
(4) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
(Millions of yen)
Year ended First Quarter ended
March 31. 2001 June 30.2001
Income before income taxes
and minority interest Y39,591 Y3,382
Depreciation and amortization 3,123 1,204
Amortization of goodwill 274 726
Increase (decrease) in liability for
directors' retirement benefits 61 (261)
Increase in liability for employees'
retirement benefits - 184
Increase (decrease) in allowance
for bonuses 374 (409)
Increase (decrease) in allowance
for bad debts 35 (109)
Interest and dividend income (469) (61)
Interest expenses 810 126
Gain on sale Of treasury stock (16) -
Foreign exchange losses (gains) (650) 214
Stock issue expenses 639 -
Equity in net losses (income) of
affiliated companies 583 (50)
Gain on sale affixed assets (124) (4)
Loss on sale and disposal of fixed assets 516 170
Gain on sale of investments in subsidiaries (3,947) -
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables (7,551) 10,843
Increase in inventories (1,052) (6,147)
Increase (decrease)in trade payables 6,442 (7,362)
Increase (decrease) in consumption
taxes payable (230) 19
Other - net 1,923 (3,541)
Sub-total 40,334 (1,077)
II Interests and dividends received 435 94
Interests paid (777) (54)
Income taxes paid (18,875) (14,295)
Net cash provided by (used in)
operating activities 21,116 (15,333)
Decrease (increase) in time deposits 1,415 (10)
Proceeds from sale of marketable
securities 1 0
Acquisition of fixed assets (2,822) (757)
Proceeds from sale of fixed asset 1,274 148
Acquisition of intangible fixed assets (1,488) (317)
Acquisition of investment securities (3,887) (72)
Proceeds from sale of investment
securities 28 552
Acquisition of subsidiaries (68,285) (24)
Increase in short-term loans
receivable - net (69) 12
Repayment of deposits received (3,054) (595)
Increase in deposits received 3,448 5
Other - net 753 16
Net cash used in investment activities (72,686) (1,041)
Decrease in short-term loans payable (1,220) (1,038)
Proceeds from long-term loans 720 -
Repayment of long-term loans (1,983) (30)
Proceeds from stock issuance 62,562 -
Proceeds from issuance of stock to
minority shareholders 6,060 -
Proceeds from sale of treasury stock 62 1
Dividends paid (5,913) (3,604)
Dividends paid to minority shareholders (78) (492)
Other - net 229 (132)
Net cash provided by (used in)
financial activities 60,440 (5,296)
END OF PERIOD Y66,812 Y45,082
1. Scope of Consolidation
(1) The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of KONAMI
CORPORATION (the 'company') and its 32 consolidated subsidiaries. See '1.
Organisation Structure of Konami Group', which shows major subsidiaries.
NISSAN SPORTS PLAZA, CO., LTD., which was acquired and wholly owned by
Konami Sports Corporation, is newly consolidated. The subsidiaries listed
below changed their name as follows:
Name before change Name after change
KCEO Inc. Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka, Inc,
PEOPLE CO., LTD. Konami Sports Corporation
NAPS CORPORATION Konami Sports Life Corporation
NISSAN SPORTS PLAZA CO. LTD. Konami Sports Plaza, Inc.
Konami (Hong Kong) Ltd. Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd.
(2) Four subsidiaries are excluded from the scope of consolidation since
each of their net assets, net sales, net income, and retained earnings
is immaterial, and has no significant effect as a whole on the
consolidated financial statements.
2. Application of Equity Method
(1) Two affiliated companies. Mobile 21 Co., Ltd. and TAKARA CO., LTD, are
accounted for by the equity method.
(2) The equity method is not applied to unconsolidated subsidiaries as they
have no significant effect on the consolidated net income and retained
earnings, and are immaterial as a whole.
3. Balance Sheet Date of Consolidated Subsidiaries
All consolidated subsidiaries use the same balance sheet date as the Company
uses for the quarter.
4. Accounting Standards
a. Valuation of Assets
(1) Marketable and Investment Securities
Other investment securities for which the market value is not readily
determinable are stated at cost based on the moving average method.
Other investment securities for which the market value is readily
determinable are stated at fair value as of the balance sheet date.
Unrealized holding gain or loss is reported as a separate component of
shareholders' equity, The cost of securities sold is determined
primarily by the moving average method.
(2) Derivatives
Foreign exchange forward contracts are stated at fair value,
(3) Inventories
Inventories other than merchandise and work in process are stated at
cost determined by the moving average method.
Merchandise is stated at the lower of cost or market, cost being
determined mainly by the first-in, first-out method.
Work in process consisting of hardware products is stated at cost
determined by the moving average method while work in process
consisting of software products is stated at cost determined by the
specific identification method.
b. Depreciation Methods
Tangible fixed assets are depreciated mainly using the declining balance
method while intangible fixed assets are amortized mainly using the
straight-line method. For in-house software, amortization is computed
using the straight-line method based on the estimated useful life of 5
c. Provisions
(1) Allowance for bad debts
Generally, the allowance for bad debts is calculated based on the
actual ratio of bad debt losses incurred. For specific accounts with
higher possibility of bad debt loss, the allowance is determined by
independent judgment.
(2) Allowance for bonuses
As part of estimated bonus payment to employees in the following
period, appropriate amount is provided.
(3) Liability for employees' retirement benefits (Prepaid pension expense)
Liability for retirement benefits paid to employees is calculated based
on the estimated amount of the projected benefit obligation and the
plan assets at the end of period.
Generally, unrecognized net transition asset is amortized over 13
Unrecognized actuarial net gain or loss will be amortized from the
following fiscal year within the average remaining service period of 13
years on a straight-line basis.
(4) Liability for directors' retirement benefits
Required amount is reserved for retirement benefits paid to directors
of the Company, Konami Sports Corporation and Konami Sports Life
d. Foreign Currency Translation
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
translated at the current exchange rates at each balance sheet date, and
the translation gains and losses are credited or charged to income. Assets
and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries are translated into yen at the
current exchange rate at each balance sheet date while revenue and expenses
are translated at the average exchange rate for the period. Differences
arising from such translation are included as translation adjustments in
minority interest and shareholders' equity.
e. Leases
Finance leases other than those that deem to transfer ownership of the
leased property to the lessee are accounted for as operating lease
f. Consumption Tax
Consumption tax is excluded from the stated amount of revenue and expenses.
5. Valuation of Subsidiaries' Assets and Liabilities
All of assets and liabilities of consolidated subsidiaries are stated at
their fair value when acquired.
6. Amortization of Goodwill
The difference between the cost and underlying fair value of the net equity
of investments in subsidiaries at acquisition is amortized on a straight-line
basis over the estimated period or 5 years. Such difference is charged to
income as incurred if the amount is considered immaterial.
7. Appropriation of Retained Earnings
The consolidated statements of retained earnings are prepared based on the
appropriation as proposed for each fiscal year.
8. Cash and Cash Equivalents
The cash and cash equivalents stated in the consolidated statements of cash
flows consist of cash on hand, all time deposits, and short-term investments,
which have original maturities of three months or less and can be withdrawn
on demand with no diminution of principal.
(1) Operating Segment Information
First Quarter ended June 30, 2001 (Millions of yen)
Consumer-use Amusement Gaming Pachinko Creative Health
Software Machines Machines Systems Products Ent'ment
Net Sales
To customers Y8,692 Y2,181 Y 626 Y3,623 Y5,771 Y15,482
Inter-segment 195 54 108 - 0 -
Total 8,888 2,235 735 3,623 5,771 15,482
Operating Expenses 8,052 1,918 1,159 2,443 3,135 15,239
Operating Income 835 317 (424) 1,180 2,635 243
Assets 40,012 7,468 9,605 8,890 8,317 95,585
expenses 294 78 122 5 37 485
expenditures Y567 Y34 Y130 Y29 Y40 Y1,064
Amusement Eliminations
Operations Finance Other Total & Corporate Consolidated
Net Sales
To customers Y 993 Y 8 Y 342 Y37,723 Y - Y37,723
Inter-segment - 29 456 845 (845) -
Total 993 38 798 38,568 (845) 37,723
Operating Expenses 1,007 37 777 33,771 1,182 34,954
Operating Income (13) 0 21 4,796 (2,027) 2,769
Assets 2,976 10,239 22,235 207,332 14,499 221,831
expenses 23 0 53 1,102 102 1,204
expenditures Y 8 Y- Y10 Y1,888 Y36 Y1,924
1. Business segments are determined by the internal management on a basis of
the similarities in the type, nature and production methods of their
products. Primary products and services of each segment are defined as
Consumer-use Software: Software for home-use game machines
Procurement and distribution of home-use game software.
Amusement Machines: Coin-operated game machines for amusement operations
Dance-simulation game machines
Music-simulation game machines
Disc jockey-simulation game machines
Gaming Machines: Parts for video slot machines for casinos
Token-operated game machines for amusement operations
Pachinko Systems: LCD units for pachinko game machines
Pachinko slot machines
Creative Products: Card games
Character goods
Portable game machines
Health Entertainment: Operation of fitness facilities
Entertainment-oriented health-related products
Entertainment-oriented fitness machines
Home-use fitness games
Health network services
Amusement Operations: Operations of amusement centers
Finance: Financial services for the group companies
Other: Management of the group companies' real estate
2. Unallocated operating expenses in the Eliminations and Corporate column,
mainly consisting of the administrative expenses of the Company, amounted to
Y1,898 million.
3. Assets in the Elimination and Corporate column, mainly consisting of cash and
cash equivalents, investment securities and administrative assets of the
Company, amounted to Y37,382 million.
4. Numbers in parentheses represent negative values.
(2) Geographic Information
First Quarter ended June 30,2001 (Millions of yen)
Japan America Europe Asia Total & Corporate Consolidated
Net Sales
To customers Y32,581 Y2,803 Y2,032 Y306 Y37,723 Y - Y37,723
Inter-segment 3,157 10 0 0 3,168 (3,168) -
Total 35,739 2,184 2,032 306 40,892 (3,168) 37,723
Operating Expenses 32,559 3,460 1,894 321 38,236 (3,281) 34,954
Operating Income
(losses) 3,180 (646) 137 (15) 2,656 113 2,769
Assets Y153,647 Y6,958 Y4,669 Y926 Y166,202 Y55,629 Y221,831
1. Geographic areas are categorized by geographical proximity.
2. Each overseas segment consists of the following countries:
America: United States of America
Europe; United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc.
Asia: Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea
3. Unallocated operating expenses in the Eliminations and Corporate column,
mainly consisting of the administrative expenses of the Company, amounted to
Y1,898 million.
4. Assets in the Elimination and Corporate column, mainly consisting of cash and
cash equivalents, investment securities and administrative assets of the
Company, amounted to Y37,382 million.
5. Numbers in parentheses represent negative values.
(3) Overseas Sales
First Quarter ended June 30,2001 (Millions of yen)
Americas Europe Other Total
Overseas sales Y2,407 Y2,057 Y435 Y4,901
Consolidated sales - - - 37,723
Overseas portion in
consolidated sales 6.4% 5.5% 1.1% 13.0%
1. Geographic areas are categorized by geographical proximity.
2. Each overseas segment consists of the following countries:
Americas: United States of America, Canada, etc,
Europe; United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc.
Asia: Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, etc.
3. Overseas sales consist of the sales outside Japan of the Company and
consolidated subsidiaries.